Getting Started with Google Sheets

Sep 16, 2024

Google Sheets Overview


  • Google Sheets is free spreadsheet software.
  • Helps in getting insights from data.
  • Aims to cover basics, formulas, functions, charts, pivot tables, and data collection from forms.
  • Uses official Google training for deeper learning.

Accessing Google Sheets

  • Go to and click the app launcher (top right).
  • Create a free Google account if not already have one.
  • Access Google Sheets via:
    • App launcher icon.
    • Directly at
    • Google Drive -> New -> Spreadsheet.
    • Use URL for a new blank spreadsheet.

Start Page

  • Options: Create a new workbook or use templates from the template gallery.
  • Recent files are available for quick access.
  • Can upload existing spreadsheets in Excel format.

Creating a New Workbook

  • Title your workbook (e.g., "cookie sales analysis").
  • Save location in My Drive; use 'Star' to easily access important files.
  • Cloud icon indicates automatic saving.
  • Offline access requires an extension.

Data Entry Basics

  • Cells: Intersection of columns (letters) and rows (numbers).
  • Entering Data:
    • Use Tab or Right Arrow to move across cells.
    • Use Enter or Down Arrow to move down.
    • Smart Fill: Highlight two cells with a month pattern, drag down to fill.
  • Randomizing Data: Right-click to randomize selected data range.
  • Format numbers as needed (remove decimals, adjust alignment).
  • Adjust column widths automatically.

Analyzing Data

  • Use Conditional Formatting to visually analyze performance (e.g., good sales in green, bad in red).
  • Hide unnecessary columns if not needed for reports.
  • Update and modify data easily (e.g., rearranging columns).

Formulas and Functions

  • Basic calculations using formulas:
    • Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division.
  • Use functions like SUM to calculate values easily.
  • Functions can reference cell values dynamically.
  • Absolute References: Lock cell references using dollar signs ($).
  • Named ranges for frequently used values to simplify formulas.

Using VLOOKUP Function

  • VLOOKUP allows searching a value in a table and returning a corresponding value.
  • Example: Find sales in a specific month.
  • Dynamic reference adjustment when searching for different months.

Organizing Data with Sheets

  • Ability to create multiple sheets within a workbook.
  • Rename and reorder sheets for better organization.

Sorting and Filtering Data

  • Sort data without affecting other data columns.
  • Create filter views to save specific data views for future use.

Visualizing Data

  • Insert charts to visualize data trends.
  • Chart types include column, line, and pie charts; customizable chart titles and styles.
  • Charts update automatically with data changes.

Advanced Data Analysis with Pivot Tables

  • Create pivot tables to easily analyze large datasets.
  • Drag and drop functionality to organize and summarize data.
  • Filter and calculate totals for quick insights.

Collecting Data with Google Forms

  • Google Forms integration for collecting data directly into Sheets.
  • Example: Survey for favorite cookies.

Collaboration and Sharing

  • Share sheets with others via email or link.
  • Set permissions (view, comment, edit).
  • Real-time collaboration with chat and comment features.
  • Version history to track changes and revert if necessary.


  • Recommended to explore free learning resources for further Google Sheets education.
  • Encourage subscription for more educational content.