we're about to drop a thousand basketballs out of an airplane to see if we can make one let's see what happens High [Music] [Applause] Chang at DP we value faith family and the United States military and today we've teamed up with the US Air Force to make this dream a reality since we have a c17 for the day we're also going to drop darts play golf and well try not to throw up and kick things off we're about to experience a live demonstration of a C7 air drop I mean if this doesn't make you proud to be an American what does me and Sparky like to keep in touch just wanted to send him a little note from the air down to the ground this is like Ultra expedited shipping 3 2 1 green light how did do it see you it dropped something out the back that yeah yeah my note is out I really hope they send it to the right address it'd be a shame if that got in the wrong hand I was told there was supposed to be some kind of note hey Sparks I ripped up here and the whole plane smelled it you'd be proud I am proud and I do love him a lot of people don't know it but this is how Michael Jackson filmed his famous signature move that's how he did it he was just on a plane so we're standing at the DZ AKA The Drop Zone here's our dart board so the dudes will be dropping giant darts out of the back of the c17 the dude closest to the bullseye after three flyovers is your winner all right boys show me what you [Music] got we're 3 minutes out from the drop Z it's dark time we're really going to try and land this right by the bull eyye how you feeling uh I'm going to win yeah honestly if one of the darts is in the same county first pass I'll take it as a win oh this is insane coming in low and hot look at that thing Mammoth 3 2 1 DART Dart Dart come on oh way late way late oh way too late were we close to the board no does it matter no cuz we got two more passes all five dudes overshot on our first pass but green boy Tyler leader in the clubhouse after round one I'll tell you this guys the delay was not the play oh I feel great I'm not going to get sick guys don't worry about me yeah I'm uh I'm a little [Music] queasy round two something tells me somebody's going to go way too early overcorrect darts out all five of them I like our chances oh oh someone's in there really close I had the timing so close no too early hey which one were you the one right next to the dart board I was the one right next to you n hey I mean missed the dart board by I don't know tenis yards I need to wait one beat longer Unfortunately I'm on this hard right side which is the left side of the target it's not good I need the pilot to help me out here hey Pilots this is Redbeard uh felt like I did my job on the timing there I would just like a little request for a little left to right help from you guys up in the cockpit if that's okay hey Red Beard uh pilot copies all work we're going to ship the carp uh laterally which that means we're going to bring the aircraft to make it fair for all players I absolutely knew we could count on you guys third and final pass about to go down and uh a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while give me Cory Cotton On The Board here oh yeah I like it come on come on we do it we do it the beardo [Music] man my goodness if it isn't Cody Jones let go lost the first you're talking about a guy who couldn't hit a dartboard from 10 ft away it's not how you start with how you finish baby credit where it's due there Pilots fantastic adjustment really good adjustment seller thank you appreciate that up next a little golf it's time for the hardest golf hole in history we're about to hit these giant golf balls out of a c17 and then go play it down on the ground we have hit golf balls off of a US aircraft carrier off the mountains in New Zealand why not check a c17 off the golf bucket list it's go time boys [Music] the Big Bird's approaching it's golf time safe to call this a par five I feel like it's a little windy so I hired a ball holder they thought the US open at Pinehurst was tough three 2 1 oh wow I see some balls out they pulled the trigger a little too quick I'm a long ways out that was a bad Drive I think I got about 1,700 180 yd in I'm not sure but I think mine might have actually been okay not even sure I'm on the course but we'll find her attention dudes before you finish your round of golf please take your seats for the next challenge they're handing out barf bags thank you guys very much really appreciate that welcome to Spill the water challenge the C c17 never been an intro guy yeah go Point here oh you want me to do it don't spill the water challenge c7's going to make some aggressive movements the goal is don't spill oh boy he already spilled here come the boys about to fly over our head teas and peace thoughts and prayers with them I wouldn't hold up well and I doubt they're holding up well he's not in a good place give us your worst not the wor that's it here we go [Applause] I mean that thing is the size of almost a cruise ship and it's just agile it's cutting through the wind raise yourself oh I got it down my back I definitally lost some flipping dipping twisting turning thank the Lord I'm not on that plane all right we're going to take it up a notch he's ready to prove something I can feel it do a barrel roll you think this can do a barrel roll W oh it's a big boy we know you have many airlines to choose from so thank you for choosing the United States Air Force I'm wet I'm missing a cop no surprise here Blue Angel Blue origin we trained for this thank you let's go baby we''ve been here let's go let's go all right coach since you lost you got to stay in the plane longer landy's throwing up film him film him somebody get that kid a desk job anyways you're staying on the plane we're going down to the ground for the drop and we're going to need to refuel oh he's going again he's going again oh no so right now we're rejoining on a KC 135 and two t-38s to go receive gas from the KC 135 Cody's going to go up there you go in the refuel plane and just Topp her off okay we're going to go play some golf with codes yeah yeah yeah yeah am I going to be okay we are going to do a midair refueling so like Sparky's planes here our planes here refuel about to rev this bad boy up and get airborne so time to get buckled in takeoff was all fun in games but now it's time for the real show and Jones better not let us down so just Nestle my way down in here lay on your belly it's like a tour bus bed that's all I mean not the worst way way to work you get to lay down and look at this office view the golf game can't be going well I know that much it was a part five but everybody's bogey or worse I promise well on a positive note that was my farthest Drive ever on a negative note I've never been further away from a hole I'm a puke I can't believe I didn't puke let's just hit some golf balls I think it's that way it's going to be a long day hey boy I saw that hey sorry about that get off my ball no I didn't see it there I didn't mean to step on him whose ball is this Ty I got bad news Cory's literally right here for his first shot the closest drive to the [Music] hole oh yes go next hits on the green we got a visual we got a visual onody Jones in the C7 there's our tanker they're Sparky we got two Jets up there as well for protection you never know all [Music] right on our six baby this is awesome Jets have cleared now it's time for the c17 to get nice and snug as we're reing we're about to uh play a best two out of three with Cody Jones in rock paper scissors and if I know him well I guarantee him go scissors early and I'm going to rock his world very excited about this scissors Sho scissors with scissors I knew it get read like a book kid like a third grade book oh he's back he's back for [Music] more he rocked me he rocked me I two a clean site baby break out the brooms I know Jones better than he knows himself oh that's so good fantastic well I lost but you know what we got the fuel we're about to go back down see you Cody all right [Music] man beautiful yes settle marking it with my custom hay dudes oh no he caught a I just hit a sprinkler head are you kidding me could have helped you kid uh Ty please go tap that in cuz I'm you guys have probably been wondering what we've been rocking today our new dude hey dude perfect collab be roll shot come on do it this is my favorite got a couple versions of them we got adults we got kids check them out G you're up need you to clear the green you want me to put out yep [Music] it's a penalty if you kick your ball into the crowd I wanted to boot that thing to [Music] Egypt get in the hole as I put this in special thanks of course to my pilot who put me just in a perfect spot it was the best Drive I've ever had in my life for now let's just get back to the video on to the real reason we're here today time to drop 500 basketballs from a C7 Cody's up there right now we just got the call we're headed over let's do [Music] it what's up guys we're traveling 200 M hour I'm about to make a trick shot with this one basketball I'm just kidding I've got 500 basketballs let's lock them and see what happens today's objective is to drop a th000 basketballs out of a c17 with the hope of making even one basket in order to boost our chances we've added 50 goals and asked the pilots to fly over 2 separate times we invited our local fans to let us borrow their goals Ty tell them what they win if it goes in their basketball hoop all right guys here's the deal first 50 people dropped off goals and you know Mr Beast has kind of ruined the whole giveaway thing for us that doesn't mean that we're not giving away anything reveal the grand prize don't tell me that's a Pontiac AZ Tech 300,000 miles on that sucker that's not all because if you make it in the goal you get a Red Lobster gift card and A7 cubic feet microwave that's sick to be clear if no balls go in y Cody the winner of darts is taking this back yeah congrats coach we need to get back over there they're ready to drop some balls she's kind of right in the danger zone but I think we'll be fine we'll leave her you guys think Cody's the guy uh no but I'd rather be down here I agree the other guys are battling bugs and Sun sounds terrible I love what I got I mean look at this leg room it's just a better time down here without him I mean I hate to say it but do I think we're going to make one no do I think it's going to be a fun time yes this is one of the best balls we'll be throwing if it makes it in a goal I'll be [Music] happy what are we doing a lot of work leading to this moment right now thank you thanks some magic here we go baby dropping in three 2 1 there they go balls out balls [Music] out oh my oh my God [Music] go come on there are so many balls oh come on oh oh that was so sick that was the craziest thing I've ever seen I don't know if we made a shot cuz I think I would know that by now I think we got a little bit more wind off the right side pushing the majority of our misses left ground crew we are going to circle back around over can we test that by safety table yeah it works plan's cominging over with the second and final set of 500 basketballs this is huge oh man I'm cing the do guys P it see you B out I like it I like it a lot what a Str it's all over it's all over it come [Music] like they're still falling I don't know what happened but that was a lot of [Music] fun we should go inspect headed to check out the Drop Zone first glance lot of Misses left team down below put tape on the net so that if one went through we'll be able to look back at the footage tape there tape there tape there I will say that was fun to watch check it out see if we got anything oh God sorry Cody sorry about that I see something I'm not going to try to get too excited about it you're going to say that it's untaped again the same net don't let your heart go there not real come on baby rip our hearts out oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness B wait a second this is bad news guys that's a perfect tape job golly sorry mean this thing got danced around 1 2 3 4 five around this go oh yeah no all boys it it alluded us Cody Jones winner of the Aztec way to go coach people often ask us hey is there a trick shot that you guys have attempted that you've never been able to get you're looking at it no you're not cuz we're not done here this is just the beginning in fact we will look back at this day and think to ourselves why did we only bring that many basketball goals we should have brought way more we'll look back on this day and think we should have just dropped way more balls from the sky we'll look back and think why did we only drop them twice we should have done it 10 times or until we had a make and that's exactly what we're going to do in the future this shot is not done special thanks to these guys Spalding appreciate you guys hooking us up with the balls we may have some more requests coming your way okay one more huge ginormous thank you to the US Air Force for making this happen not only do we have a blast doing the stunts we love meeting your families incredible getting to hang out with those guys to see more from this crazy day head over to the Dude Perfect app on your phone or TV to watch the behind the scenes video we love you guys pound it Noggin see you too perfect doall man just showing off my new whip we should be careful I don't want this thing to explode