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Steps for Intradermal Injection Procedure
Sep 11, 2024
Intradermal Injection Procedure
Prepare medication for only one patient at a time.
Use aseptic technique.
Avoid distractions and interruptions.
Patient Verification
Review the patient's medication order.
Compare medication label against the Medication Administration Record (MAR) twice during preparation.
Verify the medication a third time at the patient's bedside.
Check medication expiration date when retrieving it.
Administer medication at the correct time according to agency policy.
Non-time-critical medications should be given within 1-2 hours of the scheduled dose.
Six Rights of Medication Administration
Apply the six rights when preparing the injection away from the bedside.
Label the syringe properly.
Patient Interaction
Perform hand hygiene and ensure privacy.
Introduce yourself to the patient and identify them using two identifiers.
Ask if the patient has any allergies.
Discuss medication purpose, action, and side effects.
Allow patient to ask questions.
Inform the patient of possible sensations (e.g., burning or stinging).
Instruct the patient to report itching or shortness of breath.
Injection Site Selection
Raise the bed to a comfortable height if needed.
Drape a sheet or gown to cover unnecessary exposure.
Choose a site free of lesions and discoloration.
Select a site 3-4 finger widths below the antecubital space and 1 hand width above the wrist.
Use the upper back if forearm is unsuitable.
Injection Procedure
Position the arm so the elbow and forearm are supported.
Apply clean gloves.
Clean the site with an antiseptic swab, circling outward about 2 inches (5 cm).
Remove the needle cap.
Hold syringe with dominant hand, needle bevel up.
Stretch skin taut with non-dominant hand.
Insert needle slowly at a 5-15 degree angle until resistance is felt.
Advance needle to a depth of about 1/8 inch (3 mm).
Medication Injection
Look for a slight bulge under the skin.
Inject slowly; feel for resistance.
If no resistance, needle may be too deep; withdraw and retry.
A quarter-inch bleb resembling a mosquito bite should appear.
Withdraw the needle and gently wipe the site; do not massage.
Dispose of needle and syringe in a sharps container.
Post-Injection Care
Ensure patient's comfort.
Perform hand hygiene.
Stay with the patient to monitor for allergic reactions.
Document medication administration in MAR, including injection site.
Follow-up in 15-30 minutes for acute pain, burning, numbness, or tingling.
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