if you are a guest of 201819 we welcome you to our gathering we welcome you to the presence of God to all of our digital disciples watching me live right now in cities across the country and uh and a few Pockets around the world we welcome you to our gathering you are part of our family right across this camera we know that you watch every week we know that you are locked in we know that many of you are also in some of our squads our digital squads our digital small groups and so to all of our digital family um in cities around the country man we welcome you to our gathering and if you are unbeliever you are not a follower of Jesus Christ we welcome you to 2019 we know you're in the room and we're just glad that you're here and pray that a day would come where you would join us on this side of the fence for be God's will to pull you out of Darkness into this Marvelous Light um uh two more things I just want to mention before we jump into the proclamation of God's word uh I'm talking to you out digital disciples and all of our family everybody in overflow shout out to everybody in overflow we see you we there with you right now I'm about to address that um I just want to remind everybody for for 10 years we have been a portable Church we've been out in the wilderness of sorts we have no facility that belongs to ourselves and uh we do our best to be good STS of every facility we've been in and to be good roommates we support the school financially we take care of staff and we do things like that but um we do feel in our hearts as the season has come for us to make a more aggressive push to have our own facility I have been have failed in that regard to be honest as a pastor I've never done special offerings I've never done the $100 line the 50 I've never done any of that stuff okay and maybe I'm not the best person at raising capital I could confess that you know I don't think a lot about money I'm really concerned about the preaching of the gospel and I just pray that people respond that's what my father-in-law told me before he passed he said just preach the gospel and trust God to provide so I've I've never really been this dude trying to beg people to do stuff when it comes to finances I just that's what my my father-in-law Lena's father told me that before he passed he said just be faithful in the preaching of God's word and trust God to provide without the people so I've never been a manipulator okay but I did feel in prayer God told me to to challenge the people to bring a special offering once a year and that we would use the accumulation of that offering towards gospel expansion every year and whatever was the need for the church we would try to meet that need that year with that offering okay we got 36 months on our contract and the goal is to raise the sum of some $5 million in those 36 months so that we will be positioned to have our own facility I don't know where it is I don't have anything to put on the screen I only got faith that there's something out there for us okay and so on February 25th we're ask I'm I'm asking everyone in the room everyone every man woman and teenager to sacrifice any amount the holy spirit will put on your heart I'm not even going to give you a dollar amount I'm not even going to say do a thousand no manipulation and if this makes you feel uncomfortable then don't do it I'm talking to all of our digital disciples you watch us across the country man you eat from this house every week and I know you're not physically here but you can help us to be able to better serve you and have better technology on February 25th I'm asking you would you join us as we take up that offering on February you will seow yours from wherever you are in whatever City we'll sew ours here it will be all electronic we don't pass buckets CU people used to steal out of the buckets so we don't do that anymore and we're going to take up our offering on February 25th the month of love when we first started doing Outreach and we're going to do that every year um to accumulate resources for gospel expansion this year for the next three years we're doing that to be positioned for a building amen everybody uh for those of you who your child was supposed to be dedicated on the 18th we're on this month we're sorry um we had to move it back because we're having um a wonderful challenge um we have no more space anywhere we have no more space in this room we have no space in our overflow we have no space in our parking lots we have out thrown this Gathering to the glory of Jesus the Lord has done that and God in the last two weeks we've turned away a 100 cars I don't even know how many people that amounts to and if for my staff and I that's breaking our hearts that we had to turn away a 100 cars in the last two weeks we had to tell a 100 Vehicles we have no place for you and watch the drive away from the Gathering those are souls that we didn't reach and I take some responsibility for that that maybe I failed in not doing something about what's happening sooner but this kind of just the Lord just kind of poured out oil when we didn't expect it and so what we want to do now is give God another jar and and so I'm asking everybody if you've been turned away first I want to be humble enough to apologize to you it is not our intention to turn anyone away and if you've been one of those vehicles that we have had to turn away we're deeply sorry we apologize as a Ministry we should have been better prepared we can't create parking lots but we can create space and so what we're going to do within the next three weeks if you just give us three weeks is what we're asking for by February 11th is our deadline we're trying our best to add another jar in the form of one or two things either a second Gathering or a second location okay so so first a second location there is a a facility 5 minutes up the street from here literally if you go out our building you make two lefts a right and a left there was I'm I'm dead serious see I know it it's in my mind we was there for 5 years you make two lefts a right and a left and you bump into another school called ketta Scott King okay we gathered in that school for 5 years we did Ministry in that school for 5 years and the principal reached out to us and asked us to come back [Applause] crazy right and she's asking this of us now well we have a need we were good partners with that school and she reached out to us and said would y'all come back other churches have tried to get in there we've told them no would y'all come back and so our first option is either that second location which we will create another gathering just like this at that location 5 minutes from here starting a half an hour after this one so if you can't get into the parking lot here you just drive to the other location and there'll be another gathering there so we have room for everybody there's another 500 seats over there and another parking lot over there literally 5 minutes up the street so if you're sitting in overflow and you don't like that room we got you you won't have to be there come February 11th you could be at the other location in an auditorium and there'll be a gathering there that starts at 11: if that doesn't work out or we can't get that done in time cuz we got to add technology to that room it takes money it's going to take prayer no it's going to take money but we going to pray y'all do know when we came in this room this was just a white concrete bit block there's no painted stage no screen no lights no sound no wiring no live stream nothing everything in this room we added that that booth that control room we add there was nothing in this room you can't pray this into the room there was no electricity there's no way to live stream we as a church had to put all of this in the room right and so we have to get that room ready if that's God's will we'll have that room ready by February 11th God will and if that and if we can't get it ready we're going to add a second Gathering here until we can get that ready I only need to ask you one question and I need everybody to get your phone okay all right there's a QR code is going to come up on the screen behind me I need you to scan the QR code and then I need you to tell me if we if we did a 9 and an 11:30 which one would you come to we need that data so we can make an informed decision about what we do next okay and need everybody scan the QR code behind me and then all I need you to do on the little sheet is just tell me on your phone if we did a 9 on 11:30 which one would you come to and just let us know I don't know if that's on the screen in the Overflow if it's on the screen in the Overflow please do the same thing if it's not it is it's on the screen in the Overflow if you're in the Overflow scan the QR code and just let us know if we did a 9 or 11 which one would you come to you know I can even get gangster right now get gangster if if if we did a n and you would come to that lift your hands somebody say yeah let's do that and if we did the 11 who would come to the 11 so that's like Moses it's like a split right down the middle all right so scratch the QR code let me see my nine o00 clockers now don't don't lie to me and and make us be here early and you don't show up and my 11:00 clockers you want to sleep in a little bit and then come dip your foot in God's presence a little bit later 11:00 CU let me see you perfect perfect perfect perfect I love y'all perfect options I like that perfect all right praise God we need that d still do the survey anyway cuz okay all right y'all ready for the proclamation of God's word we are in episode two of a brand new teaching series called wisdom and wonder this is a teaching series through Matthew 12- 20 it will take us a year to get through this series is why we we've broke it down into seasons and episodes we're not trying to be Super Creative I think sometimes preachers be too creative and then we we we we be so creative we make the word of God of none effect I think we need to just stop being creative and just preach the scriptures right right and the only reason we did this somebody suggested this in a staff meeting was because we hate to say we're in week 48 of our series it's like so just seasons and episodes every chapter is a season every message is an episode so season 1 is chapter 12 and and every message in chapter 12 is an episode did y'all understand that make it we just because it's going to be a year long right we we're just in Matthew okay we tied it we no entertainment we're just walking through the word of God together okay and we want to see what God's word has to say to us amen somebody and if you're new to our church we're fully expository we read and teach we read and teach we read and teach we line by line through the scriptures and that's our flow okay and if you don't like that then this is not going to be the house for you that's the way we flow okay so today we're going to be um unpacking uh Matthew uh chter 12 we're going to be in verses 9- 21 and uh and if you're unfamiliar with Matthew we don't want to presume that you know who he was he was a Jew who lived in the first century he worked for the Roman government he was hated by his people because he was an extortioner for money he was wealthy the Lord walked by his job one day and called him into Ministry Matthew surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ he went into full-time Ministry it changed the direction of the whole trajectory of his life he went on some 30 years after the resurrection of Christ in the a60s to write the book that bears his name Matthew the scriptures as we know them is the most read document the collection of them in the history of the world and Matthew placed first in the New Testament forms a bridge from the Old Testament to the New Testament it is the most read document in the history of the world it's what the church used for 1700 years of Christian discipleship okay so we're going to be looking at Matthew chapter 12 and um again we'll study today verses 9- 21 and if you was here last week we did Matthew 12 1-8 this is the second half of one complete incident so this is like part two of sorts this whole whole thing we're about to read all of it happened together with what we read last week are you with me yes okay so we're going to tag a title to this text from the words of Jesus himself just going to call this message stretch out your hand God it's going to make sense when we get to the end stretch out your hand God father in full humility I acknowledge my weakness I throw myself on the altar of your grace you saw my struggle this morning this week the ringing out of my own heart the dealing with my own sin and uh I thank you in your love you just you confront us in your love because we are your children and I just ask for strength and help to unpack these Eternal truths in the word of God your word I pray for my brothers and sisters every man woman and child under the sound of my voice those in overflow those watching across the screen right now those listening on audio that you would arrest our attention you would drive away every distraction that we would lean in to be taught and not to be entertained you would give us a revelation and insight and knowledge from these holy scriptures may we behold Christ in all of his wisdom and may we not be in awe of a man but Lord may we be more in awe of the Lord Jesus Christ with every message with every teaching May WE peer into the wisdom of our savior Lord and may we be in awe of him may we Behold Him may we see him like Isaiah did high and lifted up for some of us when we have become familiar with our savior and familiarity has choked out Wonder yes I feel that in my restore to us wonder over the savior Rob us of familiarity Rob us God of familiarity that even at the reading of the word we would be in Wonder Over Our Savior woo I feel that in my spirit I want my church family God to be in wonder over your son Lord more intimacy with Christ l mess infatuation with men breathe on us now Spirit of the Living God let your word come alive in our hearts our conscious in our souls let it Quicken someone's spirit I ask right now when the Mighty God and the Majestic in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ man if you agree with that prayer would you just say uh amen amen thank you Sam stretch out your hand family this week I was in the gym and it was Monday I had just got into the gym I just put my stuff in the locker room and I walked out the locker room and I bumped into one of my gym buddies in there I don't know his name but we see each other every week and so you know the gym I go to a small so everything is like a community I pray for the people in my gym I pray for the Salvation of their souls I try my best to be a light in there and this brother walked up to me when I was in the gym and he said to me he said yo bro it's good to see you I haven't seen you in so long I kind of falling off for like three weeks you know with the holidays the fast and everything else so I went back to the gym and when he said to me he said yo you remember that sister that will be over there on the bike near the door I said yeah I remember her he said she passed but he doesn't know that I know her and I was like yeah he said man she was such a wonderful human being she had such a beautiful spirit he said she was so kind and she was so loving and she was so friendly and she said that woman was my kids teacher and she had such an impact on my children and he said her name was shakina and I said yeah I know shaa very well shaa is the wife wife of one of our executive staffers Mr Don Smith who has not been here for three months cuz his beautiful wife slipped into eternity during the holidays and we told Don go away take care of your sons and be away as he's been grieving the loss of his wife shaa who was one of our 2819 family members who slipped into eternity she was in a battle against a sickness in her body and now she is in the presence of Jesus Jesus she knows now more than anybody else how real Christ is how loving she is for she had finished her labor she had ran her race and she stumbled into the loving arms of her Savior and although she was not physically healed in this life she is completely healed right now [Applause] and I thought about how that man that brother was impacted by shika's life and I thought about how his children was impacted by shika's life that even in her absence her fruit is still speaking in the earth Jesus Jesus Jesus it's why I've been shouting from this pull pit for years that we need to live well and love well and suffer well and live for when you leave that you should live in such a way that when you come to that box people have good things to say about you when you're gone don't nobody care about how much money you had when you was gone ain't nobody asking about no 401K on a deathbed the only thing that's going to remain when you was gone is the atmosphere or the the witness you left the impact you left in the hearts of men and women how you Lov people and how you moved in the earth and that is going to reverberate long after you're gone and you're not going to be here to change the opinion of people and I was just thinking about how This Woman's testimony was so powerful that even though she's in glory right now bless her soul man her fruit is speaking so powerfully even in Earth that this man was overwhelmed at her Witness and I remember getting out the gym on Monday and I text Don at home I said Don I bumped into a brother in the gym who knew your wife and he was talking about her heart and her character and how loving she was and how she impacted your children and I was going on and on texting Don about how Shina impacted this man and then Don be to tell me man she was a beautiful person she was a great partner his spouse of 17 years and he began to tell me man how broken he is still at her loss how he has these bouns where he's he's good one moment and he's battling deep grief the other moment and he's up and down bet Twix between these two worlds of trying to find joy in Christ but feeling the pain of the loss of his wife man the the depth of being separated from someone you love and your life was intertwined for 17 years and I listened to my brother Don who I love so much kind of pour out catharsis it was a catharsis of sorts of the depth of his pain as he's missing my I can't even imagine my world without laying up right now man our lives have been so intimately mixed for like two decades like to not have her here is unimaginable to me and then I sit and I think about what my brother right now is going through he's been gone for 90 days and I said to Don I said to Don I said Don you know what in all of this as I listen until you talk about your wife I thought to myself man the only reason you're suffering this is because of sin and I said just imagine if our pristine parents in that Garden never touch that forbidden fruit just imagine if sin never entered to the Earth imagine if they never rebelled against God Almighty and that they lived in a permanent state in joy and Bliss with God but because of the sin of our pristine parents sin entered into the World death into the world and now human beings have to feel the separation of people we love we have to battle with something that God never intended for the human heart to feel he never intended for the human heart to feel separation from someone you love by death it was never his will for us to be at funerals it was never his will for us to be crying over a box with a loved one missing he never intended for the human heart to wrestle with a pain that deep and I S to Don and he and I were talking that Don the only reason you're feeling that right now is because of sin and I said to Don I said Don think about it man you feeling that right now because of sin I feel stuff inside me I wish wasn't in there because of sin I think about all the people I hurt because of sin I think about all the people that betrayed me because of sin and I said to Don this is why I hate sin sin Don I said Don I hate sin he and I was talking because I see how it has so deeply damaged the human race it's why everything in me want to keep encouraging you to stop treating sin like a pet the only pet sin is is a Viper waiting to choke the life out of you it is sin inside of us inside of you that is the problem with the human race it's the source of all of our Wars It's the father that abandons a wife and her children is the murderer who plugged somebody in the street in Bankhead is the single mother who becomes a junkie and Bandit her children it's the teenagers that curses out their parents and our rebellious the one that stand on the table at the restaurant and you say little Timmy get off of that table I wish I could just beat him him for you begging little jquan to come off the table I got another way to teach little jquan don't beg children to do nothing they're little [Music] Sinners oh you laugh you laugh the scripture says foolishness is bound up in the heart of the child and it is discipline that drives it away from the child so you could be anti- disiplined all you want and then you wonder why children are cursing our parents at 5 years old cuz you got more trust in Google than in Proverbs you're trying to parent your child with Dr SE and souls philosophy instead of what the scripture says you know what the scripture says about children side note train up a child in the way they should go foolishness is in the heart of a child and the R of Correction would drive it from the child a Child Left undisciplined brings shame to its parents you want me to keep going it's all in the Proverbs little Sinners need training your modern-day parenting my parent in thousands of years old it's proven you feel offended but your kid is cursing you out I'm not attacking you I'm trying to stare you towards God's wisdom amen look at me every person in here that's ever felt insecure about anything sin ever felt ashamed about something from your past sin ever lost friendships and people you love sin divorce sin all of the sufferings of human beings you keep pointing the fingers all this and the third the reason human beings are suffering is because of sin this is why I hate it so bad because I've seen the damage it's done in my own life in my own heart I see the damage it does in the lives of people I love I've seen sin wreck homes wreck lives wreck churches put people in the Box before their time that human race is infected with sin right but of all the sin we infected with man it was very few sin that made Jesus look people in the eyes and say you brood of vipers I'm going somewhere with this or Jesus will look somebody in the eyes and say you son of the devil imagine our Lord you say oh don't talk to them like that you being judgmental every time we confront a false prophet you say we judgmental that's that's why they running loose every time somebody rise up and stand up for the church yall call judgmental and that's why they running loose we don't have no accountability in the church and it was Jesus man looked into the eyes of sinful men and said you brood of viers imagine Jesus saying that that's in there or walked up to men and said man you sons of the devil how are you going to escape hell that's coming for you can you imagine Jesus said that what kind of sin would drive Jesus to say that to a person he a say that to the woman caught in adultery I'm going somewhere he didn't say that to the Rich Young Ruler come onow he didn't say that to zakus but it was a group of men God whose Hearts were full of sin God but Jesus looked them in the eyes and said y'all are a group of snakes Jesus and he looked them in the eyes and said y'all are Sons of Satan you know what kind of sin that was one of the ugliest sins amongst the people of God it is the sin of religious hypocrisy that lives in the heart of people who stand in my shoes those who call themselves pastors God and Shepherds those who are responsible for being Guardians Of Truth those who are responsible for representing God Almighty and teaching people in the ways of God those who stand in my office and my shoes who are responsible for teaching the truth and yet their hearts are full of the sin of religious hypocrisy and self-righteousness and legalism and pride to the point y'all are even blinded to the heart of God Almighty you preach about a man you don't even [Applause] know you study the scriptures and you miss the person who's standing right in front of youy God it's ugly when preachers have an in congruency between what you preach and what's in your heart it's an ugly thing to stand on a platform and declare to other people how they should live and you are far away from that in your heart it is a disgusting thing to strap the word of God on people's necks and add legalism on top of that turn away your heart is just as dark as the platform I'm standing on black Jesus God today that's many Pastors in America in the time of Jesus it was the Pharisees yall remember them that religious group I Tau you about last week who was a political party and a religious party who some of them sat on the Supreme Court in Jerusalem who had influence and power who were responsible for being the teachers of Israel and hearts full of the sin of religious hypocrisy and legalism to the point Jesus later on will tell him y'all are sons of the devil are you listening to me it is this ugliness of sin that is sitting right here in our text is this tragedy of leadership that is sitting right here in our text is this exposure of the Folly of bad religious leaders they're all over our country that is sitting right here in the text Matthew set it up for us you remember this last week Jesus right had sent out his followers to do ministry at some point in time they come back and they meet together they meet together I'm sure they telling the Lord about the things they did the things they preached the Miracles they did and as they are talking together they are walking from one city to the next now Matthew does not tell us where they are going but we know that they are on a journey you remember this and as they walked they got hungry and God and His Providence would allow them to walk through a grain field as they are traveling to some city that is not disclosed to us in the text as they're walking through that grain field and I taught you if it was the grain field of a Jew God would teach the Jews to not eat the corn corner of your Harvest so you can leave it there as a gesture of generosity for the poor and for the Foreigner and when people will eat of that grain they would see the generosity of God's people that he was teaching them from old days to be faithful percentage givers and as they walk through that grain field they were plucking heads of grain and then the Pharisees I don't know why they're in the field saw them and said to the Lord why are your disciples doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath and I read to you from the Old Testament that it was perfectly lawful lawful to pick grain but that the Pharisees had added a book of like 30 extra laws to the Sabbath and I told you that the purpose for the Sabbath the day of rest the day of worship that's why God created six days God created everything the seventh day he rested which is Saturday Jesus rose on a Sunday the first day of the week so the Jewish Sabbath is Saturday and on that day God intended the people would rest and worship rest and worship rest and be in awe of God by the days of Jesus I taught you the Pharisees had loaded down the Sabbath with all these extra laws and regulations that made the Sabbath burdensome that the people needed a rest from the Sabbath Jesus is confronted Jesus defend friends his followers with the word of God have you not read have you not read have you not read he shows us that he is a student of the word of God side note every time they mention the word of God they're talking about the Old Testament when Jesus said he began with Moses and taught them about himself he's talking about the Old Testament you can find Christ all the way through the Old Testament that's why you shouldn't throw out the Old Testament and then after they are confronted in that grain field Matthew continues this complete narrative in Matthew CH 12 and verse 9 can I teach he went on from there and entered into or entered their synagogue stop okay I want you to look at this verse verse 9 he went on from there and entered their synagogue I want to draw your attention to three words there there and synagogue okay it says he went on from there from where from the grainfield so we know that watch Jesus was traveling through that grainfield on the way to a undisclosed City so he's leaving this grainfield he just got into a full-blown fight with these Pharisees over legalism the Pharisees probably walk away and Jesus and his followers leave from that grainfield there and now they're traveling to a city and it says as they traveled to that place they enter their ownership synagogue so the very Pharisees that just confronted them now the Lord is inside their synagogue did you pick up on that in the text the men who just confronted him in the grainfield he leaves from that confrontation and the very next place he goes is into their synagogue now what is a synagogue the word synagogue in Greek its original word simply means Gathering whether secular or spiritual it just means gathering over time it would exclusively be tagged to Jewish Gatherings and what a synagogue was was a meeting place for the Jews they had a chief minister who was the leader of the synagogue and responsible for the Scrolls that kept the Scrolls in a shelf they had Elders in the synagogue and the synagogue had only four functions F his first function was to bring the Jews together in a house for corporate worship it was also for the reading and the exaltation of Scriptures it was also to make sure they have a time of corporate prayer and the synagogue was used to teach Little Children sound familiar it is out of Judaism when Christianity emerges out of Judaism the Christians would adopt that practices for our Gatherings that's why in our Gatherings there's times of worship there's times of the reading of the Bible and exhalation or at least there should be I can't I there is times of prayer and there's times of teaching children so what we have today in our Christian judeo Heritage in the way we do church that emerged out of the culture of the synagogue then in the 600s ad Muhammad when he filled that vacuum with the Arab nation and created Islam he would also adopt the same practices from the synagogue is why if you go into a mosque they have the same practices a time of worship a time of reading the Quran a time of prayer I don't know if they teach children I don't know okay I was a Muslim for a short season I never made it to a mosque I got frustrated not eating pork I got frustrated all the laws I got frustrated of regulations I got frustrated praying five times to the east I got frustrated with all of that and I said to my I said to the person that was over me I can't do this anymore I'm going to the Chinese restaurant to get an order of pork fried rice and chicken wings I quit this is a true story I quit Islam for a box of pork fried rice and chicken wings I'm I'm keeping it I'm keeping it 100 it was like religion but I was dead on the inside doing all this stuff trying to appease some false deity but I was dead on the inside because in that Faith you got to earn approval or appease the deity the question is how do you know you've done enough God how do you know you've done enough you've been working your whole life to appease some false deity you never know you've done enough it's the beauty of Christianity you can't appease god with morality and good works man the cross has made you righteous do I got any saved people in the room right now any saved people in the Overflow who have been made righteous by the Cross of Christ not morality not good behavior not perfect performance not legalism the Cross of Christ and the propitiation of that Grace that made me righteous in the sight of God Almighty I'm thankful for the cross I wish I had just a 100 people that was thankful for the cross come on man y'all got to stop forgetting what Jesus did for you on the cross taking your unrighteousness and giving you his righteousness and making you right in the sight of God is anybody thankful for the cross somebody Let Jesus know you're thankful for the [Music] cross Hallelujah H you know what it is to be a mess as a human being and God still see you as righteous you know what it is to fail God in your thoughts and in your behavior and God still see you as righteous you know what it is to fall short every single week and God still sees you as righteous man I'm thankful for the [Music] [Applause] cross I'm thankful for the cross thank you man I got issues I got stuff in my own heart God is still ringing out and I'm so thankful he he don't just zap me because I've sinned last week hallelujah thank you Lord covered by the blood huj I like that's old school anybody thankful for the [Applause] blood we're not going to be prideful and self- entitled no we're thankful for grace through the cross of Jesus Christ not enough good behavior to be accepted by [Applause] [Music] God even Isaiah the prophet tried to free us from legalism when he said all of your good deeds are like filthy rags in God's sight they know good they know better than tampon that's what a filthy rag was a tampon a Old Testament period cloth he said all of your trying to be good to earn righteousness is no better than a tampon can't earn his love can't lose [Music] it can't out send his grace ain't no sin in this room stronger than the cross Jesus hallelujah it's not his blood plus anything it ain't his blood plus good behavior or his blood plus morality it is Christ and Christ Alone that was sufficient for my [Music] salvation every now and then I got to remind the Believers that you're righteous because of the Cross so you don't start smelling yourself too much you and nothing to boast in except the Cross of Christ somebody give God praise for the cross you ain't got nothing to boast [Music] in Hallelujah I'm so good no you not a got nothing to boasting except the cross so Jesus can I teach yes sir leaves the grain field he travels to the city he was going to and the Very Pharisees that confronted him he rose up in their synagogue this is the stuff that made me be an allwe of Jesus like y'all hear that y'all be like oh see I read that and I think dang Jesus wasn't done with them like now I ain't finished with y'all yet he thugged out like that right I'm not finished with y'all yet I'm about to pull up on your synagogue now what I'm in here this wisdom and wonder right we're trying to exalt Christ I'm in Wonder of the fact the Lord ain't let them off the hook that easy yall trying to talk to me like I don't know the scriptures I'm the son of man I'm lord of the Sabbath you know what I ain't done with y'all I'm about to pull up in your synagogue I ain't finished yet and then the scripture would teach us that watch it was his custom I like this word to always go to the synagogue oh God that means when the Sabbath came if a synagogue was near Jesus was always in God's house come on come on let me repeat when the Sabbath came if a synagogue was there Jesus was always in God's house he set an example for us to prioritize the Gathering of God's people Sabbath did not pass and Christ was not in a synagogue I'm tired I'm going to be in this Gathering I'm going to be in this virtual Gathering when our day of worship come I'mma find myself in God's house that was the example my savior set for me the scripture says it was his custom to go to to the synagogue verse 10 and a man was there with a withered hand and they the Pharisees asked him Jesus this a this makes me angry is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath so that they might accuse him stop okay now when I read this this week in my study time I read this to myself and I just burst into tears I burst into tears crying because I feel like one of the things that we have done bad poorly in our generation is that when we read the scriptures we read the scriptures like these people our fairy tales we don't think about the historicity of these human beings that we're reading about I've seen some of y'all in the spirit you'll watch something on the news and seen something bad happen to somebody and your heart will be broken you read about something that happened in the news and your heart will be broken this is why I've taught our communicators don't refer to people in the scriptures as characters because when you hear the word character you think fictitious you think some bedtime story ain't nothing about the scriptures is a bedtime story these ain't tables the scriptures is a collection of 66 ancient historical documents poetry and Psalms and when we read about these people in the scriptures we're reading about real human beings who lived and died men and women and children like you and me now let me bring you back to the text with a human heart they are in the Gathering of the Saints we're in a room Christ and his disciples are in the room the Pharisees who supposed to be the teachers of the LA watch the Pharisees who supposed to be the pastors of the people are in the room God and they see a man in the congregation who has a deformity God man this frustrates me he has a withered hand and they try to use a man with a deformity as a prop for an argument never mind the man is suffering never mind he has a deformity never mind he's probably embarrassed because his deformity they don't even care about this man the only thing they care about is using somebody's weakness as a prop for their argument God how sinful how legalistic how cohorted is that it said the man had a withered hand the word withered his original language told about there was no life in his hand no blood it shriveled up he has a handicap we don't know his name but we know he's a Jewish male does he have a family if he does how can he work with a withered hand some cultural narratives tell us that he injured that hand in a construction accident and if that's the case that means he could not work is he begging for money is he fighting to take care of his family is he dealing with the embarrassment of having a deformed hand I'm sure he's walking around with his hand in his cloak he no different than many of us in this room who got issues we try to hide things in our heart we don't want to make we don't want nobody to make fun of physical deformities physical ailments things we wish God will fix physically that is not good things in our heart things in our mind could you imagine being in a church where a pastor found out about something you was dealing with and instead of caring about how to help you he used you in a sermon as a prop to argue AC cause yeah God do you know how hurt you would be do you know how broken and the pastor talked about your size your waist some physical ailment you have on your body if the has to use some hurt that happened in your heart some stuff you wring if he used that as a prop to just prove a point without even caring about you as a person do you know how you would feel in that moment you would feel dehumanized yo enter so many of us who stand in this platform men and woman of God God who do ministry but don't care about people I'm so serious about this man this joint breaks my heart to see people who lead and preach in Ministry and it's only about a platform it's only about a dollar it's only about titles and outfits and all this stuff but you don't give a darn about people these Pharisees these pastors you're all about your pharies you're all about about your robes and your long dresses you're all about trying to be righteous in the side of people you're all about approval and all the stuff but you don't give a darn I wish I could use another word but y'all going to crucify me cuz I'm in the South I'm from New York I just want to say it one time yall don't give a [Applause] don't give [Applause] a it's not a curse word in Queens only in the South y'all made it a curse word Fu straight the heck out of me I could say darn right you doing Ministry and don't give a darn how about people y pray for me I'm on I'm work in progress too I want to frustrate the heck out of you I can use a different word to have people who stand in the office of spiritual leader and you really don't care about human beings it's all about money it's all about a title it's all about a platform and some of us have been underneath Shepherds like this who are abusive who are tyrannical who is all about their status they're trying to climb some spiritual ladder trying to get to some Mountain Top in Ministry so lame and a r is only to stroke your ego wow but you don't really look into the eyes of a Janelle and love her or look into the eyes of a Danielle and love her or a Rhonda or Erica or Elder Eric and love them your preaching is to what end our ministry if you're in Ministry and don't love people you should get out of it I'm talking to everybody now if you in Ministry and you don't love people you should get out of it see you hear Ministry and you think platform the word ministry means Minister which come from service and here it is this suffering man with this withered hand like some of us are suffering just imagine being in a church where you're going through and leader cares nothing about your ailment you are just a prop a pawn for an argument no Humanity no decency no caring about the fact that this man has been suffering for God knows how long probably embarrassed ashamed probably struggling financially can't work watch this everybody watch and where is this happening watch for everybody to hear and see so now I take your personal issue and I take your personal issue your problem and I put you on display in front of everybody I don't even care how that makes you feel I take something you told me last week and I put it on display in front of everybody I don't care how it makes you feel we know about some deformity something don't work and I put you on display in front this is happening in a room full of people I'm sure it's quiet and now everybody is staring at this man with the now all of the focus is on him how embarrassing is that is that [Music] love is that pastoral Ministry is that caring for other human beings have you ever acted like that with somebody who was going through something yes you have yeah you have seen people going through and don't care about them just want to use them to make a post that's right wowow there's the man I'm almost done with the withered hand everybody staring at him in the room the Pharisees at their High seats they know Christ had his eyes on him because he had this habit of getting close to people who have need check the scene the room is quiet everybody's watching the man is in the middle he's embarrassed the Pharisees like we got Jesus now what you going to do you know according to our laws you can't heal on the Sabbath because according to their laws you can't do good for human beings on the Sabbath except they was in danger of death not God's laws their laws their legalistic laws according to their legalistic laws you cannot help anyone on the Sabbath except they were in danger of death now Jesus who's not a law breaker what is he supposed to do now what's the next verse I'm almost done and watch watch the wisdom of Christ he says to them gosh see I just want us to read the scriptures and be an awe of Jesus all right watch I know y'all laws say I can't help a person except the endanger y law said that okay let me tell you something else about your laws he says and which one of you who has a sheep if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath will not take hold of it and lift it out how much more valuable is a man than a sheep so it is lawful I'm going somewhere to do good on the Sabbath God she so powerful right you want to try to trap me with your loss let me give you back your laws their laws once said you can't help an animal on the Sabbath but when they realized not helping animals was affecting their money God this is so good because sheep was part of their economy so they changed their own laws to make sure if for sheep was in trouble or livestock was in trouble I don't want my money affected preacher so we're going to bend our own laws to rescue animals in trouble for our own good but not human beings so you only want to change when it comes to your pockets but you don't want to change when it comes to the life of a human being you only preaching cuz it's about your pockets God God but you don't give a darn about human beings so they by the time Jesus comes they bend their own loss to be able to help animals cuz it affected their money their economy and Jesus Will said to them how is it watch this I'm coming for y'all you care more about an animal yall take good care of your dogs and your cats how is it you care more about a creature Jesus than the highest thing God ever created on the earth how is that some of y'all will fight for animal cruelty and eat veggie burgers but you don't love human beings how you going to be a vegan and hate people at the same time in other words how do you care more about anything tangible more than you care about your brothers and sisters on your road and how do you preacher care more about a building a crowd dollars or a budget more than you actually care about the souls and the chairs Jesus so the Lord would rebuke them and would say to them is not a human being and their suffering more valuable about the tangible things you put your trust in yeah watch I'm almost done then he says it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath that is when you have an opportunity to do good do good I'm talking to you now look at me when the spirit of God moves on you to do good don't put that off to next week you don't know what's going to happen to that person next week the Lord is tapping you say give them the car he's tapping you says pay their bills this month he's tapping you says bring that single mother groceries when you feel the tap of the Lord moveing on you to do good don't put that off when it is lawful to do good watch do good the best time to do good is in the moment the spirit move on you to do good oh yeah it is lawful to do good you see what Jesus is saying he says man I want you to show compassion for human beings who are in need Church you know how ugly it is for people to call themselves Christians and have no compassion for people who are suffering I'm talking to y'all now forget the Pharisees do you know how ugly it is to be posting all the time God first woman of God Proverbs 31 Woman but you walk past the brother begging for a dollar at the Walmart you too good to give him something you don't want to get touched he's too dirty for you he might rub off on your findy pants right I'm talking to ywn now we Christians but we have no compassion and what the Lord is trying to teach us is that he want his people to be compassionate to go beyond legalism that love should be greater than legalism and compassion is what we move towards what people in need wow wow good so Look what Jesus does what verse are we on okay you're paying attention about to finish this text then he said to the man everybody watch this I love this stretch out your hand yes there's the title of our text why' I pick that title Jesus said to the man stretch out your hand why' I pick that title everybody look at me his hand is withered we don't even know if he can stretch it out God is gonna make sense in a second but when the Lord [Applause] speaks anything he tells you to do Grace would follow Jes for you to do it we don't even know if he can move that hand the Lord don't even touch him since it's the Sabbath and I can't work I don't even got to touch you to heal you the Pharisees ain't going to catch me lifting a finger since I'm lord of the Sabbath I can prove it but not even lifting a finger to work you won't even trap you won't even trap me to lift a finger to work since I'm lord of the Sabbath I can prove now that I'm God In the Flesh I say to you with the withered hand man stretch out your [Music] hand God that if I tell you to do something there's Grace behind that for you to do whatever I'm telling you to do man stretch out your hand start the ministry write the book be healed in this area forgive that person let that go get over that whatever he tells you to do stretch out that hand there's Grace to do [Music] that he says to the man stay there Frank softly I'm about to finish this this message stretch out your hand he proves that he's lord of the Sabbath he's the son of man he's Yahweh he's God In the Flesh I don't even got to lift a finger to break the laws of the Sabbath since y'all said we can't work on it I'll talk on it Hallelujah I won't even touch this man y'all ain't going to trap me for working brother stretch out your hand [Applause] there's Grace to do whatever God calls you to do there's healing in the word that comes from Jesus and symbolically for y'all on the other side of the Wither hand when I hear stretch out your hand I hear be compassionate towards others man stretch out love stretch out compassion man stretch out Mercy do what God tells to do but also stretch out your hand towards others man stretch towards Jesus for your needs but then stretch towards others for their needs give away the car pay the person's bills give the homeless man a dollar buy somebody food when I'm in line I paid for the food of the person behind me man stretch out your own hand receive from the Lord and give away in the name of the Lord he spoke it there's Grace to do it he spoke it there's Grace to do it some of y'all sitting there withered in some place withered in your heart withered in your mind withered in your feet man stretch out your hand this is the year man stretch Str out your hand start the YouTube channel you hear the god you hear the Lord whispering to you man stretch out your hand for some of you that stretch is a stretch of healing on the backside of forgiveness it's the stretch of a open door on the backside of obedience you worry too much don't trust in the path that you can't figure out a to z trust in his character my faith is not and I got it all figured out my faith is in the character of the one who said stretch out your hand what if the guy with the withered hand would have been like but it's been withered for so long I don't know if I could do it don't argue with me man stretch out your hand stretch it [Applause] out and as he stretched out his hand and was restored healthy like the other one but the Pharisees the sinful hypocritical sin infected Pride infected self-righteous infected legalism infected I'm closing how do they respond you would think hearing about somebody's testimony the pastor would be happy but because you wasn't at the center of it you can't give God glory they missed that because you wasn't at the center because you can't get credit for it you don't want to give God glory so how do they respond to the miracle but the Pharisees went out conspired against him how to destroy him this would be the beginning of the downfall of their motives that would eventually put Christ on the cross starts here and let me read to you these last verses and pay attention Jesus aware of this aware of what that they was trying to kill him he withdrew from there why did he do that cuz you got to know sometimes can I say something you got to know sometimes how to avoid unnecessary trouble but watch everybody watch this but sometimes you got to know how to step into good trouble so preacher I don't understand that watch what day did this happen now watch when I'm reading the scriptures and I'm praying softly Frank I put myself in a text and I pray to Jesus I said Jesus how did you feel that day in that synagogue this is the way I pray when I'm reading the scriptures I like Lord what was it like what how did you feel that day in the feel when they attack cuz my mind I put myself there I'm have a pictoral mind now think about this what day did this happen everybody watch this what day did this happen sabath the Sabbath now watch it's the Sabbath right it's against the legalistic laws right all Jesus had to do was wait 12 hours till the next day he could have healed a man the next day then he would have no issues with the Pharisees yeah watch he could have he could have waited till the next day and he would have no issues if he healed the man the next day but when you know to do good sometimes you got to have a testicular fortitude the balls the courage to step into spaces where somebody got to take a stand for biblical righteousness against legalism and against false Doctrine if he waited till the next day the Pharisees would have had glory in their legalistic laws but the Lord said no I will not wait I'mma blow up your legalism right now so watch he steps into the space of somebody suffering on the Sabbath yeah that sometimes you got got to know how to get into good trouble sometimes you got to know how to step into a space to make a stand for what is right in the S of God we can't always cower from every battle we can't always be quiet in every moment my God sometimes you got to know how to get in good trouble to stand up to raise up a standard of righteousness to cry aloud from the rooftop and spare not Jesus could have waited till the next day no he steps into this man's suffering he steps into like we have to learn to step into other people's suffering but sometimes we got to know how to step into good trouble you see it and it aggravates you man say something about it little nasx praying for him man say something about it why do we allow the devil to control the narrative where are the people of God where are the men and women that's going to stand for righteousness where the men and women are going to step into difficult spaces not waiting till tomorrow I'm taking a stand for Christ today I'm taking a stand from this platform today I'm speaking out against evil today I'm speaking out against evil in my own heart and the hearts of other pastors today I'm stepping into those hard conversations today I'm going to be a voice for righteousness today I'm going to be a voice for the Lord Jesus Christ today I'm going to step into the suffering of people I love today I'm going to help the whisper of the sister who God told me help her today I'm going to do good today I'm going to speak up today I'm going to take a stand thank you Lord yeah I know you think it's just a sermon God I know you want to leave verse 15 softly Jesus Ware of this withdrew from there and many followed him and he healed them all they saw what he did to the man in the withered hand and they followed him why because when you see what the Lord Has Done in someone else's life man it gives you Faith to believe he can do something in your life so they saw a man stretch out his hand and they thought to themselves man I got to get some of that too so they follow him that's all right let them cry out this was watch to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah so Matthew who's writing to a Jewish audience he writes his gospel to prove that Christ is the Messiah who the Jews today have still rejected so in his gospel he will keep inserting Old Testament passages to prove to his Jewish audience that Jesus is the Messiah so he says everybody watch carefully behold my servant whom I have chosen this is God talking about Christ my beloved with whom my soul is well pleased so how could Jesus be 85% out of order come on y'all like listening to bad Doctrine from false prophets who say stuff like Jesus is 85% out of order how can he be out of order when the father says my soul with him is well pleased when was Jesus ever out of order but he lived a perfect life how could God In the Flesh ever be out of order more Bible less infatuation with men more scriptures less infatuation with men it's possible for Jesus to have been 85% out of order when he lived a perfect life from birth to crucifixion I the father says will put my spirit upon him that's a trinitarian verse the father speaks about the son and about the spirit I the father will put my Holy Spirit upon Him Christ this is Isaiah writing 700 years before Christ was born and he will Proclaim Justice to the Gentiles everybody watch cuz you're in this verse you're in this verse he will not quarrel or cry aloud that is he ain't arguing with foolish people watch nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets ain't acting a fool in the streets a bruised Reed he will not break a reed was little stroke on the side of rivers that was very delicate meaning the Lord will not hurt people unnecessarily it's so powerful watch you're in this verse a smoldering Wick he will not quench he'll be gentle and kind now everybody watch until he brings Justice to Victory and here you are in the verse 700 years before Christ and in his name the Gentiles God God oh my God in his name the Gentile with hope he's talking about you 2,700 years before you was born the prophet Isaiah wrote about you he said in the Name of Christ the Gentiles will hope preacher I don't get it Jesus came for who first the Jew but what happened they rejected him and because the Jew rejected him what happened he turns from the Jew and says Let The Gospel now go to all non-jew Jewish people that's you black people and white people and Asian people everyone who's not a Jew the gospel comes to you because of the rejection of the Jews and then Isaiah prophesies that in his name the Gentiles will find Hope until when until the tribulation period come and then God has Raptor the church and then he turns his attention back to the Jewish Nation Daniel prophesies about this John the Revelator wrote about this right now we're living in the time of the Gentiles where God is reconciling a people to himself from all around the world even saving Messianic Jews who having dreams and Visions about him that in these last days he's Gathering men from All Nations tribes and tongue and putting them aboard the Ark of Safety he's going to keep winning the hearts of the Gentiles until he turns his attention back to the Jews in the Great Tribulation but for right now is the era of Grace and today is the day of salvation Hallelujah Hallelujah Jesus and my prayer for you those who claim the name of Christ is that we would love people we will be compassionate towards people we will blow up legalism we will do good when the opportunity comes for us to do good we will care more about people than our rules and our regulations God that is my prayer for you every head bowed every eye closed nobody mve prayer team is coming to the altar I gotta I gotta I gotta speak to someone who before the foundation of the world the Lord already chose you to be his I'm just telling you what's happening right now in your spirit and in your heart you feel something warming your heart right now you've been shedding tears as the word has been proclaimed come Lena my brother my sister you are a sinner and so am I you have broken God's laws and so have I and the scripture says if anyone dies in their sin they're going to be separated from God for all eternity but the Lord in Mercy for you sent his son Christ the Savior who died a sacrificial death in your place and then he said If any man would turn away from their sin Place their faith in Christ he already knew you would say yes to him before you were born I just want to confirm what he's doing in your heart I'm talking to you sister he's regenerating you right now I'm talking to you brother he's saving you right now no magic no pixie dust no special prayer is happening apart from me if you feel God wooing you to yourself right now saying my daughter come you belong to me my son come you belong to me I'm saving you right now I knew you would be here I knew you would be listening I knew you'd be watching you belong to me today is the beginning of the rest of your life you walk out of here a brand new man a brand new woman you repent you turned away from your sin the Lord is filling you with his spirit I want to pray for you if I'm talking to you you feel God working in your heart he's saving you like he did for me on the bathroom of a b of a floor preach a Pray For Me Seal in my heart what's happening I'm running to Christ right now throwing myself at the foot of the cross on the count of three I just want to see who you are one the Lord is already calling you two today is the day of salvation three throw your hand up in the air saying preacher pray for me I see that hand I see that hand I see that hand I see that hand I see those hands I see those hands [Applause] I see those hands you know what everybody stand up if you got your hand up yo slide out of that row tell the person next to you get out of my way I want y'all come down here I want to talk to you tell the person get out of my way y'all celebrate right now what Jesus is doing in the hearts of people who he is bringing to himself come on run down here if you're in the Overflow room run over here right now come close come close come on celebrate come close come close come close come close come close if you're in the Overflow room run over here right now come [Music] close come close come close come close come close come close come on cry out to your savior right now cry out he's saving you right now cry [Music] out if you're in the Overflow room run over [Music] here Reckless Love of God w we Chast this Beed down my still Tonight Tonight r r r come close come close I don't deserve it but you give yourself away W be overwhel ready Reckless love God there no Shin you lighter I'm C coming after me no you won't KCK down you won't take down coming out today he won't light up the sower you won't light up Mountain you won't clim up coming out to me it's no all you want get down I you won't say them coming after me love the over will neverless love of God ches F still love Liv night night I ear I don't deserve it but you give yourself away all be overwhelm May [Music] Reckless if you're at the altar please don't look at me he's catching those tears my sister he's catching these tears my brother he's catching these tears my sister he's catching these tears my sister he's catching those tears my sister not one of them falls to the floor he's catching those tears he's catching those tears my brother please don't look at me this is just he's catching those tears my sister this is your moment you and Jesus has nothing to do with [Music] me just let him work in your heart it's regeneration happening the Lord knew you would be here before the foundation of the world he predestined this moment for you he's catching these tears that's repentance don't worry he feels that that's okay he feels all of that you can cry he feels all of that now one of those tears are going to hit the floor now one of these tears are going to hit the floor it's okay cry that's all right cry sister that's it get it out that's called repentance what you feel in your heart is the fire of the Holy Spirit warming your soul right now cry let it out this happened for he's oh that's repentance right there brother that's right let it out real men cry this happened to me on the floor of a bathroom when I was suicidal the Lord rescued me in a bathroom come up Sam come up Frank he's catching those tears sister she's broken that's called repentance yes it's okay you're his daughter now you're his daughter now he knew you would be here he ordained this moment for you before you were born somebody move this out of my way don't look at me and now Eternal God and ever wise father Hall [Music] Jesus woo we thank you God for the regenerating power of your Holy Spirit we thank you Lord that by your Sovereign power you are saving and filling and regenerated no man can do this God it's your Sovereign work before the foundation of the world I thank you God that these are your new Sons and Daughters these are our new brothers and sisters may it be filled with your spirit may they be alive in the spirit Lord I pray they will love you more than than anything else in this life they will run after you with their whole heart they will see you like Isaiah did higher lifted up I pray today will be the beginning of the rest of their lives that after today they'll never be the same Joy comes to them peace comes to them salvation is theirs yes brother he's catching those tears I thank you God for repentance and now you said when one sinner repents all of Heaven rejoices so father we