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What was the outcome of the 1920 Kapp Putsch?
Press to flip
The 5,000 Freikorps marched into Berlin and took control but failed due to a government-initiated general strike.
What international treaties did Germany enter under Stresemann's leadership?
Locarno Treaties, joining the League of Nations, and the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
How did the Treaty of Versailles impact the Weimar Republic?
It caused significant unrest and economic problems, leading many Germans to blame Ebert and contributing to Hitler’s rise in 1933.
What are three key policies introduced by the Weimar Republic?
Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and improved working conditions.
What were the main factions opposing the Weimar Republic, and what did they want?
Right Wing wanted the return of the Kaiser, Left Wing (Communists) wanted a revolution similar to Russia's in 1917.
Who became the leader of Germany after Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated on November 9, 1918?
Friedrich Ebert.
How did the Great Depression affect the Weimar Republic?
The economic collapse exacerbated Germany’s challenges, leading to the breakdown of the Republic and Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor in 1933.
Who was Gustav Stresemann and what were his contributions to the stabilization of Germany?
Stresemann was the Chancellor from 1923-1929; he reformed the currency, implemented the Dawes Plan, and improved international relations.
What prompted the formation of the Weimar Republic in 1918?
The Allies offered peace under the condition of democratization, leading to revolutions and Kaiser Wilhelm II's abdication.
What were the reparation demands placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles?
Germany had to pay 6.6 billion marks.
When did the Weimar Republic officially begin?
After World War I in 1918.
What were the main political impacts of World War I on Germany by 1918?
Germany became bankrupt, politically unstable, and deeply divided society.
What was the Dawes Plan?
A reparation payment scheme that involved American loans of 800 million marks to help stabilize the German economy.
What caused hyperinflation in Germany during the early 1920s?
The government printed excessive amounts of money to deal with economic problems, making the currency worthless.
Describe the Spartacist Rebellion of 1919.
Communists set up soviets in multiple towns but were eventually crushed by the army and Freikorps with many casualties.