porn destroys marriages in different ways porn destroys relationships in different ways porn destroys the youth in a different way porn destroys singles in a different way but let me tell you how far we've come along with porn when it comes down to porn did you know porn as an industry is bigger than the NBA NFL and MLB combined just in America and did you know the porn industry generates more revenues than ABC NBC CBS combine $5 to $97 billion per year roughly and it's around $3,075 per second that the porn industry makes let me show you how far we've come along did you know the first porn ever produced in America was called the kiss you know who produced it Thomas Edison yes Thomas Edison let me read you a little bit from this website called the oldest. org about the first porn called the kiss no one alive today would have considered the kiss to be a pornographic film but at the time of its release it was considered shocking and obscene as the name implies the movie depicted the very first kiss on film it was a reenactment of the kiss between stage actor May Irwin and John rice from the final scene of the musical The Widow Jones although the kissing scene was very chased just a short peck on the lips it caused widespread uproar just a short peck on the lips the Roman Catholic Church even called for censorship and moral reform because kissing in public could lead to prosecution several newspapers published this approving editorials and police presence was requested in many places where the film was screened today the kiss is preserved in the US national from r registry for its cultural significance now let's fast forward 19 years later the first porn that there's actual a scene penetration the whole 9 is 1915 it's called a free ride produced by unknown you ready listed as gay perie pictures company and this is a whole story about a girl a guy two girls you know three some the whole n and now to date if I was to ask you right now porn today where do you see it pretty much Everywhere by the way did you know the first time child pornography in America became illegal was 1984 did you know the first time time that they made animal crush fetish pornography was first made unlawful in 1999 but that initial law was ruled unconstitutional and had to be revised in 2010 1999 it's not too long AG it's only 25 years ago there's so many directions to go with this when it comes out to porn and we even asked Chad gbt what are the benefits of watching porn and you have to hear what Chad gbt said about porn but today we're going to talk about the industry of porn and negative effects of porn in your life if you can value add of this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel let's get right into so question chat gbt what are the benefits of porn number one sexual education pornography can provide a source of sexual education for individuals who may not have access to comprehensive sex education number two sexual exploration and expression porn allows individuals to explore their sexual fantasies and Desires in a private controlled environment number three stress relief number four improved intimacy for couples watching porn together serves a means to improve their communication about sexual desires number five normalizing sexual diversity number six economic benefits the pornography industry generates significant economic activity providing employment and contributing to the economy through production distribution and related Services ask many porn stars what happened when they were in the industry see if it was a great life that they had now to be fair to Chad gbt because a lot of kids use Chad gbt today we also asked what are the negative effects of porn here's what Chad gbt had to say number one addiction number two intimacy problems excessive consumption can create emotional and physical distance between partners number three social and ethical concerns porn often objectifies participants reducing them to Mere objects of sexual gratification number four impact on young people premature exposure easy access to porn can lead to early exposure among children and teenagers affecting their understanding of sex and consent number five health concerns mental health regular consumption can be linked to issues like anxiety depression and low self-esteem impact on productivity porn can be a significant distraction leading individuals to spend excessive amounts of time watching it instead of focusing on productive activities so now you'll talk to a lot of people some people say you know porn what's wrong with porn nothing's wrong with porn and some say wait a minute what are you talking about it's horrible for you here's an exchange between Candace Owens and cardi B Candace Owens says on May 21st 2024 ban pornography it's a psychological weapon intended to weaken our men and then cardi B responds back and says oh my God why y'all so against porn is it that bad for y'all I enjoyed but I don't know I guess like a six time a year thing I personally don't feel no connection or addiction to it just a little quick one or two nothing like real intimacy and then cardi says how it actually should teach men how to please a woman now I'm 45 while I was in Germany in the early '90s here the show was Baywatch everybody watch David Hassel off and boom Pamela Anderson shows up right I think her name was CJ in the show if I'm not mistaken so what happens to her people are in love she dates the sky videos released Pamela Anderson then talks about the dark side of porn you think Pamela Anderson is a little bit qualified to talk about the Dark Side of porn here's what she had to say about it and I think we need a sensual Revolution because in the age of Technology there's so much access and I I feel like it's people are becoming desensitized and um there's there's in the multiple visual um images that get weirder and stranger and it's it's a big concern I have children and I two teenage boys and and you have a child and 14y old boy some and I talked to a lot of mothers and I know I'm proud of the problem I should probably disqualify myself from this whole situation because I was in Playboy and I um had a tape stolen from my home and exploited all over the world and people saw things that they should have never seen but I didn't think Playboy was porn pornographic no and I say people I'm sure will say Pamela Anderson is saying don't watch porn hang on I'm romtic I'm not have you ever been treated like a porn star in bed it's no fun at all slapped hit called names spit on you know that's sex and have you experiened I have and I never want to have that happened again because I think people also put that image on me thinking they have to be wild and crazy and then I'm thinking God you know this porn addiction when a woman who is you know living breathing lying in bed and your husband's in the bathroom with a computer there's something going on that's not normal I can't imagine any husband of yours being in the bathroom with a computer you know married to you is that something you've experienced yes I have that man was trying to spit gang didn't don't work out too well for him right but even she's saying this with two boys she's raising hey you know treat girls this way they're not interested in this they're not interested in that so I personally uh uh have had experience with different friends and Associates within the the effects of porn what it's had in them in marriage personal life single all that stuff I'll give you my experience here but a few things when you look at numbers four% of websites today in America porn site 133% of web searches porn that means one out of six searches on Google are about porn 20% of mobile searches porn 87% of pornography being consumed are by Men 133% Women 93% of boys and 63% of girls will be exposed to internet porn before turning the age of 18 the average age of first exposure is now 11 years old some surveys even say 8 years old so what do these stats mean I mean when it comes down to singles our birth rate today is the lowest it's ever been why is it the lowest it's ever been porn is accessible to you to your phone no matter where you go at least in the '90s OR 80s it was DVD or VHS now it's right here anytime so I have an option to go on a date with a girl oh let me just pull up a porn real quick ah no more motivation to want to go out there and meet somebody that drive to want to go meet with somebody watch this here now few research found that 47% Americans say dating is harder now than it was 10 years ago and by the way for some of you like come on man I mean who cares leave them alone let's think like a Libertarian let people do whatever they want to do with their bodies totally understand but I tell you one thing if I got my enemy that I'm going up against and you know a lot of people hate America and if I wanted to find a way to get their men to be weak and crippled and low energy and just drive us out to now want to compete I maybe would introduce a lot of porn to the US matter of fact why don't we look at some data what percentage of websites porn are hosted in the US you ready here's data the top 10 host countries for websites containing pornographic content who do you think is number one US 60% worldwide there's 89 billion people living in the world we got 340 million of it 8 billion 340 million of it is what ours which is what roughly 4% we got 4% of the population yet 60% of the porn why Netherlands number two is 6% they're pretty competitive apparently UK 7% then it drops off to Germany France Canada Australia Japan Czech and Virgin Island 60% in US you think that produces stronger men that want to go out there and compete and do stuff I don't know this is definitely going to be hurting the younger generation not necessarily people that are at a different age bracket this hurts the younger gener more than the rest by the way at least back in the days you watch porn it was just a video right today you can actually have a relationship with the porn star on a website called only fans with over 120 million registered users and on only fans 2 million content creators only fans as an an average of 420 million monthly active users and when a research and a study was done female creators on only fans face harsher consequences compared to male creators a 2021 report from Avery Center found that 34% of only fans Creator survey reported negative mental or physical health effects like anxiety depression shame and low self-esteem when you put your body out there and you're making money everybody else sees it you go to work you go anywhere it's like go I just saw your stuff on a video that does something to you it ought to do something to you if you do go through it so now here's my thoughts on porn when I was in the Army we had a guy at our unit was called the goat he came in when he came to the unit everybody would talk about this guy big tall African-American E6 Corner 600 VHS everyone oh what's he watching this all the categories he had this you pick and choose whatever you wanted he had it he was the modern day whatever pornite it is at our unit right so what you watching let's watch this tonight let's watch out tonight I get out of the army and when I start building a sales organization you start experiencing and hearing about different guys or dealing with porn in different ways one of my guys that I was working with his porn started like going from regular porn then he started watch and he watched some stuff that one day I walked in on an office some of the stuff this guy watched was I don't even want to tell you what he watched but go to what he was watching and I looked at this guy I said man you okay watching this stuff well everybody has a different fetish this is a very weird fetish bro this fetish is not actually healthy for you and this fetish is actually not healthy for society you're going here yeah what's wrong with that a lot of stuff is wrong with this you you shouldn't be doing this now I'm not trying to judge everybody sends in a different way but I was trying to encourage him to get away from that then fast forward you're running a business you know you got husband and wives that deal with their own things and hey so tell me how are things with you guys oh I haven't you know my wife and I haven't had sex for four months and and was you guys having sex for 4 months no why not we we just haven't had sex for 4 months we thought that's normal that's not normal no no that's that's not normal why private conversations if I tell you 100 I'm giving you a small number so 100 plus convers ations like this and hey you know I'm addicted to this and I'm you know I just enjoy this more than I enjoy the real sex you enjoy porn men yeah I mean some of the stuff I see here my imaginations I'm like hurting marriages then you know you're in a relationship you're like man you know Tinder you know this this that and the pursuit of The Hunt of trying to go out there and meet somebody why would I want to get into a marriage anyway swipe ride less responsibility less risk FYI apps like Tinder on all these other places actually does the complete opposite of motivating a guy to want to be with a girl because he can get it at any time because the app is so accessible especially the ones that are maybe earners top earners have so many options all the other guys that are sitting there trying to find a wife and trying to build a family those options are gone because the girls are the the whole thing right now is built to make men weaker and Destroy them and any civiliz any or any country you give me that's addicted to porn that's addicted to these types of things you know I'm not one to judge but I will tell you if an enemy wants to destroy a society do whatever you can to destroy them early on the young men if you can destroy them early and you get them addicted to things like this very early on you're going to have them within the next 10 20 30 40 years it's no time until all of a sudden you've destroyed their character what's on the inside and it's at that time very easy to take them down and by the way guys this this topic porn I know a lot about this because I was a manager at B Total Fitness in Chatsworth when 80% of the porn was being shot at Chatsworth and I met all these guys they used to come to the gym I was a manager of the gym so you would always hear see what they're going through what they're doing the amount of drugs they were doing to produce the films and how the dark side of it hey looks glorified am a porn St on the back end they were not happy people a lot of them are not happy PE person in the porn industry probably had a bad life father wasn't there there's a lot of trauma with that right it's all acting that you're watching right not sitting here telling you I'm a saint and I walk on water and oh my gosh I'm this Christian guy became a Christian at 25 what do you think I did the first 25 years of my life what do you think I'm not sitting here telling you I walk on water all I'm telling you is if you can get ahead of this early on in your life this can help you in a big way if you're a father or a mother that's involved with your kids like Pamela's talking about the stuff with her sons a father you got to get headed this I had the conversation about something like this yesterday one of my kids we ought to get ahead of them because if we don't it's so EX at 8 years old they're being exp at 11 years old they're being exposed to this right this is not good for the psyche you know how they say wow social dilemma social media is so horrible for you oh my God it's going to destroy your life that's social media how much worse is if kids get in front of this at a young age what do you think it does to them wow I don't have these B I don't have this spot I don't have this thing I don't have this that oh I'm this oh my God I'm not see it messes with your whole thing right it completely messes your whole thing because that becomes your God to each his own this is my suggestion to you as a man who knows what it is to be single acting like a fool God got a hold of me changed my life and I'm a father now trying to teach my guys my kids things that maybe my dad wasn't able to sit down and teach me because my dad's 82 years old this kind of stuff that didn't happen they didn't have access to the internet to have these types of conversation but anyways that's my feedback to you now having said that if you got value out of this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel we also did a video a few uh months back maybe a year ago or something called the loneliness epidemic if you've never watched it click here to watch it take care everybody bye-bye bye-bye [Music]