yeah we got how's everybody doing you well did you do your homework I'm gonna open with questions uh in a second let me leave that usual three four minutes for people to to you know to catch up and by the way uh you know Jose and Charlie is if you and Joanna you see there there widows always is there he always invisible you don't see him you don't hear him but he's there Guido come on show your face come on see I see you yeah you want to see you don't Guido please there you go yeah oh there he is there he is show your beautiful smile we can only see the top of your head oh mustach now so I I was looking while we're waiting uh can everybody write down in the chat where you guys are from what do he how many nations we got here so France well yes you were telling about you're in France actually NE you're in Monaco right in um so we got let's see no I live in France I work in Monaco for to for to live in Monaco is a little bit expensive yeah yeah probably yeah so let's see let's see so we got start from the beginning we got we got France we got Australia Germany Houston Texas Sicily which of course you guys know is not Italy right Norway France New York Us San Francisco so you oh we got also uh the the very West End so nine hours behind so what is it in San Francisco is 7: a.m. or 6:00 a.m. 6: a.m. bro us Brazil Australian France Ireland let's see Virginia Mexico s Fran 6 AM yeah Lebanon we got um and Verona yeah Verona which is also not part of Italy is where my wife is from we're pretty much neighbors we're like half hour away you could just come here and see the seminar from from from the side good uh we got um Canada see Canada we got Canada 9:00 a.m so you're in the eastern part of Canada right Gus usually we have someone from from Asia from Korea Taiwan this time we didn't have anyone from so the the the one who stays more East currently is hugle or west depending on which way you look at at it right all right so one more minute and then we'll get things started started in the mean one I'm going to ask you do you guys do your homework did you design something um I'm thinking about some volunteers T looks desperate I see that I'm really desperate you are uh that's yeah um yes all thanks for that heads up on um the Croatia so I shot Yona an email um per per her instructions yesterday it' be a shame if a got cancel because I was looking forward to it I've never been to Europe well uh consider April 2025 Italy easy or if you want to get the two nsfl if not we got smg2 in October um or well we got in June we got I June one but that's too close for you and we're also packed with a syst but you know consider that if you want to come unfortunately I have a conflict in June so with my yeah so we got sg2 in October we got sfb in December and we got SFL in April so just consider coming over oh I'd love to yeah yeah I'd love love to um I insist be an assistant for you again yeah and we you we did did it in the past so we're going to have some more fun the only thing you got to be aware of is that widle will be there and if you don't behave well uh you're in trouble because Wido is our Punisher so right so of course why would a man named Guido be be otherwise oh you you don't want no one wants to disappoint weo because it's dangerous it's really dangerous all right so yourself all right so uh before we start and take a look at whatever you designed overnight do we have any questions let start with Q&A any questions you need an answer to Carlo is one right no go on unmute yourself ask your questions um maybe for the other one was easy for me was really difficult um to programming everything uh maybe because I don't really understand the first part I think that on the normal it was okay but after yesterday when I start to this morning when I start to programming I say I'm in the okay thei start from thei the okay so not the volume selection not the volume selection right okay uh and not the so as we as you select the the total volume but the main issue is they are is it calculating I or or establishing the share among different intensity zones to to to S the what is the what the issue is it the calculations or no it was uh it was on the calculation because uh I think I think maybe it's me that I don't I don't really understand um I take the volume of the same on the single um I I'm in friend percentage percentage okay medium High um low I calculate the number of DRS because I would like to prepare the program for the for myself okay and I try to use ones that do wiow with me but when I'm AR to to put together everything so 75% for um per uh 15 reps plus plus plus okay uh division the total number of lift okay the number is okay okay uh we'll do a little bit of practice okay yeah I think so okay so shall we start with this quickly and then we'll see other questions and also Hugo has a question for the easy I calculation so pretty much he's connected with uh with Carlo's question correct correct I just all right I'm I'm gonna show you both and what I'm going to do I'm instead of using Excel and cells I'm going to write down the numbers in the line so you guys can see it okay so let me share my screen let's get it so stop so you guys can see my screen now right yes oh okay perfect U hold on I also need to chat in case something appears there all right so uh let's take a look at this here okay so there are two ways we can calculate the at the one do you have in a manual and an easier one right so the total NL here we know is 240 yes and we have 60% here 35 and five right so I'm going to write the formula on the top here so you guys can see yes can you see it well enough here if I write it here or is it too small for you to see that's great Fabia okay so I'm gonna write it here on the top right so a is equals to interesting okay this light is 65% yes and the number of lifts is 100 so I'm going to open my bracket and say 65% multiply by the related number of list which is 100 yes plus 75% multipli by the number of lifts in the related um intensity which is 80 plus 85% multiplied by the really number which is 20 so 65% multili by 100 plus 75 multiplied by 80 plus 85 multip by 20 the result we divided by the total number of list which is 240 okay and this is what you get this is not 240 this is 200 sorry it's 200 this was the [Music] um so this is [Music] 200 and you get 71 did you get this formula Carlo yes I understood but I don't understand why well we'd need to see your screen and what a problem is but here's what we're gonna do okay anyway in a second in a second I'm going to give you an exercise okay so you guys can try now this is the the full formula you can calculate it here in an easier way without knowing the numbers here okay you can simply multiply the percentages so the other way you can C which is way easier you just multiply the intensity so 65 75 85% by the percentage the share that you're giving there so the other way to do it would be 65% multiplied by 60% plus 75% multiplied by 35% plus so it's so easy 85% multiplied by 5% yeah sorry I had to because it's it's the format of the um 65% yes yes that works now 69.5 so you have to multiply I I forgot to put a percentage there I'm just wondering why it comes different so 65 multip by 60 75 multip by 35 85 multi by by by five yes that's the way it works okay it's so easy this one so but basically you multiply the the middle uh the me the central weights 65 55 65 75 85 92.5 by this percentage here and you just add the results and you get it it's so easy to do so let's let's see if we can create a an exercise on this okay I'm going to let's say that we have 55% and then we have 65% 75% oh to make it easy 55% 65% 75% 85% 92.5% okay we got this those are intensi zs so this is very light light medium heavy very heavy okay let's say that we have uh do this so okay and we have we have a total of I'm going to write it here okay we have a total of 300 NL okay and we're doing 3% here 7% here so it's 10 uh 30% here just make it easy so three 69 this is 100 Al together so okay so we're doing this now we have two options here to make the calculations option one we take the total number of reps here and we calculate numers here so option one we take 30% of 300 and we get 90 okay 30% 300 again 90 30% 300 7% 300 3% all 3 00 okay this is option one this is the NL per in is Zone in this case we would apply this formula I'm going to write it down here so I'm going to call this option one and I'm call I'm going to call this option two okay option one it equals 55% multiplied by 90 plus 65% multiplied by 90 plus 75% multipli by 90 plus 85% multipli by 21 right plus 92.5% multipli by 9 I close the brackets and I divide by the total 300 yes boom of course I need to multiply this by uh to turn this into a percentage I need to change the uh this into percentage and there you go right this is option one option two I simply do this I multiply 55% % by 30% uh yes 30% plus 65% by 30% plus 75% by 30% plus 85% by 7% plus 92.5% by 3% and we get the same result so Formula One you use the numbers and then you if you multiply by the numbers you need to divide it by the total option two you just multiply the percentages so way easier does this explain to you and everyone else yeah makes sense okay now I'm gonna leave it here now we're going to try you know more more exercises and whenever you have the chance to try it if it doesn't work you'll let me know anyone else has dubbed on this okay so I'm going to unshare the screen again for a second and ask any other questions let me see all right so let me see yeah Kenneth is asking why why I got the different value I think because we've been messing up with that sheet and the total number of lifts was not 240 we were just been playing on it to check the um the Delta trenty yesterday so I didn't have the correct data and that's probably why so Clayton is asking do the Aries of each lift in the same as a cycle need to vary by a certain percentage as well always okay for one or more lift the same to the same oh no um you may so the question is I my suggestion was that when you plan each lift you plan them individually right so they don't necessarily need to have the same volume and the same intensity and they should not have the same variant right uh so Clayton is also asking for the adding it means do they do they have to have different area or can they have the same so I'm going to tell you the way I usually do it now I wish our body was balanced in muscles and in strength but we all have some weak points for some may be the upper body for some may be the lower body for instance I way stronger in presses than in pools you know and so on and so forth so ideally you want to tailor when you PL H lift you want to plant the lift according to what is your need in that movement pattern right so for instance my hip extensors are way much stronger than my quads so ideally you know I usually put more volume in the squats than what I do in the deadlift and I put more volume in the pools than what I do in the presses because my presses are strong but when I start designing plans for someone for the very first time someone I don't know or even if you design a plan for yourself for the first time you use the system here my strategy initially the first plan I assign only different variance so to make that variability know work but I use pretty much the same volume for all lifts and the same AR and I see what happens for the first plan and you will see that some lifts will respond better than others and differently so I put the same volume to everything and then I get feedback at the end of the plan like oh I did really well in the squad I was dying the the delag was too hard while my pullet were so easy right so the second plan I started making adjustment oh so he had hard time keeping up with the volume for the deadlift while the volume for the squad he could tolerate even more so next plan I'll probably be more conservative on the deadlift I put more in the squat or and and I put more in the in the vertical PS and so on I can do this according to the feedback but also according to what I see that is leaking so for instance uh Widow is super strong in a deadlift and but is not as strong in the squad so if he had to compete you know he wanted to go for power lifting meet probably he doesn't need to focus on the deadlift as much as he does on a squat and a bench breast so initially you can start with assigning something that's pretty much equal all across the board and then according to the feedback according to the weak points according to according also to um the way each one responds in different parts of the body in different movement patterns the LIF will take will be more different more different we'll take different paths so the first plans usually all lifs look alike as you progress there is a huge difference they they they change a lot the strategies also change a lot for instance we we looked into the competition period yesterday you know and I told you that I usually you know load I I Del load the week before if I have to put more heavy singles I do it more on on the second week rather than the third and so on and that is something that came out with experience and I know for instance that if I add heavy singles before my one rep max testing the squat it makes me improve if I do it in the military press it makes me improve if I do it in the B press I burn out and it doesn't help you help me at all so as you design more and more plans you start to personalize and things change so Mark Does this answer oh hold on was Mark Morgan does this no it's so many okay who was it Clayton Does this answer your question more or less let me know because yes okay now I'll take a look at the other question so Morgan is asking when you create a second prep cycle do you retest you're working with RM or you keep them the same so if usually usually uh when I go on prep and I I I thought I thought I mentioned that yesterday you keep going when you're in prep so the way to you should run you have two options to change your weight and RMS option one you run competition cycle so you get new RMS and you get sorry new one RMS new you know new Maxes and then you also retest the RMS and then you may also decide to change some of the lifts right and change the template and so on the other thing is if you run two or more prep Cycles back to back you may do opportunistic tests what does that mean you're on the plan it's two months the second month or the third month you're in the same plan and you realize that your weights are becoming light or your sets are becoming easy it means that something have changed at that point on on on a day you just on a heavy day you just test and a training Max see if you have improved if you have improved at that point you will have to recalculate your working weights but also retest your RMS right so you may do it uh but usually you know you just if you do like two or three prep period back to back you just stick with it unless you feel that something have changed and it does require testing because weights are becoming too too light let me know Morgan if this answer your questions so I can move to the next one okay okay Mark was looking at templates last last night and wondered if we have students that can only practice twice a week which is the best template for them to use not billstrom something else like easy strength or something else so for seriously for hypertrophy uh uh the most minimal plan you can design is bts3 only for Lift uh squat you know press and Pull and if you and you need to train at least three times a week if you want to get a hypertrophy with two sessions per week that's going to be really hard for you to accomplish not impossible so you can design a BTS plan bts3 plan and make it so that if week last a week and a half so you can only do two sessions a week but it will not be as expected as effective do not expect gains in in terms of hypertrophy all everyone who does hypertrophy training or bodybuilding or whatever will be will tell you that two sessions a week for hypertrophy are not enough unless you're looking for sectorial hypertrophy like okay I don't care about my lower limbs I just want to grow my pecs then you can train your pecs twice a week you know and grow one muscle but if you want to grow organically two sessions are not enough you can get strong in two sessions with two sessions for week but very hard that you can bul some muscle mass let me know Mark if this uh if this um answers your question but I'm going to expand on that right after give you a solution because you know there is one thing in life we need to deal with what with what we we have so for instance if I have a student that comes to me and says listen I got a family I got work I got stuff I got only trained twice a week I I will be honest with him I'll say hey do not expect quick and huge results but I'll design a plan for you to train twice a week and probably what I will do I would take let's say I'm going to take one BTS template uh by the way I'm in meain one I'm answering your question uh which is for gpp clients not so worried about muscle game two days could work yes they could definitely and I'm going to show you how you could apply this to bill so I'm going to take one template here so P if you take a template for bts3 like this one here right uh so let me make it a little bigger for you and I'm going to show you some of the additional strategy will will work so you do the upper body session a b and c this will be three sessions a week right upper body press quot upper body pull as you see you always train all the lifts only whatever you do heavy on on on session a upper body press will be light on the following session and go medium so this is the way the rotation you know you hold heavy light medium heavy light medium if you can train twice a week easy you do session a of week one in the first SE session session day of week one session B of week one in the second session and then you complete basically the week on session C of week one the following week so a four-week plan will end up lasting six weeks if you only train twice a week but it will is not optimal for hypertrophy but it will work does this answer mark and that's wonderful and they always train all the lifts so it's it's going to work now uh unless you have any other questions anyone designed a BTF uh plan overnight or this morning or whatever and wants to share so we can take a look uh because if not I'm going to show you other stuff but it would be great to see something that you guys design any volunteers sure sure you're always welcome to guinea pig me but i' I've been through this before so I don't want to hog the glory if somebody else I mean if no one else shows up I'm happier yes uh who's who's Vol here in cugo I'm happy to yeah I like just give me one second uh there is Eric is asking one question with a longer rest time in that six week version could you inrease the NL Eric definitely yes the answer is yes but you have you may have one limitation which is is if someone can only come twice a week do they also have limitation the time they can stay at the gym because you got you got to deal with that also so one solution for bts3 if you have enough equipment if you have three three left like prce cart in the pull is doing three lifts in a slow circuit so I'm not talking about no rest I'm saying you do one set of exercise one you take some breath whenever you're ready one set of exercise two one set exercise three and then you start back from one like my old article uh simple strength for difficult times uh using the slow circuit that really works so again it works to increase the volume uh the only problem is again um is how much time does the student have to stay at the gym let me know Eric if this answers your question in well oh H C okay oh see all the questions are popping up now so Clayton so be patient here you go one second so Clayton says can you combine a comp period for one or more left with a prep period for the remain LIF in the same me of course why not uh as long as you're not planning it for lifts that interfere with each other so let's say that you're doing a prep period for your military press and a comp for a bench press will not work because you know maybe maybe you're going High Vol volume High Reps in the military press that will influence your B press but if you're doing a comp period for your Squat and a prep period for your bench no big deal Does this answer your question Clayton and Eric let me know Wonderful Google stage is yours okay uh so we're going to bts3 upper body movement uh upper body press template B main left bench all right so I'm I'm going to you're going to tell me I'm going to design it for you okay so I'm going to take a blank sheet here so let's copy it and paste it I I copied it so many times all right this is number seven wow that's going to be long all right so I'm going to delete all this of course bts3 uh how many lifts did you design by the way I did two huh I managed two okay we'll take one just to see how you how you handled it okay no problem cleaning up everything so we have blank sheets okay and then good ready so you need bts3 corre and the movement was it press yeah upper body press template B main lift bench bench BP one rep max 130 kilos this is yours right yes what jump uh two and a half kilos okay so we're we're working in kilos okay so you got the main lift on the medium and the heavy right uhhuh you got specializ variety on the light so so you got a BP in then you pick as a specializ r LIF for light uh dips whiteed dips love it okay right tell me everything okay so for the intensities I've got 110 kilos with the rep max of four for the heavy okay 9 7.5 with a rep max of eight okay and then I've got plus 12 kilos so 80 kilos body weight 12 kilos adding on to that and 12 12 reps 12 perfect what volume did you choose for the month 300 yeah nice okay let's see what you for the the 0.71 I calculated okay so let's see the ches first sure 50% in light okay 35% medium and 15 for heavy okay because now because now is a chance this is why I ask you for the Shar first I'm going to calculate now the Ari so take a look this is for you and for Caro right so I'm taking 65% and I'm multiplying it by 50% right then I'm taking 75% and I'm multiplying it by 35% and then I'm taking 85% multiplying by 15% right and I get 71.5 does that work yep that works for me wonderful wonderful okay keep going see what you so the monthly NL per intensity zone for the light we have 150 105 and 45 perfect for a total of 300 wonderful what bar in did you choose 31 a it so you got a 35 on week three and you got a 28 on week one where's the 15 just there 15 15 so we got a 22 here wonderful uh from left to right I get 84 45 105 66 okay andity intensity variant is 2 a okay so you got a 35 here okay what is the 28 28 is on the right adjacent and then 15 22 15 is here and 22 is here right yeah okay what number do we we get here 7 16 12 and 10 D for a total of 45 right yeah uh what's the late the light we have 42 23 52 and 33 Okay what okay what do we get here in the in the medium uh 35 low six 41 and 23 you said 35 and six six okay 411 23 you guys see this beauty you know you see how the int you can understand how the intensity varies like week one you got a few heavy reps you got a ton of medium and light reps now you take a look at week two you got a ton of heavy reps and just a few medium reps right yeah and we less so this is a really heavy week right while when you go here on week three you know you gotta again you still got quite a few lifts but you get you got a lot of lot of medium and light works so every week the intensity weighs like this so finding different uh selecting the intensity variant phas this wave in which it some it regardless the volume some weeks you know you've got to push harder than others which makes it interesting I'm not going to ask you to see all the sets and W because I think that's so easy to understand uh I want to make sure that everybody is good with the AR calculation because I wanted to show you start showing you a pure interesting things um you guys everybody's good with this you're you have no more ads in designing the plan setting the sets and the Reps if if no DBS type nothing in the chat if you have any DBS WR in the chat because I'm going to move forward with new stuff now well some of it is new but okay I see nothing appearing so so let's start with the easy stuff so this is new we going to receive this at the end of the day today and I'm going also to um I'm also going to make sure that uh everybody gets it via email uh next week together with the MADD of the rest so the first part is this bts4 so when I you know when I created billong everything started just to give you a little bit of back of this I Scene started because I was playing a lot with plastro and um I was training in a gym with some competitive natural bodybuilders and I started uh working for a a a school here in ity I still work for them which is called sustainable bodybuilding it's a school specific for comp competitive bodybuilding and but natural right so started working for them and they got request and pl for a pro and I started thinking you know what this you know classro principles work really well but since I started working for bodybuilders you know I started using you know six movement patterns plus I would also add some direct work for the arms and the cops because working with bodyy Builders uh in strong first you know I I don't there's not many people doing curls or anything like that uh so I I created everything with six movement patters and what I did by the way when experimenting this uh in 2017 I went I I went to compete you know I did a bodybuilding competition it's out of the blue I prepared myself like in three four months and it was a it was local you know like for Northern Italy competition natural competition and um I got second place I did really well but the challenge was I I decided to train for a bodybuilding competition without using a machine no machines no isolation exercise the only main EX sizes and only you know um only basically uh uh barble work you know dumble work and Cal work that's all I used so everything started here right and um because I wanted to prove that it's possible to look like a bodybuilder without feeling like a bodybuilder but still was a six movement and then when I started you know using this stuff in sters you know pav another said we do minimal stuff in shers you know six m is too much for many people are used to do things like you know p protocols which is like press and deadlift so they asked me to create something really minimalistic a minimalist protocol for hypertrophy and you know I did that during the pandemic when I did that simple TR for for difficult times and it's basically if you got to restrict reduce to the Bone the minimal amount of work to gain some muscle mass it's basically a squat a press and a pull for strength you know pav uses a lot a pull and a press like a deadlift in a military press to get strong overall strong that is enough but if you want to book some muscles you know doing a deadlift you will not build your legs you know your lower body so you do need to have least of squat so for strength between a squat and a deadlift I would go for a deadlift because it's more imediate and it's it's easier to build up strength there than spot less Technical and so on but if you want and has more return into any type of performance but if you if you need to BU some mus well lower body King of the exercise the squat so squat a press and a pull so I created bts3 Bill strong 3 which was very successful and people loved it and but I had those two extremes like Bill strong six full complete uh full body work and then I had three super minimalist and I started getting questions and also I did not include the deadlift or hip pinch for another reason because most of the people who would do btf3 would do their strings their snatches and so on so they would have the P you know they would train it in different manner for their power training or their conditioning you know so many people would do uh you know Bill strong together with bts3 together with quick and the dead or together with simple and Sinister Al together with carable acts you know and um but at a certain point I started getting more more more question hey can I do the squat and the hinge so two lower body moves and two upper body moves and pressing a pull of course you can but it's easy to do but I never created templates I never put it in the manual so I thought well it's time to do it uh also because when I released the Bild strong maximum on strong strong and fit bts6 and bts4 uh seems like most of the people are doing build wrong 4 so since you don't have them in the manual I created the slides to show you some templates for bts4 before I show them I'm going to just make sure that I didn't miss anything in the chat oh we're we're again okay let let me cover those let me cover those so one by Kenneth right saying come back to the two-day per week question if you were to design a plan for train twice a week using template free one as you described before would you increase the Y above the normal range uh I would increase the only if uh the gold is strength is a gold is hypertrophy no you don't want to increase the a what you want to do if if if you can afford it if your student can afford it to stay more in the gym I would rather increase the volume but if you increase the a uh you probably get more results in terms of strength but not in terms of hypertrophy uh well Andy this is this is interesting is there material difference between horizontal and vertical poles and look at anatomy of the muscles can tell that angle makes a difference well okay this is interesting also because and it shows up a little mistake I made when I deci when I wrote the manual for billong by the way uh so let's start with the presses because they're easy now we'll talk about the pools right so what's the difference between horizontal press and Vertical Press so onal you press towards the horizon so anything from your arms uh by your sides and your arms at the Horizon so pil to the ground right that's an horizontal pool so it covers the bench press it covers the decline bench press the bridge floor press the dips and so on and so forth in the manual I put inclin bch press that was a mistake my because everything above right becomes a Vertical Press so it's not only military press with a calber with a bar with a dumbbell but also an inclined press the point is when you go past the Horizon the mechanic of the movement change when you press horizontally right if uh in Italy it's called it's not an a a deduction we call it um um horizontal flexion right of the arm uh so your arm get close to the midline right right but your shoulder blades pretty much stay there when you press vertically from the wck up to here is your hum that's moving right but when you pass this point and you go above it's not your hum moving anymore it's your scapula that's rotating so the muscles that are involved basically change so there is a big difference between horizontal and vertical presses right the mechanics are very different now when you own pools if you think about vertical PS you get full full expansion which actually full flexion technically it looks like you're extended here but this is full flection from Full flection you get up to here right or here if you're good but you don't get so from let's say from Full stretch of your left or your muscles right you don't get to full shortening while in the horizontal pools you don't get full full extension of the muscles full you don't get the muscles don't your LS don't get to be lengthed fully but you get full expansion of the arm right here and your shoulder blades start moving differently so from here to here your shoulder blades do this from here to here your shoulder blades come together so if the full range of motion for your left would be starting from your arm here in by the way in uh in external rotation and the full shortening of the muscle will be with your arms here in internal rotation with your shoulders down there's no movement that does the entire the entire range of motion that you can do with with your LS so breaking get into two from here to here and then from here to there Does this answer your question Andy good it's yes and also okay let's see what else we see can I ask you Fabio uh hold on give me let me check if I miss something in the chat yes please go are you prepared to to this competition and you arrived second yes but you insert also um exercise with dumbbell for arms no never I no never I um I published the full training plan in uh it's it's in stronger uh website you'll find the article there this was go now yeah I would have done better I got second I compete in two categories the over 40 but also with the young people and I got second in both because in the over 40 there was a 50 years old guy who was excellent now I G to be honest if I train my arms I could have won probably right but the challenge was going to being decent on stage without training like a bodybuilder so this was the challenge the idea was I wanted to prove the fact that you can you know yes build and look like a bodybuilder without training like a bodybuilder of course and I've been discussing this a lot with with many you know uh coaches for body building this works to build muscles but when you get close to competitions isolation exercise at some point you need them but the point I wanted to make is that you know they say they all the techniques they use to get ripped to lose fat you know to build mass you can do it without needing to train like a bodybuilder yes now the Crasher may be uh but you know why why shouldn't have train like a bodybuilder uh the point is this we have thousands of people who train home and don't have the equipment so I wanted to create something that is available for everybody even if they don't have a gym or they don't go to a gym this was Point number one second I wanted to give access to hypertrophy also to those for those who to want to make Muscle build some muscles but they also practice other sports or have a situation or life situation for which they got to be always ready I give you one example you are a military or you're a fire firefighter and you cannot if they if you're called you cannot be sore and say oh sorry my legs are so stiff because I did my leg extensions yesterday so the idea was creating something that was sustainable and then there is another main point and uh since we we know each other for many years and I everyone of did bodybuilding in your life we all we all face this little challenge which is I remember when I was bodybuilding I hated going in vacation unless I could find a gym on vacation because I was fearing losing muscle mass staying two weeks off the weights and I see you're smiling because you know that's the way it is most people who are into hyper bodybuilding one of the main fear is losing their volume right so what is interesting is that many of the techniques they use in bodybuilding especially High Reps um uh High Time Time under tension and so on they do build a lot of muscular volume but you stay away from the weight for one week and you start deflating now myop fibral hypertrophy which you create through strength and through volume training is persistent so stays for a long time if you take a weight lifter or powerlifter and they go on vacation two three weeks they don't train they don't lose muscles some bodybuilders do like this even if they're natural so I want to create something that's sustainable and also I like this is something I always liked in in the past I like the idea is it doesn't it makes no sense to have muscles that don't perform it means uh it's those who are only strong but don't look strong it's to me it makes no sense I mean if you're strong you should look like a strong person you know on the other end you know if you look like a strong person and then you're weak or you can't move I know so many bodybuilders who look enormous right and they have a trouble tying their shoes because they can't move or they're not strong at all so my idea is that Form and Function should go together so you should look so you should you should be strong you should be able to move and you should look as you're strong and able to move and by the way and in in my video I on top of your head Nico I see thiago's head I got this discomfort from from Chiago when I went to Brazil the first time you know the idea is his school is all about movement and he's about you know gaining performance G gaining strength gaining muscles through movement the idea is if you if it if you if you move well your body will look good you know and vice versa so so this is how everything started so let me see if I missed anything else thank you okay now bts4 take a look at this so basically solution here and I show a couple of templates is so you have a hip hinch you have a squat and you have upper body press and upper body pull so I like to get the hip Hing with a press and the squat with a pull paired up together as I said yesterday you can either alternate one set with the other or do all the sets of one followed by all the sets of the other but what um I want to explain also why I like to pair the hip hinch with the press and the squat with the pull rather than the opposite so you guys know now if you do uh the pull upper body pool like pull up S rows before hip or alternating with the deadlift if your lats get too tired you may have problems doing the deadlift so this is the reasons for which I like to get the pull with the squat and the hip hinge with the Press because they don't they don't inter they interfere less with each other but that said I know people who do the hip hinge with a pull with a with the upper body pull and the squat with the upper body press and they have no issues so it's just uh my preference but the other way around Works what you don't want to do uh is put the U hinge and the squat alternating those two you'll see some protocols later on which we do something like that but you know you don't want to kill yourself so this one works like this you got three sessions per week so B basically session a you do heat pain and upper body press heavy session B you do them light session C you do the medium right so that's the each block of two exercises heavy light medium heavy light medium this is if you train three times a week and you see all you always do pretty much all the four exercises in every single session you may divide it into four sessions per week which make will make your your training session to shorter so in this case they're trained individually so you see you got the upper body press on a one go heavy following day goes light the following session it goes medium and then it takes one session of rest so basically if you use bts4 into four sessions per week as each single movement and lift will be trained three times out of four heavy light medium stop heavy light medium medum stop see same for the squat heavy light medium stop upper body pull heavy light medium stop keep ping heavy light medium one day off this one is not time consuming at all and then this is one that includes the direct muscle work so I wanted to show you also those so here what you do you get the k upper body press you get heavy the day one the second the following session you do the light and also the direct muscle work very light right and then you do the medium uh shagle you cannot see the slides really uh you guys can see the slides right oh okay so Cho everybody can see this play so something something wrong in your system this one another option here instead this is interesting you get heavy Sho my suggestion is go out and come back in again or unless you're using two screens you may have it on the other screen just as a work so you get the very heavy right after that the following day you get the very light only um sorry sorry so in in in four session you get the heavy and very heavy the following session you get the light and the red muscle work then you get one day of rest after that because this is going to make you sore and then you start again then you get the medium so it's heavy light and very light one day off and then medium then we got another topic so let me see another question here when doing a workout we don't do workouts Paul we practice uh do you move from very heavy and heavy through do oh I'm not sure I'm not sure I understood this Paul can you explain better or just unmute yourself and ask the question yeah I I was just curious like um do you start on the very heavy and heavy lifts and then work your way through to the very light lifts or do you start on whatever equipment's available and start anywhere in the the session you you start very light for example now this is very important thank you for asking this question there is a this is very important in general I'll give you one the priority in training you should always start with power work if you have any type of power training in your in your session it's not the case of billong but you have power work uh start with power then is strength and then is hypertrophy and then um so then in strength and then hypertrophy or whatever else and and you end with conditioning never opposite when you train uh with different weights you always start with heavy weights and lower reps and you always ends with a higher reps what is the reason uh muscular fatigue if you start with light and very light because the equipment is available yes they are related move but you start accumulating lactic acid and so on and you start and when and so this may compromise doing the heavy work afterwards so you always start with heavy so this is why is heavy first then medium then light I mean think about this imagine you know doing heavy sets of three or five after you did light sets of 10 12 with L weights you're destroyed you're sore you know your muscles don't don't move well and so on and so forth It's Not only that it's also a fact of neural drive if you if you do your strength work which where you use your fast reach fibers that require uh a very strong nervous impulse if your uh nervous system is tired you can't really do that really well so usually everything that's heavy starts first if you had if you had to do some like quick and that type of work power work you should do that even before doing the heavy lifts let me know if this answer your question it it definitely does faia but just as a followup to that with the very heavy and the heavy could you also include some complex training um like a very heavy squat with a limited recovery followed by some box jumps so some complex training into it uh depends focuses on power well that's that's a conjugate training by the way yeah if you're training for power it depends on you know box jumps uh it means if you're doing after that if you're doing uh that for doubles and triples very explosive yes if you if you're doing one of those things you see in crossed boxes where you do like 15 in a row no that would be wrong it have to be the same metabolism which is anerobic alactic yeah low volume low volume not high volume [Music] thank you you're you're unmuted you need to you there you go thank you um when you say one day off you mean between session B and C yeah when I say one day off I mean that lift has a day off so going back here going back here right uh upper body press upper body press there's no upper body press so that lift takes a day off right so you train that lift that leftt or that movement pattern let's say three days out of four does that um explain um okay perfect this is what I mean yeah I should have been more clear now I'm going to cover a total different topic which is the estimated 1 RM which uh this to solve a huge problem we have which is now we mentioned that yesterday right right that not always you have your one RM so it's hard sometimes to make calculations if we don't know one RM so in certain situation it's not wise to to test a one RM let me uh one example is let's say that you haven't been doing squat for six months you're starting training your squat again after six months with without Squad do you really want to test you one rep max probably not or let's say that you come from an injury I'm I currently have an injury in my shoulder so I cannot press I cannot do bench press or anything like that after my recovery I I can guarantee you I will not test the war rep max for probably months so that maybe a problem right or let's say that I have another situation in which there are some exercises that don't uh they're not suitable for One max testing for instance have you ever tried a one R Max in a bar row when it gets really heavy you end up cheating or either you're not able to reach for the bar your apps or you end up cheating it's really hard to do it strict so most of the times you're not really sure about the what RM you tested another situation may be for instance Catal you may get a situation in which you can press to 32 for four times but you're not able to press with 36 so what do you want to rep max you have no idea right now there is if you look in the web there are thousands of formulas and online calculators that estimate your one rep max according to how many reps you do with a given weight and I can guarantee that they don't work and most of them are inaccurate or they just work for some so at a certain point you know speaking with Pavo we decided to create our own so what do you find in the web usually you get you do so many reps and you put the Reps you did with a given weight in the formula and you get your one rep max and usually so it's based on the Reps you do with a given weight and this doesn't work for one reason I give you one example if you take 80% of one rep max which is something prob and I've been playing a lot with testing the RM 80% there are athletes that can only do three four reps with 80% there are some uh strength neuron athletes like swimmers that can do over 20 reps with 80% which is incredible so of course it's using one formula that based on the Reps you do with a given weight stimulates W Max doesn't really work so I came up with one formula been working on it for quite some times that's based based on this on those principles point a between any two points only one straight line can be drawn right and when you draw a line between two two points you can extend the line in indefinitely this is um ukl uh ukl uh which is uh re um ma math how do you say math what you guys got what I mean okay so if you know instead of one RM if you know two different RMS you can plot everything on a on a graph and draw a straight line between the two points and the point where the line that you draw meets the vertical axis passing through one it will give you your one RM so this is the example if your 5 RM is 85 kilos and your 8 RM is 70 kilos your estimated one RM is 105 let me show you how how this works so you put the weight here on the X on the Y and you put the Reps on the X AIS axis so you got 70 here and you got 85 here right you draw a line and you extend the line and then you see or it gets to one and you find 105 kilos so this is how you do it graphically but we know one thing that that relationship between the weight and the RN is not linear but this if it's a long range if the range is short enough in the in um analytic geometry they teach you that any curve can be divided in very small linear segments so if the uh range is small enough it is linear so and so what I did I took I had for years because of billong I have for years all my students my athletes you know me the RMS of different P per percentages of One reped Max so I did some stats I did some stats for the spat that LIF bench press Minit press so I I I took the average of all my students for the past four years which are many and I started drawing lines and I got the average line between everything and it turned out that the average is linear so it works it's working really well at least between C points so this graph you just see represent the average RMS of different person One Max of my students 15 in different L SP that LIF P for literary press and you see between 75 and 100% of War Max the relationship is pretty much linear so I started doing some math I'm a I'm a nerd I don't know those who know me know that I I look like a heavy metal singer but I'm a nerve and an OCD so I came up with this formula here this is the formula you just plug in you got to get your estimated one rep max uh this is the formula rm1 plus N1 minus one well it's complicated right but the data are rm1 is the number of reps you do with weight one you need to you need to weight in the 3 to five range and N1 is the number of reps in that that you completed in that range so you got the weight and you got the Reps you got the second weight which is an 810 range and then you got the second reps and you plug that into the formula and you get a very accurate estimated RM now so this is for example if you did five reps at eight 85 kilos right your rm1 is 85 kilos and your N1 is five if you did a reps is 70 kilos your rm2 is 70 and your N2 is eight so you do all the calculations and you get your estimated One Max now I'm pretty sure that each one of you saying what the hell is he saying looks so complicated it is so I solve the problems for you I'm going to share with you this at the end of the day well right now I'm going to put it in the chat you will have this nice Excel spreadshe right so where you put you decide what you're working in kilos or pound and let's say that you put the two weights so one weight that allows you to do three to five reps you got to test it of course and the second weight allows you to do8 to 10 reps right and you find so for instance let's say that with tr 8 kilos canable in the Press uh sorry with 32 kilos sorry with 32 kilos Canales you can do say three reps okay and with 28 kilo Cal you can do eight reps okay and and you put the everything in the formula and it gives you estimated one rep max so if you I'm going to share with you both the slides with the formula with the explanation and the calculator so if you want to look at the try to understand the science behind it the calculations you got the full I'm going to share the full document I created for you a PDF not only the um not only the slides but a PDF with further explanations so you can use that you want to learn about it if you don't care you just want to use the formula I'm going to give you Excel spreadsheet all you need to do is one weight that allows you for three to five reps one weight that allows you for eight to 10 reps the exact number of reps you're able to complete with that number and you will get from the formula from the Excel you will get your estimated one rep max so for instance we have this case right so we have a case in which we have a person who can press the 32 for free reps right and cannot press the 36 and you need to design a plan with them Bill strong plan for the press and you don't know the current one rep max you see how many reps you can do with a 32 you can see how many you can do with a 28 and then you plug them into the formula and you get the estimated One Max and then you can and then you may call the calculations of billong according to that one rep max or plr or whatever else you want so another example let's say that I can do uh let's say I can do three reps with 115 kilos in the bench press right let say four reps and let's say that with a 100 I can do 10 I estimated One Max in the bench for 122.5 and if you see it changes see according to not only the weight but the number of reps it changes and it's I've been it's I've been testing it for a year or so it's working it's very accurate so believe it or not it worked and uh Hugo this when I created this formula I did it for planstrong actually because in planstrong you do need to have an accurate more rep max way more than bong but it works for both so last time did PL strong I shared the formula and I realized that many people did not get it so this time I created also the spreadsheet so I'm going to give you the formulas all the explanation of the formula plus the spreadsheet so you guys got everything and so you may choose whether you want just use the formula or learn more about it and try to understand how I got it does this make sense to you guys so this is all yours you're going to have it actually if you want to already play with it I'm going to put it in the chat right now and again I going to make sure that Joanna sends you everything pter it's loading you should find it in the chat guys did you guys find it you see it in the chat beautiful right and again all you will have all this I created this document for you let me show you I'm going to share this with you at the end of the day I created for you all the new additions I created for you um an extra piece of the manual with all the new stuff so it's an addendum to the manual which I'm going to share with you with all the other stuff I'm going to share today sounds good so now this part here it's a little bit long so I'm going to give you a short break so you can play with the formulas with a with a calculator and um like a 15 minutes break and then we going to talk about about intensity effort different type of ladders sets taken to RM and so on so different kind of different strategy for Bill strong so here in my time is 420 more or less 202 uh whatever is let's go to 35 whatever time is it it for you and um and then will keep moving sounds good in the meanwhile if you have questions think about it right so e e all right I see that Jose has already replied to Mark yeah you can do two days in a row um when you do four four sessions a week uh ideally you want to do two days on one day off two days on two day off like Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday however the way build strong is structur is very flexible uh if it happened and it happened to it happens to me all the time you know I often travel with teaching shs at weekends so I'm on the road very often it happened to me to train like four times in a row or even six times in a row doing a week and a half in one week so I could travel the following week and I always survived so it's best is if you do every three sessions a week alternated days four sessions a week two one two two but Flex very flexible because since the intensity and the volume changes all the time if you push one hard one session it's going be LGH the following one so usually uh that works again uh ideal and compromise so yes sir just a quick question on the estimated rep uh 1 RM um Sean Sean needs some 1 RM me for a planr program and coming back from injury using that will suffice to kind of get the numbers I need to to get through that I give you I give you one example I for instance you you come from an injury right what's what's the lift that you need to give sha the one or am4 I've got deficit deadlifts reverse bench press and front squats okay let's say that you injured you're uh you're back and uh you don't feel like testing the one R Max in a uh in a deadlift test a three RM and then test a something between 8 and 10 RM and use the formula and give him the estimated one rep max beautiful yeah that's going to work and I'm going to share something that uh I haven't shared with Sean yet usually I I get I need to give him the updates but for plan strong something I'm going to show now in one of the things I'm going to show now applies also to PL R and you'll see that's going to be very interesting uh to because in for those of you who did PL Strong by the way whoever who of you did PL strong say say I did in in the chat so I know how many did PL wrong good so those of you H the pl one of the challenges in plr is um that sometimes see many of you right so you know you have those tables to give you the rep range according to the percentage of one rep max and you have some times that's challenging for two reasons uh reason number one is that uh not all the time you have that exact per one rep maxing PL strong so it tells you how the rep range for 75% 85% and so on but sometimes you need to train at 82.5% so you don't know the rep range and then you have two tables one for high endurance athletes and one for low endurance athletes and nobody knows where he is at I'm going to solve this problem so so what what is about to come will give you some some good tips also for PL room I see that many did so you you you like what it what is coming so let me share my screen again so you guys can see also this part this is this part I'm going to show right now I showed it also during the very last PL R because it's very interesting so it's something that happens very often is people confuse intensity with effort so do not confuse intensity with effort or what is the RP as you know the RP is objective measure of effort and usually measure it from a scale from one to 10 and you know that buffer we discussed this yesterday or reps in reserve indicates the difference between the maximum number of repetitions that you could do in a row with a given weight and the numbers you actually do in a given set right and as an example he has to we said if you use a 10 RM weight and you only do six reps your buffer or reps in reserve is four right and you know that in plant strong and other systems we usually prescribe also in in billong we usually uh prescribe uh a rep range uh that is from 1/3 to 2/3 of n right it's interesting because the first person who introd used the RP scale is a powerlifter his name is Mike tuser and he adapted the board scale for powerlifting and tie the RP to the rep Reserve as strong first we also consider drop in rep speed and this is what you saw yesterday right you saw uh the uh RP and you saw how many rep Reserve we have this is what you saw I showed you yesterday now in strength training we saw that most of the volume volum of work is done at medium effort so 68 RP range and only 5 10% of the volume is when you basically go through through a test um goes in higher level of RP and the lowest range of the RP are used for light days active recovery and uh warm up and ramp up and he also saw that in bu what we do basically we using those ladders our RP changes from set to set this see why we wave the number of reps from set to set we want to wave the RP because this allows us to complete a higher amount of volume within a session without suffering too much fatigue right so but now we're going to introduce A New Concept a new parameter which I don't think we uh I spoke about this parameter for the very first time we did the seminar um uh programing demystified with pav and Hector Gutierrez back in in in Phoenix in U in October 2023 and I introduced the idea of the average preda effort which is very important because I introduced this because I noticed one thing uh what we tested experimental plans with uh with some students when we test the Pavo experimentals plan for new books but also when when people design plank strong plans many end up failing because they select a a rep range for their set which is not appropriate meaning that everybody wants to push towards the limit so let's say that you are working with a given weight and your rep range is let's say 3 to six everybody tends most of people tends to do as many sets of sixes po always push the limit and this oftentimes leads to burnout or uh lack of technique or you know uh not able to maintain the good technique or injuries or fading a rep so I'm going to explain this by with some examples let's say that you have to complete 20 reps 75% or one rep max which is your 10 rep max in one session okay and there are many options to do that I'm going to show you four so we can analyze them so to do trendy reps with 10 RM you could do four sets of five right for a total of four sets or you could do a lad 235 235 you do six sets or 3 4 6 34 total number of six sets three or bodybuilding stuff set of 10 set of six set of four only three sets right now the intensity is the same the volume is the same but you guys looking at those four option understand that they you're different you can clearly see that option b is the one that allows you to spare fatigue and option D is the is the killer one right you can all see it so how can we measure this uh so I realizing that measuring the uh intensity and the volume may not be enough so let's take a look at this so the average number of reps in every set in option A you do four sets of five the average of reps per set is five right in session B you do 235 235 the average number of reps per set is 3.3 in option three you do set of three set of four set of six set of three set of four the average number of reps is four and in the last option the average number of reps is 6.67 so it changes a lot now if we take that number the the average number of reps per set and we divide it by we divide it by the RM which in this case we assume it was 10 we can call that result we can call it the average effort because in first case you did in case a you did an average of five reps with a RM of 10 so basically your average your relative effort is 50% you did 50% of the Reps you could have done in second case is lower the effort is lower it's only 30 33.3% in case C it's 40% and in case D 67.7% so again you have the same volume the same intensity but different levels of relative effort and it's clear here that option b is the one where the effort is lower which is pretty much what we would do in plan in billong and option b what a bodybuilder would do push the very first set to the Limit right and then keep going to the limit is the one that leads to the highest effort so you can use this metric to monitor how the effort varies from session to session from week to week within a program but we s what we seen was a simple case where the athlet train using only one weight let's see what happens if someone uses multiple weight in one session see what happens so for instance uh the athlet does 10 reps with 70% of 1 RM which in this case is is 12 RN then he does another 10 reps with 75% of one of one rep match which is his 10 now it does eight reps with 80% and six reps with 85 right so this is one session and you could do that in many different ways I consider two different options option A he does a set of five with 70% set of five with 75 set of four with 80 with 85 does two sets of three set of four with 80 again goes back down set of five with 75 and the set of five with 70% so as you see he pushes fairly hard case b he does the same with 70% five reps 75 does three only with 80% he only does two and with 85 instead of doing two sets of three does three sets of two then he goes back to 80% is a set of two and a set of four with 75 set of three in set of four we 70% in set of five of course he does more reps right but but the average number of reps would be five reps in k a with 70% five reps with 75 four reps with 80 as you see and three reps with 85 in the second case he would do five ref to 70 same thing but the average number of ref to 75 would be low 3.33 with 80% 2.67 with 85% too what does that change let's take a look at relative effort so 50% 50% 50% all across the board in case b he would use 50% 33% 33% 33% if you take the average of those efforts so you average you calculate the average of all the relative efforts you get 50% in case one and 37.5% in case b so basically the two solutions lead to working with the same intensity working with the same volume but case one is requires way more effort than case two and most likely for strength case b is better for hypertrophy case a is better which is interesting so I came up with this and I am still testing with it according to the goal with the same intensity and the same volume your effort should be different if you're looking for power which means that your reps can never slow down you should go from 30 to 50% you should stay really low effort if you're working for One max strength 40 to 60 works really well strength and hypertrophy 50 to 70 if you want to do classic bodybuilding classic bodybuilding always goes towards the top effort so towards uh towards exhaustion basically Bill strong should stay around here PL strong should stay around here that's pretty much the it now applying this concept to what we do I want to explain why in bu we do what we do and then I'm going to show you how you can do it differently so in bodybuilding it's common to push the sets until constr fader so you do as many reps as you can until you failed to complete the Reps uh some call this training to TMI which means temporary muscular incapacity it means you get to a point in which your muscles don't respond anymore they don't move anymore in bodybuilding it's common belief that only the very last reps of a set the most strenuous ones are the ones that lead to results there is also now a a concept that is moving a lot in bodybuilding you see if you Google it you'll find a lot of articles about it which is called effective reps they say that um in a set push to failure only the last five reps are the ones that leads to that lead to hypertrophy and and to uh good stimula for hypertrophy so basically if you have weights that are above 85% one rep max so you can do five or less reps and you push them to the Limit all the reps are effective but if you use a 10 RM for instance you got to put if you push yourself to 10 the last five will be effective reps if you only do a set of six you will only have one effective rep this is the concept that works in bodybuilding right now and of of course I disagree with it but just wanted to bring it up so inur training on the other hand is common to train with a buffer terminate the set before reaching the temporary muscular incapacity and some some schools and some cultures prescribe to interrupt the set before technique deteriorates which makes sense others say stop as the set as soon as the Reps starts low going down which by the way uh remind me Andy your question yesterday about the Bulgarian system has to do with this so when we do the Q&A at the end remind me because we're gonna we're gonna I'm going to I'm going to talk about this also which is related so we we lifting which is what we do in plr billong they used to prescribe the reputation rate from 1/3 to 2/3 of the RM at a given r one one rep max so so person want REM Max so whatever weight you're using 1/3 to 2/3 why do we did we choose one3 to two to 2/3 instead of looking at the speed drop or instead of looking at technique deteriorating because it does not allow for mistakes I mean if I coach you to stop the set before technique deteriorates you need to have s enough self-awareness to be able to say when your Technique deteriorates and you may not see it unless you film yourself you have a coach watching you if I instruct you to stop the set as soon as the rep speed slows down you may not rely that the rest speed flows down so you need to measure it or to film yourself or to have someone coaching you but if I tell you you test your RM and you go from 1/3 to two 2/3 right the no way you can make a mistake so I can coach you at distance I can give you those guidelines and I know it's mathematical you you will you will not fail to to do it so this is why we use this prescription now I give you one example here so let's say you load the Ben first and let say that your 6 RM is 100 kilos right now imagine you're going to push every single rep to incapacity to the very last you can right so the very first set you do six reps if you take a regular rest you know 2 3 minutes you won't be able to do another set of six you'll probably do four and if you do a third set you'll probably do two or three and other set you probably do one or two so you your number of reps will decrease over time if you really push yourself to the limit so I I assume it's 6 4 2 1 so total NL would be 30 now the question is out of those 13 reps how many have perfect technique in the first set of six most likely the first four or five in the second set of four probably the first two in the third set probably maybe one and the last set of course not even one so probably the percentage of high quality reps technique wise that you able to accomplish is probably less than 50% and remember this you become good in what you practice so if 50% of your practice is bad technique your Technique will deteriorate if you want to uh improve your Technique you need to practice with perfect technique so that's not a good thing but also if you push yourself to limit like that you will be sore the following days so probably next day you won't be able to do the manest so why do we this is why we do what we do in in in billong take a look at this I'm going to use a second example where same guy same 6 RM 100 kill of bench press but this time we ask this person to do sets of three so 50% of RM can we say that this person would be able to do to Do complete six sets of three I'm sure he can do it probably even more but let's say six so the NL would be 18 versus 13 so you can do higher volume right but also since she's doing working 50% of ourm I'm pretty sure that all the Reps would be good so the high quality reps will be 100% but also you won't be sore the following day which means you can do bench press again so you can do even more volume in a week and even in a month so this is the reason for which in Bill strong we always train with reping reserve and why we void the effort with those ladders we alternate more committing sets with easier sets this allows us to drag you know more to drag the training for more sets at the same time mon technique and freshness and not being store the following days so we can train again that's pretty much the idea behind it this is PL and uh I'm going to go here and this is why we use Ladders because because we want this is another plr guideline which is vary as much as possible oops uh the number of reps from one set to another within the given range ladders are very effective tool to manage High volumes while managing neural and metabolic fatique so this is why we use the ladds now in plr you have those two tables here that tell you your rep range they say if you're working a 75 RM of one rep max your RM is 10 your optimal number of reps is five the range is three to six this is if you have if you are an aage to high endurance athlet if you are a low endurance athlet with a given weight with 75% your RM would be eight your optimal rep would be four and your rep range will be three to five and every when I teach a PL from seminar they asked me how do I know if I am a high endurance or a low endurance well my suggestion is always test how many reps you can do with 80% and you see if you're closer to table one or table two right but I expanded this I've been working a lot on this and I been working on a lot on we started this with power when we wrote reload but it's I've been working a lot on it and expand it a lot and I use a lot now to test how many reps you can do at 80% of one red Max why did they choose 80% of one red Max because if the weight for you with which you test your RM is too light and you too many reps you may stop because lactic acid come into play and inhibits your muscle contraction so it doesn't work if it's too too heavy too close to one rep max you don't see variability between different lifts and between people so you need weight that is heavy enough to be close to one RM and not lead to massive production of latic acid but light enough to show variability between different subjects and from lift to lift in the same subject so I have came up after a lot of work with a table that provides an estimate of how many rep Maxes you can do at different percentage of one rep max according to how many reps you can do with 80% and you can use this to calculate your rep range so let me show you this is the table so this is the number of reps you can do with 80% from 4 to 12 and though down here there are the number of reps you can do with different percentages one rep max so let's say your one rep max is is 100 to make things easier right and you test your RM at 80% so with 80 kilos right and you can do eight eight reps if you can do eight with 80% and you want to know how many reps would I be able to do with 90% you go down here from eight you pull it down here so you get to 90 and you could do four you want to know how many reps you could do with 80% you pull it down of course it's eight how how many with 85 six and that the continues it couldn't fit in one page of PowerPoint so in the PDF I'm going to give you you have the full table how many reps can I do with 75% nine how many can do with 65% 13 which is a good news for you because this you can use this in PL strong because if you're doing plans WR you know you one rep max you test as many reps as you can do with 80% and then according to the weight you have what person you want Max C are you know your your RM and according to that you calculate your range 1/3 to 2/3 but if you're doing bills strong it's is just as good because instead of testing the W Max and then testing your RM at 85% and then 75% and at 65% you just do one test one rep Maxs you tested 80% and then using the table you can find all the other RMS without testing them and it works like Ma magic now since this is nice nice table but you still have to do some calculations I did another thing for you I created this I created this sheet which I'm going to share with you guys where you put your one rep max you also put the weight jump you have available in the gym and you write down here how many reps you were able to complete at 80% of one rep max right and then here you in the green tables you can you you just plug in the percentage is one red Max you want to know how many reps you would be able to do with so for instance here with 100 kilos and eight reps at 80% with 92.5 kilos you can do three reps with 85% you can do six 75 n and it also gives you the weights so for instance let's say that you can do seven reps and you want to know how many reps you can do at 90% you just write it here and you'll find how many reps you want to know how many you can do at 83% and 71 66 57 so what you basically do you plug in your percentage you're working at and you'll find your RMS without testing them so all you need to know is you one rep max say I don't know let's go 2 pounds 445 PBS you got a weight jump of five so it's also rounded for you right you plug in how many reps you can do at 80% you select the percentages you want to work at and you get your RM so instead of doing several tests you only do one you guys like it so oh I see you guys like it so you guys want this formula right the spreadsheet so again again I'm going to make sure that you guys will get it also through um want to make sure that you guys will get it also through Joanna but right now in the chat I am going to plug Pull It in you're can ready start playing with it it's coming let me know if you got it so going back to a um going back to the pl the bill wrong plan up to yesterday you learned that you have your one rep max you need to test your RMS at every single percentage for the medium heavy so that you have heavy medium and so on so that you know you can calculate your letters from now on you don't need to do that anymore you just test RMS with 80% and then you use the formula and you estimate all the reps with the rest with the with the other percentages and you plug the in to calculate your your your your thing so uh I see Mark is asking uh and you can test the 80% on the same day is testing the more Max this is a great thing this is what this is what you can do so as Mark said the day in which you test your W rep max right you test your one R Max you take it 10 minutes break is enough you deow the weight to 80% you do as many reps you have so you get everything there and you have all your way through your future plan without doing so many testing so this I was so excited about sharing this with you because it's fairly new I never showed it before and I and I created this uh Excel fren for you guys because I have a formula that creates this table but it's kind of complicated takes a lot of time I thought let's put it in Excel and make it easy to use if you're good with math you'll find out how I figure that out right so what Google's asking also could you use your RM test calculator to work out your one R Max and then yeah of course that's the goal the goal is the goal is first of all reducing number of tests so testing only with RM 80% to figure out what is 65 75 85 and so on the other goal is the other formula is giving a to those who are not in conditions to test the real W rep max to be able to figure out the plan anyway so Eric uh is asking can this be used for both high and low endurance lifters actually this bypasses that thing because this tells you if you are a high low endurance lifter right so once you test your RM with 80% [Music] uh uh so you do your your test with 80% of of of your one rep max this leads you to a given number of reps which tells you if you high low endurance so classify there but it's way more precise because you see with PL you have two tables high endurance low endurance but if you would be very low endurance very high endurance those two tables would not cover you doing the test and using the formula fixes it Char is asking the way to add estimated one RM file uh show the number of decimal places limited the view of the meod that should not happen but yeah yeah I I'll check it out I'll check it out during the first break Charles and see what happens if you could take a screenshot and put it in the chat I can what happened I'll see I how I can fix it okay right so the other thing is here is just explaining why we use ladders versus static reps static reps means same number rep found in every set right so I'm giving you two examples to make the point so example one you're doing bench press right and you're doing 75% One Max you 10 RM you got to do 25 25 reps your rep range is three to six what most people will do is five sets of five you know five by five now if you do a ladder yeah same thing bench press 75% War Max your 10 RM 25 rep range is 36 you may do 346 346 or 235 235 235 as you see the two is below the rep range but this is what we would do in bstr right so why would we do a ladder instead of doing five sets of five you got part of this right but advantages more sets because you know instead of five sets here five sets of five here you get one two 3 four five six sets here it takes you more eight sets one two three four five six seven eight so more sets is more set more setups which means more skill practice but you get same intensity but lower RP in most sets will allow you to manage higher volume with better technique so for instance If instead of doing five sets of five you do three ladders of 235 even if the first set of every single ladder is below the rep range you're doing higher volume 30 reps instead of 25 but in in this case the volume is high is higher but only three sets out of nine are at high RP so you can do more volume with lower effort of course it takes more time but you know so how do you want to how can you set up your own Russian ladder you test your RM you calculate 1/3 and you round it to the whole number you calculate half 50% of the RM and round it in to the nearest route number you calculate 2/3 and the three numbers are your latter numbers so this is the way it is this is a Russian ladder which is 4 RM 1/3 rounded of course 50% 2/3 this is five 2 3 3 right 1/3 50% rounded 2/3 this with the same 6 2 3 4 and so on this is the way you this a classic Russian letter where the average relative effort if you think about it is 50% because you're basically doing one set at one3 of RM one set at 50% one set of 2/3 the average is 50% now this this may be interesting you want to increase the effort to work more towards hypertrophy how about of course now we're talking about people who are ADV baned I would not advise to do this to anyone who has not experienced with PL strong Bill plans how about if you just skip the first set and you only do the second and the third you still get a little bit of variability but the effort a little bit higher so the the effort goes from 50% to basically 60% 59% so and of course it takes less set to complete the same volume so this is a solution for advanced people Advanced athletes to push a little bit more again in the basic main billong I did not mention this simply because I want people to be safe but when you're an expert I oftentimes do this I just cut the first set and then just do little Potter right now the feach ladder this is the one we use currently in bill it's a type of ladder where the number of reps of the third set is equal to the sum of the number of reps of the first and the second set this is why it's called Fibonacci numbers ladder while the number of reps in the third set is always equal to 2/3 of RM the number of reps in the first and second sets could be less than 1/3 and 50% but again this is a safe ladder that allows you to allows you to manage fatigue and complete higher volumes so again this is the U difference this is a typical Russian lad one3 50% 2/3 and this is the Fibonacci lad you see that Fibonacci lad is way easier so you did billong for a while and you use those Lads which are in the manual and you want to progress a little bit you want to push a little bit harder what can you do you switch from this ladder to this ladder and then after a few months especially in I would not do that in the heavy sessions but medium and light sessions you want to push a little more you use this ladder here and you only do the second and third set you skip the first you know medium and lightweight are safer so you can do this so it's a way to start increasing the effort and doing type of worth is more toward hypertrophy okay so it's going to be interesting if to design the same build strong plan right with the same parameters initially on worship page one go on page two and instead of using the ladders we usually have start using only the second the third number or switching to this lad or using only a second to third number but in addition to this we have also some something else which is new which we could do and bodybuilders do this well and now I for some of you this may seem like a slap in the face when I first spoke about this I'm going to show you now to pav he was like really and now we are experimenting this type of plans uh with with some folks which is interesting and I anticipated this in the newsletter uh strong for us a couple of weeks ago which is sets to RM meaning pushing your sets to the Limit I don't like to say failure because you know pushing them to failure means that you you end up failing we stop before failure uh P used this term it's he calls them sets to refusal so you do as many reps as you can until your body refuses to do one more W right so I'm going to skip all the talking here you'll look at in the slides I'm going to share them with you but I'm going to start from here what about ifer trophy most modern bodybuilding strategies will prescribe pushing the set to failure or at least to that maximum and it's true they deliver results because you get increased time and detention and mechanical stress on the muscle cells provide stimula for muscle growth yesterday I advocated against this right and today may seem oh you're saying you're contradicting yourself no I'm just saying that beginners should stay on the safe side but at a certain point and with the right conditions you can start pushing your set to RN so yesterday we we said interruptor set going to see a new strategy which is going to be interesting so at sters you know what we usually do we seek to increase the volume we stick to repin reserve however however let's go back here is there a place for sets conducted to repetition maximum in our systems believe it or not there is but of course with some caveat first of all definition of RM sets in our system there is no room for less than perfect reps so when he we say do as many reps as you can we mean do as many perfect reps as you can so when we when we say in the plan what I want to show you now when you say push okay to RM you push to the very last perfect rep you can do you don't allow yourself to do a rep this less than perfect and you don't fail you stop before you fail right so if you're not 100% sure you can complete another rep with perfect form don't even attempted so this is aligned with the strong for stop signs which prioritize form over quantity and second thing if you want to do test to RM those will make you sore you need to use different weekly templates so and also sets conducted to repetition maximum should be the very last thing you do in a training session so here's an example of a template so what I've been doing in the past probably year and a half on myself also and in with my students is starting session with heavier sets in a 47 RM Zone and then doing you know latter sets at the very end of the session and pushing yourself to the Limit let me show you this is one example with the bds3 and with only three have dissolve so you have heavy medium and light upper body press as you see heavy now in all the templates you've seen up to now you do heavy one day you do light the following day and then you do medium right now you see here the upper body press is at the very beginning of the session heavy and it's also at the end light the squat is in between now the squat is heavy and then light so you so you train instead of training your lifts at three different intensity zones three times a week you train every every lift two times out of three and one you train it twice at the edges of the session like the pieces of bread in a sandwich right so at the top you do go heavy then you put something else in between and then at the bottom you go light and you push to your limit so upper body press heavy and light no upper body press day of rest upper body press medium squat heavy squat light so pieces of rad of sandwich no Squat and squat is medium here upper body pull heavy and light no upper body po here medium here so that's the way you do it and how do you do it so heavy you just rain rep range from 1/3 to 2/3 of RM nothing new medium you do the same but here's what you do in the light you take your 125 RM weight and you push all the sets to RM until you have accomplished the total volum of the day so let me show you this in one plan I'm going to just pick any plan this one here right so if this was the front squ squ here this was your your front squad car so what I would do here in the squad day I would do the heavy squat back squat at the beginning right set a 131 yes at the end I would leave this blank and say 20 and what you would do you would do one set to RM let's say you can you you can complete 13 right and then your second set you just do the seven that's of there and then here you got 29 so you do 13 you push yourself to the Limit second s you would not be able to do 13 let's say you do 11 right so totally you did 13 + 11 you do 24 you got five left so you do five you got 46 here so you maybe do 13 push the limit then you do 11 and let's say you do nine right so you're tr3 and then you do eight and then you do seven and you keep going until you reach 46 you keep pushing so whenever before you compromise technique you stop and then you keep going until you completed the volum now this works only one condition it has to be the very last thing you do before ending the session because if you have anything else you'll be too sore and too tired because you you'll be also your you know your breath will be you know irregular and so on and so forth but also you won't be able to do another Squad the following day so you understand the need of this type of template so you go heavy super heavy also there is another reason you go super heavy initially you activate um you get some exitation nervous system which remains for some time so you get kind of a facilitation which will make you stronger at the end but the main thing is that you do the heavy and then you do the light work to RM but the following session for a few days you need to have one or two days in which you don't train that movement so this is why instead of doing heavy light medium we do the heavy and the light at the same in the same session because if you do the heavy and uh if you did the heavy here you did the light here you would not be able to the medium the following day doesn't make sense so you train the heavy and the light together and it works like magic uh you know I'm I'm not a bodybuilder anymore or anything like that but those of you who work with me on on a regular base including you Carlo Guido see me I've been doing this in the past I think nine months and I'm old I mean I'm 55 but I gained so much muscle mass in the past year I'm way bigger than I used to be um you know my average weight when I'm not fat usually is around 82 853 85 kilos I'm 90 kilos I'm not fat right now I did gain a lot of volume so it's delivering I'm testing it and it's really delivering [Music] um yes go go for the question thank you very much Foo all right so uh let's say that on the end of the session um we have like the 15 or 13 R Max so of course if I if I push my set towards uh the 15 or the 13 uh the last two or three reps are going to be like hm you know like not the very best uh reps so can I take hold on hold on read above let's go back couple of slides definition of RM sets you don't stop when you fail you stop you do as many perfect reps as you can so whenever you feel that the technique is not perfect you stop so it's different from what a bodybuilder would do you get this that's very important so and also this is also very important because uh thank you for bringing this up by the way uh we had a challenge now currently uh brat Jones and I are in charge of distributing some experimental Plans by Pavo I'm not sure Hub are you doing one of those have you been doing one of those yeah yeah I've been doing one uh recently finished up we should do 718 uh uh greas the groove it was was it 718 or 718b or something I don't know the exact numbers I can find it if you need to so we have a few experimental plans right and where every two weeks you have to test your RM with refs and we started getting some weird numbers so not your caseo because you know you're one of our team leaders we know you do things really well but we have so many folks you know that gave it weird numbers and so we started say okay send me a video of your numbers also Charlie did one of those PL and uh looking at the videos he said oh my God this is not an RM test you know out of 12 reps the first six or seven were good the others were no counts so it's it's very important in billong when you test your one rep match and you test your RNs it's very important 718b I imagine that um it's very important important that when you test your RM you test you count only the perfect reps video yourself watch your video and when you see there something is going on you know that's not perfect stop uh we only count perfect reps so does this answer your question my friend or do you have more so I interrupted you in the middle of the question so I I hope I just didn't you know speak over you so feel free to unmute yourself and continue if you all right so yes um basically what I was wondering was uh that in fact those like perfect reps they uh have in them like some reps in in reserve because they are just like the perfect ones so uh I I get it all right yes and it's very important for one reason you know and this is this is the reasons now you get this now you all get this for which when I created Bill strong initially I assigned as staple those Fibonacci ladders you know because again if you train bodybuilders with high volumes you know and so on and you put them on a machine on the leg extension even if they do a horrible work they won't get injured but here we're dealing with squats with dead lft with rows you know with exercises where you can't afford to do a bad rep so this is why in the original version of billong I put the Fibonacci Lads because they are super safe and this is why I'm bringing all those other strategies up today hoping that you guys don't give it to your beginner students because to do this safely and effectively you need to have a lot of self-awareness own a very good technique and so on this is the reason why I'm very reluctant you know to show this stuff day one of Bill you know because again and I know that many will want to try start with this because it feels cooler you know I pump more I get more I grow quicker and so on but the problem is especially when you train your most of your coaches when you're training your students uh first thing you want to keep them safe so I would say that you know you need to have a good background before you start doing this type of training because again it's as I said yesterday it's doing bad reps in fundamental exercises is like eating mushrooms uh some mushrooms you can eat as much as you want but some mushrooms you can eat only once and you won't be able to eat a second time so one bad wrap if it leavs to herni a this or breaking a ligament you know it's not something you want to do you don't need many bad reps you just need one right so this is why I I strongly recommend that you got guys are super careful in giving this to your students so keep it to yourself and use also you have progressions you know start with easy stuff and gradually do this now uh I see the Morgan is asking BTS Pro to set to RM I got stuff now what I show you is an example but here's some some interesting stuff for you I created I'm going to share this with you I'm going to share all this slides I have created a series of BTS 3 four and six templates that are suitable for those this type of work so they should answer very well also Morgan's question so this is the one you just seen but we got more this is another bts3 which includes uh which includes the Dre muscle work now this one is like this upper body press Squat and then upper body press lights and very lights now what I would do here I would use this is heavy I would use the regular ladder here and I would go to RM in the very light only or interrupted set here and then go to RM here but my preference would be go to RM only in in the direct muscle work so same here squat heavy squat light squat variation direct muscle work to RM upper body pull upper body pull right and so on this one's like the different you get upper body pull heavy upper body pull light on the same day in which you go to um you just do the uh you push uh sorry you just do the regular work you get medium here and then you got it very light here in which you go to RN so you get heavy and light right medium very light and here you very light you push it to RN uh this this is this is a killer this is well you'll see it for this is for bts4 this is my so um I used to have a training partner we used to train every single session together now he changed job and he moved to another town so we're still training three times a week together but he only does three sessions a week I do four so basically I am on a sort of bts6 plan he's in a sort of bts4 and this is the way he's training you'll see the way I'm training now you you'll be surprised it's a killer but it delivers so take a look at this you get the upper body press and pull you work them together heavy and then you work them together light at the end and light you push yourself to RM and you get the medium spot in between and this is the killer this is only lower body you get heavy squat medium hip hinch and then you get the light squat to RM and then section c you do the hip hch the then you do the upper body press and pull medium and then hip Hing again at the end this is a killer Squat and hip Hing on the same day so leg day as body builder would say is really hard to manage but as far as for results it really delivers and you see my version now what I'm doing currently right now this is another option here also for bts4 so you get the upper body press at the beginning and at the end so here RM and then you get a medium here and again Watch squat keep pain squat heavy medium light to RM and here you get the same heavy medium squat light at the end so basically you get two it's what they in body building they call it upper lower this type of schedule so you basically do upper body of one day lower body the other upper body lower body not man are able to handle the spot and hiping on the same day it needs some training but when you can do it this it really delivers it really delivers it's it's tough but it really delivers this is another one that includes direct muscle work I have a uh well I have a bu he's doing bs6 so you get the heavy the light and then you get the very light to RM and think about this one leg day squat hinge Squat and squat again muscle work to RM this is for bodybuilders by the way it's not for you know you need to be a bodybuilder to do this and then you have this one here which is upper body press and heavy and the r muscle work to RM and then you see there's no upper body press here but you get a medium here and then you get a light here so you get heavy and very and very light to RM and you get a day off from the upper body and then you get medium and then you get light same patter squat you get heavy and then you get very light to uh to RM you get a day off from The Squat and you get a medium and then you get a light and so on so forth BTS templates this is exactly what I'm train the way I'm training now except that I just it's too weak I cannot press so I do isometrics because I broke my shoulder as I told you before but this is what currently doing I do horizontal press and pull heavy and then I do them light to RN and I sandwich them between Vertical Press and Pull and here I do squat pain of squat again and again Vertical Press and pull horizontal press and P in between and Vertical Press and pull so you see horizontal press and pole horizontal and heavy and light medium heavy and light medium here and the same squap heavy and light medium he pinch heavy and light and medium here uh little interesting thing you know what I do between my sets of squat and my set of hip hinch between my set of squats I do bicep curls and between my sets of hip hinge I do tricep work so if you want to add arms it's interesting so if you think about this plan if you add the arms on session A and C you're working your center right torso all the center and on session B and and D you're working your lmbs lower and upper limbs one important thing when I train my arms you know biceps and triceps I don't go to failure I don't go to RM because the following days I would have to train my upper body so if my arms are tired that would compromise my upper body training but know that if you want to include some arm training you can and this one is I have a bodybuilder currently doing this one which is an extension of my current program so what he actually adds is direct muscle work at the very end for all the movements so they they add some machines or stuff like that and we go really to to to RM over there so that's another so same is for this one this one is horizontal press here you get heavy and very light so heavy and then go to uh RN you get day off here and then you get medium and then you get light same here heavy and very light together with the offset m one session off and then you get medium and then you get light and so on so all this stuff I need to convert this uh or this into a PDF I'm going to send it to you but I also created this for you oops sorry to share this with you now everything I showed you up to now here you see the bts4 templates the uh all the story about the estimated one rep max reps and for Rel effort AI train to failure the table Full Table tested 80% RM ladders type of ladders set to RM and all the templates I have created everything for you and again I want to share it right away so this this is all new stuff that we didn't have before here it is let me know if you got it so do you guys like this new stuff especially those who took PL from Mong in the past I'm glad to hear it so you know I'm it's I'm expanding by the way I don't know for those of some of you knows um and some don't a month and a half from now you will receive an invitation email every time we do a billong and a classroom two months later we do a Q&A session uh which means that you get an invitation email to join a two and a half hour of presentation you can ask your question I get the list of questions and I answer all the questions because the idea is if you learn how to do the plans and you start to apply them you may have more questions and makes no sense to do a Q&A session like a week before you need to try to do the plan be able to try it see how it goes and so twice a year we do a plan strong Q&A and then we do a billong Q&A I don't know if Joan already sent the invitation for the latest plr but since you've been attending this you will receive this forever so twice a year you will receive the invitation for the billong Q&A and the plr Q&A so anytime you have time you know you can join and you can ask your questions prior and I'll get the answers ready for you so the idea is making sure that you're always updated and you get continuous education and we and I support you as you start designing the plans and testing them and seeing you know Finding challenges or whatever so that's pretty much the idea the idea is not just giving you a seminar and just close the doors the IDE is giv you the seminar and help you you know learn learning the system applying the system getting better with the system and also G that data you know you didn't get a PDF Kenneth okay trying it again hold on and don't worry if for some reason you don't get it now I'm going to make sure that you know Joanna will send you an email with all the attachment all the s spreadsheets all the PDFs and everything okay and um you'll get all this and uh also the links for the recording for three weeks you can watch the recordings you know of this all the time so you can get some more support so I'm going to show you one other thing then I'm going to give you an exercise to do and then we're going to work on special cases okay uh oh yeah Joanna just said uh if you have a tenant PL strong before then you are invited to join next on June 11 so remind this if you're are free it's for our Europeans it's late at night I wake up at 2 A.M to do it because we're in the US you know uh time zone but I'm happy to do it so if I do it for free you guys can wake up at two even if you live in Europe and you know and and joy so that said I'm going to I have another little surprise for you am I sharing the screen uh Nico the recording no you cannot download because we need to delete it at some point we can't leave it there so you can watch it on online and uh that's the way it works but so let me show you what else I've got for you so but this one I'm showing it to you now I'm not sharing it until tomorrow and I you'll see why in the second because I know I want to make your life easier but not too much easier so you see this Excel which is exactly like your worksheets right however take a look at this you select if you're doing a BTS 3 or BTS 6 you select the movement pattern right so say for body press you select the template see just a change you're at your main lift lit toess you're right your one red Max and you're right your weight jump right and you select your rm's here of course you will have to select the weights here so let's say four and here let's say so five 55 right now here you select you put you input your percentages here so let's say very heavy to zero uh heavy you got I don't know 10% 35 right and 55 shows you that you're good calculates the AI you select your volume variant you select your intensity variant right and it calculates all your plan all you have to do is fill in the the all the cells in green with all the data and all the calculations come from Dropbox see from drop drop down menus you have you select the variance you select everything right and then you have your worship B and you already find all filled in you see Minit press your ladders you find everything you need and all you have to do here is your reps so for instance here have one two right one two three and you see when it's done becomes green you got nine here one three to too much two three two you see when it when this turns green you got the right number so you just you got your letters here right so you just two four six two four five you see so it basically it helps you creating your plan doing does all the AR calculation everything for you so I'm not sharing it with you now because I still want you to do I still want you to do ear cut oh by the way this is interesting once you have created a plan show it once you finished it it's 2 46 right 46 26 245 I'll show you just to see okay here what's the ladder here 358 okay let's assume you it's done once you've completed the plan right you just go on you can either print it or save it as a PDF and it's printed like this so you can use it as a training diary and just cross your so you get all the all the plan ready to go so I created this Excel spreadsheet that has all the formulas in and the purpose is help you the with calculations make you know you just create a plan in five minutes with this and again the only reason for which I'm not giving it to you now because I do want you to do the calculations now to learn it but between tomorrow and Tuesday with your packet post event packet you you will get also this Excel spreadsheet does that sound good to you good of course it does not have the final template the bts4 the last ones but it's good enough for you to work right okay so that's it um I'm going to give you a break together with some homew work right so I'm going to to write it here so you guys can have a u as something to look at so how can I do it let me open up a I can close this one by the way okay I'm going to write it here all right so over here when I write it here so uh what liveed we didn't cover we didn't cover a road right up to now so we want it so want to we want to program for a horizontal pool okay 350 template let's use a um H you know you know what let's use a let's use a d template D template D so you're going to use P roll oh gorilla is easier gorilla roll and well I'm roll for the light very you're going to use a um 31a and a uh 1 3 a so one is the volume and the other one is the uh intensity variant and then you're going to use you all got the PDF right you're going to use only the only the second and third so you got a horizontal pool oh interesting yes I forgot wrong thing [Music] so may a little change lady uh what was it GNA say oh yes okay you can assume your want rep Mach is whatever works for you it doesn't really make a change for me but you want to do a horizontal pool template D the exercise of the main pend row gorilla Row one row are the others 350 onl I 69.5 variance volume and intensity and then of the ladders to calculate your sets and Reps you only take the second and third rep count you don't take the full ladder so you make it more effort and you use the set2 RM for the light let's see what you can do um I'm going to give you well try 25 minutes probably should be enough considering a break so I'll see you at whatever your time is and 25 okay let's see what you guys come up with and after this I'm going to see some other special cases and other stuff interesting stuff good see you well I'm GNA put it uh Charlie and Jose if I put in pause the recording can you remind me to switch it back on when we got when we're back thank you yes sir okay I'll pose it then thank cute what e e all right uh for the uh Excel I'll fix it I was not able to um to fix it now during the break because I being in screen sharing I would have messed up the screen so I'll fix the Excel and resend uh tomorrow Tuesday latest you'll get all the files from Joanna so I'll make sure that you get the um the fixed um the fixed thing you see unless and Kenneth you are the volunteer did I get it right let me see if I can quickly fix this so what was the kilogram 4840 kilogram 48 40 fire r some a reps okay got it okay let's see if I can fix it right away [Music] H interesting that work okay he how come it doesn't write it okay saved and let me share it with you guys so it's done so we don't forget it's done it's done right you should have it in the chat right now all right can I feel free to get the mic okay all right so let's do this hold on let me do one thing and make her life way easier let's do it here all right so let's say to be the S6 Right Movement is the horizontal pole uh template what was it a uh d p is whatever you know 50 50 kilo no you're way strong longer than that come on I just picked a number 2.5 and Kil okay and two and a half kilo jumps okay perfect all right so we have specialized R we got the what is it gorilla gorilla Ro we had one ar oh yeah gorilla row specialized variety medium one arm Row for the light yes uh did you set some weights esta got a 42.5 for the penley row 32 calculated already yeah 32 kilo for the gorilla row so 32 kilo kabel I suppose yes and and 20 kilo kabel for the one arm row perfect so I got five Reps for the penley row okay 10 Reps for the gorilla row and 14 rep max for the one arm row see how it works with the drop down menus okay perfect uh all right let's Ali what did you establish okay I got 5% for the main 35% for the medium and 60% for the light perfect okay what variant do we have I don't recall 31 31a 28 15 3522 yeah and we had a 13A variant for the one three no sorry 31a was it 3 31a for the volume and 13A for the intensity right there's nothing here okay you see all the numbers are done life's that see so this Excel will make your life way easier so let's check the numbers so you got week one 112 60 14088 um where am I at here where you at um 31a 28 15 3522 yeah those number oh sorry Sor 350 forgot that yeah there you go okay so we so I realize I need to fix something in the Excel see I got it ready for you I got around this well I have let me see I've got um 210 120 yeah actually it'd be 1225 for the uh medium and 17 so I rounded up to 18 yeah I need to fix this in Excel spreadsheet you ready for you last week and I I need I I I'm I'm I'm I'm realizing I got to fix this so wor fix it before I send it to you tomorrow I'll fix this issue all right what did you get here uh the weeks do they match with yours um let me see here what you got 98 53 2023 uh yeah they be a difference of one here and there because of different rounding probably well only thing I had yeah basically the same thing the only thing difference I had was for the um 123 is like only 22 and a half exactly yeah and if you see the total number of lifts end up to 351 because of course rounding exactly 350 yeah okay how about the u h does that the heavy does that match with your numbers 18 um the 18 where you at again the yeah uh 6 54 18 let me look here I had 63 104 how can that be 10 it's hard 28% of 18 cannot be 10 you you got 138 right so we got 35% on 30 on week one 15 on week two and 28 on week three now 28% of 18 cannot be 10 what I got here going on here ah I'm sorry okay I screwed up yeah okay yeah does that work okay yeah okay and then medium well your medium was going to be different also because of screwed up here let's check the light 5932 7446 yeah 59 327 yep correct okay uh check the medium because you're if you have 10 here you probably have uh 39 here instead of so 3318 4427 yeah okay does it work for you yeah that's works now yeah okay perect let's bring it to the other good now you see you find you got all the ladders ready y so I had the for the peny row I had a two three ladder okay and I had 47 for the gorilla row so yes 47 exactly and then to R 48 so let's see how it turns out he got two and three and he got a number of six in week one how did you fix I had a one right here because two3 doesn't work so I just did a one two three for the first week yeah there was no other option yeah and then for the second week I just have three three that's it yeah because you picked a 5% so very low yeah uh five two3 I'm pretty sure that worked yeah that was a 23 23 yeah yeah and then I got 22 for week four well you know I would have have done one three actually yeah okay yeah because of the variability so you could do two two but then you don't have no varability if you do one three you get you still get four so that was an easy one here you got on the gorilla you got four and seven right four seven so I got four seven 47 47 okay perfect okay and I got five six seven for week two six7 no what do you have 5 six s 567 18 yeah works then I got the 47 47575 474 four seven wait a minute that's not correct I'm missing something right 47 47 let me do it all 47 four seven oh it works look at that 44 yeah exactly come all way out good 27 last one I have 47475 yeah works and here of course you don't know so basically if I have to write a plan here what I would well like I guessed this you know I I just put in like 14 12 11 98 five okay which is pretty much what I would do for my students for myself with with the way I do if plan and currently following I just keep this blank and I just leave the U total here yeah and the way I do it I write down the Reps here but I keep counting so just H for everyone to so the way I do it let's say I do my first rep and say I do I do 14 right then the second the second set I start counting from 15 right so let's say I'm able to do another 12 so I go 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 so I write 26 and then I keep going right and that's why I start with 27 so I say I do 10 I do 36 so I keep it's easier to keep your training diary rather than making a calculation since you going to RM right every time I do a set I just keep counting until I reach 59 right yeah but I what I do in my when I print the plan for me right I leave that blank so I leave this Sals blank and as I'm training I write down the number all the time until I reach a total yeah yeah it makes sense I just plugged that in there because you asked to um you know put that that's what that was your yeah yeah do the reason for which I asked to use a set to RM I just wanted to talk about this this solution just leave blank and let okay reason for which I did it actually uh because you know since you cannot forecast how much your athlete or yourself will be able to do uh suggestion is you have RM you know your RM you have a total rep count you don't know how many sets it will take you to to complete it right you just leave it blank and just write down until you read until you until you have reach it right yeah so no so thanks Kenneth I think it's fairly easy so you guys anyone did have any Challenge and you see how easy it's using the Excel spreadsheet by the way it's good that that I tested it so I know now I know that I can fix a couple of little issues because again I I was planning on finalizing this this week but we had this terrible flood here and uh it's three days before this before I we hopped online I spent the entire morning cleaning mud here because all all all the street front of my house and the garages are full of mud for the flood and so I got a little bit behind and so this is probably why also the one rep max calculator had a couple of had a couple of U of situations so um that said this is good um I wanted to uh cover a couple of of special cases which I wanted to show you uh when you don't have a one rep max and you can't even estimate it because you're working on uh regressions and then I'll let you know then I'll let uh Charlie talk about a couple of things how to put together um oh yeah I got Charlie and and Jose have a few things to share with you I wanted to show you one thing which is interesting so I had this situation let me see if I can find it say I'm talking I'm taking some some real real folks oops pleas here it's a PL I I hoped I had the bill see if I have it I hope I have it here okay I had the bill WR and I didn't probably they use it with I want to show you one specific case what was the name of the guy okay I'll have to create it from scratch I'll have to create it from scratch okay let me create it from scratch so let me close this without saving and let me open up we don't need this anymore let go to okay I'm going to take this one and create another copy you had some TR TR troubles finding the AI tell me more about it uh so well yesterday I created my own spreadsheet uh for me to be like uh a little easier um and when you put the uh 69. 50% so I started like um changing the percentage of the monthly net uh net lift per intensity Zone and well I came up with 58 uh 3 uh n and 3% um on each um like yes on each Zone okay but it was like um trial and error you know like just this is uh this is what it is uhuh it is so let me all right let me show you let's go here this is our This is Our Endless [Music] um okay so forget about it and you here's how you create your your own your own thing right so here you have the percentages right in your in this case we hadn't only well I'm going to leave it I'm going to keep it for five okay so if we say that AI equals to so I'm going to put the here uh right under here okay II will go here let me do this right so equals to this multiplied by this plus this multiplied by this plus this but which say believe you what you did in your spreadsheet like this multiply by this plus it doesn't get here oh I needed to okay let write it here okay so you the formula is basically multiplying each inity Zone by the shed right correct so this is the formula and the AR this is what it would be which makes no sense to me see if I made it right looks like it okay now another thing I like to do here is one of the one of the cells you can say 100% minus minus all the others so if you change one this one will change accordingly right okay does that make sense sure I just want to make sure of why so c67 26 [Music] 27 ah there is something wrong here this multip by this plus this multip by this plus this multipli by this plus this multipli by this okay that works now let's put this to zero and let's say for instance 10 uh 30 and 60 so this one goes to zero right and this is the are 70 now you want you want to reach so you have 60 30 10 and you get 70 you want to reach 69 right now s now 70 means that you're here pretty much right if you want to go down which one do you increase and which one do you lower do you lower if you increase the light it will go down right if you increase the height at the expanses of the medium it will go down a little bit if you increase the light at the expansion of the heavy it will drop down further so what was the target 69.5 correct so what you could do you you can just go like 65 right and 25 there you go so if you what you usually do let's say the target is 65 right uh you could try let's try five and 70 so you basically you keep changing those until you find the target you know it's there's no other way to do it because there's several different combinations that lead to the same Al so I mean you can get let's go back here let's go back to 60 30 and 10 right now if your target is 70 you can reach 70 with this but let's say you can you want to reach 70 with a lower here and now you want to reach 70 keeping this to 50 what do you do you bring this one down this one up and you see sorry you want to read 7 yeah so 32 oh uh sorry oops oops oops so we were 70 right here so you want to keep this to 60 to 50 so I took 10 down here and I'm adding it here so I'm 71 I want to drop down to to 70 so what could I do if I don't want to touch this one I could decrease this one right so I could put 45 here and five here and I get 70.5 it's still too high so let's try 47 and three oo 48 and two so you can there are so many combinations that lead to the same a right let's see 5 45 and then let's put this to 52 and 43 um work 45 and you see that I can get there 53 and 44 so you this combination is completely different to the other one but see lead to an a of 70 right so this is why St an error because it's not only two variables that change it was two different intensities on would be easy it was be only one option to get to the average but since it's the average of three numbers but it may be an average of five numbers you need to you know you need to up one lower the other one until you find a combination that you like that leads to 70 and there are there is more than one there are basically almost infinite combinations Su same number does it make sense sure and answer your question definitely what the the thing is that uh it was like very weird because uh the high session according to what we saw like yesterday um it was like like it was 3% but according to the slides like up to five to 10% so for me it was like I don't know I'm not sure if this this is correct for the exercise and everything so yeah is if you want to keep this yes you should do it now you have infin in indefinite number of combinations but you need to find the one that fit the guidelines so you need to get 60.9 so the minimum here is five you don't want to go below five so you need to find something else that works here right so 55 this see 7.8 and you see uh right so you got 70 5 40 and 55 now you don't want to go lower than five here but you got to you got to go down a little bit here so what you could do you could decrease this one and increase this one right and you get that so you play the numbers you need to it's a good thing you need you have the guidelines plus try and error and this is why it's so good to have an Excel spreadsheet because it it say so much time than R doing all the calculations you know um one after the other okay so thank you very much you're super welcome uh let me see where I was at I was here no I was here I was here yeah okay I'm going to cover this interesting thing this is about I didn't want this one actually this one okay perfect this is very close to what I'm looking for I'm going to give you an example of dealing for instance with something where you don't really have a water at Max for instance one I'm pushup right so and I'm going to use a template a to make things easier so one arm one arm one leg pushup and the problem is that so the goal is one arm one leg push-up and the person has one arm pushup right and so this person is not able to do a one and push-up yet so and this is a true story true true case and if you take a look at the reason article about this by sender year on St for um website uh I used a trick for him when he had to take his sfb which was I had him take a uh Plank and put the plank on the bar of a power wre at different inclinations to find his regressions and I did this with several people but it including one lady I was looking for her plan but I found the pl strong because I used both Bill strong and plant strong and um so imagine this person is not able to do a one arm push-up on the floor but what I do from the bottom I count the holes where you put the J cups right on the uh on the power wack and I know that at the first run from the bottom she can he she can do one one rep so this is I'm going to call it position number one right position number one you can do one there's no weight jump there's no kilograms now how can I train the medium and light zones right and the medium and the heavy medium and light zones so I told this person okay if you can do one arm one one arm push-up at placing the plank at the first hole of the of the power wreck which is about 15 degrees of inclination find one that allows you let me show you we know that 80 to 90% is 4 to seven right find at what place what pin you are able to do 4 to seven reps at what pin you're able to do 8 to 11 reps and at what pin you're a able to do 12 to 15 reps so we got here so at Pin let's say at pin number three with that inclination right oh sorry this is always one I push when I'm push up so it's across the board here hey so this was pin number three pin number three pin number nine we say pin number 13 so different heights right and she could do four reps here eight here and 13 here okay so I I had no idea of the weights I just had a different regression different inclinations I used this and I created a plan with intensity I considered her the inclination for which she could do four reps 85% of our rep max I consider the one for which you could do eight reps 75% one rep max and I consider the other one 133% of um sorry the other one 65% of One Max I calculated the thei I use the variant I design a plan in which she knew that instead of loading a given weight on the exercise she would just do it different inclination so she had her heavy day her media day her light day same same way and she did the plan and after this first plan she improved a lot and then from that one I did a plr plan for even more strength which I I had that was I I still have it and she accomplished it easy half of the second month she just did it she did one month of Bill strong and then she did one month of plan strong and before she could do a competition phase she accomplished it but I wanted to explain that you don't need the waights sometimes you just need to name a regression and just use the how many reps the person can complete to make that lift fall under a given intensive Zone range and do the calculations of course the ad is not preise because it's not 75 85 65% W rep max but it's in the range because she person can do though that specific number of reps so this is it's going to work it's going to work like magic so you don't really need to have a one rep max in certain cases of course it's harder to track precisely what your eye is and so on but you can still play with a volume you can still play with a volume and this works really really well does this sound good let me know if I was clear enough or if you had some some issues with this because after this who's going to start first Charlie or or Jose L uh hello I can I can start okay you need to share your screen I'm gonna make sure that I want to make sure that you are visible um I don't see you there you go so let me yeah now everybody see you sees you in big that's exactly hello everyone well um what I wanted to to talk about just a little bit more it's about the the importance of oh sorry Charlie I did not introduce you so as you know Charlie is one of the chat moderators but he's also a a strong first team leader from Bas in Mexico and he's been using plan strong for many years now and Bill from from since the very first edition right for your own training and all Al for your uh for your students yeah and Andy knows Charlie really well because we work together in Costa Rica so so at least you know who's talking right and by the way just to know Charlie and I are the only an original DX there not you know there's no Shawn Michaels and Triple H that's Charlie and I right that's the two of us he's Shawn Michaels the cute one and I'm the Triple H guy yeah so just you guys know exactly well thank you very much Fabio and hello to everyone again and yes as Fabi pointed out I've been using the build strong uh system uh for many years now and also mixing it together with planstrong for myself and for some students and what I can say about this is that totally uh I'm a powerlifter myself so of course at the beginning when everybody Liv heavier weights what we think about always is uh LIF a deadlift bench press and back squat but we missed many important stuff like stability in the wrist or ankle Mobility or how to get uh together and doing some better lifting right so one of the main problems that I found uh throughout all these years in myself and in some students is that how to fix something without losing your strength because when you say to somebody we need to fix this in order that you can get strength uh sometimes people may react in a bad manner they say oh well well if I need to start uh light I'm going to lose all my strength and that's where billong came in for me like the solution and I say okay hold on I'm not telling you that you're not going to lift heavy anymore we're just going to select different intensity zones and we're just going to select a different approaches so you can one keep your strength uh in this preparation month or cycle and in many cases maintain your strength and in best cases they even got stronger just a little bit but man come on they went stronger when fixing something for instance uh one problem that I used to have it was on my left wrist when I was doing bench Paris my wrist started to to move with heavier weights so I started to do a one arm cable military press and one arm push-ups to get a more stable wrist and more stable arm and then when I finished my prep cycle I retested my bench press and I found out that it was not the lack of strength it was a weak point that I could fix within using the the system so how did I accomplish that well selecting of course the right and proper intensity phone and the and lift that really helps to fix that problem you see in the in the rest in one of my students the ankle mobility and in one leg was some some problem so we started to use some body weight training uh some reverse lunges and some assisted pistols so he can she uh she can do the pistol with a more stable ankle and improve the mobility and again when doing back squat but the problem in that in that case was the mobility so when doing the back squat again she had full range of motion and even got even she even got stronger so what I want to share with you guys is that if you trust the system and if you really put uh the body weight training and the body weight lifts along together with power lifts for instance you can get a lot of it and you're not going to sacrifice or stop your strength you're going to be become even stronger if you can fix those weak points and of course there are so many other cases that I can share or I can talk about but the most important thing is that uh trusting and using the guidelines that we've been shown today will help you a lot to improve your overall strength and your overall training in throughout the months and of course one important thing it will keep you away from overtraining if you really respect the guidelines it will keep you away from over training because one mistake that I used to do uh I used to have when I started at the beginning on willstrong was doing too lot uh a lot like putting all the high ends of of the NL recommended NL and by the end of the month number two I was like oh my God I feel so tired I don't know why and when reviewing and taking the updates I was doing like a lot for for myself so don't don't rush don't really rush in using the high ends of the Nal numbers just try to stick with uh within the middle and trust me you will get a lot of benefits you will not overtrain and you will get a lot of strength and you will put on some muscle that would really help you to move and to perform other activities one brazilan jiujitsu guy that I used to train one problem was because he was he was too heavy uh in his category and doing uh billong he started to lose some body fat he maintained the muscle and the strength increased a lot so either for Pure strength events of course plr strong will work best but at the beginning and even now and then you can use the bu strong system and for athletes because I remember what there was some some question regarding athletes for athletes of season it really works very well When selecting the the lifts that you can handle either body weight or either barbells or even cbles okay and of course there are a lot of other strategies like isometrics or eccentrics and how to mix all these different lifs throughout the months and that's where my partner J Lise is going to expand a little bit more so thank you guys that is all that I wanted to share with you it's it's a really really effective system when you treat it like uh like it is okay then you can start experimenting but the really recommendation it's uh doing something that you can handle don't put all the meat uh at the very beginning just start and build up gradually trust me because it is better to to build up than to when back down it's it's hard when it happens when you have to back down because I've been there so it's not we all yeah thank you for sharing before we go on the um n had a very interesting question because case stud one on pushup I'm she's curious to know how I chose to start with Bill strong and then plan strong so with Spen I started right with PL strong at the time because Bill strong did not exist at the time yet was not born yet was still you know in in my belly uh for but for this other lady and another couple of guys I prepared for the sfb actually I started with B one for one reason very simple reason um the um there was a lack of not only of upper body strength but there was a lack of muscle mass in the uh in this persons so they were very strong in the in the the lower L Body which is not the case of Sven Sven was already strong the upper body he was just really heavy right so it was different heavy guy in the other case what we had uh this lady and this other guy they were strong in the lower lmbs but they were not as strong in the upper body and it's easier to build strength after you build some muscles so this is reason number one but then there is another reason which is more practical reason which is this with wrong uh you train basically all the intensities in all the sessions so I would have had this person to change the inclination of the plank so many times from set to set while with billong she would have in this case the girl named was Lara um what she had to do she had one day with one inclination one day with another inclination one day with another inclination so was very much easy for her also because this is the way I did it which is may be interesting now I applied one other strategies that many of you have heard about and by the way pav is working on something new on this which will be released hopefully very soon I I matched billong with grease the groove so you you guys know what is greas the groove if you know what is what is about G Groove it's h put it in in the chat so let me explain and let me explain the story behind G grp uh P all often tells the story that he was getting ready for the pullup test for the military and his dad did something to help him which was he put one of those doorway pull pull-up bars uh at the door the entrance door of the kitchen and he would tell him every time you go for any reason in the kitchen you got to do a v w pull up reps as you can minus two keep two in the back so you know randomly every day he would go back and forth several times and every time he had to practice his push-ups his Pull-Ups so this means that he plugged in a lot of volume within the day with no effort and no fatigue because it was long rest between attempts right so what I did L this lady and also the other guy they both personal trainers and they have their own studio so they would set the plank there for the day had this volume to accomplish with several sets in a day and what they would do instead of doing all the Reps in a row sets in a row with regular rest they would do a one or two sets between personal training sessions until they accomplished the the daily volume this allowed me to prescribe a very high volume for the month because they would spread it across the day right you had like three sessions a week and it would spread it across the day and the plant was there so there was no need to to adjust readjust and so on it's there you use it and you just go right so it's um it's it's it's really uh it was fantastic for that reason so for that reason Bill strong makes your life way easier than plan strong in certain situations and I give you another one so um and this is you know because sometimes when you train you have to look at the optimal conditions but also at you got to deal with what you have so uh for instance Bill strong and plr may be used also in group settings but plr makes things more complicated for instance me I'm a training partner which with the weights I use I do need a training partner and um we have different level of strength in the upper body where there's not too much difference but in the lower body I'm way stronger than it is and with plr there's so much time you know in keep loading and deloading the bar if we alternate the sets now it's with billong you have one weight for the day you basically load the bar and so what we had we would just I would do my set deload one plate per side he would do his set so it would make things way easier also in real life you know um being able to knock all your sets with the same weight and then use different weights in different days rather than using all the intens makes your life way easier now for strength this may not be optimal for Pure strength but it's optimal for a proty but again in real life maybe optimal for you would be plr but you're not in the condition of being able to use plr use bom uh I'm thinking about group settings I know that many people use those plans in group settings and what they do they wave the volume you know from session to session so they pair up people like two or three people on the bar which people who are with the same weight on the bar fits may we may not be 75% but fits in their intensity zones so they get a group of two or three on the same bar or the same Cal or whatever and they do one set alternating so they get also the right rest in between now even if the weight is the same each one of them test their RM and have a different RM with the same weight so the lad is different so if one has to do 2 46 and the other one has to do uh 235 right they can train together with the same weight so there are several reason that make uh Bill strong simpler to use while you know PL strong is a little bit more complicated but in this case your question was interesting because I wanted to create a foundation building some muscles with buildong first and then I went to plant strong now let's say I had instead someone who wanted to uh do their pull-ups and for which increasing muscle mass and body weight may have not been a good been a good idea and so in that case I may have gone for plr 70 right away I also been in a situation in which I had people training for the tactical strength challenge now bill I used Bill strong for the pull-ups and pl strong for the deadlifts because using Bill strong for the deadlifts they may have increased muscle mass and became heavier which would may not have helped them for the pull-ups and also the pull-ups is more reps so Bill strong is more appropriate for that and uh so it's interesting because you made in the same plan you made train different lifts with the two different strategies right and another thing that I sometimes do which is interesting yeah I know sometimes it I have my Mac that comes out with you know stuff like that but this is my favorite one right so so what what is interesting for instance let's say I I have been preparing people for the SFL tests right and they have some tests and they lacking others so for instance Carl had no problem with the squat no problem with the a kind of strain by not by me but I'm just giving that him as an example right so he is no problem with a squat no prom the deadlift challenging the military press and uh far away with the bench press it makes no sense to create a PL strong or a build strong for all the lifts because of course it become more challenging if I want to increase the volume in one of the lifts I need to make it easier in the others so squat protocol can be an easy strength maintainance protoc like twice a week you know 10 reps two sets of five three set of three or so on two three times a week just to maintain it and then that LIF if he owns it already breath the groove or another easy strength protocol while you know could have a builds strong for the military press and pl strong for the Ben press you know so you can combine system this is the beauty of the thing uh so you don't really have to use the same system for all the lifts as long as you plent it smartly right in a smart way okay let me see what else um I I know that Jose has something to say uh but Kenneth is asking this have you ever used a super low method for strong endurance for the red muscle work during a very light set of billong I have never tried but I think it's very interesting I should try it once so it's completely new for me um uh Jose it's your it's your goal to share and then I'm if we have time I'm gonna I'm going to show you one interesting thing get me posted on how your test go Ken and by the way you and I need to hop on a call next week for other reasons so Jose let me let me make sure the people see you there you go and Mike is yours okay thank you Fabio so by the way so Jose Louise is a team leader from Spain recently promoted and he is one of the people with the greatest knowledge in addition to Passion I know he's super smart and many things that I presented today doing program deified came from his his brains so I pick a lot from him because he's very knowledgeable very passionate and I um so you you can only learn great stuff from him by the way thank you fa we keep learning so I'm going to share you with you guys some stuff interesting stuff which you can add to the so the build strong programs uh by the way as I saw Ken's uh question I can of also sh share something which linked to that uh first of all uh if you want to take notes of what I'm going to say because this is not on the manual uh please sck them so in case you have for example a lagging muscle uh you know the typical muscle which it never tends to grow something which uh tends to work pretty well is doing pref fatigue or post fatigue sets we will do them Al only on the on the light lifts not not on the medium or on the on the heavy lifs just on the light lifts and the requisit and and well and the parameters you have to use is uh if it's a pref fatigue set you will before starting the set you will hold the position or with with more M most tension like the row you have most most tension when you are Contracting uh for between 10 and 20 seconds you hold it there you are holding it and also you that's this is a really important fact because maybe many times you read this on the books and it doesn't tell you that you it's not only about holding it it's also about rushing it you know you need to really feel the muscle that you're really trying to make it sore and once those 10 between 10 between 10 and 20 seconds are off you do all the Reps you have to do for so for example it's if it's a rep count of 4 68 so you stay four you stay your 10 between 10 and 10 three seconds then you do your four full reps you rest the next the next time you will do with six and the next time you do you will do it with eight this is a great way of getting a lagging muscle uh back to a good shape uh so this as I told you could be pref fatigue or post fatigue uh now let's go to the other area of the spectrum something else I'm also using with B strong so we talked about the lightweights by the way if anyone has a question about this before moving on to the next thing which is going to be with the heavy lifs okay no questions so now with the heavy lifs uh do I will do this only on the comp month not doing the prep months this is important and it's using cluster sets so uh during the uh comp months ex obviously except on the last week which is the test week just to start preparing your nervous system to do a that strong head of the month I introduced cluster sets with the 85% or between 85 and 92% no the heavy lift or the very heavy lift so how this cluster sets uh I use work is the following way uh for example let's imagine you have to do that that week is like five total reps what you will do is or prepare yourself do your warm up or your ramp up set that you need to do and once you start you do your first rep once you finish your first rep you rck the bar and you hold between 45 and 60 seconds after those 45 and 60 seconds you do another rep usually don't do more of five or seven in a row that like tends to be like the limit in fact at when you're starting it's better to keep it low and do just two or three in a row and you when let's imagine you had six to make it an example easier so you do one rep you rep between 45 and 60 seconds you do another rep you rest again between 45 and 60 seconds and finally you do that third rep after that third rep you have three more reps to go but between those this those first three reps and the next wave of three reps you need to rest between three three and five minutes before going doing another cluster set and this is also a great uh approach to start preparing your nervous system to the big lift you want to uh get at the end of the month so I gave you an example for the for the light thing another for the heavy thing and thanks to Kenneth's question I'm going to share you another example for the very light very light lifting like direct muscle work which is a concept called loaded stretching so loaded stretching is to make it really simple is holding a position a a position of tension for time for example example let's think about the Bop school you're holding you you grab the the the the dumbbell or the barell and you extend your your your elbow until you find that swi spot in which your biceps is really tensed uh and you have to hold that position for time you want to be in holding that position and the funny thing is that the rest must be incomplete you can have full rest so you can only rest uh between let's say 20 or 30 seconds let's say the the ratio is like two to one uh so if you work for 60 seconds you can only rest 30 seconds and you have to do it again and never more than between two and four sets and that's also works really well for small muscles which is direct ble work like biceps triceps or you want it for your calvs it's a really interesting hyper trop method which you can use if you have any doubts I will happy to answer and if not I think those are the three things which I find really useful really useful additions to the build strong program by the way uh as you know I cannot press nor any type of press due to my shoulder which is real bad probably need surgery and um this is what I'm doing I'm using position in my case not where I really feel tension but where I feel that there there is no pain right so the long head of the bicep is damaged and so with the c pinadas so I hold the positions above the Horizon where I feel that I can get some tension in my upper pack and in my and in my uh delts and I hold it there so I'm doing H it's hard for me to raise the arm so I'm doing basically lock offs you know I have a very high uh pin I just lock C the barble and hold it there this is one thing I do then I get on a pike position on pilots and I keep pushing with a certain angle I push against it and I try to bring my arms together I do several things with isometrics and it works like Magic by the way so great great stuff really great stuff really great stuff um okay there's a question there h reasons for pre and post fatigue holes as I told you it was for lagging muscles muscles which you know those are those type of muscles which don't get the the hypertrophy stimulus you want to give them so it's a way of make them find a mind muscle connection let's say so in some simple way yeah the um the um in the there was a one of my mentors Professor M he was very very accomplished uh bodybuilder here in Italy and he was you know he was a very smart guy and uh he used to uh use pre-exhaustion and post exhaustion techniques to Target the lacking muscle and pre-exhaustion work like really work like magic um Nikki is asking loader stretching similar to bfr in application and results uh sorry but I need to know what bfr stands for um in Europe we're yeah we're not we're not good with acronyms so we need your help here Nikki uh Blood Flow Restriction oh okay got you uh pretty much like katsu right yeah and if you think about it it's pretty much what you get you know before I don't know if you guys know what katsu is which by the way in Italian is a very bad word but it's you know restricting the bir flow through some bands right uh before that came out the Blood Flow Restriction was super common into bodybuilding and if you think many bodybuilders would do it by simply uh shortening the range of motion of several lifts making sure that you never get to a resting point in which the muscles would lose contraction you know and they would get this huge pump it's interesting because actually most of the hypertrophy you get there is due to they say capillaries mitochondria and sarop plusus but still it's good and the um you know what is pretty much to make it easy the principle behind it uh I'm thinking here in Europe in Italy but Europe in general I I don't know if you have them in in the US but I think you do uh there are many like in public pors fountains right fountains that have similar to the drinking fountains you find schools and so on but they are pretty much in parks and they have this hole with the water coming up coming out like this you know doing a curve and you just go there and drink top of it so when we were kids what we would do we would just go there plug our finger on top of the hole so not to allow the water to flow right we would wait until someone passes by release the release the hole the finger from the hole and the pressure will so high that you would get those folks wet so this is what we would do we were kids right but the idea is that let's say you're doing a incomplete Mo movement or isometric hole right and it works even better if you do an incomplete movement without ever releasing tension so your your heart starts to pump right but there is restriction so there's no way the capillaries can get the blood there but you come accumulate so much pressure outside of that muscle that as soon as you release the weight there is a super extra flow with high pressure of blood in the partk so you get a huge pump which what bodybuilders would love because they see the pump at the time and of course it should not be persistent but it turns out that it is and they use it and the point is that you increase the volume the the size and the number of capillaries that irate the muscle and also you you have some benefits because you hold all the metabolics of your of your like lactic and so on during the the blood restriction and then which creates some damage and then suddenly you you dra you drain it away and you fill the muscle with nutrients so it does work and it's something that body bills have been using for a long long long time again it doesn't lead to myop fibrilla hypertrophy which is you know hypertrophy that translate into strength but it it does deliver it delivers a lot so that's interesting um anything else to add POS we because if not I'm going to ask you for a couple of more question and if not which is interesting I'm going to show you something I never showed before just because it's we got you know some time to go I'm going to show what I'm working on right now go for it okay hold on because John is asking can you speak a little more on how to have BTS and plr going at the same time for different lifts uh like best practices or what to watch out for uh the only the the only thing you got to watch out for is the interference between lifts you know so you got to work on your schedule really well let me explain uh you can it doesn't matter what type of buildr plan you're uh you're applying to your bench press while doing some some some type of plr for your deadlift because there's no interference but if you're doing a build strong plan for your bans press and you're doing a plr plan for your military press then you got to be you got to be sure about one thing that the bill strong plan does not Tire your dels too much for your plst plan PL strong especially PL strong s you know there's High buffers there's you know higher intensity um and it's very important that the effort stays low if you are running a bill strong plan with a high volume with um uh a lot of volume in the light lifts and also direct muscle work and so on so you do get some uh metabolic fatigue and you get some soreness the following day that may compromise that may compromise your your plr plant from military press so as long as you're aware about that there's no restrictions at all they are so similar similarly structured that you can really you can really work it out really well let me see what else Mark is asking where would compound machine exercise like hack spot fit in some question for heavy loaded single leg exercises like okay like Bulgarian split squat so uh so when you when you think compound machine exercise so you mean like leg press the hack spots so multi or multi-joint exercise is that correct Mark yes okay so basically uh they they can technically you could also use them as main lifts but as long as you can test your one R Max and the weight selection is accurate technically however you don't work your stabilizers so it's not as effective but any specialized R lift so I would say the hack spot the leg press and many of my students after they have been using machines with that ha spot uh leg press may be specialized variety for any type of spat uh you know chest press or row machine or pulley machine can definitely uh work as specialized variety for horizontal pools uh lat pull down machines or any type of lat machines you know uh pull down machines can work a specialized variety for the vertical pools and so on and so forth so definitely yes and Bulgarian squats I I know that P is not a big fan but I love them I I do them very often uh it's a great way of doing single leg work and I love those as much as I love the pistols but the pistols if you do them with high volume some point kill your knees while the Bulgarian don't and uh to me they are uh if I have to choose between a l press and a Bulgarian Squad I would do the Bulgarian Squad but just because I am a big fan a big big fan uh of working stabilizer muscles rather than being on machine where you just push you know without without without needing to control the movement so uh Charlie is asking from a rehab perspective I wouldn't be position isometric simply safer than bfr reps even if the metabolic simil is similar well yes rehab perspective you know if you think about in rehab I don't know how it is in the US but in Europe usually uh isometrics is a starting point for Rehab when you need to regain you know muscle strength and and and size because there's no uh movement so you know pre-surgery after surgery isometrics are the most used uh so for rehab I do believe but yes as Nikki is is saying you can do BF part with isometry holes you can do both of them yeah I'm not a re re rehab expert by the way but you know for for my knowledge yes um when using the ladders what suggested rest period between each rung or the ladder I think I I thought I covered that yesterday as long as you as you need to rest and it will change let's say you got like 235 and you got like four rounds of two three fives to do well after the set of two uh you don't need much rest then you do a set of three you need a little more after the set of fire you do need way more rest but the point is that if you do two or three rounds in a row after the second or third round you will feel you need to you will need to rest more again in PL strong strong and Bill strong um it's uh rest intervals are not ATT track variable so rest as long as you need uh to be able to accomplish your rights without uh deteriorating your form or technique so do you guys want to hear what I'm working about which um anyone had the chance to read my article about the triple tier plan I think it's the latest I published yes okay if you read it if you read it uh it's believe it or not it's a build strong plan so I want I'm do I'm right now I'm exploring I'm doing 2.0 and the reason for which I created that plan is because I started working on measuring the effort right so I wanted to show you one thing which is interesting so let me let me pick one one pre-made plan I think we already okay so imagine this situation here oh yeah you you guys I forgot to share the screen so you guys were not seeing what I was showing what I was trying to show so let me show you this now Imagine This uh yeah I need to create it from scratch okay so you know what let me use the one with the formula so I make you I make it since we don't have much time I'll make it a little bit easier so let me use this one all right so I'm going to show you this type of plan so I'm going to show one movement so you know uh I don't know let's see this one and template B you'll see why in a second okay okay this is my current plan for the squat I'm going to share this with you so okay I need to remember here but I I'm not 100% sure but I think it's about some mistakes in the formula here okay I don't know why the formulas don't work but doesn't really matter this is what we're [Music] doing so I got this variant here this is the true one uh and I'm using the same variant here so there's no intensity variability and I got 400 left oh this is wiing okay so this is pretty much what I'm [Music] doing all right so I'm around 71.5% one right Max 50% of the volume here no it's it's different it's different it's definitely different it's a little higher intensity if here up what it matters is number of 400 lifts and the volume variant which is interesting 222 so I'm going up for three weeks and then I'm tapering down okay now let's see to B so here's what I'm doing this is going to be interesting for you guys so you see those ladders I got 358 246 and one two three so probably a little here let me check yeah oh this this now looks like it nope not yet so it's probably 13 yeah okay so here's what I'm doing I'm running this month four weeks back to back three times in a row so it's going to be three months right but I'm not using the ladds so month number one here's what I'm doing month number one I'm doing doesn't even fit here 17 singles so pretend it's 17 okay and train one okay so pretend I'm going up to 21 all the singles right month two I'm doing only doubles here so it's sorry month two I same same month one all the time the only last set is up so what I'm doing for the first month I'm using the lower lowest effort actually it's not really the Pu ladder I'm using one3 of one RM so I'm running an entire month I'm accomplishing all my 400 lift heavy medium and light and I am staying I am staying with a lower effort lower okay except except for the Light Lift where I always go to RN so imagine that month one I increase the volume for three weeks and taper the volume week four and I do only singles on a heavy day I do only doubles on a medium day and I push myself to RM on the light day with the specialized RI lift right the second month which I'm month two right now I'm changing and I'm not doing the lad what I'm doing I'm doing the second number right so I'm doing all sets of two except for the last one you know because I so so the number of sets decreases dramatically right and so on I'm doing the same here so I'm doing all sets of four until I complete until I complete the volume so this one is fre and here always work to R end so second month I'm R doing the entire plan same same volume so I'm not complying with all the bill principles third month I will do the same again but this time I will do the highest [Music] number all RS in the ladder so all all 3es here and here it will be all basically six so it's interesting because what happens you see how the volume the number of sets decreases dramatically from one month to the other while the effort increases I would not be able to do all the set to 2/3 of RM on month one but here's what I'm doing month one is very very low effort right and I got so many sets so many setups that my my technique improves I build up the volume for three weeks because it variant fre and then I taper on week four right then on week five I restart lower again but I keep the same volume but I increase the number of reps per set so it's going to be shorter sessions with less sets but more committing more effort right and so I get the second one and then the third one I increase again the number of Reps for set and reduce the number of sets and they get more shorter session but more effort so it's starts like a pure strength and technique and GRE the groove plan right you really work on the technique month one month two is kind of in between month three I work at really high effort and I am able to maintain that effort to maintain that high effort only because I created all the foundation with the first two months right so I'm testing it it's the second time and I'm testing with some guinea pigs of mine it's working real great now Kenneth I'm not changing anything stays the same volume same a so the only buil strong principle I got here was the variance basically so same a same volume what I basically do is month one I accomplish that volume which sets done at 1/3 of RM the second month is sets done at 50% of RM third month all the sets have done at 2/3 of RM trust me I it's the second time I run through it I just made some little changes the third month it's a killer but the great thing you you get you gain a lot of muscle mass you you do gain some strength I did improve a little bit Str now in my case you understand that to me doing an UPR is something that happens every three years I mean right now I'm getting older so but all the others that did it with me like my training partner they all got PRS because the idea is month one you get so many sets but you get so many SS and the effort is low right and you really build you perfect your Technique so well starting from the setup the second one a little bit of more effort but still plenty of setups plenty of technique work the third one it's a killer it's kills you short sessions killer sessions you're able to accomplish them only because you created a foundation on previous two months but this is where you start building turning all that new Strength into hypertrophy and then I attach to the end another three weeks of tipping down the volume and to test the one the one rep Maxes to assess also strength and the results of so encouraging this is why by the way it's called triple tier because you got triple tear so I'll keep you poting how works but it's really really promising and so instead of varying you know other parameters like the AR and so on this time we vary the effort so I wanted to share it with you because it really it is really really really interesting uh the um what I have seen as far as for results and it's very promising it's a new frontier where exploring right so hope you enjoy the idea it's the one you find in the article Works differently because instead of doing one month in a given effort and one month of a given effort in the article you change every week you change the effort and then you change the volume so it's like it's different and I'm finding this second one is working way better um so for you if you know I'll probably write an article on it or a right after so it could be interesting for you guys um Charlie I already have the Exiles for this one if you want so that said we got 10 minutes for questions before we close it down by the way I ordered some Mexican food so it's going to be delivered very soon tonight is going to be my cheap meal day oh let me see let me read here Mark uh quick some plr which I hope to take later here from speaking to us plr is little more com yes so uh Mark is asking this question is first of all he's asking two things one if PL is a little bit more complicated than billong and also if there will be some Excel templates to sit right in plans so uh yes plr is more complicated than billong for those who take plr before billong billong is a joke I always suggest people take bill before you take plr because plr will be way clearer so this is this would be like you know taking sfg level oneg level two uh for the Excel now yes so until last year we ow n yes until last year we would not give any Excel spreadsheet so for the very first time this past April I gave an Excel spreadsheet that helps designing the plant the plant strong plans and for the very first time in this BL strong after this after today I'm going to share with you guys the spreadsheet that helps you programming the billstrom plans so the answer is yes in the past we did not even share the recordings but now we got permission to do it so we gladly do it um so Andy you're right the Bulgarian program so yesterday Andy asked something about the Bulgarian system and I I said it's not the right moment because it takes some time I'm going to cover it now so does anyone here know about the Bulgarian system how it works okay you guys know who John BRZ is you know John Bros Carlo really so um told me about him in Greece oh this is why so in because he's an American coach that follows the Bulgarian system now the Bulgarian syst system uh for a couple for one Olympic cycle they want everything and then all the athlet disappeared because they got injured so it's it works really well but it's not sustainable in time one of the reason for which you know pav created PL strong out of the Soviet system is because Soviet weightlifters would keep you know winning and competing until they were like 3638 years old which is very high in age for weightlifters right so uh it's very effective but not sustainable how does it work in in a nutshell buaran system work like this you take one lift you work to your one rep max of The Day You Take 5 to 10% off and you keep doing doubles and triples and you keep doing work until you cannot make it that's the way it works very simple so I to say um you you're doing the uh no the clean and jerk right or let's say just a jerk to make it easy you do a jerk uh with with the uh with a Baro right you keep ramping up weight until you find the maximum weight you can lift let's say it's I don't know 160 kilos right and that's once you fail you know 160 is my maximum okay I Take 5 10% off so I take like 15 kilos off I go to 145 and I keep doing double or triples or singles I keep going even 50 sets until I'm done until I cannot do it anymore and then tomorrow I do the same so they would just do the main lifts they would every day they will ramp up to the maximum of the day cut some weight and then do volume there and it works problem is that you're always working you know with about around close to 90% of your want reped Max so it's very easy to burn out or get injured now I wanted to I I enjoy the idea of replying to Andy um because someone here in Italy has built an alternative as an alternative approach a better way to do the that uh that system so the Bulgarian system works but bulgarians were full of series at the time back in the 80s you know and they want everything one year and then they just disappeared so the main problem is that it doesn't it results in the short term but it's not something you can sustain in the long term so probably is not what we want right uh what one coach here in Italy who is the coach by the way of the national uh Poli team name is AD he came up with a system very similar to Bulgarian he called MAV which stands from Al which is best fast lift I think car I think that greo gave you something like that right so what you do instead of finding your One reped Max of the day you find your best lift you you bet the weight with which you can keep your lift without losing speed so instead of riding to your one rep max it's not your one rep rep max it's is your the maximum weight that allows you to lift the weight without speed rows and then you take a percentage out of that weight and you do volume there so you're not working actually and when you do volume you stop sign is not when you fail but only when the bar slows down so you understand that this is a way to use medium weight instead of a very heavy weight and work with some reping reserve some buffer and lower RP so basically you're doing what we're doing right pretty much the only difference which is interesting is that uh they have the MAV one mav3 MAV 5 and so on what is that so if you tell if they tell you today you're going to work with your a mav1 you got to find the way that allows you to do do one only rep without losing speed so it's a higher weight it's your heavy day right and then you take 10% out of that and you do your singles then if you have an mv3 you need to find the weight that allows you to do three reps without losing speed which is pretty much about 82 85% you know 80% without losing speed 80% and then you de from there and you keep doing triples a five is the weight that allows you to do five reps without losing speed and then you take 10% out of that weight and you do your so it's it's really smart in my opinion really smart um and it's not and it's not exactly BBT velocity Based training because that you measure the speed here you just assess and by at the time in which Auto introduced the system we didn't have speed measuring devices it was like 10 years ago so basically um it this is different it's not you know that's the base training you work and you need to stick with a certain speed of the bar right uh what you do in MV you just visually or with a video see when you're able to complete reps without without any speed loss so you don't really measure the speed you just take a look at the speed drop down and then you try try to maintain that speed for so you Del Lo the weight so if you can are able to maintain the speed for three reps with 100 kilos if you drop down to 90 you're sure you can maintain the speed with with that amount of weight for several sets right because you're you Del loed the weight so you work for qualtity right it's about working quantity and you don't slow to the seeking point or so I think it's great uh I like it very much I I've been work by the way with that coach he he and I have been working together in the past a few few occasions but we realized we don't really like each other so we don't work together anymore but I still appreciate his his contributions so he's a he's a really a great coach very smart coach so any other questions because it's one minute to my Mexican meal no more questions so if you don't have any questions I really like to cheer every one of you if you those of you who are uh willing to share the screen I'll take a group photo I'll take a screenshot so if you guys of course you don't have to I mean I very much appreciate seeing your face and you know but uh if you don't feel like don't feel you to do it saas is the guy that comes to the Press him when you're closing down there he is quick question only one and you had 30 seconds go oh Nikki is saying you yeah you took plong last month and BTS is no joke so you you still find challenging billong after taking plr not challenging but there is such a variety of app I think it just helps reinforce the principles and opens up more possibilities so I'm enjoying it well I'm happy I'm glad to hear it you know and again um it's one helps understanding the other in my opinion you know and practicing both trust me practicing both is what really allows you to understand how they work you know it's until you design plans and also you try to execute and follow the plans you don't really get it I I realize that for instance if I design a bill strong or plr PL one as I'm writing it down I can feel how the person feels when he's doing the sets and Reps when they doing the sets and Reps right because I did it if you if you uh just write it down without experimenting practicing it it's really hard you know certain the way you manage the sets and the Reps you really understand it when you have experienced the feelings that they give when you train them right um and yes I agree with with with Jose and David uh the strong helps understanding plan strong better come on saas don't be don't be shy ask that question um I I think it would waste the group because you talked about myop fibral and coplas mic hypertrophy I want to if you can get into the more specifics and the differ between the rep ranges so for the for the Ladders because you used for do different things we can do all otherwise I can we can it's it's it's it's a it's a question that requires a fairly long answer if I understood it correctly so the difference between because there is one question to two difference between psychl lasic and hypertrophic hypertrophy related to the ladders yes that's it can you explain the question better I'm not sure I understood um um from from my understanding um sarcoplasmic hypertrophy has a lot to do with um time under tension and blood flow on the spot exactly microf fibral has a lot to do with tension yes exactly mechanical stress yes mechanical stress so we and what you said was that the power lifters for example and tend to or a or a guy that uses plan strong 50 um tends to keep the muscle mass on vacation on summer vacation a lot of the muscle mass or athletes a lot of the muscle mass because in it's based on micro microf fibral okay I got it now yeah so PL strong and Bill strong are and basically powerlifting training weightlifting training uh since they work with uh buffer right and there is a lot of work with you know uh 80% and over one 80% of One Max and over there is a lot of mechanical stress and a lot of volume work which induces myofibril hypertrophy while bodybuilding it depends on how they train some bodybuilders do what powerlifters do plus they add higher reps total tension techniques to get some extra pyop plasmic hypertrophy other body builders rely only on the second oldtime bodybuilders not the times of Mike mener Arnold others but in the you know in the in the '90s there were so many body builders would only use machine in very High Reps uh one example for this from the 70s and 80s was Serge from France he would do very High Reps you know and it was all cytoplasmic so cytoplasmic and red fiber right slow fiber hypertrophy is not persistent in time you lose it easily uh wide fiber so fast reach fiber hypertrophy and myofibrillar hypertrophy is more persistent in time so with plr billong we tend to work with only the myop fibr we added something today I showed set to RM and so on how to add also a little bit of fop plasmic while bodybuilders especially you know smart uh natural bodybuilders use them all they work biofi briller and they work also sarcoplasmic uh oldtime bodybuilders especially reli on steroids had the tendency of working only with with sarcoplasmic and usually you saw those people we used to call them I don't know the English name for that instrument the F harmonica that you know that you just play it like this and it it's well it's forget about it any case you see people like their 100 kilos and then month later 85 and then they go back to 100 this is pretty much oh D Accord yeah accordion man right they go up and down so the reason and so the reason also for which in plr and billong we rely on myability is not only persistence but also the idea that we don't want to be sore because we want to have a life or do something else in you know many in a stronger system uh great part of people who train with a strong strong for system don't only live weights some do martial arts some do boxing some do rocking some do you know so they need something that allow them enough time and you know and space for playing some other sports and this is another reason for working my fibrilla not being sure and being a in oh there's many people that uh do uh First Responders in stce you know firefighters uh police officers military and so on they cannot afford if there is a fire firefighter cannot say oh my my legs are sore I can't run you know that's pretty much the idea so I hope I answered your question to the last Point thank you very much so let's take this screenshot with everyone I'm doing it let me making a big screen and then I'm going to share it in the uh in the chat so if you guys want to have it I'm going to share it okay so smile 3 2 1 there you go all right I'm going to share it in the chat so if you guys want it you you can have it here it is okay it's coming you'll find it oh sorry I I sent it to khil only by by mistake I apologize K I sent it to you only I don't know why I'm getting it let's see you guys got it you guys got it okay wonderful so uh tomorrow Tuesday latest you receive everything I got to fix it couple of things in the Excel files and I'll send it over to you so for now hope I'll see you at the plan strong or Bill strong uh Q&A very soon and uh I wish everyone a a great rest of the Sunday of the day for those who and a good beginning of the week for hugle for whom it's late at night and uh thank you so much to uh Charlie and Jose for you know uh being the chat moderator and helping out thank you for Joanna for putting the event together and thank you all for being with us so see you very soon great work guys look forward to with you soon have a good day Andy in Italy by the way yes thank you [Music] guys yeah see you in June in a few weeks remember gle's here so you you you got to behave well yeah yeah y I've never met Guido and I'm already scared you know Hey listen when you see guo list it's better for you that 60 kilos body weight but he's scary as hell he's scary really scared yes you know it's he's he can get you killed for $50 so yeah all right I'll mind my manners [Music] bye everybody thank you l a good day Andy I look forward to seeing you nearly then Hal always great to see you yeah hopefully very soon well hopefully I will try to visit Italy very soon yeah that's a good idea you know that Sean is coming for level twoo you should come over yeah why not yeah I will try I will try my best yeah she come over I owe you a good you took me some great places for dinner 11 so I I owe you a good dinner good Italian dinner so yeah okay I I'll accept it I just asked you for the for for what did you order as Mexican food to send us the menu but I got two I guess you want to eat alone Mexican food well I got I got the um I got the natural Supreme which of course you got to have that and then I got two burritos one super spicy one and one with Kan okay good good for you yeah but you know when I go to Mexico Charlie knows where where we like where we like to you know the best Mexican meal is at Charlie's house when his mother cooks okay thank you coming you're very much invited man you have no idea yeah yeah because that that's really typical I mean my grandmother is and my mother was uh wor those cooking so traditional last time came with M remember with who time your your father came and he brought exactly yeah we had a good drink over there that was good but there so good and you know it's you don't find anything like that in restaurants you know there's the real Molly you know and the chicken with the peanuts and then with with Shala yeah sha Shala green one right yeah and then there is the and then yle the one made with Koka right exactly then noada Chile noada H I look forward for that oh Ken's probably have time yeah yeah what I think we're in 2025 next event right in what next event in Mexico is in 2025 I think yes in March to 2025 we got wait