Learning React Through 25 Projects

Aug 18, 2024

Master React by Building 25 Projects

Course Overview

  • Create 25 React projects from scratch.
  • Projects focused on interview preparation for frontend roles.
  • Each project associated with specific React concepts.

Project List

  1. Accordion

    • Single selection and multi-selection functionality.
  2. Random Color Generator

    • Generate random HEX and RGB colors.
  3. Star Rating

    • Implementation of star rating system.
  4. Image Slider

    • Fetch images from an API and implement slider functionality.
  5. Load More Data

    • Load additional data from API on button click.
  6. Nested Reviews or Dynamic Menus

    • Render nested reviews or dynamic navigation.
  7. QR Code Generator

    • Generate QR codes based on user input.
  8. Light and Dark Mode

    • Toggle between theme modes and save to local storage.
  9. Scroll Indicator

    • Show user scrolling progress on the page.
  10. Custom Tabs

    • Create reusable tab components.
  11. Custom Modal Popup

    • Implement modal functionality.
  12. GitHub Profile Finder

    • Search and fetch user profiles from GitHub API.
  13. Search Autocomplete

    • Implement autocomplete functionality based on user input.
  14. Tic Tac Toe Game

    • Build a simple game with X and O.
  15. Feature Flags

    • Implementation of feature toggles using an API response.
  16. Custom Hooks

    • Create and implement custom hooks:
      • useFetch
      • useClickOutside
      • useWindowResize
  17. Weather Application

    • Search and display weather info based on city.
  18. Food Recipe Application

    • Search for recipes and view details.
  19. Shopping Cart Application

    • Add to cart functionality using Redux toolkit.
  20. Basic Blog Application

    • Create a CRUD application with MongoDB and Express.

Key Concepts

  • Each project focuses on different concepts in React.
  • Emphasis on building reusable components.
  • Understanding how to interact with APIs and manage state effectively.
  • Usage of libraries like Axios, React Router, Tailwind CSS, and Chakra UI.

Next Steps

  • Begin with the first project: Create an Accordion component.
  • Follow along with coding examples and explanations.
  • Complete all projects for a comprehensive understanding of React.