Transcript for:
Ocena znajomości angielskiego słownictwa

I've got 15 words- and if you know all of them, your English vocab is better than 97% of people worldwide. In other words you're an English  vocab pro. So, do you think you're in the top   3% of English speakers? Let's find out. Here's  how this is going to work: I'll show you a word, and then I'll give you three choices.   And your job is to pick the best definition. Got it?  We'll start with five medium difficulty words and  work our way up. Here's word number one:   Value. Value. Does this word mean hope, worth or uncertainty? If something has value  that means it's useful in some way   or that it can be exchanged for money  cars tend to lose their value over time   word number two sustain sustain does  this mean to support to weaken or to finish to sustain something means to  support it or to keep it going over   time Runners need to sustain their energy  in order to finish a marathon word number   three various various and does this  mean different the same or confusing if something is various that means  it includes several different types   of things you can buy various kinds of  food at a supermarket word number four   emphasize emphasize and does this  mean to highlight to remove or to diminish to emphasize something means to  give special importance to it the teacher   emphasized the need to study before the exam   word number five typical typical and  does this mean ordinary expensive or complicated if something is typical it's  ordinary there's nothing unusual about   it it was a typical day I got up I went to  work I came home same old same old okay five   questions down did you get them all right I  hope so now let's try some slightly tougher   words here we go word number six blunt blunt  and does this mean sharp straightforward or foolish if someone is blunt they speak  in a direct and straightforward way   Catherine was blunt about her opinions  even if they upset others word number   seven seven consequence consequence  and does this mean cause result or ignorance a consequence is the result of  an action or a choice and it's usually a   bad result the consequence of skipping class  was that John failed his course word number   eight strain strain and does this mean to  relax to look down on or to make a great effort to strain means to exert physical  or mental effort often to the point of   difficulty or even pain Jack strained his  back while lifting those heavy boxes word   number nine authentic authentic and does  this mean unoriginal genuine or serious if something is authentic it's genuine  or real not a copy experts confirmed   that the painting was authentic  word number 10 evolve evolve and   does this mean to remain the same  to change gradually or to fall apart to evolve means to change over time often  from something simple to something more complex   since the 1980s information technology  has evolved rapidly excellent work you've   11 blly blly and does this mean carefree and  cheerful serious and somber or confident and experienced if someone is Blye they're cheerful  and unconcerned when they probably shouldn't be   Mary kept SP spending money blindly even though  her bank account was almost empty word number 12   ambiguous ambiguous and does this mean identical  overworked and exhausted or open to more than one interpretation if something is ambiguous it  can be understood in more than one way the   essay instructions were ambiguous so Jennifer  asked for more specific details word number 13   facilitate facilitate and does this mean  to make longer to make easier or to make stronger to facilitate something means  to make it easier to do or to finish   the new software will facilitate  communication between team members   word number 14 succinct succinct  and does this mean brief vague or condescending if something is succinct  it's brief and clear her explanation   was succinct and covered all the main  points without unnecessary information   and finally word number 15 ISU ISO and  is this mean to undo to avoid or to promote to isue means to deliberately  avoid or give up something Zach decided   to isue social media so he could focus on  preparing for medical school did you know   all 15 words amazing I hope you leave  a comment below and let me know and   whatever your score you should feel very  proud of yourself for taking this quck   is because you are working to improve your  English and that's what really counts don't   forget to hit that subscribe button for more  English learning content and I'll see you soon