CS50 - Week 3 Lecture Notes

Jun 28, 2024

CS50 Lecture Notes - Week 3

Recap of Week 0

  • Representation of Information: Discussed how information is represented in computers.
  • Algorithms: Used examples like tearing a phone book to create algorithms.
  • Efficiency: Focused on analyzing the efficiency of these algorithms.

Revisiting the Phone Book Example

  • Algorithm Analysis:
    • Algorithm 1: One page at a time => Linear (O(n))
    • Algorithm 2: Two pages at a time => Still O(n)
    • Algorithm 3: Tearing in half => Logarithmic (O(log n))
  • Efficiency Metrics: X-axis is problem size, Y-axis is time required.
  • Importance of design and efficiency in algorithms.

Computer Memory

  • Grid of Bytes: Inside your computer's memory (RAM), everything is stored in a grid of bytes.
  • Abstracting Away Hardware: We look at memory as an array of bytes where each byte could store various data types (char, int, string).

Arrays and Indices

  • Arrays allow storing sequences of elements (characters, integers).
  • Indices: Used to access elements in the array starting from 0.
  • Example of finding a value in an array through iterative checking.

Linear Search Algorithm

  • Pseudocode: For each door from left to right, check if the value is behind the door.
  • Step-by-Step Process: Open door, check value, repeat until found or end of array.
  • Problem if using an else statement incorrectly: Could prematurely cancel search.
  • Efficiency: O(n) in the worst case.

Binary Search Algorithm

  • Example Demonstration: Volunteers dividing and conquering a sorted array to find a number.
  • Pseudocode:
    • Search middle, if not middle, check if less or greater and continue.
    • Always dividing array in half until the value is found or array is empty.
  • Efficiency: O(log n) in the worst case for sorted arrays.

Formalizing Algorithm Efficiency

  • Big O Notation: Used for analyzing the upper bound of an algorithm.
  • Examples:
    • Linear Search is O(n)
    • Binary Search is O(log n)
  • Graphical Representation: Showed how the shapes of these curves differ fundamentally.
  • Lower Bound (Omega): Describes the best-case scenario of an algorithm.
  • Theta Notation: When upper and lower bounds are the same.

Arrays of Strings

  • Comparison of Strings: Using strcmp function for proper comparison.
  • String Arrays as Phonebook: Demonstrated practical use with names and numbers.
  • Segmentation Faults: Explained common reasons related to memory and array bounds.

Structs in C

  • Data Structures: Introduced typedef struct to define new types in C.
  • Example: Creating a person type with name and number fields.
  • Usage Example: Building a phone book with an array of person structs.

Sorting Algorithms

Selection Sort

  • Concept: Repeatedly finding the smallest element and moving to the sorted portion.
  • Efficiency: O(n^2) in all cases (worst, best) since always scanning entire list.

Bubble Sort

  • Concept: Repeatedly swapping adjacent elements if they are out of order.
  • Efficiency: Also O(n^2) in worst case but can be optimized for best case already sorted (O(n)).

Merge Sort

  • Concept: Divide and conquer by recursively splitting list into halves and then merging sorted halves.
  • Efficiency: O(n log n) in both worst and best cases because dividing and merging are efficient.
  • Implementation: Must use more memory for intermediate arrays.


  • Definition: Functions calling themselves with a base case to stop.
  • Example Review: Recursive draw function for pyramid (base case when pyramid height is zero).
  • Google's Recursion Easter Egg: Fun example of recursion in Google search.
  • Merge Sort Using Recursion: Efficient sorting by recursively dividing the list and merging.

Efficiency Differences Visualized

  • Comparison Video: Demonstrated visual differences in efficiency using actual sorting algorithms.
  • Conclusion: Merge sort is more efficient than selection or bubble sorts for large data but requires more memory.

Summary & Final Thoughts

  • Sorting and searching algorithms are foundational in computer science.
  • Big O notation helps us understand and compare their efficiencies.
  • Understanding algorithm efficiency and practical implementation can greatly improve performance in software.