Transcript for:
Introduction to Roblox Scripting

so you're opening up studio with a great game idea ready to make it quickly and hit the front page just to start building a map and realize you really don't know anything about how to get the game to actually work then maybe you searched up how to script on roblox tree now vacuum tree is you were extremely confused by all the bubbly jumbly mumbly jargon in all the videos and just ended up spamming your keyboard on your script before picking up a hammer smashing your computer and kicking your monitor in and slowly throwing your computer out a window and driving your car it's safe to say that might have been the last day for some of our computers but don't worry about it because i am here to help because i was in that tragic situation just a year ago but i managed to learn scripting eventually after starting as a builder and having barely any idea what i was doing just like you this guide is going to explain you how i learned a script in the simplest way possible and i can guarantee you'll be able to script by the end of this video you're going to need to open up roblox studio of course and we're going to make a base plate just a normal base plate and we're actually not going to make a script first we're actually going to build something for well we're just going to place one part down but it kind of counts so i'm just gonna delete the spawn location there let's close that tool box we aren't gonna be needing that for now so just click the part button up here and we're gonna scale this part up just a little bit and i'm gonna color it here so it's just a pink part and we're gonna name this part pink bark with a capital p on both of those word now so make sure to pause and bounce around this video by the way parts that you might have forgotten when you need them this is going to have a ton of chapters so you can bounce around the timeline it'll all be cut up to all the different definitions and everything so it's really helpful and useful for you now we're going to right click this part click insert object and we're going to add a script into this which is at the very top usually or you can just type in script you don't see it there now we're going to open up the script and now we're just going to delete everything that's here and we're going to type in local part equals script dot parent now the first thing we're looking at is variables and what we have just written out is a variable a variable just stores a value so the variable kink part stores the value script apparent which is well the parent is just whatever the script is inside of so that would be the pink part so that's what this variable equals this variable equals pink part by the way make sure that you write this exactly as i did a lot of things in scripting are very case sensitive so it's very important that you write this in how i wrote it with the uh uppercase and lowercase it all makes sense eventually but a value in a variable could be anything it could be an instance which is just a object in roblox studio like a part or gui you could also make it a line of text which is called a string in scripting or you could even make this equal to a number so now let's make a new part but wait do not close this script we're gonna make this part using scripting so what we've done is we've already made a part normally and we defined it through our script with a variable but now we want to create a part with our script so what we're going to write is local part equals which makes a new instance and then we're gonna type parentheses and we're gonna type in a quotation mark and then we're gonna start typing part and click enter now i'm gonna use my arrow key go out of that click enter all right remember case sensitive now this variable is telling the script to make a new part and we can basically make any kind of object in roblox studio with this too but this part doesn't know where to go right now aka what object it's going to be parented to and again the parent is just whatever it's inside of so right now we're going gonna parent this object this part to a different object in studio now right now the parent of the part is nothing and in scripting we write nothing as nil so part dot parent equals nil that's already what it's at so if we change it from nil or nothing to let's say game which is just the whole game that we're editing dot workspace so everything inside of the explorer here is in the game and inside the game is workspace at the very top which is where we see all our hearts so this part is going to go in a workspace and it's going to be visible in the game when we run the game it's not going to be visible until we start playing the game parent is actually just a property of an object in studio and a property is just one of these details on a different object in studio so it's like color shadow cast shadow color material material variant reflectance transparent these are all properties of a part so what we're going to do is we're going to change another property of this part so we're going to make a new line just by going to the end of this and clicking enter a few times and we're just going to write part dot transparency equals 0.5 remember to use that auto fill you can start typing something and just click enter and right like that it will build the rest of it in it's really useful make scripting a lot easier now let's go to the top of roblox studio and click the play button and let's test it out and there we go so we had a new part fall right here um this is a 0.5 transparency part and yeah it's a pretty cool example of how you can use scripting to make a part in studio all right so now we're going to stop the game we're going to go back congratulation on your first script now you can feel free to pause the video and mess around with any other properties you want with your script but right now we are going to be moving on to looking at boolean and booleans are basically any checkbox in studio is actually a boolean so as we can see here cache shadow which chooses whether or not this part has a shadow on it as you can see when we turn this off and on switches whether or not this has a shadow now actually what this means is hash shadow equals true so when it's checked cast shadow is true if cast shadow is unchecked i mean cast shadow is false that's just how we write it in the script so cast shadow true cast shadow falls so if we go ahead and make a new line and write heart dot cast shadow equals false then this part will not have a shadow if we change this to true it's going to have a shadow so we'll leave that at false and we can mess around with a few other properties so part dot anchor equals true if we do that then it means that this part is just it's not going to move or anything we're going to be able to push it around with our character probably already know what anchored means it's going to be stuck now one other thing we can do in studio is we can make the script wait so we could actually go up in the script a little bit and we can make the script wait to make an anchor so if we type in weight and then we type in a number and by the way numbers in studio do not have quotation marks but strings do strings are the lines of text numbers do not have quotation marks so just remember that whenever writing a number down you do not put quotation marks now this is going to wait five seconds before it makes the part anchor so all the other code before it is gonna run and then it's gonna start waiting for five seconds and it's gonna anchor the part now this is a little bit more advanced but to make this a little bit better for your performance on your game there's actually a new feature in studio that's called task.wait and you'll usually want to use task.wait if you aren't doing something that needs to be very exact weight makes it exact and it forces the game to wait that long but task.weight basically will let the game work at its own pace it just might be like 0.001 seconds off i usually tend to do test out weight when i can because it's just a little bit faster alright so now most tutorials would have actually shown you this first but let's take a little bit more of a look at strings so something that you can do with strings is print a line of words in the output which is a window that spits out warnings errors and prints from your scripts and roblox studio itself so if we go ahead and type in print and then we add parentheses and then we can type in a quotation mark and this is going to make a string for us so we can go ahead and write hi and then when we run the game by going to test and click on this drop down on play and go to run now in the output of studio after five seconds the weight in our script it's gonna say hi down here now that's pretty cool and we can also print numbers so we go ahead and print five the same thing will happen this will work just fine and by the way you can put numbers in strings so if we said high five this is still going to work when you're writing a number by itself you don't put quotation now this is mostly useful for when you're trying to debug your code and you want to mark where certain things happen so like after the part is anchored we could put a print and we can say part anchored now every time that happens we'll know the part was anchored and if we do not see this in there we'll know that for some reason maybe there is an error in our code the part did not get anchored and that's what you're going to be using print for most of the time now in scripts we can also do math and we can print numbers and strings in the output and we can also print math in the output so we can actually print three plus three let's see what happens when we press run on so after five seconds again after our weight is over that's going to do this see it prints out six three plus three equals six so it's going to print that out now make sure you do not put quotations around this just like i said because we are writing a normal number here and this is not a string and it's really important that you don't do that when you're doing math we can do a lot of other things uh we can also do multiplication and to do that we can just do a asterisk or a star little star it should be on the 8 on your keyboard you just hold shift and press eight and you'll get that star and if you do three times three well it's gonna print out nine and we can do this with the division as well so if we change the star to a slash it'll divide three by three and we'll get one and there's a lot of other cool things that you can do in math in roblox studio but we're gonna get back to this later because now it is time to move up to the next level this is where things start to get intense well not really just focus and follow along this is where you're gonna be able to start making things really work in your game and it's going to be incredible so make sure you do not click off if you want to become a scripter i see that mouse of yours inching closer and closer to the youtube homepage don't do it don't give up on your dream being able to script your own game because this is well worth it and it could end up being a real money maker for you later now we're on to function functions are exactly what they're called so i'm going to go ahead and just click control a and delete everything so we can start with a fresh slate basically functions are just a piece of code that performs a function now and this is just an action in your code and it's when you call upon it so basically we don't want to be sitting there just typing the same code over and over and over and over and over again so that's where functions come in and they have a few other cool things you can use them for too functions can be called upon with just a single word and it will run your entire function your entire chunk of code that's in that function without having to rewrite it or anything all you need to do is call the function by writing its name and parentheses after it but there's also another neat feature let's say you put something into a function well you can actually put a value into a function and it can spit something back so you can have a function that adds two to whatever the first parameter or input in the function is and it will go ahead and print that so it'll add two to whatever you put into it and it'll print it a parameter is basically just a variable when you're using it in your function and trust me this is going to be a lot more useful later and it's also going to make a lot more sense when we actually write this out so don't worry we're going to make a function right now so let's go ahead and write function add 10 x so x is going to be our first parameter so that's what you're going to do when you call the function you're going to input x which will be whatever number that you want to add 10 to we're going to go ahead and add parentheses to that and type x again and we're going to click enter and we're going to write local y equals x plus 10. so what this does is this makes a variable y which equals our input x plus 10. that's what it's doing so it's making a variable y and it just adds 10 to that and that's what y equals y is just x plus 10. now what we're going to do is we're going to print y so this is going to print x plus 10. so if x equals 2 and we add 10 to it that's going to be 12. so what y is going to be is 12 and it's going to go ahead and print that and then what we're going to do is we're going to return y and what this will do is it's going to basically wherever we call the function we're going to be able to use y later in the script also what i did right here is i wrote a comment you just put two dashes and you can write whatever you want and the script is going to ignore this you can write notes and it's pretty good practice to just write these wherever you can so you remember what things do in your script and also it helps if someone else is going to be looking at your script later down the line so functions are one of the most powerful things in scripting and one of the most important pieces of functions is called scope and you might have noticed so far that i write local before basically all variables well you can also write local before functions and if you don't write local that means it's naturally a global function so a global function can be used throughout the whole script no matter where it's written a local function can only be used after it's been written or if it's ins if it's inside of a function you can only use it inside that function so we can only use y here inside this function unless we return it and also if we write a local function at the end of the script for example we can't use it anywhere at all same for functions if you wrote a local function at the end of a script you could not use that function anywhere unless you change it to a global function so this is going to be a lot easier to understand after we practice a little bit more so if we want to go ahead and use this function that we've written here we can actually type in add 10 and we can type in right here in our x value so let's write 2 so what it's going to do is it's going to print 10 plus 2 which is 12 and it's going to return that for us so we can actually write local number equals add 10 to and what this is going to do since we returned y this is going to equal y this variable will equal 12 and we can go ahead and use that throughout the rest of our script which is why this is so useful especially when you get into the more advanced sides of scripting so hopefully you understand functions but if you don't don't worry we're going to get a lot more practice in after this this is just a brief explanation and again feel free to rewind re-watch any parts of this video that you need and remember do not give up you are well on your way to becoming a grit scripter and don't worry if you don't understand everything yet this video will clear up all your questions by the end so next thing we're going to do is we're going to look at if statement if statements basically check if something is true and if it is it does it so okay so we need a variable for this part so local part equals script dot parent which is our pink part so local part equals script.parent and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do if part dot anchored equals equals equals equals basically just means that it's checking if something is true you need to do that whenever you're checking if something is true if part.anchored equals equals true then part.color equals color three dot from rgb 255 zero zero so what this is gonna do this is just uh color three is just a three number value that that makes a color and if it's from rgb it's gonna be making it in red green and blue and the highest number being 255 lowest being zero so if we write 255 on the red it's going to be a fully red color if we were to add a hundred of this it'll make it a little bit pink since we're adding a lot of blue if we added a lot more like 220 it'll make it more purple since red and blue usually makes purple all right so what this is doing is it's checking if the part is anchored and if it is it's changing the color of the part to red now we can also add to this and we can make it check for something else so if this is not true it's just going to skip the changing of the color of the part altogether but we can make this move on and say else so if that isn't true it's going to move on and it's going to say print heart is on anchor so it's going to print that the part is unanchored so if it's anchored it's going to make the part red otherwise it's going to print part is on anchor and honestly this is one of the most useful things i use all the time in scripting because there's a lot of times we need to check things are true check if things aren't true check if things exist at all in your game and we don't have to just check if something is true we can actually check if part dot color if part.brickcolor equals and then oh yeah we got to do the double equal signs i'm forgetting too it's easy to forget if part.brickcolor equals medium stone gray then we can print this is a gray part and this is going to write in the output that this is a gray part as you can see this doesn't even have to be a whether or not this is true because obviously we can't have it if heart.brick color equals equals true but if the parked up brick color equals medium stone gray then it's going to print that this is a gray part and otherwise it's just going to skip over that code just like all if statements now there's also elsif statement so what we've looked at so far is if statements with check if something's true and if it is it does it we looked at else statement which it's just moves on so basically if that isn't true it'll move on it'll do whatever else is in the script but what else if does it's like else but then you're also checking for something else so if part dot anchored equals equals false then it's going to print part is unanchored so this already it does the same thing but it's checking for something specific so if we did this on something a little bit better of an example is doing it on the brick color so else if part dot brick color equals equals brick color dot new re really red it's going to check if this is medium stone gray and if it's not it's also going to go and check if the parts color is really red and it's going to print in the output this is a really red part so as you can see this can be very useful so if part.brickcolor equals equals medium sewn gray then it'll print this is a gray part otherwise it's going to check if this is a really red part and if it is it's going to print this is a really red part otherwise it's going to skip both of these things all together and that is why else if statements else statements and if statements are all just as useful there's just different scenarios when you're going to need to use them when you need specific things done in your script so now we are just going to completely ditch this script for now i'm going to close it out and i don't want the script doing anything for now i don't want to delete it though so right right now i'm just going to actually uh right click rename this script to not not using this lol and i'm just going to click disable in property so the script is not going to do anything and we're going to make a new script by right clicking this part clicking insert object and clicking script and it's going to go ahead and make a new script so let's clear out the script by clicking control a and just clicking backspace and we're going to write if script dot parent dot name equals equals taco then print taco elsif script dot parent dot name equals equals hamburger then we're gonna print hamburger so what this is gonna do is this is another if and else if statement and this is going to check if the parts name is taco and if so it is going to print taco if it is not taco it is then going to check if this is a part named hamburger otherwise if it is not named hamburger it's going to do nothing if it is it's going to print hamburger else will always do something if the first if statement is not true else is always going to do something so if we do else it's going to print hamburger no matter what no matter what the name of the part is if it isn't taco it's always going to print hammer but if we add on that elsif it's going to be checking for something specific and it's going to print hamburger only if the parts name is hamburger so hopefully that clears up the difference between else and elsif i know it's kind of hard to get at first but it's very important that you know the difference because you're going to be using both of these a lot in script all right we're done with that enough with the else and elsif so next are events and events are really cool events are really interesting because we can finally start to check and like listen for when things are happening in our game and we get to have script that run when something happens in your game so let's say a player touches a part we can have an event of when a player touches a part we can run a chunk of code when that part is touched so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and make a new new part we're going to make a kill brick over here so i'm going to go ahead and add a part anchor that thing scale it and let's i'm going to make this you know a nice little red and we're going to add a neon to that nice little kilbray cool looking i want to turn off cast shadow on that too just for the heck of it and i'm going to click the plus on the part and i'm just going to add a script into this by clicking on it and i'm going to clear the script out by clicking ctrl a clicking backspace as usual and i'm also going to name this script i want to name this kill part script so first we're going to define our variables and we're going to write localkillbrick equals script.parent so what we're going to do is we're going to add an event that basically it's gonna check when some other part touches this part and then we're gonna check if that part is inside of a player's character we're basically gonna check and listen for when a player touches this part and then we're gonna go ahead and kill that player's character so we're gonna go ahead and do that so we're gonna listen for the touch event and we are going to make a function that passes on the touch part which is the part that touched the part and we're going to write that as a parameter the touch part parameter is going to pass on to the function and it's going to tell our script the exact part that touches so we're going to go ahead and make this function so kill brick dot touch which is the touched event and we're going to write a colon connect click enter and we're going to type in function and then add parentheses touch part and going to go to the end of this we're going to go to the right in between these two parentheses and we're just going to click enter there i'm going to click enter three times just so i have some space and so what this is going to do is as i said it's going to listen for the touch event pass on the touch part parameter to this function so we know what part touched this part and it's gonna tell our script the exact part that touched it and now we're gonna do the killing of the humanoid so we're gonna do local humanoid equals hutch part dot parent so whatever the touch part is inside of and we're going to do colon find first child and find for style is a built-in function in roblox studio which we can run on any object inside of the game and it will basically just loop through and check each child of an object in studio and it will check whether or not an object with a specific name is inside of that part so it's going to find a child with a specific name so we're going to find the child called humanoid and a humanoid is what controls all the aspects of a character like its health how high it can jump how fast it can walk everything like that and what it's gonna do is it's gonna see if we have a humanoid and if it does it is going to say okay here's the humanoid and this variable is going to equal humanoid if there is not a humanoid this is going to equal nil so what we're going to do now is we're going to check if there's a humanoid so we don't get an error if we don't check if there's a humanoid and there doesn't end up being a humanoid for whatever reason like if let's say a part that wasn't a character touch this part that part isn't gonna have a humanoid if it touches it it's gonna error out if we don't have this if so that's why we're doing fine first child it checks if there's a humanoid and now we're gonna do an if if humanoid it's all it is if there's a humanoid and basically by the way nil and false are the same thing writing nil if nil that's just like writing false so it falls basically so if this is nil it is going to not run this code but if there is a humanoid it's going to run it so hope that makes sense so if humanoid then equals zero and that's it so we're going to go ahead and play the game and let's hope this works so i'm going to go back to my baseplate click i have play here pinned up here um and we click play here so i play right on it and when i touch this part it is going to kill my character there we go so we have a perfect aubie kill brick all made for our game here that we're making and by the way by the end of this video you're gonna know how to make an obby did i mention that we're gonna be making a hobby yup you're gonna be making a game in this first video you're gonna be scripting your first game it's amazing i don't want to get too cocky but i'm gonna say this might be one of the best scripting videos out there because i'm gonna condense all the information into one video and hopefully you will be a scripting pro by the end of this video that is my goal so that was pretty easy right now a lot of things in studio built-in event so i'm gonna open my script back up and these built-in events we can actually see them with the object browser in a nice list so if we go to view object browser this will open up a new window and we can flip around these and this will basically show all the objects in roblox studio and everything that exists so if we choose if we can find part in here now i wish there was a search on this that's the only thing there's part okay if we find part in here we can actually see so in here the lightning bolts are the all the events on the part so we can listen for all of these events not just touch we can listen for touch ended so when something stops touching it or when the part is getting destroyed when a child's added when a property is changed there's all kinds of events on different objects in studio and every object in studio has tons of different events that are unique to it so there's a lot of cool things we can do with events and it doesn't just have to be touched we could listen to any event we want so we could say touch ended and when something stops touching it's gonna check if that part has a humanoid and it's gonna kill it too now i'm not sure if this always works i don't think this is that reliable but again there are there are ways that you can do that that's just an example there are a lot of events and we can we can use these for a lot of things by the way quick reminder you are doing great you are getting really close to becoming a full-on scripter and you got to keep going do not give up so we're getting on to the next detail which is random numbers random numbers i mean they're self-explanatory but they're really useful for a lot of things and especially for waiting a random amount of time so for example if we want to wait a certain amount of time after the player touches this part to kill them we can do of course task dot wait just so we have that good performance benefit of using task.weight versus weight and then we can just do math dot random and then add parentheses then what you do is you write the minimum number here so let's do task.weightmath.random one second and then comma 10 seconds so what this will do is it'll pick a random number between 1 and 10 seconds all right so after this i want to take a look at loops loops basically just let you repeat things forever or for a certain amount of time or until something is true there's a lot of ways that you can write loops so one way is a for loop so for let's go ahead and make a new script i'm going to make a new part anchor that and then i'm going to hit the plus add a new script so the for loop as i said so the for loop is it will loop through a number or a table so it will count up from one to that number if we do four number equals ten so it's going to count up to ten repeat basically i'll just repeat this ten times for number equals ten comma one do for number equals ten comma one comma one do script dot parent dot size dot x equals script dot parent dot size dot x plus one so what this is gonna do is it's gonna add one stud to the x size on the part ten times and i'm just gonna add a short weight between that so weight zero point uh let's do weight zero point five oh test.wait don't forget that and we can go ahead and test this out oh actually you have to do number equals 1 comma 10. i was wrong um it's the other way around and we don't need that third one but if we go ahead and test this it should work now oh another mistake i keep making mistakes i know the problem script.parent.size we need to make this a vector3 so vector3 as i said earlier a vector3 is just a three number value used to show usually positions with parts or sizes vector3 dot new and then just add parentheses around that and then the first values x then we're just going to do y uh we'll just copy this script.parent.size.x and change that to y same thing except we're putting z on the last one and now it should work finally worked out all the bugs and as we can see it's working now it looks like uh i made my weight a little bit too short but as you can see it added a lot of studs to each side and it definitely grew by ten studs so that's how four loops work in the most basic way with numbers for loops can also loop through a table and um so for example we can do four game get service players get players for i comma v in pairs so what this will do if we write this for i comma v in pairs parentheses game get service players get players what it will do is it will get the players from the player's service on roblox and it will loop through each player and we can do whatever we want to this so what v does is it will that will equal the current player that we're on and i is the table the table is just the list of all the players we've gotten from the player's service so if we say vita character destroy now this probably isn't going to work since we do have to wait for the uh for the character so if we do v wait for child character or if we do v dot character added v character added connect function so what this will do is it'll destroy the character every time it spawns now obviously we don't want this but as you can see this can be very useful to be able to loop through a list of things especially players like when you're making a mini game system you might need this or a lobby system it comes in handy a lot so we definitely recommend practicing this so that you can use it when you need it because trust me this is definitely something i use constantly i make hundreds of these every time i every time i script it seems like so you're definitely going to want to know these now next we have well loops and with well loops we can just do well something is true do something so we could say well script dot parent dot anchor equals equals true do as long as this part is anchored it uh it'll repeat this and it'll stop when the part is unanchored now a lot of people will just use well loops for uh looping forever so well true do so basically this will just make it repeat forever because true is well it's always going to be true and it's checking if whatever this is is true it's a little bit hard to explain but basically it just means it's checking if true is true and yeah true is true it's always going to be looping so you can have this loop forever now whenever you do one of these i do recommend always having a weight of at least uh nothing so if you do that it'll do the shortest possible amount of time that it can wait and you need this otherwise roblox studio can crash so or your roblox game might crash too if you have a loop and you want to keep these down and you definitely want to be careful with these because they can cause a lot of lag especially if you don't have that weight in there if we ever want a well true do loop to stop we can actually add break and what break will do is it'll just stop it and it'll continue on with all the code in front of it now we probably do want to practice this um welter do loop if you don't want to practice this uh you can always skip ahead to the next chapter on the video timeline but this will be really quick so we're just gonna make hearts rain out of the sky so local part equals instance dot new parentheses part part dot parent equals game dot workspace local random x equals math dot random negative 200 comma 200 and then local random z equals math dot random negative 200 200 and then we'll do throw all those positions together into part dot position equals vector three dot new random x comma let's say 50 studs in the sky and random z pass dot wait dude let's just do the shortest one let's see how laggy this is gonna be like a lag test on my computer here um let's go ahead and play this and as we can see parts are raining out of the sky so that was a mission successful and that is one cool example of how you can make welter do loops and use them effectively in your game um yeah now i promise we are almost done with the math almost but i need to give you guys an example for how to use a break so we probably want this to stop running parts at some point otherwise our computer is going to absolutely crash um well first we probably want to add debris basically what this does it'll automatically make the part delete itself after a certain amount of time so let's look at debris service up here so debris is a service local debris equals game get service debris and what we'll do is we'll get debris and then add item part lifetime so what this is is we'll just make this last um let's say 20 seconds for each part and now what we want to do is we want to make this break if there's 400 total parts in workspace so so what we want to do is we can actually just add a part count we want to do that outside the loop local part count equals zero and then we'll do part count equals part count plus one and if part count is greater than or equal to 400 then break we probably want to put this at the top here all right so next are tables which you might have seen that you've probably seen these before visually or in a school document but these actually can be made in scripting too but they're quite a bit different but it's actually pretty similar to a table on a document if you want to look at it that way you'll see it has rows and columns and this is very similar to how tables work on roblox scripting we use them to store large amounts of data and then loop through them very quickly with for loops which i just showed you and they're extremely useful they come in pairs so if we look at a visual table we can see that there's a row and then we could have a number right next to it and there could be a value in the next column over this is called a key value pair a key being the row number or the row name and the value is just whatever piece of data that could be a string a number a picture whatever whatever piece of data is associated with the key also the key doesn't have to be a number neither does the value as i said so let's go ahead and delete this you don't have to you can just make a new script but i'm going to delete mine and let's make a new table with a variable so local we'll make a fruit table so local fruit equals and then what we do is we hold shift and then right above the normal brackets like these right above that if we hold shift we'll get these this gives you a table bracket so just go ahead and click enter a couple times okay so the first uh key will be bananas equals one and then you add a comma or you can do a semicolon after that so what we've written here is that there are there's one banana so if we go ahead and reference this table later we see oh hey table how many bananas are there it's gonna save one it's gonna return one so next we'll do apples equals five oranges equals two and that's it so the keys in this table are the names of the fruit and it equals that number of fruit there are so there's one banana five apples two oranges and to access one of the values in the table we just write fruit at these kinds of brackets and then we can write whatever name whatever name of fruit we want which would be our key bananas equals fruit bananas and then we add we can add five to that so what this does oh we do need to add quotations around this i almost forgot because it is searching the table for that so this is just like find first child which loops through a parts children but this rather than looping through a part it can loop through a data set like a table this is really just dipping our toes in tables and there's a lot more we can do we can loop through a table with an in pairs loop and check for a certain value like i showed earlier and find first child is a built-in function a roblox studio that actually loops through every child or part inside of another part and it searches for one with the same name that you input into it everything in studio is made up of tables literally everything like the children of every part which are just the items inside a part even the properties of parts are pretty much in tables this is why tables are extremely important in scripting on roblox or not so with that in mind we can actually look through the children of a part with the get children function which returns all the children of the part in a table for us so let's first find some stuff we want to remove let's first add some stuff that we can remove so let's add a bunch of particles to this uh part here let's pour a part we're going to add a particle emitter i'm just gonna duplic duplicate that a million times and i'm gonna go ahead and delete everything we did here and let's do a four iv in pairs loop looping through all the children of this part and we're gonna see we're gonna check if each object is a particle and if it is we're going to destroy it it's going to be gone so for i comma v in pairs script dot parent get children do if v is a particle emitter then v destroy the reason why we want to check if it's a particle emitter with is a is because we don't want to accidentally delete the script that would screw some stuff up so we want to make sure that we're checking if each thing is a particle emitter if you want to check if something is apart for example which you're going to need you can actually just check if it is a base part and that will check if it is a part of any kind it could be a mesh part wedge doesn't matter it could be a normal part it will make sure that it is a part of some sort and it helps because you don't have to check for each kind of part you just check for base part just need to throw that in so i'm going to leave it as particle emitter and let's go ahead and play oh that's a lot of particles we definitely need to get rid of those so if we play the game and if they're all gone we'll know it works and as we can see it's perfect no more particles it worked perfectly so this is definitely one of the things i'm used the most in scripting constantly i can't emphasize enough this is one of the most important things you're going to want to practice this a lot you're almost there you are almost a scripter do not quit now if you click up the video you're probably going to forget everything really really quickly so we got to practice right now let's practice by making a quick obby so an ob is a good practice because we can just make a bunch of obstacles do whatever we want with that and we already made the billbricks so why not use that as our first obstacle so we have this component so i'm going to go ahead and start building an obby so we can just add this in there scale it up um and let's anchor this make it a little bit darker and let's raise this up and uh i'm gonna turn on my increment to one stud and then i'm just gonna duplicate it a couple times and there we go so i want to go ahead and make sure we're organized by oh this is way uneven there we go so let's go ahead and make sure this is organized by adding a folder in the workspace and i'm going to rename this to kill part and just drag them all in there and there we go so oh this isn't the kill part put that back in the workspace so now we do have a problem we have all these kill part scripts inside of each one of these parts this is a kind of redundant so what we're going to do is let's delete all of these by selecting them all clicking select ultron and then just hitting backspace and deleting them all except for one and i'm going to move this into server script service and in this i'm just going to change a couple things so let's change kill brick to kill bricks folder let's change the variable to reference the folder so what i'm getting at here is that we're going to use a for loop to loop through each part and make it so whenever that part is touched it will kill the character so game.workspace.killpark and then we're gonna do our for loop so for underscore comma v in pairs kill bricks folder get children and then arrow key out of that do and then let's just uh select all this hit control x and paste that in there and let's just change v we can just change v to kill bricks underscore will just mean that it isn't counting like how how many kill bricks we've already looped through it just won't save that table it it's just a little bit better on performance to do that if you don't need that number like sometimes you might want to check which kill brick you're on for example and if it's on the fifth kill brick maybe you want it to stop or something well we don't need that right now so that's why i did that better for performance so we changed v to kill brick and v v is just the item we're on currently in the table so right now it'll be the current kill brick and replacing that in this script should work perfectly and we should delete our little practice weight there if we have that still and there we go so now our kill parts will work and now maybe we should make some checkpoints so let's go ahead and make a new checkpoints folder and rename that to checkpoints and let's go ahead and add a part oh yeah before we do anything else let's make sure they're all anchored and i'm going to go ahead and scale this down as you guys can see i'm probably not the best at building hobbies but there we go um let's honestly make this neon and then i'm going to make this like white yeah there we go i don't want too much glow on it so i think smokey grey looks like a great color and next we'll start scripting this so uh let's add a new script into server script service and let's rename it to checkpoint script checkpoints script and we're gonna do the same thing as we did before so local check checkpoints folder equals game.workspace.checkpoint and for underscore comma v in pairs checkpoints folder get children do if v is a base part well it checks if it's a part of any kind then v dot touch connect function and now we need this to do something so let's define that player real quick so we're gonna do connect function part okay we'll do part and then if part dot aaron here let's go ahead and add the player servers because we do need to check if this is a player so local players equals game get service players and we'll do it if players get player from character part dot parent so i'll check if the model that the part is in is a player oh actually i keep changing things but we're gonna cut this select it hit control x and let's do local player equals just a little bit better so we don't have to do it again so if player then what we're going to do is we're going to add a stage to that player and we're going to check if they haven't already touched that checkpoint or we're going to set it to that number of checkpoint so what we want to do is drag our checkpoint in here and we're going to rename this to one so we'll just have the checkpoint number be uh the name of the part now we do need to set up a leaderboard real quick so this will be really easy so we're gonna do is we're gonna make a leader stats it's gonna save what stage they're on while they're in game it'll reset when they leave but this will make it so that when you join the game it's going to make you a stage number so local leader stats oh wait no gate players dot player so players dot player added connect function player local leader stats equals instance dot new folder uh leader stats dot parent equals player local stage equals instance dot new int value so let's make a new integer value which is just a number no decimal and it will save what stage it's on and we're going to put that in leader stats so it'll show on the leaderboard as a stage and then the number so stage dot parent equals leader stats and that's all that's needed so if player if player and let's make a variable for their stage so local stage value equals player.leaderstash.stage if player and stage value is less than two number so two number will make this to a number v dot name so that'll check so the the name of the checkpoint and that'll get the number the name of the checkpoint will turn into a number and it will check if the player is not on a stage that is greater than that so we don't want them going back stages that's basically all this does and it'll set the stage value oh yeah we do need to do stage value dot value because stage value is a object it's the uh in value we have to do the dot value because it's a property so stage value dot value equals v name okay that was a lot if you did not catch it feel free to rewind and feel free to copy down pause and copy down what i have um if you missed it this should set up our checkpoint in our game so if we go ahead and play right here oh we didn't name the folders here we have a little problem we did not name the folders equals leader stats and stage dot name equals stage there we go another error i didn't capitalize that oops this is the hardest part about scripting most annoying part there's a lot of bug fixing and little annoying things like that like one one capitalization can screw up your whole script it gets annoying but there we go finally it works so we touch this and now we have we're at stage one we die when we touch a kill brick and that is good we do want to make sure that we move the character to the checkpoint when they respawn so if we do player.character added connect function character or just you char local checkpoint equals checkpoints folder find first child do stage.value so if it finds the stage value in the checkmates folder it's basically checking if their current stage even exists then we're going to do player dot primary part and what this does is it'll get the human android right the humanoid root part stumbling over my words humanoid root parts or the torso if using r6 and it will move to where we want it so player player.primarypart.c frame equals so c frame is just the way we do positions and rotations all in one nice value in roblox studio it's kind of weird and complex i mean i don't even completely understand it's a very complex subject um c frame but with the c frame we're just going to go ahead and write c frame dot new check point dot c frame dot rotation equals dot c frame dot okay okay check point dot primary part dot c frame dot position dot y plus five so we're adding five studs so they spawn above it i'm making this way too complicated aren't i checkpoints dots okay let's hope this works a few moments later and of course it didn't work oh okay part.c frame no that needs to be player.character dot c frame i screwed a lot of things up here i'll be honest with you guys i don't know how how to make this respawn right but i think you guys get the point of the obby i don't like making hobbies when in doubt go to the dev hub on roadblocks it's a great time for me to do it but you can go to the dev hub so you search for roblox dev hub when you go to this you can find info on everything and when you can you want to go from here or sometimes when you google a question uh you can find a question answered on dev forum or scripting helpers but usually you're going to end up back here so you want to try and read this when you can learn some stuff about scripting and if you want more advice on how to get commissions on roblox and how you can earn tons of robux from scripting or whatever you'd like to do make sure to check out the video on screen do you guys there [Music]