hai hai oh my friends Welcome back to my youtube channel we are going to discuss about saling lot calculation and will start from the basic calculation before we start please support my channel with like share and subscribe Thank you for your support wensley Are you still live loud Septi profesional Mas Ensure the web desain exit The Working with limited of these link if the weather is the greatest ring me break and drop the load causing property damage serius injury or that this video explore sampai si konsep yustus tablet Working with limit for watching the calculation is your stay dibalas sleep with no sosok loading and normal environmental conditions in the first example will Consider of articles links in which the spelling is oriented nanti degree Angle to horizontal aw isu determine the Tension on the selling items in exit The Working climate of the selling it is not save to leave the lord when the string Angeles nanti The Great To horizontal or vertical hits Tension is simply the way of the Lord divided by the number of selling used to leave the world since the web of the load is only one thousand lpsn There is only one link Lex Slank Tension is one thousand needles divided by one in other word Slank Tension Iswanto San LBS for Singles link after calculating the Tension exertion the selling we find that we must have a sling with Working with limited of at least one thousand LBS The Working with limited is leaving capacity date is less than the actual text range or breaking Strength of A Sling The Working with limited account for Vector state May cause the selling Khan predictably to determine the breaking strength required for a particular working load by multiple sering Tension or working load by adch faktor Direction Back For Moslem materials in new condition the safety design Vector is at least five after applying the design Vector of life bytes-like breaking strength Beatles Fauzan lgs for our next example Let's Consider to Lex linguit of vertical hits in other word we have to slings each attack eternity degree Angle to download sb4 Slank Tension is calculated as the white of the load divided by the number of selling leads in the case of one thousand LBS load the Tension is five hundred LBS on each leg of the sealing disc calculation indicated itu slings it's Working with limit of at least five hundred eighty multiplayer five headed by a design Vector Of Five we find that The Working load limiter X2 breaking Strength of at least 2017 Ads slim manufacturer titik klimaks links with the working out limit order you ll however yumeost usia marking for the breaking strength or Ultimate strength be sure to select A Sling accounting to properly might well hopefully this video are useful for love you and for the next video will discuss How to Calculate the Sensation with tools link NY Arnold vertikal station and have a good one