[Music] what are the family types nuclear families often called the traditional family this type of family consists of a mother a father and their biological or adoptive descendants it means that in nuclear families both adults are the biological or adoptive parents of their children single-parent families this type of family is defined when there is only one parent in the household raising the children this is due to high divorce rates and adults choosing not to marry [Music] extended families an extended family is formed by two or more adults from different generations of a family who share a household it consists of more than parents and their children living together it may be a family that includes parents children cousins aunts uncles grandparents foster children etc the extended family may live together for many reasons help raising children support for an ill relative or help with financial problems childless family childless family is simply a couple or group of people from all kinds of backgrounds who for whatever reason have never had children many childless families choose not to have children because they concentrate on their careers or like to travel instead of children childless families usually have pets