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Introduction to CSS for Beginners
Oct 1, 2024
CSS for Beginners Course Summary
Key Concepts Covered
CSS Basics
What is CSS?
Stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
Used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML.
Difference Between HTML and CSS:
HTML is the structure (foundation), while CSS is the presentation (decorations).
Tools Required
Chrome Browser
Download from
Visual Studio Code
Download from
Live Server Extension
Install from the Extensions Marketplace in VS Code.
Applying CSS
Methods of Applying CSS:
External stylesheet
Internal stylesheet
Inline styles
Element selectors, class selectors, id selectors, etc.
Different selectors have different specificity levels (e.g., class > element).
CSS Properties
Styling Text and Backgrounds:
Properties such as color, background-color, and text-align.
Box Model:
Understanding margin, border, padding, and content areas.
Flexbox Layout:
Display: flex; allows for responsive layouts.
Justify Content, Align Items, Flex Direction, etc.
Grid Layout:
Display: grid; allows for a two-dimensional layout.
Grid Template Columns, Rows, Areas, and Gaps.
Transitions and Animations:
Control the timing and effects of style changes.
Media Queries
Used for responsive design to apply styles based on viewport width or device characteristics.
Common breakpoints:
Mobile: 481px
Tablet: 768px
Desktop: 1024px
Large Screen: 1200px
CSS Variables
Define colors, sizes, and other values once and reuse throughout your styles.
--variable-name: value;
Access with
Pseudo Classes and Elements
Pseudo classes: styles for a specific state (e.g., :hover, :focus).
Pseudo elements: styles that look like additional HTML elements (e.g., ::before, ::after).
Final Project Highlights
Created a responsive website for a taco shop with various sections: header, nav menu, main content, footer.
Implemented a dark mode using media queries.
Used grid and flexbox for layout management.
Applied animations and transitions for interactive elements.
Incorporated CSS variables for easier maintenance and updates.
Summary of Lessons Learned
Understand the basics of CSS and how it applies to web design.
Use various CSS properties to create responsive and visually appealing layouts.
Utilize CSS functions like
, and
to define responsive values.
Employ media queries to adapt styles to different device sizes and orientations.
Organize CSS using methodologies like BEM.
Implement accessibility best practices when using CSS.
MDN Web Docs
CSS Flexbox Guide
CSS Grid Guide
CSS Variables (Custom Properties)
CSS Functions
CSS Pseudo-Classes
CSS Pseudo-Elements
CSS Media Queries
Flexbox Froggy
CSS Grid Garden
Full transcript