Traders this video is an introduction to the options data and tools now available to you on trading View and these tools will only get more advanced and more comprehensive over time for example if you head to and hover your mouse over products you'll see that we have an options product now available to you it is currently in beta so please keep that in mind this will only get better now the first thing you will notice is that there is a strategy Builder and that is exactly what it sounds like you get to build the option strategy that is of interest to you depending on where you think a symbol will go next now keep in mind the exact symbol that you're creating an option strategy for can be seen right here in the search box which we can click and we can see all of these symbols listed currently there are only a specific amount of symbols listed in the search box and over time more symbols will be added so we just clicked spy which is the S&P 500 ETF it's rather large and it's traded often and now that we have this symbol selected depending on where we think it will go next we can build a strategy for it if we want we can filter for bullish strategies neutral strategies or bearish strategies we will go through these strategies in a little more detail but let us first just show you that the visual here is being calculated depending on the exact options contract you're trading so you can see expiration date July 19th 2024 why don't we push this back to September 30th 2024 and the contract suddenly adjusts because now it is calculating the trade and strategy that you are putting on for the Spy ETF dependent on a September 30th expiration date but more importantly we have our strike price selected of $545 remember this is a bullish trade but if we want it to be even more bullish maybe we think the S&P 500 spy ETF will go to 600 we can do that as well and the visual will adjust accordingly for us also you get to control how big of a position you are researching or trading so let's add 10 let's let's do 100 contracts that works we've also got Vega and the various Greeks available to you you can learn more about that in our help center we'll have more videos on our YouTube channel that go into them in deep detail but for first let us show you what the visualization is showing you just by hovering your mouse over it the orange orange dotted line is showing you Vega or the Greek you have selected so if we click Theta now the orange dotted line is showing us Theta the blue dotted line is showing us our current p&l and the green line here is showing our expiration profit and loss and when it's red it's showing our expiration profit and loss in this case it's just a loss that's why it's red but it goes green once it breaks even now by the way you can see that data down here as well underlying price so this is the price of the symbol your max profit your max loss your win rate and your break even rate keep in mind that your max loss here in this specific example because it's a call option it's going to cost us $40 to place this trade and that's the maximum we can lose but what's interesting about options is the max profit on this long call strategy is literally infinite meaning if this symbol just kept going up forever the essentially profit would just continue until this expiration date so you can visualize all of this and see this data depending on the option strategy that you are looking to create by the way there's a create button here which we are going to get into but first we do want to head over to our super charts because it's pretty important that we show you just how much options data is here for you now that it's come to trading view so if you go up here to the symbol search and open up the symbol search you can actually see there's a new filter that has been shown here it says options we can click options and we can see the options contracts available to us now as mentioned these options contracts are only going to expand over time you can see for now that for charting these options option contracts right now we have NSE these are specific nifty50 index options so we can click this options contract and here's the contract showing to us over time perhaps what's rather interesting as well is that let's actually go to a daily chart is that you can change this chart and customize it and perform technical analysis on it just as you would any other chart for example you could draw on this chart you could do anything you wish with all of your drawing tools with your indicators and as well if you prefer not to see the chart as candlesticks you can just do a line chart or some of the other chart types available to you so many of you will probably find this of use or interest if you wish to chart an options contract alongside the Strate strategy Builder and calculations that you're doing about each specific options trade that you have in mind by the way it does get better because if we for example head to the Tesla symbol page which we can type Tesla into the search box here's Tesla click C overview you'll now also see an options button here which we can click and the options button is going to show us the options chain for Tesla and naturally we can change this Chain by selecting specific expiration dates as needed and if we scroll down we'll get an implied volatility chart also dependent on the expiration date that we select by the way you can overlay different implied volatility curves on top of one another so you can get this comprehensive visual of different options trades over specific expiration dates and their implied volatility and then of course there's an ATM implied volatility term structure that you can also see for this specific symbol so now that we have shown you the basics of options on trading view why don't we end this video by going back to our strategy Builder so that you really know how to utilize it because keep in mind that from the strategy Builder you can access the specific options chain for the symbol you have have selected as well as a volatility visual as well and you can change this and layer on different volatility curves depending on the expiration date going back to the strategy Builder it is time though now to show you that you can create store and track all of your strategies so this is a long call strategy for the S&P 500 spy ETF we've got our specific inputs typed in here let's change this size to 100 and keep in mind that when we create this contract it is going to be created with these inputs in mind and this visual showing us the trade so let's click create this is a long call spy example for our YouTube YouTube video now you're going to want to make sure you write out really specific names because you can imagine if you create and save a lot of option strategies you're going to want to make sure they have names that you can see so before I show you some of the ways you can edit these strategies let me just continue to add strategies short call example spy so that this way you can get a feel for the type of strategies you can track create and manage right from the strategy Builder so long calls Condor spy example so we've now created three different strategies that we're tracking we've got the first strategy that we made this was the long call example that we made earlier in the video you can see our call here strike expiration size price we can also edit this by the way by clicking this little icon here to pull up the edit position menu and we can change the strike price the expiration date the size we can also click puts as well the choice is ultimately ours there's also the ability to modify these specific strategies not only from editing the original inputs that you added but also the capability to add positions to the strategy so if you decide that this long call trade is not what you're looking for you can click the plus sign here why don't we layer in a put of sorts here so let's just layer in a put and now we've got a call and a put in this strategy and of course we may want to rename it now long call put and now what we've done is we've just built a new strategy managing it all from our strategy Builder specifically for spy keep in mind here's our short call example remember we just made this a second ago and here's our long calls Condor example as well we just made that a second ago now what is rather interesting is that you can also chart multiple strategies here and the specific options data around them combining them onto one graphic for really complex options trades and different types of Trades you're looking to manage or research you can see here there's this icon and that allows you to create this graphic here with different strategies all layered on at once now pay close attention here because if we go to a new symbol for example here's meta previously known as Facebook you'll see our strategy Builder opens back up and if we click create well why don't we go to let's say let's say we want to place a neutral trade rather interesting about options you can trade depending on if you think things will go sideways long Iron Butterfly click create let's just do meta example click save and now you can see here we have our long Iron Butterfly meta example now if we go back to Tesla well guess what we can actually also create additional strategies but all of the strategies that we have created are essentially still going to be there so bull put spread Tesla example click save so as you can see here this is our Tesla trade here but let's go back to spy and now look at our spy trades so we can go to meta here's our meta option strategies we can go to Tesla here's our Tesla slot option strategies we can go the Spy here's our spy option strategies and we can add strategies to our strategy Builder as much as we please by clicking the add strategy button and then selecting the strategy that we're wishing to look for by the way you can also build strategies from scratch so if you don't want any input you just want to experiment with this visual experiment with the different inputs we can say this you know let's call this a blank strategy Builder Test example so this is just an example where making for all of our YouTube viewers and here we are we have quite literally a blank strategy we can click this plus and we can start to add in the contracts that we wish to add to this specific position and then create the visual from scratch so ladies and gentlemen with that being said this is the all new options product on trading view which once again can be accessed from the products drop down here and clicking options but of course you can also find these specific options data on the symbol page here's the S&P 500 spy ETF we can click options and here's an options chain and of course if we go to seon super charts we can also open up here let's just create one giant chart here let's go ahead and click options spy options I'm not exactly come to the Chart yet it's still in beta coming soon and now we can chart specific options contracts as well as needed so this is a 10minute chart of Bank Nifty index options July 3rd 2024 call this is a new tool that is coming to all of you on trading View and all of the members who love options so please we hope that you enjoyed this video you learned something new you're getting started with our options product please leave any questions or comments below let us know what you think and by the way in future videos we are going to make additional deep dives into our option tools how they work what they mean and how to get started so thanks so much for watching