Moral Diversity and Political Ideology

Jul 21, 2024

Moral Diversity and Political Ideology


  • Story of Adam and Bill visiting Michelangelo's David.
    • Adam appreciates the art; Bill feels embarrassed.
    • Question posed: Who is more likely to vote for George Bush or Al Gore?

Personality Traits and Politics

  • Political stereotypes based on personality.
  • Liberals score higher on openness to experience.
    • Crave novelty, diversity, new ideas.
  • Conservatives prefer familiarity, safety, and dependability.

Openness to Experience

  • Explains behaviors and preferences.
    • Artists vs. accountants, book choices, travel, food preferences.
  • Openness linked to liberal/progressive views.
  • Ties to group membership and political ideology.

Ted Talk Audience Poll

  • Majority revealed to be liberal.
    • Few conservatives present.
    • Moral diversity concerns.
  • Shared values and team psychology shut down open-minded thinking.

Moral Matrix

  • Trapped in a moral matrix: analogy to the movie "The Matrix".
  • Choice between comforting delusions (blue pill) and moral psychology (red pill).
  • High openness to experience indicated preference for the red pill.

Understanding Morality and Innateness

  • Mind is not a blank slate at birth.
  • Gary Marcus: Brain's initial organization slightly dependent on experience.
    • Brain as a 'first draft' revised by experience.

Five Foundations of Morality

  1. Harm/Care
  • Mammalian bonding, compassion, aversion to harm.
  1. Fairness/Reciprocity
  • Golden Rule, societal justice, reciprocity in humans.
  1. Ingroup Loyalty
  • Tribal living history, pleasure in group belonging, sports as a form of ancient tribal drives.
  1. Authority/Respect
  • Respect and voluntary deference, unlike power-based authority in other primates.
  1. Purity/Sanctity
  • Ideologies of controlling body and actions for virtue, moralizing food by the political left.

Cultural and Political Differences

  • Moral Mind as Audio Equalizer
    • Questionnaire results from 30,000+ people showed distinct patterns.
    • Liberals focus on harm/care and fairness/reciprocity.
    • Conservatives value all five moral foundations.
  • Global consistency: Same patterns observed in multiple countries.
  • Conservatives emphasize ingroup, authority, and purity more than liberals.
  • Experimental analogy with dog breed preferences reflecting political orientations.

Importance of Group Dynamics

  • Co-operative dilemmas solved through punishment and social norms.
  • Examples from historical and contemporary research.
  • Religion's role in social cohesion and moral behavior.

Liberal vs. Conservative Values

  • Liberals: Diversity, questioning authority, individual body autonomy.
  • Conservatives: Order, tradition, stability.
  • Balance needed for societal function: Liberal pursuit for change and justice vs. conservative pursuit for order and tradition.

Philosophical Insights

  • Importance of balance (Yin-Yang, Hinduism, Buddhism).
  • Stepping outside moral battles can foster understanding and constructive engagement.
  • Harmonizing pursuits of change and stability.
  • Moral humility key to bridging divides.


  • Engage in the pursuit of truth and positive change.
  • Step out of moral matrices to understand differing perspectives.
  • Cultivate moral humility for effective and sustainable solutions.