Transcript for:
The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov

foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] at last what's the time only two hours behind tying this one God look at me come up here on purpose to greet them at the station and wake up to find them being asleep this won't do a toilet paper why didn't you weaken me it's them they're here oh no I've got to get the luggage find the tickets be greeting with the station master five years she's been away whatever she looks like she's a good woman easy going no seed remember when I was a boy 15 maybe my father ran that little grosses in the village and uh he'd punched me in the face with his fist my nose was bleeding and we'd come up to this place for something I can't remember what he was drunk remember that and she said thin little young little thing that she was she said no need for Tears little peasant it'll heal before your wedding day and she washed the blood from her face right here in the nursery no here I am a rich man and wait whiskirt and yellow boots but the son of a peasant still with my pig snout in the figure this book put me to sleep couldn't understand the world those dogs have held all night they know who's coming home dogs at all look at my hands foreign look at you dress like a lady you do your hair like one two you're much too refinedia we have to remember what we are The Gardener sent them in says there for the dining room yeah I'll have some say that while you're about it very good sir it's a morning um but uh Frosty morning The Three Degrees are blow and if the cherry trees are all in bloom I do not approbate this climate of ours uh I don't know I'm cooperative and and untimely that's that's what it is here uh another thing Alexander the parking by whatever footnote um These Boots uh I bought them the day before yesterday and they travel I'll show you beyond the bounds of possibility um grease help do you think please go away you bore me every day I before so I'm near Missouri but no longer do I crumble I will smile if it's sometimes while I I'll be off then now that's uh I feel alone exactly the sort of thing I had in mind when the clam for the storm at least in my opinion if you promise you'll keep a secret Mr Le Parkin has asked me to marry him I really can't make out my mind what to do he's quite early but when he gets started I mean you can't make head or tail of it I mean it's it's all very nice and I mean and even moving except I can't understand a word he says I mean I quite like him and he loves me to distraction of course such a sad man every day something else befalls him so everybody laughs and teases him because a million miseries just the other day that's him let's go and meet them at the door I wonder if she even knows me after five years oh it's rather cold I'm afraid your room's the white one and the blue one are exactly as you left oh look the nursery my dear in lovely room I was a child here and I'm a child oh do you remember you haven't changed my little nun oh imagine it's been a long way I haven't slept for four nights it's so cold you left in Winter and you come back in Spring it's not changed at all I'm done with waiting now my lovely I have something to tell you they can't wait I'm sure you have I've had a proposal really from yeppi hoddoff foreign my windows have I been away at all and the orchard the first place I'll go tomorrow oh first time I didn't sleep the whole journey I've been so anxious two days ago he's putting up in the washout he didn't want to put on anyone I know he'd want me to wake him but miss various said I mustn't don't wake him up coffee girl Mama's asking for coffee I'm okay home again my most dear most pure most precious sisters back again Sunday I left thought I'd die of cold on the train and Carlotta either gabbled or did card tricks all the way to Paris don't you like to saddle me with her your 17 child you couldn't have traveled alone we arrive in Paris snowing my French is useless mothers living in a fifth floor apartment when I arrived she has some French people visiting her some ladies no priest with a Bible under his arm didn't you full of cigarette smoke just suddenly I felt so sorry for her I just suddenly took my mom's head in my hands and held on tight and couldn't let go who are more hugged me cried that's enough sold the villain in the South before I arrived and was still penniless and I only just made it to Paris so I wasn't much help but it made no difference we ate in the most expensive restaurants and she'd order the most expensive dishes and make the waiters rich men overnight with her tips and Carl Lotter was just as bad it was appalling and Yasha it's his mother's family now you know so he had to come back yes I noticed him well then what about here and we paid the interest on the mortgage was what none of it they're putting this state up for auction in August Jesus pumpkin has he asked you yet well why don't you have it out with him isn't he supposed to love you there's nothing there too busy with his business he has no time for me barely notices I'm in the room I can't bear it any longer there's great talk about the impending wedding him and me and congratulated all the time within reality there's nothing just a dream where did you get that what is it my mom bought it for the journey home Costa Fortune guess what in Paris I went up in a balloon now you're home precious one what I do is I go around the house doing my jobs I dream I dream that you were going to marry a rich man I dream that then I could Retreat from all this to some remote Convent somewhere and only leave it to go on pilgrimages to holy places Kiev Moscow on and on such peace it would bring Birds listen in the garden what time is it past two time you were in bed dear child could bring such peace there's one permitted to pass this way I'm sorry I don't think when you went away I was only this high Theodore's daughter then she'll remember quite uh what's going on I I've broken a saucer let's hope it falls well the top then should warm memories here it's all right he won't be awakened I've given orders she must know zarya I think what might happen if he were to walk him on her unannounced father dying Grisha drowning in the river mother abandoning us fleeing to Paris all that grief all that guilt flooding back even now six years later she's still with me she's forgiven whatever we'll have a coffee in here is it ready cream oh my God with all the way back from Paris the old Master used to go to party I remember that you once he did in a coach who are you talking to face for nearly three madam and the mistresses who the long Waits over you know I can die cut into the corner [Music] ah we used to sleep in here as children if I'm not and now how does it may seem I'm 51. and Tempest frigid what the time flies stinks the patchoulian yeah I'm for bed Memorial Sweet Child are you glad to be home I'm still a little dazed but oh bless you just like your mother you were just like her at her age [Applause] the journey thank you well now gentlemen it's late time you were gone I just drink my coffee then we'll all go thank you my dear I've grown used to it you know coffee I drink it all the time thank you fears thank you dear old man I want to check the luggages this is really me sitting here I can't believe it I feel like dancing I feel like dancing if it's a dream don't awaken me because I love this place I I love it so much I couldn't see it from the train for Tears coffee thank you for you thank you dear old man it's good you still live oh not yesterday the day before but death I have to catch a train to Kharkov in an hour pity I wanted to have a good look at here on The Talk it is magnificent as ever and even more beautiful you it I swear my heart's not stopped pounding like a race office since you're right your brother Leon here says that I'm a Boer a cool act but that doesn't hurt me he's welcome to his opinion all I ask is that you trust me as before hold me in the same regard as before my father was safe to use and to his father too but you've done so much for me you've helped me forget all that history and and love you as my own sister I can't sit still forgive me oh this happiness is insufferable laugh if you like I know it's silly my own bookcase oh my own table Nanny died while you were away yes I know may she rest in God's arms they ripped me Anastasia too and that boy Peter the one with the squid handed in his notice joined the police force my daughter dashing us into regardless well let me cheer you up with us listen to him for a full discussion I have to catch that train but here it is in essence a Cherry Orchard is known to be sold off by auction to pay off your debts now this much you know the date of the auction has been set for August the 22nd but you can go to your bed tonight and dream pleasant dreams because there's a way out now listen your land is less than 20 miles from tone and near the railway right and the land by the river were to be parceled up into plots and leased out for weekend Cottages you would have a per annum yield of 25 or even 30 000. now what about that Bloody nonsense I'm not sure I understand what you're still figure I don't know you can ask at least 10 rubles per year for acre plot and if you put it on the market right away you won't have a plot left for the Autumn you take the one of a man who knows in fact dear lady you're to be congratulated yet comprehensively saved fine location breathing to be heard in the river all you have to do is a bit of cleaning and tidying all these Oak buildings and things will have to go of course and this place which is of only marginal value to anyone know and the Cherry Orchard foreign less than a week down forgive me you appear not to understand if there is one truly remarkable thing in this entire region it is my journey Orchard forgive me my name is remarkable thing about your chariotin is its dimensions it's very large but there's nothing at all remarkable in producing a crop every other year which nobody actually wants this Orchard has an entry to itself in the encyclopedia raskia all right but unless there's some pretty clear thinking and some sensible decisions forthcoming both it and the estate will come under the auctioneers hammer on the 22nd of August you will have to make up your minds but be assured there's no other way out none at all you know once upon a time they used to dry the cherries and preserve them in jars or turn them into Germany some sometimes even they would send them you see in carts to Moscow and and karco for people people wanted them there no I can still smell them they dried cherries so sweet oh they knew how to do it then and now how was the food in France then eh did you eat shrubs I had crocodiles the recipe for drying cherries is no longer the appointment of anesky ones that were just Masters and serfs in these parts now there are holiday makers weekenders and then 20 years from now there'll be masses of them around every town even the smallest as of no they just they just drink tea in their Verandas but I see the day when these same people will take to planting out their little acre growing things and they ought to live again be alive again with growing things I've got telegrams that came for your mama if they are very safe I forgotten guys do you know how old this bookcase is the other day I was rummaging through this bottom drawer here and I noticed some figures burnt in the wood the 1803 100 years ago perhaps we should celebrate its centenary through its inanimate a thing but it remains a bookcase 100 years he met yes that is truly something my dear honored bookcase I salute your life for 100 years you're born witness to the noble ideals of goodness and of Justice years it was silent call to hard workers sounded in the ears of generation upon generation of this our family sustaining us our moments of weakness strengthening in us I Believe In A Better Tomorrow and planting in US moral idea of virtue of a moral ideal of social order yes and off into the corner cut into the middle and I have to go I think it's time for your purpose never take pills never did anybody any good never did anybody any harm come to that Oh see it no no no one golfer nothing got something I must have the honorable gentleman was here at Easton and eater for three years we barely notice it now forgive me okay Lord I haven't had the opportunity to say how do you do yet first the hand elbow necks and the shoulder some days it's barely worth getting out of bed all right shows a trick then excellent idea yes sorry too tired oh I'll be away for uh three weeks thank you to go don't actually feel legally think about the summer Cottage scheme hmm you've only to let me know I'm pretty sure I could raise 50 000 or so to set things in motion think hard um boy that man is his body's intended isn't he that's am I I should be more than happy he's a good man I man admirable yes my daughter says it all the time and I think this is all sorts of interesting a wireless on the subject would you lend me 240 room rules the interest on the mortgages due tomorrow we haven't got it right that's that's true I have nothing Never say die or something for the times when I think everything will uh I'm done for and then hey Presto there's a railway line oh something across my land and I get paid for it something will happen you see if not today then tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised if darshanker won 200 000 rubles in the lottery she's got a ticket General so much for coffee now I'm asleep put the wrong trousers on again so what do I can do with you I'm just sleeping thumbs up Can you feel it look mama dreams something wonderful you can smell them on the air can you hear the Starlings how white the orchard humor do you remember On and On the avenue of trees unending shining under the moon like a Layton's room and ready for the wall remember childhood and innocence my bed was here by the window I could see the orchard running and out there at least nothing has changed my Orchard gleams as white pure as ever Untouched by Autumn storms and Winter's dead end here you are again and again and again young in your own self some God Watches Over You no past to wear you down like a great stuff see there's mother walking in that Grove in the white dress it is her scene there's no one I imagined it see you over there on the right by the path to the summer house tree bent over somehow looks like a woman how white and wonderful Blossom against the blue sky madame ranesky I just wanted to pay my respects I'll go forgive me I was told to wait until the morning but I still lack patience your son's tutor can I change so much I told you to wait until the morning it was God's will remember I'm sorry was it to drown a six-year-old child for what do you know why it happened my friend [Applause] I've been sleeping we must make a noise well Peter you look terrible you've grown out that's um a peasant woman in the train called me a gentleman gone to seed then you were just a student a pretty young boy and now you're tears thin and you wear glasses what do you do now I'm still a student if the authorities have their way I suspect I'll always want go to bed now you Grinnell too Leo oh that seems to be time for bed goat save the night here but that and tomorrow morning if you could let me have that 240 rules there's no shaking that's grateful a mere 240 rules the interests trifling some and of course you have it back we'll give you the money give him the money of course I stand here with my pockets open come on help yourself back all right my sister can still throw money away especially mine go away you smell of chickens you Mr Leonardo just the same as ever what do you say what did he say Your mother has come from the village she's been sitting in the sermons quarter since yesterday waiting for you to give her an audience God should have called her long ago not at all but you're gonna come just as well tomorrow it was left there I should give everything we have away um here's what I think the greater the number of cures you can suggest for sickness the more certain you can be it's incurable well I've been rattling my brains a good deal and I've come up with a good many ways I don't use lots of love so I'm pretty certain we've had it anyway for instance somebody could leave us some money that'd be a good thing another fine thing would be if I knew what a marry an extremely rich man and it wouldn't only harm if one of us went together to see our old Aunt the Countess who's we all Knuckles exceedingly rich but she happens not to like us at first because my sister melis some lawyer fellow instead of a nobleman social marriage beneath herself and she hasn't behaved she's not exactly live the life of a saint oh she's a dear kind impulsive woman for whatever allowances one makes for her she has been a trifle want him loose anyway I mean my God it's there every time she raises an eyelash in the doorway ah something in the eye eyelash I can't see a thing so Thursday I was at District Council you should be sleeping on you I tried I can't yeah little little girl niece Angel everything believe me please believe me of course I believe you Uncle everyone loves and respects you but you talk too much Uncle you should try to keep quiet what made you say those things about my mother your sister I know I know it was awful it was awful of me oh my God oh my God that speech I made to the book is so foolish it was until I finished I knew how foolish I was being it's true your tongue Wags and there you are just keep it still that's all it'll make you happier and quiet nothing I was talking with some friends at The District Council on Thursday it does seem we'll be able to raise the loan against promissory notes and so on so we can pay the bank at least the interest on the uh on the um now I'm going to see them on Tuesday and I'll talk more about it they'll do stop whining varia and your mother's gonna have a talk with her parking he'll not refuse her and then when you had a rest perhaps you'll go to yarislava and see your great aunt to Countess then we can launch an attack on three fronts and click into the pocket who will pay the interest I'm short of it upon my word of Honor but anything you like I swear this is stateful not pursue I hereby solemnly stake my happiness on it I do hereby sorry may give you my hand to it you may call me a worthless liar if I allowed to come under a hammer and I do swear all this by everything I am you're a good and clever uncle I feel calm enough calm and happy have you lost all fear of the almighty one coming I'm coming I caught off Fierce I can manage I can undress myself well children time for belly bye-bye further details can wait until tomorrow you must go to bed me I'm a natives man those ideas are not fashionable with most people nowadays I've enjoyed much of my life and upholding my beliefs it's not an accident I'm loved by The Peasants here about you have to know your presence you have to understand I'll go to bed off two cushes into the middle pot White still I'm at peace here thank you Uncle [Music] all right I must go to bed no quite nasty thing happened while you were away some of the old servants on carp yes they started getting vagrants stay in the empty servants quarters I didn't say anything at first and then I heard the gossip that was going around about me that I'd ordered them to be fed on dried peas and nothing else because I was mean you see okay and I heard that all this started with yesterday's I sent for him when you silly old man what's this that you've been putting around about me and stand still when I'm talking to you Anya sleep in your bed [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] spring [Music] [Music] I found out how old I am little people says no way of telling I still think of myself as yarn and my father and mother played Affairs and I used to do the death dive into a tub of water then they died German lady took me in and told me things I called up okay my girls on this but I have no papers I could be anybody from anywhere I don't even know if my parents were married I know nothing if I could talk to someone about it it would help I know it would but there's no one all right behind me is it not a thing of Beauty the mandolin it's a guitar to a man inflamed it's a mandolin beautiful [Music] [Music] if I had your hand to guide me I would kiss your little toe oh my God they seem like goats these people admit it though you've been very fortunate to have been abroad if you like yes I agree with you and I I agree too abroad they've been essentially ahead for years the words I'm a man of some learning you know oh yeah I've read a good many difficult books just can't seem to find my way forward [Music] um to be or not to be really I use it should draw our attention here to my habit of always carrying a revolver on my person what that's me yeah very clever and I'd wage on extremely dangerous one women must be forming lines to fall in love with you I am I I will say this about that in essence and without wishing to uh book the issue is raised um by the way I feel I should point out to you that uh that life handles me ruthlessly as a hurricane May treat a small boat for for instance um playing in case you should imagine that I'm mistaken in the uh in the matter explain to me to take one instance from many uh explain to me if you can why I should um open my eyes this morning and find squatting on my chest a um uh Spider of uh of terrifying Dimensions like [Music] um or suppose I who contained some monstrous thing like a cockroach or a little worse um you read the English historian Buckle by NHL um foreign it's growing quite cold out here do you wish madam I think I know Ma what I should do with My Revolver this is a confidence weren't you but that man is very stupid worrying what the big house since I was a child and my hands are as Fair as any ladies I don't know how to live ordinarily anymore see I've grown so soft and delicate that the least thing sets me off trembling the least thing yeah sure if you play me false I'll break into tiny pieces I know I will cucumber girl Master station of course in my view there's nothing less endearing than a girl who doesn't know how to behave well but I love you Yasha terribly you're so cultured you can talk about anything yes I know it's in my way child a girl who loves is a girl who sins isn't that so is there anything more luxurious and smoking a cigar Outdoors not that way that way okay don't want to think I'll be making us ignition yes the land on weekend Cottages are not just one tiny one poor various skimps and saves and feeds the Sims on dry peas and milk soup here I am throwing this with them now look just how about me oh thank you Yasha oh in God's name why did we give out to them that this new restaurant goes there with the Aging fear in the corner the tablecloth smelling of the lawn to drink so much and eat some and tall tone of physical Extinction and about what trivia irrelevances the seven just for God's take the decadence waiters about poets great I know I'm quite Beyond Redemption what are you worming around at it try not to laugh at you [Applause] it's him or me uh at once my dad you [ __ ] [Music] so Jerry ganov intends spending a fraction of his fortune on buying your estate they say he'll attend the auction in person who says so that's what they say in turn the money promise from yarislava what do you think well let's see if we're very lucky it might be as much as 50 . I'm trying not to give offense but you too straight me is about the most feckless and Reckless people I've ever met you're told in words of one syllable that you're about to lose your land and it seems to make no impression but what do we do about it do you have the answer give you the answer every single day there is only one answer The Orchard and the land down to the river must be leased out for summer cottages and it must be done now do you understand and when you make that decision and you'll get the credit you need and you'll be saved summer cottages weakened absolutely hold something you people that make us Saint lucie's Temple busting the tears or something and you you're driving me magical woman here old woman oh please don't go be a man please perhaps you can think of something together I doubt it please I beg you so much cheer there when you're with us I'm terrified that something will happen the house Fall Down Round is all worse double into the middle spot into the top what do you mean we've committed many sins yeah [Applause] I spend away money all my life like someone mad and I choose a husband who's only talently in the creation of deaths oh and drinking he was a fairly active drunkard he died eventually with a surface of champagne what do I do I fall in love with his double while we're having our affair I received the first punishment like a bullet here yeah my little son is drowned in the river I went abroad I saw I'd never look at this River again I shut my eyes to all responsibilities grief makes one cruel you know and went away he followed me this second brutal man fell ill in Montan forced me to buy a house there and nurse him for three years I slaved over him day and night until he wore me up and my soul with it a year ago I sold the house to pay our debts and flight to Paris there he robbed me and threw me over and took up with someone else I tried poisoning myself I couldn't bear the shame my life seemed so futile and then suddenly I longed to be back in Russia with my little girl home again Lord forgive me my trespasses I hope the punishments come to an end they come every day from Paris he asks me back and asks my forgiveness I believe the guy here perhaps it's our famous Jewish Orchestra do you remember three violins we should have them up to the house some fans have a pool or something don't hit it a lot of Shilling the Corruptions the bear inside of wrong so there's excellent piece of the theater yesterday they're very funny I'm sure it wasn't even Eastern I believe people like you should examine their own lives instead of going to the theater to observe other peoples have any idea how vapid your life is and how silly your attempts to explain it [Music] was actually looked out rationally life is pretty meaningless look at me and my father he was a peasant the Claude incapable of learning anything not handing anything onto me in the way of wisdom closest we ever got is we need to come home drunk and beat me with a stick so am I any different certainly no less mindless in him I've learned next to nothing my handwriting's liquor well I raped like a pig I'm ashamed to let it be seen you need a wife girlfriend [Music] s you should marry she's a good girl yes she comes from sturdy common stock works the clock round loves you 've been fond of her for some time am I right I wouldn't say no one's about she's a good girl I've been off the position of the bank six thousand a year did I tell you what who you know hey you'll take a chill and we're going to annoy me my man exactly what if you go this morning not sure what to me you've grown old says what can I get you madam the Mr said you've grown old and it's all the years have been alive that's what it is he tried to marry me off before your father was born but by the time we got our freedom I was already principal that so refused it completely and stayed with the master and mistus [Music] I remember the celebrations when our freedom came and everybody was so happy and nobody knowing what there was to be so glad about the good old days and when you could depend on things getting flogged for example yeah precisely the masters of owned the serfs and the serfs belonged to the Masters no it's also messy you can't make any sense of it yes shut I'm going into town tomorrow I hear there's a certain General there who's prepared to advance me alone on the strength of my signature didn't bother you couldn't even raise the interest in the loan you'll need there is no General ah where are the children so I love you both very much okay yes the Everlasting undergraduate is never very far from the lady so what's that to you 50 next birthday is still no degree yeah that would have a polar bear he's just joking shut up all right one question then then I'll leave you alone what do you think of me yeah oh well view this way Alex you're rich already and nothing will stop you getting richer and the larger perspective based upon the scientific laws of nature I'd say you are necessary in exactly the same way that a wild animal that must eat its prey is necessary you're better on astral bodies Peter no I want to go on with yesterday's subject what was that Pride was noon we talked about many subjects and agreed on none of them all right you people talk about the proud man as though the concept were in some way importantly mystical that's possible you're right for yourselves anyway but if we if we just to look at it in basic terms and avoid sophisticated complications we have to ask what has man to be proud about when most men on Earth are physically underdeveloped intellectually [ __ ] emotionally profoundly miserable what right are we to be proud it's time we stopped praising our species and got down to work there's nothing else what does it matter what we do we all die in the air do it what does it mean to die suppose man to have a hundred senses and five of them the five we know are lost to us in death while the rest live on what a clever thought men can make progress struggle for perfection there is a discernible future in which we'll find solutions to the problems that confront us now but we'll achieve it only through unremitting struggle by working with all our strengths to help those who even are seeking the answers here now in Russia very few are embarked on that course it's a greater part of the intelligence you seek nothing do nothing and appear congenitally incapable of work of any kind when Basque in the term intelligence your entry the servants like an inferior species peasants like beasts of Burden their scholarship is banal the level of culture nil the grasp of science non-existent and they're feeling for art trivial and irrelevant oh of course they can look as Grave as anyone and talk about important matters and make metaphysical speculations with the best while all around them right beneath their eyes the workers eat scraps of rancid meat and sleep on bare boards 30 or 40 to a room bed bugs [ __ ] leaking Roots moral degradation and then it becomes obvious that all our philosophical Salon chat has only one purpose namely to distract ourselves and everyone else from the real issues what happened to all those crashes we talked about so far into the night year after year those libraries those workers housing schemes you'll find them in novels they don't actually exist and what we have achieved is why it's red misery Bourgeois vulgarity and moral barbarism of fear those grave faces we pull this Earnest discussions we endlessly embark on fear and despise them you're better to hold our tongue I speak only for myself but I'm up before five every morning I worked from morning all night I handle a good deal of money my own and others who I get a chance to meet people and see what they're like only through working can one appreciate just how few honest and honorable people that are relates when I lie awake trying to make sense of it all and I think I think God you have given us endless forests endless fuels endless Horizons why are we not Giants in such a place as this fans of her fairy tales in life they're too terrified [Music] oh exit the sun my friend burning with undying furs so fair yet so unfeeling you we call Mother fusing in your core both life and death making Gifts of both indifferently Uncle please try the red into the middle I'm quiet no no it sounded like a cable snapping in a main shaft along my way it's been a bird perhaps it was a heron or an owl something unpleasant it happened before because before the misfortune I know who did and the sum of our God before what misfortune before they set us free time to go my friends what is it my love nothing it's nothing we have company foreign from here there is indeed that road there greatly beholden [Music] and some weather answer starving and suffering comrades there are snow lights here by the river let them feel your suffering yeah you here take this I have no silver here's a good one [Music] greatly beholden to you I'm sure [Applause] oh I'm going back some of how could you what am I to be the servant so I got nothing to be done with a fool like me and you do everything I have when I get back and give me some more money please a pleasure oh by the way I've just been arranging your wedding my woman's congratulations inside you why not so amusing Mama you'll hear me uh get me into a monastery see my hands itching for the queue give me a Sprite remember me and your horizon oh no we must get no time for dinner [Applause] come on [Applause] my heart is still pounding I trust nobody needs reminding that a state and Orchard come under the auctioneers ham and to each time two weeks my friends try to think of it a little while you're Dane it was good about traveling friend to scare dear varia it means we can be alone body is scared by most things for days on Energy's Trail they're scared we're suddenly going to fall in love she can't get into a narrow Bourgeois head that with no use for it this Falling in Love we have one goal and one and wand and everything else that makes us unfree and unhappy so forward means that he made sure the British star in all history the one over there see it so forward no Pottery now I love your words love them isn't it wonderful here today yes perfect weather you've done something to me Peter [Music] something why do I care less about the Cherry Orchard than I used to I loved it once like a person family there was nothing there in the whole world and our Orchard because our Orchard is all of Russia this vast amazing continent think of all the fine places there are in it and think of something else on you your father's father and his father and his were owners of Serfs they owned human lives Anya from every tree in your orchard there are people hanging they peer at you through the branches you can hear their voices moaning in the leaves owning other human beings is what has destroyed your line those that came before those that live on so that your mother your uncle you yourself still can't quite grasp that you're living and always have lived off the sweat and labor of someone else same people you wouldn't allow across your back doorstep don't you see Anya we are still living 200 years back somewhere we haven't understood our own history instead we Gravely talk beware our boredom and drink ourselves stupid when we can expiate the past but a match to it for good and begin living in the present but we can redeem ourselves only by struggle only by hard and attritional effort it's this you must understand little one I shall leave the house there's never been ours give you my word throw the keys in the well go free his head free SL yes and here's my word Anya being a student and still relatively young hasn't protected me from Hard Times come winter I'm forced to scrounge for food I fall ill and I'm never sure I'll see another spring and yet my word for it Tanya there is not a moment passes when my spirit does not even with the marvelous possibilities of this species to come and yeah see it see Peter the Moon will she never stop let's go to the river it's good though yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sick [Music] my dear departed father always claimed the mystics with direct descendants of the very horse the emperor Caligula installed in the Roman cities uh father always loved to do this trouble is like nobody and a Hungry Horse you can only think of shoes me too but it was me it's not a you know Simon there is something of the horse about him ah it's Madame Le pop they've been gone to see gone to see nobody thought about paying for it [Music] you know if all the energy we directed towards finding the money and pain and put to some other end I could have remade the universe then you know nature says the philosopher you know great man very famous first close into it you know he says somewhere one has the right to forge bad news you've read in each of them such a mess I may be forced to follow his advice I can tell you I've got to find 310 rubles for the day after tomorrow and so far I've only managed a mere 130. oh my God I've lost it it's not you it's here inside the light oh look at me sweaty where's now what's keeping him anyway possible the auction didn't even get off the ground it's also inappropriate hiring musicians giving a ball [Applause] no think of it thank you um Queen of Spades [Applause] [Applause] beautiful while we're heading Charming your radishes [Applause] one more very fine rug for sale what am I offering now huh who is that DVD did you ever see anything like it [Applause] wow I still know someone player I can't imagine what he's found to do in town to keep him there so long either the estate's been silver it hasn't why keep us in ignorance is authorized Uncle to buy the estate and transfer the debt she's doing it for Anya and I'm sure God wouldn't have it otherwise Uncle will have bought it our good great aunt in yaroslava has sent fifteen thousand rubles not even enough to cover the interest let alone purchase the estate in her or anybody else's name they're acting up it's my life whoever had been expelled twice oh stop spitting barrier so he teases you about the back and why should why should you likely back and marry him he's a good man not without interest if you don't don't nobody's forcing your child to know that mother it's just not something I can joke about he is a good man and I do have feelings for him but then marry him I didn't understand what you're waiting for I can't do it on my own mother for two years it's been in the air everybody's talked about it but he says nothing or just jokes I can see why he's too busy building getting rich he has no time for me if I had any money at all I'd leave it all everything and everyone I'd find a Convent at the other end of the country I'm in such peace you'd find there our undergraduate that stuff is whipped doesn't he grown so ugly Peter some old I must be working mother I must be doing things has broken a billiard cubes don't tease her Peter she's unhappy enough as it is without that she's so officiously you wish into fears in everything she's plagued Anya and me all summer long looking to nip some hypothetical romance in the butt it's none of her business besides which is bloody insulting I'm above that sort of Crash sentimentalism we're both above it as a matter meaning I'm below it I suppose all I want to know is have I been sold or not I suppose all disasters are incomprehensible I feel like I've seen lost somehow have you like screaming or doing something even more banal and stupid help me say something please doesn't matter foreign or not sold it has no meaning now that's all in the past forgotten long ago the fields have reclaimed the thin Road you traveled be easy now self-deception for perhaps the first time in your life you're allowed to stare truth frankly in the face truth what's that perhaps you can see it your eyes are young but look and I see nothing such confidence you have happy is there a problem in the world you can't solve think about it isn't it any of the problems you solve I've never really touched you or hurt you when you look so bravely to the Future need only that you haven't had the ex to make you fearful you're braver and deeper and honest than any of us here but you lack generosity you lack consideration just think a little about us just a little I was born here and my father and his father before him I love it this place this house this Orchard without them my life has no meaning I'd rather be so with them the left was up to where my son was drowned yeah so show us some pity dear loving friend for his sympathized deeply you know that then why don't you say it differently differently have you read an idea things like this drag one down look like middle Stones they make noise and know nothing and every sound they make put a drill to my soul look at me I'm trembling but I can't go to my room because the silence brightness anymore he said Don't Judge Me Peter all right Mariana if you will you have my blessing and only you must get down to your studies and graduate but what do you actually do nothing life drives you along like the rest of us isn't it you must do something about this beard pissing the funny boy I have no wish to be a bow madame runeski it's from Paris they come every day that the horse man is in again he's up against it again he asks my forgiveness and wants me to go back to Paris and I think I should go to be with him for a while that girl from Peter what else can I do what else is there he's on his own sick and miserable look after him you wash his face and hands keep him saying give him his pills if I don't I love him without fear Without Shame love and love you isn't it obvious he's like a great Stone around my neck and he'll drag me to the bottom with him but it's a stone I'd love and I can't do without you now don't talk don't just judge me Peter don't say anything oh my God I will though when you have to forgive my Candor but that man has robbed you over and over that many said Pig everyone knows you save you a stranger seven years ago what's my age got to do it because you're not a man that's why a man should be capable of it understanding love a man needs it not to love his impurities yes it's fears prude is ridiculous and abnormal what are you saying love love you're not above it at all you're just not up to it why else would you do that and missed us at 27. are you really saying this to me excuse me Peter no no I prefer not to hear the rest of you don't mind I was joking it was a joke darling what a Pity then our relationship cannot have ended on a better one down so we have the last laugh after all a recitation in typhoon The Sinner by Alexi told story the eponymous heroine is one that is maybe a good family whose faithful circumstance and compulsive design conspired to turn into a fallen wound up Justin he stands alone in top control and softly calls his name but no one here [Music] how are you yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Master used to give a ceiling wax for everything whatever it is [Music] you're ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not in the kitchen since the Orchard's been sold to him what did he say he's gone now we should dance [Music] some old man passing the time [Music] for Spring Hill he'll take a chill so this green young man the old man left ours again do you think this is funny this please is your list doesn't it said yeah he's such a clown million miseries they call him Matthew fears where will you go to the estate sales I will as well [Music] there's only me for a whole house should you return to Paris may I have the honor of going with you it's quite impossible I should be asked to stay here I'm sure you take my meaning the lack of culture the low level of model refinement the board and the food and fears here stumbling around nothing is nonsense [Music] [Music] I know sweet is better could I interest you with a small loom I find myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know the one from the post office he whispered things from her ear and Thomas baby swim it's true like what he said you like a flower probably never seen one [Applause] [Applause] I have this delicate nature you see a delicate phrase can make an equivalent pleasure I'm gonna cover too much you might break your skin at least look at me you'll turn away from me as if I was an earwig or something [Music] this is my life you wanted something oh all right you may not be wrong but naturally if you insist on looking at things when you're wrong point of view of them [Music] I know what my life is like [Music] but uh I simply smile a little once in a while but um did give me a word to discuss this later I'd rather you left me in peace just now I mean something with a dream every day I've had before some new misery attempt forgive me for saying it tired simply smiled it all sometimes I um even laugh [Music] [Applause] out you haven't you gone yet you help me out to perspecting your whole body have you first you wrecked the billion dream love you're wondering in the drawing or not one of the guests you have no right to reprimand me now let me make that quite clear commanding you I'm nearly telling you that you spend all your time wandering from one room to the other never lifting a finger [Music] keep on [Applause] would I work stand sit or play billions those who stand in Judgment of me will need to be considerably older and more Sapient than you Manziel [Applause] [Music] here please I bet you if you could just modify your language I don't want to see you in here again [Music] aren't you oh [Music] [Music] yeah just the slightest hint of cardiac on the breath never mind we've been having fun here too we'll get you so long Alex here to come back with me auction put out and tell me everything all the auction finish up before but we missed a train had to wait till nine o'clock for the next one it's made me a little late in the head what happened I mean what happened and hurry up about it you take these inches earrings in case you've done the thing all day that's it what I've endured today please help me took it changed wow tell us what happened to the auction man was it sold to whom me [Music] foreign all right then we get to the auction already in possession right off he talks Mr guy has fifteen thousand with a straight bit of 30 on top of the area so there it was I took him on forty thousand he bit 45 55 he bit 60. I'm bidding in tens he's hitting me with fives three we reach 90 000 rubles and he's out but draws I have a dismayne the Chariots of this man oh tell me I'm drunk tell me I'm crazy tell me I'm imagining every last bit of it but don't laugh too soon friends don't ever laugh at me again all the musicians let's have some music later to see me now I want you kicked and starved and sent around half naked in the snow it's me the man himself and I've just got this estate and you wouldn't find a fee not anywhere else in the world I've just bought the estate you will both sell some but he wasn't even allowed inside the kitchen hey can you hear me hey do you think I'm Dreaming it imagining at all these ignorant yearlings is that it hey where the keys to show that her Reign has ended positions I know where are your position let's have you let's have a listing companies for the people who've come to see how the dull and Laurie Lopez will take his ex to the Cherry Orchard and send the trees whistling to the ground and summer cottages we'll build in the Stead I know her children's children will hear the distant music of a new life blossoming around them music a must be music why [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why why didn't you hear me there's no way back friend why do I have to be the cause of your pain why can't we somehow rebuild these awkward crumbling leaves let's leave her to our sadness assistant I said music play if I want music Let There Be music this is the new Master speaking the owner of the Cherry Hunter I'll leave it leave it leave it I can pay indeed [Music] because you're here your alive and good and pure and holy come go away from here build new things and you'll see how rightful this has been and fulfillment with smile on your face like evening sunlight and you'll Breathe Again mother I promise [Music] all the future every time the rural idiots come to say goodbye if you want my opinion this is the common folk have big hearts but tiny brains much it couldn't be helped a glass of champagne friends can you join me in a field with us please a big of you together seems I didn't need to buy any video have a glass yourself the real thing I'm afraid of that eight rubles a bottle anyway God it's bloody cold in here today no one bother with stoves today not that it matters since we're going something funny stop it oh look at it October and a smoother summer out there the train leaves and 46 minutes precisely ladies and gentlemen as soon as you leave in there 20 minutes I think please hurry you know I think it's time we were off college has arrived and that's where my elbow shoes have got to it's in there Anya have you seen my over shoes I can't find them anywhere and I'm off the cargo take the same train spin the winter there spent too long sitting around here chatting we need to be doing useless but I'm not working don't know what to do with my hands look at them they just they just hang there like someone else's so be gone soon you'll be able to get back to your valuable latency mens yes moment so you're off to Moscow learning I go as far as town with them and then tomorrow I get them ask him although the universities delaying the start of the session until you get there I can't see why that should concern you how many years is it now you've been a student but the best you can do you want it smooth by the way it's unlikely we'll meet again so let me give you a piece of advice by way of farewell try not waving your arms about it's a bad habit I'm waving and this talk about building summer cottages all these Visionary predictions that one day their tenants will become their owners that's all a kind of arm waving too I say all this because when all said they can be I like you you have the hands of a painter slender and full of grace under gentle generous soul ah goodbye then little dove and thank you what about money let me give you something for the journey what for it no need of it you have an opinion yes I have I got some for translation it's here over shoes are a different matter entirely take the [ __ ] things ah such shy and gentle charts these are mine I just put over a thousand acres of poppy last spring and I made 40 000 profit and there was a seat to behold I can tell you a poppy field and Gloom anyway the point is I made the Forty thousand so if you weren't online because I'm flush there's no need to be proud about it you're dealing with a peasant son of a peasant just there and you're dealing with a son of a chemist's assistant which means nothing either leave it let it be you could offer me 200 000 and I still wouldn't want it I'm free of all that all the things you all cherish and crave after are for me no more than flocculents shimmering on the air and because I have the will and the pride I can go on without you transcend you if you like men are on the move toward the higher truths the greater happiness and I cut myself and outrider for the expedition how do you get there yes get there or show others the route take care little love it's time for us to go you know it seems to me we are both pretty good at striking poses but life couldn't give a damn and Carries On course regardless looking for days and end without rest the pleasure it gives me half persuades me that I know why I'm alive but Russia is overflowing with people who see no purpose at all their existence maybe that's not the point either the same as the guy was to take up his position at the bank six thousand a year they say hmm what hang on to it shouldn't Wonder ful cut down the auction until they've gone tactile parking where's your tact of course of course my God these what have they taken fears to hospital I left instructions for this morning I'm sure it's gone please make sure Fierce has been taken to the hospital yeah golf was told to do it this morning when I go on about it in my definitive opinion the ancient fears is beyond medicine and should make ready to meet his ancestors for my part I can but envy him 99 999. has fears been taken to the hospital yes and why is the letter for the doctor still here I don't know I'll send someone after leaving it sure please look at me you're going on too you're deserting me no need for Tears girl under a week I'll be back home in Paris tomorrow I'll join the Pullman and Sam will shoot across Europe like a bullet it's incredible [Music] this is no place for me there's no life here nothing happens here mediocrity up to here I've got to say don't cry girl behave yourself there'll be no need for Tears you're right to me from Paris won't you you know you know how I've loved you think you know how how soft smelling of herring in here 10 minutes then we'll leave thank you goodbye oh grandfather winter spring and you'll be gone too they'll pull you down I've seen it all right a brilliant Hugo you have diamonds in your eyes you're happy aren't you are you yes it's like being born again absolutely everything is as it should be now how depressed we all were before the orchard went what we all endured but it's all over and done with irreversible everyone's calm Jeff again I hold a position at the bank financia you might say red into the middle you look so much better to you by Paul in all no doubt about it yes it's true I'm Karma and sleeping again at night Yasha my things it's time foreign state God bless yara's love but it won't last forever come back soon you will won't you I'll work hard and pass all my exams and then I'll be ready to work for you what about our whole libraries together you and me on Autumn evening sweet we we'll learn new things with this new life I'll be back girlfriend one Car Lot is happy too she's singing bye-bye my baby sweet little boy my face [Music] I shall need a new post I can't survive without one I'll find someone for you no need to worry yourself everybody's abandoning us no one seems to want us anymore there's nowhere for me in Poland I shall have to leave the area mm-hmm I don't really care oh my god oh let me get my present oh I'm done for oh dear friends water water first and then alone I suppose forgive me I must go ah you're living here so long since I've seen you and you glad to see you man of the highest descent yeah this is for you ah 400 rules that is 840 still on the countertop Am I Dreaming this where did it come from more of these something quite extraordinary some English call it my place and discovered a kind of white clay on my land 400 for you to my marvelous Madam the rest later oh he's kind of on the train that I was talking talking to just now it says that some great philosopher or other strongly urges people to jump off roofs jump off rules he says and your warriors are over whoa he's uh English is I gave a 24-year lease on the land with a clay worth excuse me I've got to travel along I'm going to ignite car from Catamount off he made it good health to everyone here I'll probably drop around about Thursday we're just about to move into town tomorrow I'll be on route for France foreign [Music] I Used to Know creature he was cold can't be with it that's Splendid weather Dash into sins of God now we can go two things bother me fears is ill and perhaps a couple more minutes has been taken to the hospital this morning barrier Rising alien working late is alive without a triple like a fish in the sand she's grown so thin and worn and tearful for varia you know Alex I always thought of giving her to you and the signs were that you would take her she loves you you know and you're not unfond of her am I right why do you keep so separate it doesn't make any any sense to me it is very confusing well still time why not settle it no get it over with once you've gone I'll never do it it's a wonderful idea it won't take a minute I'll call her there's even champagne to Mark the occasion well there was you could drink it with a bucket couldn't it no matter we'll leave you alone quickly just can't seem to see it what's that I packed it this morning where is it it's a birdie gone over here oh to the rokuleans I said I'd help out there for a while sort of housekeeper I suppose let's say yes you never isn't it presentative 50 miles is it so it's uh it's all over here must be here somewhere unless I put it with the trunk yes that's right there's nothing else here now and I'm awake directly take the next train plenty to do that I'll leave yeah I'm taking them on you know this time last year we had snow remember just look at that sun don't have cold enough for Austin to get us there is that how you looked our thermometers broken as it happens yeah I'm here [Music] foreign yes I know I should make the rakulins by this evening if I don't miss the train oh yeah get your things on good Let The Journey come in my friends dear loving friends forever no woman insist that I keep silent how can I not express to you as I pitch your farewell the emotions that well up in my heart All Aboard ladies and gentlemen time to go you'll be hot off cool one minute just one minute I'm seeing this from this house for the first time there's almost a ceiling all new I'm suddenly filled with a terrible Greed for them I remember when I was six years old and watched my thousand Stripes you're in charge while I'm gone all right foreign nobody left behind him I've slowed some things in there best keep it locked all right my old house my old life a little sprinkling whatever is that how they said your sister oh [ __ ] live youth happiness we must say goodbye look those walls those windows mother loved this room [Music] coming [Music] foreign foreign thank you sit here for a minute good I don't imagine for a minute that he's put on his spark coat he'll be very thin one too if I'm not here to see two things it's cleaned in lattice it's good it's gone thank you as if I'd never looked it how many lighter and then we fail you've no straight left happy um if if nothing it's silly oh nothing silly head over it nothing sincerely foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh please [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign