Essential 3D Modeling Techniques

Aug 18, 2024

3D Modeling Techniques


  • Common struggles with 3D modeling.
  • Overview of expert methods for successful modeling.
  • Timeframe: 7 minutes to learn the method.

Importance of Reference Images

  • Reference Images are crucial for proportional models.
  • Tracing Method: Use reference images directly in the viewport.
    • At a minimum, gather top, side, and front views for accuracy.
  • PureRef Software: Create a board of images for guidance.
  • Physical Object Reference: Best method for modeling (allows for different angles and views).

Modeling Process

Stage 1: Blocking Out

  • Avoid adding details at the start; focus on the basic shape.
  • Use reference images to guide the overall shape.
    • Example: Modeling shoes requires tracing images in 3D dimensions.

Stage 2: Refining the Model

  • Clean up messy geometry and refine shape.
  • This step is optional but recommended to improve future modifications.

Stage 3: Retopology

  • Essential for complex objects; creates good geometry and edge flow.
  • Use Face Project and Snap Individual Elements for better shaping.
  • Keep faces similar in size and strive for quads (four edges).
  • Consider adding a Subdivision Modifier for a smoother final product.

Stage 4: Smoothing

  • Use sculpting tools (e.g., smooth brush, grab tool) for final adjustments.
  • Optionally, revert the model back to low poly using the Decimate Modifier.

Final Stage: Adding Details

  • Model should be looking good before adding detail.
  • Creativity is key; find unique ways to add detail.
  • Example: Solidifying and subdividing faces for shoe threads.
  • Don’t focus on unseen internal details.


  • Satisfaction with the model may vary; don’t hesitate to start over if needed.
  • Emphasize the importance of hard work, revisions, and creativity to achieve expertise and realism.
  • Final note: Moving on to rendering materials after modeling.