Ultimate C++ Course

Jul 15, 2024

Ultimate C++ Course


  • Instructor: Mosh Hamadani
  • Background: Software engineer with 20+ years of experience
  • Course Platform: codewithmosh.com

Course Overview

This course covers everything from basics to advanced C++ concepts.

  • No prior knowledge required: Suitable for beginners
  • Course Structure: Well organized, step-by-step learning from zero to hero
  • Learning Outcome: Write C++ code with confidence
  • Audience: Ideal for anyone looking for a comprehensive, easy-to-follow course

Why Learn C++?

  1. Popular Language: Used for performance-critical applications, video games, device drivers, web browsers, servers, operating systems.
  2. Used by Major Companies: Adobe, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, NASA, etc.
  3. Updated Regularly: New version every three years; latest is C++20.
  4. Efficiency: C++ is fast and memory efficient, advantageous over Java and C#.
  5. Influential: Many languages (C#, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Dart, etc.) are influenced by C++.
  6. Career Opportunities: High job prospects and salary.

Key Areas to Master in C++

  1. The Language: Syntax and grammar.
  2. Standard Library (STL): Pre-written C++ code for common functionalities.

Tools for C++ Development

  1. IDEs (Integrated Development Environments):
    • Microsoft Visual Studio (Community Edition): Windows, free.
    • Xcode: macOS, free.
    • CLion: Cross-platform, trial or paid.
  2. IDE Features: Contains editor, build and debugging tools.
  3. Recommended: CLion for ease of use.

Setting Up IDE and Writing First Program

  • Steps to write the first C++ program in CLion.
    1. Create a new project in CLion.
    2. Specify project settings: Language standard (C++20).
    3. Understanding main.cpp: Writing and understanding basic C++ code.
    4. Functions: Main function returning int for success indication.
    5. Output: Using std::cout for printing to the console.

Formatting and Running Code

  1. Proper Formatting: Use consistent, professional formatting.
  2. Compiling and Running Code: Generate machine code and execute.
  3. Handle Errors & Debugging: Recognize and fix common syntax errors.

Writing First Program

  1. Basic Syntax: Writing int main(), using std::cout for output.
  2. Compile & Run: Understanding the process of compiling and running a simple 'Hello World' program.
  3. Common Errors: Fixing missing semicolons and other syntax issues.

Variables and Constants

  1. Declaring Variables: int fileSize = 100; (use meaningful names).
  2. Initializing Variables: Best practices and significance.
  3. Constants: Prevent modifying values; using const keyword.
  4. Swapping Variable Values: Illustrative example.

Naming Conventions

  1. Variable Naming: Use meaningful names (e.g., fileSize, not fs).
  2. Common Conventions: Snake case (file_size), Pascal case (FileSize), camel case (fileSize).

Mathematical Expressions and Operators

  1. Basic Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
  2. Modulus Operator: Returns the remainder of the division.
  3. Increment/Decrement: Using ++ and -- operators.
  4. Order of Operations: Applying parentheses for clarity.

Input and Output in Console

  1. Output: Using std::cout for console output.
  2. Input: Using std::cin for user inputs.
  3. Handling Multiple Inputs: Using chained std::cin.
  4. Exercise: Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion.

Standard Library and Common Functions

  1. Mathematical Functions: floor, ceil, pow (power).
  2. Strings and Characters: Basic manipulation and usage.
  3. Comments: Use comments for clarity, not redundancy.
  4. Avoiding Magic Numbers: Use constants for readability.

Generating Random Numbers

  1. Including Required Libraries: cstdlib, ctime.
  2. Using rand() and srand(): Seeding the random generator.
  3. Limiting Random Numbers: Using modulus operator (%).
  4. Practical Example: Creating a dice rolling program.

Data Types and Initialization

  1. Basic Types: int, double, float, char, bool.
  2. Initialization Methods: Direct, auto keyword, brace initializer.
  3. Type Conversion and Data Loss: Narrowing vs. widening conversions.
  4. Number Systems: Decimal, binary (0b), hexadecimal (0x).

Conclusion and Next Steps

  • Extended Learning: Complete C++ series with advanced topics (classes, exceptions, templates, containers).
  • Practical Uses: Apply C++ skills to real-world scenarios (e.g., game development with Unreal Engine).

Additional Resources

  • Course Notes and Cheat Sheet: Available for download.
  • Further Support: Like, share, and subscribe for more tutorials.

Next Section

  • Fundamental Data Types: Continue learning about number types, booleans, characters, strings, and arrays.