it's never going to work out if it was going to happen by now it would have happened already these are the types of things that we tell ourselves when we feel like quitting there are many of you watching right now you feel like you're hanging on by a thread maybe you're tempted to go back into the ways of the world maybe you're tempted to stop being so involved in Ministry maybe you're saying to yourself I'm just going to pull back a little for a season because I feel like quitting I feel like giving up I feel like I'm not making an impact I feel like I'm not going anywhere I feel like just when I want to grow in Christ it seems I take 10 steps backwards this message is for you and I believe the Holy Spirit brought you to this very moment don't quit don't give up it's only a season listen to me it's only a season and when you come out of this you're going to come out of it stronger than ever before and when you come out of this you're going to come out of it looking more like Jesus than you ever have before I want to give you 10 reasons why you shouldn't quit and I believe that this is going to reinvigorate the fire of the holy spirit in your life I believe that if you've lost your Zeal for the Lord for the things of God that this message of truth because it's the word of God will bring back that spiritual Zeal in Jesus name now I'm going to share with you as I mentioned 10 reasons why you shouldn't quit numbers 1 through 4 have to do with others now number four is going to be especially encouraging then numbers 5-8 I want to give you reasons why you shouldn't quit that will affect the here and the now this side of Eternity right here in the Earthly realm that will affect your life in profound ways and then I want to share with you numbers 9 and 10 and numbers 9 and 10 are reasons that will affect you forever number 10 especially applies to the times in which we're living now so let's get to number one 10 reasons why you shouldn't quit number one don't quit because what you are doing now may be positively affecting another person and you may not even be aware of it in Matthew 5:1 16 we read in the same way let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your heavenly father just by you reflecting the nature of Christ within this world you are transforming lives around you now you may not see how you're impacting your children how you're impacting your spouse how you're impacting your family members or your friends you may not see how you're encouraging fellow churchgoers but I assure you of this if you're walking in the light as he is in the light and you are shining in a way that glorifies God inspires others and causes believer and unbelievers alike to look and to glorify your heavenly father now maybe the devil is tempting you and saying just throw in the tell just give up as I mentioned a few moments ago he might be telling you if it was going to happen it would have happened by now or that's never going to work out or it's an impossible situation or he may be saying how many times have you tried that only to fail again and again and because of this you might be saying well maybe I'm just better off compromising or maybe I'm just better off going back to the ways of the world or maybe I'm just better off backing off my commitments toward the things of God I'm here to tell you by the Holy Spirit to encourage you don't quit because your life is impacting those around you and you may not even know and now don't discount yourself because you may be hanging your head in discouragement and saying well there's no way that my life is impacting others you never know who's watching you never know who is seeing your testimony and if your testimony is simply that you're still going then that's a testimony if your testimony is simply that you're still hanging on then that's a testimony if your testimony is that you still love Jesus in spite of all of the circumstances that say you shouldn't according to the thinking of the world then that is a testimony think also of Esther who was born for such a time as hers God used her to affect a nation to preserve a people number two don't quit because faithfulness pleases God your life yes as I mentioned in point number one is affecting those around you but consider also that your life can be pleasing to God now we don't do good works to be saved we do good works because we are saved but the way we live our lives can be an offering unto God Hebrews 11:6 says and without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him now as you begin to study the New Testament you're going to see that there seems to be this similarity this connection between faith and perseverance now perseverance doesn't even begin until you feel like giving up but perseverance is Faith over long periods of time and without faith it is impossible to please God he is pleased when he sees you walk in faith why because when you walk in faith you are showing that you trust him when you walk in faith you are showing that you are relying on him when you walk in faith you are showing that you believe his word and you believe in the promises that he has made and when you walk in faith over a long period of time even when obstacles come your way the heavenly father Smiles upon you at the end of every day you can place your head upon your pillow and say within yourself and unto God God Lord let today be presented as an offering unto you let the way that I lived my life be pleasing unto you spend my life For Your Glory spend me as a drink offering and pour me out for your purposes every last drop it's all for him there is no greater Motivation by the way in those times where you feel like quitting that's a time of the purification of your motivation why because in times of struggle if you're not doing it because you love Jesus you're not going to do it at all let me say that again in times of struggle if you're not doing it because you love Jesus then you're not going to be doing it at all in fact the fact that you are persevering in spite of the struggle is a demonstration that your motives are to please him and there is no greater measure of success than whether or not you obeyed God results are wonderful fruitfulness is wonderful Effectiveness is wonderful But ultimately the question of success in terms of spiritual perspective can boil down to one question did you obey God and is he pleased and so there's no there's no greater motivation than to say Lord I want to please you I want my life to put a smile on your face so number one don't quit because what you're doing now may positively be affecting someone else and you may not even be aware of it number two don't quit because faithfulness pleases God hang in there number three don't quit because the world is still in need of the gospel and you are a vital part of the church in 1 Corinthians 12: 15-22 we read if the foot says I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand that does not make it any less a part of the body and if the ear says I am not a part of the body because I am not an eye would that make it any less a part of the body if the whole body were an eye how would you hear or if the whole body were an ear how would you smell anything but our bodies have many parts and God has put each part just where he wants it verse 19 how strange a body would be if it only had one part yes there are many parts but only one body the eye can never say to the hand I don't need you the head can never say to the feet I Don't Need You Verse 22 in fact some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary so God has given to the church the mandate of worldwide evangelism to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ all around the globe and God's plan for worldwide evangelism for Mass Soul winning is multiplication and in order for us to multiply we must be United as one and so if you are separate from the body if you quit and you leave if you stop running this race now if you give in the enemy now and say you know what it wasn't worth it I'm just going to go by the wayside then the body of Christ is missing your effort your energy your time your emotional Focus your mental focus your talents your gifts the deposits that are Divine that God has placed in you go missing when you quit we the body of Christ need you you're not overlooked you're not tossed to the side you're not useless you matter listen even if you do something as simple as greeting someone when they walk into the church and I'm not just saying that our purposes are served in the context of Sunday morning service that is an important aspect um gathering together with other believers is what I'm saying there that we should gather with one another but but we think about the fact that something as simple as shaking someone's hand something as simple as teaching a Sunday school class something as simple as as inviting someone to church who's your neighbor or who's your family member we all together put our efforts in one basket and we say Lord we offer this to you multiply it use us for your glory Lord and if you quit listen to me if you quit we are missing a vital part of the body you can't say that you're not needed you can't say that you're not a part of God's plan you can't say that your life doesn't count if your life didn't count God wouldn't have saved you in the first place but in fact he has saved you and your life does count and you can contribute and you can make a difference and your life does amount to something especially as we unite we make high impact don't quit because the world is still in need of the gospel and you are a vital part of the church as the church spreads the gospel we all must do our part because we have a rescue mission that we've been sent on number four don't quit and this I said will be especially encouraging especially for you parents now even if you're not a parent it doesn't matter because we as the church have to think generationally don't quit because future generations of your family will reap from your obedience let me put it this way as well don't quit because future Generations in general will reap from your obedience you might be saying well I'm not married and I have no kids how can I affect the world generationally well Paul the Apostle was not married Paul the Apostle did not have kids and one could argue that his generational impact is unmatched in the New Testament after Christ but still I want you to consider the fact that we have to think generationally now I know with what I call doomsday eschatology many just throw up their hands in defeat and say Jesus come rescue us get us out of this world because things are getting so bad uh but that's not the perspective that I believe that scripture presents to us in terms of the last times um you realize that there will be perilous times in the last days but Jesus never said that the gospel would lose its power or that truth would lose its potency or that he would stop saving Souls uh so so you can still make an impact generationally and indeed we do need to be thinking generationally despite our eschatological views despite what we think about the last days because we mustn't be so arrogant as to assume that we have so accurately interpreted the scripture that we have pinpointed the last days down to the proper year or even decade or Century yes we will be given signs of the season but we don't know the day or the hour and so I say to you Church of the Living God it's time to think generationally the Gates of Hell will not Prevail the Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few don't quit I know it's tempting to say well what I do doesn't matter because things are just going to end anyway but we have to think generationally because we are instructed to do so in scripture Proverbs 20:7 says The Godly walk with Integrity blessed are their children who follow them now think about the fact that Jesus even gave us the Great Commission and told us to spread the gospel and that those who would who believe would would demonstrate miraculous signs to the power of the Holy Spirit he wants us to win souls he wants us to think generationally we must be ready to go prepared to stay yes he can come at any time he could come right now but he could also come 50 years from now and therefore despite what we believe about the last days we have to think generationally whether or not these are are the last days I know that today is somebody's last day and that is enough to cause me to preach the gospel with urgency that should be enough to cause us to think generationally number five and now I'm talking to you about reasons that you shouldn't quit that will affect your here and now the first four I gave you were about others people around you God and basically anyone but you uh number five don't quit because life is too short to retake Divine tests Psalm 90:12 says teach us to realize the brevity of life so that we may grow in wisdom so few people consider the brevity of Life Time Goes By rapidly now I want you to think about this I'm not trying to sound negative I'm not trying to scare you I just want to prepare you and I want us to think soberly about our mortality I understand that when we die we live again I understand that we have eternal life with Christ yes and amen to all of that but concerning our time in this dispensation here upon the Earth for this season life is short it's brief it's but the scripture says a vapor it's here one second gone the next and nobody is promised tomorrow but let's just assume that you will live to the average age let's just kind of even this out and for the sake of doing easy math will say let's say 880 years old that's when life ends well if you're 20 years old and life is a pie cut into fours or cut into four if life is a pie you had one slice already and you only have three more if you're 40 you've had two if you're 60 you've had three and of course I'm speaking in terms of the average age but you get the Point time making life goes by quickly let's say you live to be 100 if you've 25 you lived a quarter already you've had one slice of the pie and the next three slices are going to go much faster than the first one you're going to Blink and then suddenly it'll be over we are here today gone the next only the name of Jesus remains only the word of God endures forever and of course yes I understand we live with him in eternity but I want you to really consider the brevity of life and then with that perspective in mind I want you to see through that lens your entire life the impact you're making there is no time to continue to retake test how many times is it going to take before you finally say Okay Lord I submit this area to you how many times is it finally is it is it going to take before you finally say Okay Lord you are right to correct me in that way I should give up that habit that attitude that thought pattern I should finally put my my focus on the things of God why are you waiting so long to get serious about the things of God especially to to to my fellow young people you like how I said fellow there to the fellow young people my generation and others coming up when are you going to finally take this seriously how long are you going to go back between two opinions how long are you going to go back and forth between the world and the things of God the world and the things of God you're just wasting time you are wasting time in the world when you could be living with high impact for the sake of the kingdom of God it's too short life is too short for you to be constantly retaking Divine test get on board with the things of God stop wasting time hear me now when you finally get serious about the things of God your only regret will be that you didn't do that sooner so don't quit because life is too short to retake Divine test quit and then come back quit and then come back quit and then come back it's time to stop that number six don't quit because you may be just days away from tremendous breakthrough I would rather go my entire life believing for the miracle than to stop believing before I receive my breakthrough I would rather go years believing for the miracle and never receive it than to stop believing now when it was supposed to happen tomorrow how do you know hear me now people of God how do you know that you're not days away from a breakthrough how do you know that this issue you're dealing with isn't going to be resolved in a matter of weeks I'm not saying it will I'm not saying it won't I'm I'm asking how do you know I mean think about the fact that a tragedy has the power to change our life for the worse in an instant Miracle is just the opposite of that a miracle has the power to change someone's life for the positive in an instant and God is still a miracle working God how do you know that what you're so worried about now isn't going to be resolved by the end of the year I'm not prophesying that I'm not saying it will happen I'm not saying it won't happen I'm asking you how do you know that's not the case how do you know that one more season of perseverance wouldn't have brought the Breakthrough how do you know that one more strike of prayer wouldn't have caused the wall to come down think of the children of Israel marching around the walls of Jericho following the instruction of the Lord once per day for the first six days and seven days on that final day it was more difficult on the day of breakthrough than it was on the days leading up to that breakthrough what is waiting for you on the other side of your perseverance what is waiting for you on the other side of your obedience what is waiting for you on the other side of that wall that's about to come down all you have to do is trust and Obey do your part let God do his you believe God will do the miracle you do the difficult God will do the impossible you have faith God will bring the Breakthrough you believe for the natural you do the natural and God will do the supernatural let God be God you be you and just trust and Obey but if you quit now you'll never know what would have been if you quit now you'll never know what was just on the other side of your perseverance don't quit now because you may be just days away from a tremendous breakthrough how do you know how do you know that within the in the next 24 hours this won't be resolved you don't so keep going keep going because the miracle can happen at any moment if this is blessing you tell me how in the comment section below number seven don't quit because quitting would undo all that you have worked for up to this point let me say that again don't quit because quitting would undo all that you have worked for up until this point in 2 John chapter 7 excuse me second John um yeah 2 John let's go at verse 7 here I say this because many deceivers have gone out into the world they deny that Jesus Christ came in a real body such a person as a deceiver and an antichrist verse 8 watch out that you do not lose what we have work so hard to achieve be diligent so that you receive your full reward anyone who wanders from this teaching has no relationship with God but anyone who remains in the teaching of Christ has a relationship with both the father and the son now here of course we understand that the context is remaining abiding in proper teaching and proper Faith but look at look at what was said here watch out that you do not lose what we have worked so hard to achieve the principle being don't go backwards remain in the faith be steadfast abide in Christ don't lose what you've worked so hard to achieve now I'm not trying to place on you any kind of burden of legalism I for one can't stand legalistic teachings anything that anything that would cause you to think that you're responsible for what only God can do that's legalism or attempting to do in man's ability what can only be accomplished in Christ's power that's legalism and so I'm not by any means suggesting that you fall under the heavy burden of legalism but I am saying that you do have to recognize that your actions have consequences and that quitting well it won't necessarily undo your relationship with Christ because ultimately he's holding on to you it can undo the work it can put a a stain on your testimony it can put a stain on your credibility it can put a stain on your reputation it can undo the work that you've worked so hard to accomplish remain in the right teaching remain in faith abide in Christ so that you don't lose everything you've worked so hard to achieve now number eight the next reason I'm about to give you I'm going to talk about the way you are affected internally emotionally and mentally and you know quitting has heavy consequences not just for the external but quitting can have heavy consequences for the internal life the inner life and so I'm going to talk to you about that in a moment but first I want to invite you to support this ministry through the ministry of giving if you've been blessed by this ministry in any way shape or form and you want to help us on our mission to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ all around the world in the power of the Holy Spirit then I invite you to become a monthly Ministry partner by signing up for our automatic giving plan at David Hernandez partner you can also give a single gift by going to David Hernandez donate your support helps to support these streams the content the events everything get involved with something bigger than yourself let's win this generation for Christ the light is advancing the kingdom is expanding this is working get involved number eight don't won't quit because quitters are more filled with regret than those who persevere listen to what Jesus said about this Luke 14 beginning at verse number 28 but don't begin until you count the cost for who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it otherwise you might complete only the foundation before running out of money and then everyone would laugh at you they would say there's the person who started that building and couldn't afford to finish it now here in this Parable the individual wasn't able to finish the project because they didn't properly plan for it and so they were forced to quit but nonetheless they ceased working for the end goal when you quit you are filled with regret listen if you just continue from this point on you're going to have to struggle anyway I'll tell you how it's going to be you feel like quitting you feel like giving up you feel like you're hanging on by a thread spiritually like your life doesn't count like it doesn't matter maybe tempted to go back into the ways of the world well I want you to think about this the time will pass anyway the struggle the trial probably not going anywhere so if you quit if you give up you're going to probably still have to go through that trial you're probably still going to have have the same exact Circumstance the suffering will still be there however when you get to the end of that you'll say to yourself the time passed anyway I felt pain anyway it was difficult anyway but I quit listen you're going to have to choose which path you want to take and both paths have their difficulties the path of disobedience Obi sure it has what some would call Pros people consider the pleasure of sin to be a pro people consider the pride of life to be a pro and so forth and of course there are things that make that path alluring enti of to human nature but you walk that path and it's a path of destruction and it will be a difficult road now you follow the way of Christ and you continue on that path that too will be a difficult road but listen both both paths are difficult and if you quit now and you turn from the things of God and you go back into the world or or you or you take the the the the momentum off of your spiritual life you back up and say well maybe I won't do as much for God or maybe I won't be as involved or maybe I won't be as passionate maybe just I'll tone it down a little you do that you're going to still have to walk a difficult path the time will pass anyway and 10 years from now now you'll be looking back 5 years from now you'll be looking back 12 months from now you'll be looking back and asking I wonder what would have happened if I just stuck it out I wonder what would have happened if I didn't quit i' bind Every Lie of the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus you may be saying that to yourself that that you want to quit that's a lie of the enemy listen stick with this because when you persevere and you look back you're going to look back and you're going to say the time passed anyway the pain was there anyway and I'm so glad I'm so glad I didn't quit number nine and now we're talking about things that will affect your eternity number nine don't quit because everything you do for the Lord will count for all eternity only what you do for eternity truly counts think about this if you accomplish something in this world and it does not Mark eternity eventually you'll forget about it eventually you're loved ones will forget about it eventually Society will forget about it no matter how Grand it is even history has a short memory relatively speaking and so you think about all these accomplishments you think about all these wonderful things that take place in your life but you know what only what we do for eternity actually counts because that is what is always remembered that impact will always stay with us when you're in heaven with the Lord and with those you've impacted you're going to live with that for all of eternity the lives that were impacted that God impacted through your obedience and he he will use you and so I'm saying to you don't quit because everything we do for the Lord will count for all of eternity 1 Corinthians 15:58 says so my dear brothers and sisters be strong and immovable always work enthusiastically for the Lord for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless somebody needs to hear that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless it matters it counts if it counts for eternity it truly counts not to be morbid but we're talking about life we're talking about regret we're talking about time but think think about the fact that that one day you will die and as sad as it may seem your loved ones your friends they're going to have to move on your spouse if they're still here they're going to have to move on your children will have to move on one day you will die and the question is what was it all for again your family will go on living not that they didn't care but they'll go on living your friends they'll go on living Society definitely keeps on moving I found it interesting one time when I attended a funeral it was very somber and at the end of the funeral I walked out to just outside of the building of the the church building and people are gathered around talking about where they're going to go for lunch I'm thinking yeah of course you you have to eat still today here are this P the this person's friends so close to him so so loving toward him they're now just going to go head to lunch and they got to go on with they got to get to living again even history will forget the greatest Among Us however you measure greatness even history will forget the greatest Among Us eternity won't eternity remembers what you do for eternity will count for all of eternity so don't quit finally and as I said this right here number 10 this applies now more than ever not that truth is more truthful but I think that the truth hits heavier in certain seasons 1 Timothy 6:12 fight the good fight of Faith hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you which you have declared so well before many witnesses don't quit because truth is worth the fight I know looking out into the world today it may seem like the devil is winning he's not I know that observing Society the nature of man rampant sin that maybe you're growing discouraged because it seems like heaven is retreating and hell is advancing I promise you it's not what's happening the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against us I I know sometimes it seems like the church is losing and the world is winning the world is not winning Wicked people make their plans but he who sits in the heavens shall laugh God is in control and I know that there's fear I know that there's confusion I know that there's uncertainty but God is in control don't quit because truth is worth fighting for you see you look at you look at this generation and you you see the way that people's minds are so warped the way that Darkness seems to have this impossibly tight grip on the soul of a generation and you might be saying within yourself what's the point nothing seems to be working the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail truth is worth fighting for I still believe that Jesus is the answer I still believe that the gospel has power I still believe that the Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few child of God we need you in this fight child of God don't count yourself out righteousness preserves the nation if there are righteous in the land just just the existence of those righteous in the land preserves the nation your presence God's assignment with you here is holding back the Judgment there's still time to snatch Souls from Hellfire there's still time to win the World to Jesus because the blood of Jesus still has power There Is Power in the Blood there's power in the cross don't quit we will see the advancement of his kingdom the movement is upon us and it's not possible to stop a divinely backed move of God the world may try to stop it religious people who misunderstand it may try to stop it but nobody's stopping this movement Spirit Family listen to me truth is worth fighting for don't quit I'm going to pray with you right now and as we pray I believe that there's going to be a fresh empowering that comes upon you but before we pray I want to encourage you if you think others need to hear this message do me a simple favor leave a like on the video that's going to help spread it to more people we want to see people impacted with the gospel and also I want to stay connected with you don't forget to subscribe to the channel on YouTube and make sure to click that notification Bell when you do so that you and I can stay connected and you can continue to receive the teaching teachings and the encouragements now let's pray father I lift your children to you your children whom you love with an everlasting love and I pray that by the precious Holy Spirit they would be refreshed and renewed fan into Flame the fire of their love for Jesus set them Ablaze I pray there's a strong anointing here church I'm telling you receive that set them Ablaze I pray Let Them Burn bright For Your Glory Jesus use our lives as vessels we pray strengthen and encourage your people let Joy overflow them receive peace let them receive power from on high they might Shine the Light of the Gospel and holy spirit the next time they feel like quitting stir their faith I pray let this word be as a seed planted in their hearts water that seed I pray precious Holy Spirit as only you can touch their lives and use them for your glory in the mighty name of Jesus we pray I want you to type it if you believe it amen well I love you I appreciate you I pray for you and until next time remember nothing is impossible with God