Transcript for:
Running a Brand Strategy Session

Stephen Houraghan here at  and in this video you're going to learn how to run   a brand strategy session with this easy to follow  framework so you can produce strategic brands to   give your clients an edge now brand strategy  is an art in and of itself and any experienced   brand strategist will emphasize the importance of  processes if you skip or rush any of the critical   steps within your brand building process  then you're going to end up with a brand   that's misaligned or your brand strategy  is simply going to miss an opportunity   the key to a well-developed and well-strategized  brand is through the brand strategy process it's   through gathering that critical information and  then using that information to strategize the best   foot forward to bring the brand and the audience  together now in the last video we went through the   different approaches to the brand strategy session  we separated the face-to-face workshop with the   remote brand strategy session and we also went  through the different phases of the brand strategy   session itself through the discovery to the  research to the development so if you haven't seen   that video i'll leave a link in the description  below but regardless of which approach you're   going with this step-by-step process will help  you to run an effective brand strategy session   now phase one is the discovery phase and step one  is to schedule that appointment so what you want   to do is you want to be on the ball here with  your response chances are that your prospect   has engaged not just you but others in the market  as well and if you're not on the ball they will   organize a time with somebody else and that's the  foot in the door for the other agency or the other   specialist now i'm also not talking about being  needy here you're not you know responding to them   three four five times without response you want  to be swift and you want to be decisive in your   response give them two options within the next  week to schedule an appointment and that sense of   scarcity and urgency is far more likely to drive  action than just an open-ended question saying   tell me when you're available over the next  three or four weeks step number two prepare for   the session now in the discovery session itself  you're going to gather a lot of the information   that you need but you don't want to turn up  to your session unprepared you want to have an   understanding of the industry that your client is  in and the competitors within that space as well   and just speaking from that level of authority  and that level of understanding will help to   build that trust so have some basic preparation in  place so that you come across like you understand   the industry and that you've done a little bit of  groundwork step number three build rapport now of   course you want to come across as professional  you are positioning yourself in the market as   a specialist and an expert you really want that  authority but it's important not to come across   as a robot either so you really want to show your  human side so tell them a story about yourself or   a client or a friend that relates directly to  them but just give across that human side to you   that so that they can see that you're more than  just about business and if they need to pick up   the phone and call you and ask you a question  there's a human there that can talk to them and   explain the situation but that will really help  to build that rapport step number four list your   itinerary of critical information now you'll know  from your brand strategy framework here so that's   how you go about developing your brand strategies  what critical information you're going to need to   gather from your clients so you're going to need  information about their business about their   operations about their industry their market their  target audience their competitors now they're   not going to have a really really high level of  information at every different point here but it's   important that you gather from their perspective  what their idea of that information is and asking   open-ended questions about their business and  you know about their market is a really good way   for them to give you an expansive answer and you  can get a lot of insights from that information   as well so know the questions that you're going  to ask them and have that list of itinerary in   front of you step number five stay focused  on structure now it's really important that   within the discovery session you have structure  because there is specific information that you   need to gather some critical information that you  need to gather and if your prospect is talkative   if they like to talk about other areas of the  business that is not included in your list of   itinerary then they can sabotage that meeting  so it's important that you have that structure   in place and that you keep them on track but at  the same time you need to understand the balance   of building that rapport and allowing your client  to talk as well as keeping the session focused so   find that balance and make sure that you stay  focused on that structure step number six   identify a lack of clarity so you want to listen  to the responses of your client here and look for   ambiguity in their answers look for an element  of confusion within their answers so you want to   really dig deep into what they understand about  their business about you know their environment   and their market landscape their competitors  and if their answers are vague well then that   is a sign of confusion and a lack of clarity so an  example of this is if you ask about their audience   and they only have basic information like their  sex their gender their age etc well then you know   that's an area that you can dive deep into and  this is an opportunity to build more authority and   to build more trust with your client if you take  that lack of clarity that they have you identify   that lack of clarity and then you drill down on  the importance of that topic and expand on the   information that you're going to need to gather  that will help them to know that they are in good   hands step number seven is post session summary so  the goal of this step is twofold first of all you   want to clarify that you're on the same page in  terms of the information that you covered and you   also want to build empathy as well and you do that  by mirroring what they've said to you so repeating   the information that they've given you using  the words that they've used but also rephrasing   some of that information so that clarifies to  them that you've been listening to them and that   you really understand where they're coming from in  terms of their vision for the future their goals   and you know all the information that  they've given you about their business and   if you do this correctly if you mirror them in  the right way if you rephrase the information   then you'll also build that empathy as well  they'll feel that you really understand them   and that can help to build that rapport moving  on to phase number two and we dig deep now into   market research and step number eight is  developing your audience persona so you   want to take the information that you've learned  and that you've discovered through the discovery   session with your client and then you want  to double down on that so you want to dig   a lot deeper and really start to build a clear  profile of who this audience is so you can use   paid market research tools or use free software  such as social media platforms forums and review   sites and dig into exactly who this audience  is you want to understand their psychographics   and their demographics and then you want  to drill down further into their challenges   and their pain points the journey that they're on  to get to where they need this brand to where they   need the solution and the emotional investment  that they have as well step number nine to find   your audience's personality so you want to  use the information that you've gathered in   the last step and really start to understand  the characteristics traits and personality   of your audience and then using the archetype  framework so this is the archetype framework   developed by carl jung you want to assign an  archetype to that personality now when you do this   you have a really high level understanding of  their personality and you can use this later   to develop the personality for your brand step  number 10 conduct a competitive analysis now   again you need to understand exactly who your  competitors are and especially the most relevant   competitors so who are your direct competitors who  are your indirect competitors and then using again   social platforms groups forums review sites really  start to understand how your audience feels about   the options that they have already in the market  how your audience feels about these competitors   because this will really uncover the strengths  and the weaknesses of those competitors which will   help you identify gaps and opportunities moving  on to phase number three and we're getting into   the brand strategy development and step number 11  is to start with the aspirations of your client   now within the discovery session you will have  had in-depth conversations with your client   about their aspirations about their beliefs about  their commitments and their values and their   philosophies and it's really really important that  you use this within the development of your brand   and if they see their philosophies and  and their ideas and their beliefs within   the fabric of the brand they'll feel a real  connection and that's very very important   step number 12 map the competitive landscape  so you've taken the time already to define who   your audience is and you've taken the time to  define those competitors and placing those two   side by side to understand who your audience  is what they want their likes dislikes their   fears desires and comparing that to what they  have as an option already in the marketplace   what they want and what they're being served with  is the perfect environment for you to define how   you're going to be different how you're going to  offer real value within that competitive landscape   and then defining that value will really  help to solidify your position in the market   step number 13 identify your market position now  this is going to define how you are going to win   in the marketplace and you've done a lot of work  up until this point in identifying the gaps and   opportunities left by your competitors but you  really need to push them now you need to apply   creative thinking to those gaps and to those  opportunities and turn them into really unique   positions that you can own in the mind of your  audience so defining an exact position and the   exact value that you're going to offer within the  marketplace will help you to solidify that idea in   the mind of your audience step number 14 uncover  your brand character now you want to make your   brand as human as possible because it's through  being human that your brand makes connections   with your audience so you've done again a lot  of work up until this point in identifying the   personality type of your audience and now you need  to use that information to assign an archetype for   your brand and to develop your brand strategy upon  but you want to go further than that you want to   really apply opinions and attitudes and bring  that that personality to life so that when you   communicate within the marketplace they feel  a connection that they feel that this brand is   more than just a corporate entity so really build  that human persona step number 15 develop your   communication strategy so you know the difference  that you're going to make in the market now   you know the value of that difference and this  step is about really shaping that communication   identifying the key messages that you want your  audience to understand about your brand so that   you shape their perceptions you shape the idea  and the image of your brand in their mind so you   can really own that position so identifying those  key messages identifying the stories that you're   going to tell and again the work that you've done  within the audience persona really feeds into this   because the journey that your audience is on is  the story that you need to tell so really tap   into the information that you've already exposed  there so this step is really really important   in shaping the perceptions of the mind of  your audience so really put the extra work   into defining that communication strategy but i'd  love to hear from you have you learned something   new in this video if you did please give it a  thumbs up and hit that subscribe button and hit   the notification bell as well it'll let you know  when i've got new videos coming out if you want   exclusive brand strategy techniques and tips  well then head on over to   and sign up for the newsletter it's free and  i'll drop those techniques directly into your   inbox but i want to hand it over to you now  did you learn something new from this video   are you running brand strategy sessions already  and if so can you take one or more steps   from this process and enhance your processes  yourself or if you're running brand strategy   sessions for the first time maybe you can take  all of these steps and implement them directly   into your processes if you've got any challenges  at all around brand strategy sessions if you've   got any queries please let me know in the comments  below i'd love to hear from you i'll do my best to   answer all those questions until next time happy  branding and i will see you in the next video