hello everyone in this week's video I'm going to try to learn how to make 3D art for a while now I've wanted to learn how to make 3D objects however I'm always pushing it off or I can't seem to find time for it but I knew that if I made a video on this subject I'd be able to dedicate time to it and would be more likely to not give up on it the program I'm going to be learning to use to make art in 3D is blender it is a totally free software that is actually pretty powerful and popular it's great for a person like me who wants to try 3D modeling without having to invest money into it plus there are loads of online tutorials that can help me learn speaking of tutorials I watched a ton of them before jumping in that way I kind of knew what I was getting myself into some tutorials that I found that really helped me were made by ruer they have a handful of helpful beginner tutorials I was also using this video by the official clip Studio paint Channel as my main inspiration since my hope is to make 3D background assets for my future projects also this video isn't really a tutorial I will share information and how I do things for some parts but I'm more just sharing my overall learning process with you I will try my best to link tutorials that helped me so you can watch those if you want so this is blender and it feels very overwhelming there are so many buttons and things to click on to help keep things simple I tried to just focus on basic tools or features that I would need to use instead of trying to learn the whole software at once I learned that the main tools I'll be using is the extrude and scale tools to use these first I need to switch to edit mode up here we have different select modes like vertex select Edge select and face select face select lets me select a whole side so I want this one if I select a side and hold down e on my keyboard I can extrude from the base Cube and then if I hold down s to scale I can make the face larger or smaller by simply using these two features you can make all kinds of different shapes before jumping into my main idea I wanted to try making something simple and import it into clip Studio paint I wanted to make sure this whole process worked and that I was able to do it before sinking a ton of time into it so we are going to start by making something very exciting a table please remember I am a beginner so we're going to make beginner objects that are very simple when I'm adding shapes I'm holding shift and a on my keyboard This brings up the drop- down menu and I select a new shape from it to change the base shapes I use the scale tool and to move them around I use the move tool now just to have fun an experiment I did want to try adding some details to this basic table to do this I'm going to use the loop cut tool I can make multiple cuts by holding down crlr and scrolling on my mouse wheel also to be honest I'm making sure to include the keyboard shortcuts in this video so I can also refer to this video in the future in case I forget things it's kind of a way for me to document what I learned by making there be multiple Cuts in the shape I can move these points around play around with the scale and kind of just make the shape more interesting now that I was happy with my simple table I export the file as an fbx so that I can import it into the clip Studio paint modeler the modeler is free to use with clip Studio paint if you have it downloaded on your computer you can find it in the CSP launcher in this area the modeler will allow me to turn my 3D models into clip Studio paint material once it is open I want to create a 3D object so I make sure to select this option to import my model I click the little tree and then add from file I find the file on my computer and open it my table looks a bit odd but it'll look more normal once it's in clip Studio paint because then it'll have shading applied to it I just need to register it as a material I go to this tab and click here to make a thumbnail for my material then I go to file and register as new material when doing this I need to pick an area where the material will be saved and it's now ready to go now I can go into clip Studio paint and we can see that I have the table overall it's not too bad I think let's see what it looks like next to a person oh okay uh so the table is huge thankfully I can scale it down within clip Studio paint also I am using clip Studio paint ex so if you're using Pro there may be some features that I use that you don't have I'm not sure about all the differences between the versions uh but you can see them on the clip Studio paint website okay so this isn't looking too bad but I am noticing that my model has a lot of edges in it and when I convert my model into line art I don't like having all these little Ridges at first I tried going back to my model and blender and setting it to be shaded smoothly I redid the export and material creation process and then re it back into clip Studio paint and I do feel like this was an improvement but I didn't love it and honestly ly I spent a good amount of time trying to find a solution for this but I just couldn't find a way to render the circular objects in a way that I liked once I extracted the line work so in my frustration I was like fine I'm going to make a square table instead I just wanted to make sure I could make a model that reacted properly to the extract Line work function in clip Studio paint it makes using 3D models a lot faster since I can just turn the models into line art and then color them I'll often do this for my web comic like this chair is a 3D model that converted to line art and then colored and thankfully with the square table I had no issues the line work extracted from it looks really clean and I was able to color it super easily so now that I saw that I could make this work I was going to move on to my more complicated project idea but then I remembered that the object I'm making is very rounded so I need to figure out how to make rounded objects display properly and not look weirdly smooth or too edgy and well after a good amount of digging through tutorials I found a solution that is actually pretty easy you select the shape go to object data properties normals and then make sure this is checked this moves out the edges but also keeps some edges intact so if I import this model into clip Studio paint we can see that it doesn't have a bunch of ridges in it but it's also not overly smooth yay a part of me was a little annoyed that the solution to my problem was so easy but I'm also really glad I found the solution to this it's now just what I want and I can easily convert it to line art and color it also I'm sorry to people that use blender and are probably in agony about me not knowing really basic things I'm trying my best now that I know how to get this process to work I can move on to my big idea the main reason I want to learn how to make my own objects is I want to make custom buildings for my fairy fantasy story that I'm working on because it's a fantasy world with more specific details it's harder to find 3D models that fit my needs compared to my web comic that takes place in just the normal world for the fairies they make their houses look like other objects to protect them from predators like this one is going to be modeled after a mushroom I did design a mushroom house in a different video but that one felt a bit too simple so I wanted to try designing something a bit more complicated this will be a three-level home and it has a wraparound balcony also I brought and Alfred help me scale the door and other details properly I found bringing in the character really helps when proportioning house details because then I have something to compare to for the roof I want to add a kind of Chimney sort of thing and a window that bumps out of the roof to help indicate that it's another floor and so yeah here is my sketch and I will be bringing it into blender but before going back to blender I wanted to work on the textures I plan to apply to my model in this video the people took drawn textures and applied them to the model to help I have a more drawn look I thought this was neat and wanted to try it however when I started working on the textures for the walls I noticed that I may be jumping ahead I wasn't sure how I would need to lay out the textures for the model so I decided to go back to blender and start making the model to bring in my sketch for me to reference I press shift a on my keyboard and then go to image and then select reference I find my file on my computer and now it's in blender I adjust the image so it is straight and is on the ground so to speak I also move it a bit back so it's not getting in the way for my first shape I'm going to use a cylinder since this is the closest shape to the base of the mushroom I extend the mushroom upwards and add some Cuts in it so that I can have more points to move around I turn on proportional editing to make it easier to get a smooth curve in the shape of the mushroom I wanted to go in for some areas and out in others to help the shape feel more fun and mushroom like I try to make sure to make a habit of rotating around my shape to make sure I'm keeping all angles in mind with 2D art I only have to worry about one angle but in this case I have to worry about all of them it's kind of a different thought process and now we have the base and next is the roof this time I'm going to use a sphere I go into the wireframe mode to make it easier to select the bottom half to get rid of the lower half I right click and select dissolve vertices now we have something closer to the shape of a mushroom cap I select the whole shape and scale it around to make it more like the shape in my drawing also to quickly make it so I looking at my model from straight on I click on the X over here these are very helpful when I want to look straight on at my model to make the bottom side a little bit more rounded I select the bottom face and use the bevel tool to Bevel The Edge now I just align the roof of the base and it is done next is the balcony and I was a bit nervous for this part first I made the base using a cylinder this part was the most easy and simple next was adding the railing I am using a Taurus for this it's basically a dut shape this was tricky at first because I couldn't figure out how to make the hole of the Taurus larger so that the railing is thinner after going through some tutorials I learned that you need to change this when you make the Taurus in this window over here I honestly never noticed this little window that would pop up when I was making the shapes but yeah it's pretty nifty and let's you change stuff about the shapes so now I have the railing but now is the truly complicated part the little posts that connect the railing to the balcony I technically just needed a bunch of thin cylinders but I figured there was an easier way to go about making a fence instead of copying and pasting and manually placing them so first I needed to make my base piece it's just a simple small cylinder then I need to add a modif I select the array modifier this allows me to make copies of the base piece uh first they were using the X Factor but to me that didn't seem to be the right direction so I switched it to the Y factor I learned later that this is wrong so don't do this anyways to make the pieces follow a shape I need to add the curve modifier I need a curve for my pieces to follow so I make one similar to how I make new shapes then I go back to my fence pieces and select the Curve I made and as you can see this is not working like I said using the Y factor in this case was not correct I needed to go back to using the X Factor now they are following the circle and to make them go all the way around I simply increase the number of them and TAA now we have a balcony now that I have the basic shapes in place I felt like I could go back to my texture map and finish the textures for the kind of paneling texture I'm going to have it fade out so it doesn't doesn't have harsh edges I will add the texture to the mushroom in some spots and have it kind of just fade out instead of having it be a consistent texture all over the mushroom so to add the texture I select my shape and from the drop- down menu I choose unwrap I then go to the UV editing tab this is the UV map I played around with it a bit off camera so that's why it's got some squares out of place so first I need to import my texture image once my image is imported we need to make it so it appears on the model to do this I need to go to material properties and create a new material over in this window we can see the material next I need to make a texture material and I select the image one from this button I select my texture then I just click and drag to make the color and base color of the materials connect now we can see my material on my object but it's not looking right to make my texture appear where I want it I drag around the squares of the UV map to the areas of the texture I want them to display like I want these squares to display the door this part felt fun and cool I liked seeing the texture appear in real time now this part was also pretty complicated and took me a few tries to get it right but I'm not going to make you watch all of that because it's kind of boring and repetitive I'm kind of just dragging around the squares and trying to make things look right after a while the model eventually looked like this now now that I had the base very much in place I wanted to add the extra details for the chimney thing I use a cylinder to make it Bend I use the spin tool when using this you have to make sure to move your set cursor location and to make the cylinder spin the correct way I set it to X in this case for the top I just made a copy of the roof and made it really tiny it looks so cute next was the window that bumps out for this I thought I could just use a cube that's cut in the middle to make it have a pointed shape like a little roof but I learned that my texture doesn't apply right when I do things like this so I made another square that had the roof being extruded piece from the base it is interesting trying to keep in mind how the textures will flow with the shape of the polygons and that's definitely something new I'm learning next was the final step for making this model and honestly I thought this was going to be pretty simple and easy but like everything else it was complicated and gave me trouble so I added the texture to the mushroom help it feel more drawing like but I want to add some depth to the doors and windows so they don't feel so flat so I go in with the knife tool and Trace out the shape of the door that way I can extrude the shape into the model however whenever I did this the cut always had a strange effect on the polygons when I would extrude the door shape I kind of played around with this for a while to see if I could make it not do this but I couldn't figure it out I thought maybe in clip CE paint this wouldn't look as bad so I decided to keep pushing forward also if you use blender and have any tips I'd love to hear them I could use all the help I can get and any tips or advice Are Much appreciated a part of me wonders if maybe I need to be working at a higher polygon count for this to work that way the model can have more forms to work with when I'm extruding the shapes but I may be wrong after extruding some of the areas I decided to export the model and see how I was looking it in clip Studio paint and yeah it was pretty bad the door and window geometry looks pretty rough also for some reason the balcony and the railing pieces keep being blacked out and I can't figure out why I tried a few different things but they just keep looking like this and I can't find any solutions online there isn't a ton of info that I can find about importing 3D objects in the clip Studio paint so when something goes wrong it's really hard for me to figure out how to fix it at this point I was kind of feeling like I failed thankfully I did save an earlier version of my model that had the flat doors and windows I decided I was going to just use this as my finished model so I did the process of exporting it and bringing it into the modeler to make it into a material and now it's in clip Studio paint since the doors and windows are flat and the balcony keeps being blacked out I can't really just turn it into line art like I was hoping to however I can draw over the model by drawing over the model myself I can add depth to the different items and make things how I want them I am kind of sad I'm not able to Simply use the model to extract line art from but at the same time the extracted Line work wouldn't look very sketchy or waterc colory I plan to use a watercolor art style for the fairy story so me drawing over the model probably would help it fit in more and even though I have to draw over the model having it as a base does help a lot and definitely speeds things up it will also help me to be more consistent between drawings now some people might be like hey that's cheating you should draw everything from scratch not draw over models and to those of you possibly thinking that my reply is 3D models have become a very large tool for Comic creators just go read some web tunes and you'll notice that a lot of them use 3D backgrounds they are a tool that can really help artist save a lot of time and when you're drawing hundreds of panels for a story you have to be smart about how you spend your time plus to be able to incorporate 3D models with your art you still have to have a good understanding of perspective and how objects appear in a 3D space or else things can get really wonky really fast like if I didn't understand how objects work in 3D I wouldn't be able to add more depth to the doors and windows they would still look super flat so yeah I don't really see it as cheating it's more of just a way to save time when you're creating a bunch of art for a comic and especially since I'm the the one that made the model overall I think for this being my first real project in blender it turned out decently it was definitely frustrating at times but also really fun it's always rewarding learning new things and trying to apply the things you learn to your projects especially since blender has been something I've been wanting to learn for years now at this point so it was really neat actually learning it please let me know if you want to see more videos on this subject I have a bunch of other 3D things I want to make like Silva's Castle that would be a huge project but also probably pretty cool so yeah let me know if you want to see more videos on 3D modeling maybe sometime I'll try to tackle a character and here is the art I was able to make with my 3D model I'm pretty pleased with the result and I hope you all like it as well before we end I want to thank my wonderful YouTube members and patreon patrons for their support it means so much to me and thank you for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you all next week in my next video bye