Transcript for:
Essential Tips for University Success

so mind my voice I'm a little bit sick but I'm still pushing I'm still going to make this video for you so I'm not going to give you the usual tips that you see in these kind of videos where it's like you know buy a pencil before school make sure you know where your classes are you know hopefully I'm going to give you a checklist of things you can do before uni that maybe you've never heard before or maybe give you some value that you've never had before that will help you with these things so I remember the summer before University before I started University I was so excited to go to university cuz University I was going to moved to a new country so I was in high school I was living in Indonesia and you know there wasn't much of a social scene there people very rarely like went out clubbing or whatever had activities had parties or whatever you know I was doing these subjects the same subjects over and over there wasn't a new city to explore and I was about to and I was meeting the same hundred people every single day but I was so hyped to go to university cuz I was going to be going to this completely new world I would be completely free I could do whatever I want there were hundreds of new people to meet every day you know it would be a complete new restart but I wish there was someone in University who could tell me some things like guide me a little bit along the way cuz I remember for the first few years I was completely lost so that's kind of the goal of this video to kind of guide you give you some tips on stuff you should know about University even if you're not a first year in University these tips might still help you so I'm going to get right into it okay first of all I want to tell you if you resonate with my content if you want to meet like-minded people if you want to talk to me check out description I've got a Discord server anyway so first tip I can give you you you're going to want to skip this tip cuz you're going to think it's kind of boring kind of like the basic advice but trust me when I say you are not implementing this to your full ability and hopefully I can give you a new a new tip that you've never heard before so tip number one of what you should do before University you need to develop a fitness habit a health habit so I'm going to give you a tip in a bit on the biggest tip that helped me keep my fitness habits um consistent and help me stay consistent but first of all I want to tell you most you know we all know that we need to make Health our priority like we all know deep down that our health our fitness needs to be a priority in our life yet we don't act like that you know maybe the first few weeks of the semester we're a little bit active we're doing some activities but as the semester goes along you know we start to fall off our habits especially when exam season comes around we stop exercising completely right but if Fitness was our priority we would be doing it every single day and here's the thing if you exercise every single day it's going to actually improve your grades improve your exam results so if you want Fitness to be your priority then you need to act like it you need to do it every single day no matter what you know sure some days you're going to fall off but like 80% of the days you should be doing sticking to your Fitness habit or whatever so I'm going to give you a tip here that helped me stick to my fitness habit and might help you as well completely change the way I see Fitness and in general so when I was in high school in my first class of the day I would always see people coming in like my friends coming in and their hair would be wet you know mainly girls their hair would be wet you know they'd be sitting in class and I knew that they had Sports practice before the class and I would always be so jealous on them because I would be jealous that they got to play sports they got to exercise before class I really loved exercising because it made me feel like high energy and so good and I would always be like damn I wish I could be like them I wish I could be an athlete I wish I could be exercising before school you know I wish I could have a good exercise you know play a sport or something like that and here's the thing I there's this book called Atomic habits maybe you've read it maybe you've heard of it and there's a concept in atomic habits basically here is how most people approach their Fitness habit they they tell themselves okay if I go to the gym five times a week within a couple years I'm going to be a bodybuilder I'm going to be an athlete if I just keep pushing eventually I'm going to be an athlete but here's what this book actually says this book actually says you've got to do it the other way around first if you start seeing yourself as an athlete then the habits will naturally fall into place now this might seem weird but let me explain to you if you start seeing yourself as an athlete you see yourself as someone who's athletic then you're not exercising because you're trying to push yourself to exercise you're you're exercising because you're an athlete and exercising is what you do so an athlete so luckily this is what I realized when I started taking my fitness seriously a couple years ago I started seeing the world as an athlete I started seeing myself as an athlete you know when I ate Foods I didn't just see it as food as something tasty something to quench my Hunger I saw food as you know okay how many grams of protein does this have you know what are the ingredients in here I started being conscious of what I was putting inside myself I started seeing myself as an athlete like yes I go to the gym because I'm an athlete now I know it's sounds like you're gas sliding yourself like telling yourself you're an athlete but this is the thing what is an athlete you can literally just start seeing yourself as an athlete and naturally your habits will fall into place so this is what you need to do start seeing yourself as an athlete pick something some kind of sport some kind of Fitness Endeavor that you really really love and are really interested in for for example let's say maybe you're trying you know maybe next year you want to run a marathon maybe there's a sport you really like maybe you want to go to the gym personally I like the gym the most but just start seeing yourself as an athlete and start living that lifestyle so I was always jealous of those kids in my school I was like damn I wish I could be an athlete too but you can be just start seeing yourself as an athlete it's that simple and you will just start naturally living that lifestyle you know be someone who's consuming content on the internet related to your sport related to the gym related to diet be someone who's like looking at every food and being conscious of what they eat look at be someone who plans their day around their fitness schedule you can literally just start living that lifestyle there's nothing stopping you and as you more evolve into that athlete identity your habits will start to fall into place so the second thing you need to do before you go to university in my opinion at least is you need to get your priorities straight now let me explain to this this tip will save you honestly hundreds of hours throughout the year throughout your life it's a really important thing that I wish I realized so students are very ambitious these days including me they want to do everything which is great you know they want to have a social life they want to get good grades they want to be fit they want to have familian interest they want to learn Spanish they want to learn guitar they want to do blah blah blah blah blah but there's this but I read this book called essentialism and basically what it says is we have a million things we want to do you know we want to do a ton of things in the world but there are only really a couple things that want to do way more than everything else and let me show you this diagram hopefully this can explain to you what I mean it's from the book essentialism by Greg mcen so here's the diagram so I don't know if you can see it basically here on the right or the left or whatever I don't know if this video is mirrored if you have a ton of interest and you have a ton of things you want to do you basically cannot put a ton of energy into each thing so if you're trying to have a fitness habit you're trying to be social you're trying to do this interest this interest try to start this business trying to get AIDS blah blah blah blah blah then your energy gets spread thin and you don't really go far in any interest in any Endeavor but if you instead cut out the things that you know you don't want then you can put much more energy into a few things and you can really take them far you can really do well in them so I'm not saying be one-dimensional and only focus on grades or be onedimensional and only be that guy who you know does one thing you can do that if you want that's fine that's a good life style if you want but what you need to do is you need to cut out the junk that's the thing many students they've got it they've got it the wrong way around they're trying to do more they're trying to add more habits they're trying to do more throughout their day but what this book taught me is we should actually be trying to do less the best you need to take an honest look at how you're spending your time and you need to be honest with yourself and cut out the things that you truly don't want to be doing the things that are truly wasting your energy and this could be hard to do because maybe there are some things that you do that you don't want to get rid of but deep down you know you should for example maybe every day you spend 2 hours on the Hub on the cornhub and deep down you know that this is destroying you this is destroying your mind this is destroying your body this is destroying your relationships and you know you need to get rid of it but maybe you don't want to maybe now is the time for you to start getting rid of it or maybe there's this hobby that you don't care about a lot and you would rather invest that energy into your studies into your social life get rid of that cuz most students they complain especially when it comes to the end of the semester they're like bro I don't have time for anything I don't have time for social life all I'm doing is studying but when you actually break down how they're spending their days they're spending a couple hours studying and they're spending the rest of that time on Tik Tok on Netflix on these random things and you need to be honest with yourself and ask yourself is this stuff I'm wasting time on actually stuff I want to do or is it stuff I can eliminate so you need to be clear with this semester what few things are you going to prioritize what few things are you going to focus on is this going to be the semester where you really get your Fitness under hand and handled and you get your Social Life handled and you get good grades or is this the semester where you're going to go hard on your business or is this the semester where you're going to go hard on learning a language it's up to you choose what you want but pick those few desires that you really really really want and get rid of all the junk get rid of everything else chances are there's something deep down inside you that you know you need to get rid of but you find it so difficult and so hard to get rid of maybe you smoke weed every day and you know deep down that you need to get rid of it maybe you are on the Hub every day this often is the thing that will give you when you sacrifice will give you the highest results I'll just leave you on that I won't tell you anymore um the third tip I can tell you now this one is of kind of a message for myself as well because I am very very bad with this but I'm starting to realize how important it is so this third tip I can give you this third thing that you need to do is you need to declutter declutter your physical space and declutter your digital space so I'm very guilty of this like two weeks ago my room was a war zone there was stuff everywhere and my friend he came to my place and he's like bro this place is a mess so I'm very bad at this I was always that kid in high school where when we we would get an assignment and I would just stuff the paper into my bag I wouldn't put it nicely in a folder or something I would just take the assignment the paper and just stuff it into my bag every time I would make a new draft on my assignment I would just like call it version two or something like that version three my desktop was complet I was the kid with the desktop that had a million things on it often my desktop is still like that but I'm starting to realize that this is literally like the most important thing that you need to do you need to clean your bag you need to clean your room you need to clean your digital space because you know I you might think you're above it you might think like oh bro I'd rather spend my time studying I'd rather spend my time doing productive things than cleaning my room but if your room is a mess it's actually affecting you more than you realize it's making it you have much more friction to do the things you actually want to do you know it's just more like junk in your mind in your peripheral vision going on that makes it more difficult for you to be organized for you to have things you know organized so what I would do before University starts clean up your physical space clean up your digital space you know completely archive everything that's on your Google drive or whatever and start new start fresh this is super important I'm starting to realize okay now the fourth thing I can tell you is timable your classes correctly so I'm going to give you some tips here on how to have a good timetable for your classes so you know first of all timetable your classes before the semester starts I would always like leave timetabling for like a week or whatever don't do that start straight away so first of all what I can tell you is be very careful of morning classes so maybe in high school your school starts at like um 7:00 a.m. right so you go to university and you're thinking okay bro I can do 7: a.m. classes I can do 9:00 a.m. classes no problem but this is a massive mistake because University is completely different to high school first of all you're on your own so you got to take care of your own sleep schedule second of all so many University activities if you're interested in participating in the University live star the university social life so many activities are at nighttime so it can often be difficult to get good sleep to wake up for those morning classes so the tip I can give you is be careful with morning classes anything before 10:00 a.m. be very careful if you're going to pick them at least experiment like with one semester to see if you want to do those kind of classes like I remember when I was in university there were many students they made this mistake and they couldn't like come to the social events at night time cuz they were like oh bro I got to sleep right now I can't go you know everything Thursday they would be busy or whatever so be careful with morning classes although an advantage of morning classes that is that nothing in University really happens in the morning all the kind of social events all the kind of stuff that goes on is tends to be in the evening or at least in the afternoons so the second thing I can tell you is again be careful with evening classes cuz a lot of things happen in the evening now I'm not telling you you know you should revolve your life around the social life of University or whatever but just keep these in in mind because that's another big part of university as well at least if you want to experience that University lifestyle if you don't care at all then fair enough pick whatever classes you want and the next thing I can tell you is be careful of how you like spread out your classes like I remember there was this one kid in I think first year university he acted like he had found like you know the you know hidden treasure or whatever I don't know what I'm like basically what he did was he was like bro I'm a genius I put all my classes on Monday I've got 10 hours of classes on Monday but I've got the rest of the week free bro I've got six days of of of weekend bro I'm a genius this is so smart and this was week one he was saying this by week three this man was complaining every single Monday because he's like oh bro I've got 10 hours of classes right now so it can seem like a genius idea to have these like extreme schedules where you like get all your classes done on one day or something like that you got to be careful because it can be like 10 hours of classes is Extreme so you know it can be good to have a day or two of holiday like Friday or Wednesday like I would I would love to I like to put Friday as my day off whatever so it can be good to have a day off it's good that you have that kind of control but be careful that you're not doing these like extreme things where you're putting stuff in like very extreme places and the next thing I can tell you is pick your classes carefully because many you might get the option to do different kind of classes like I remember I had the option to do like wine tasting or beer tasting or whatever pick your classes carefully go into go if you like have these electives go online and research these classes see what people say about them you know it might seem like an easy class but maybe that class has a secret like 10,000w essay that you have to do with something so there's this trade-off between like enjoyable classes and easy classes so it's up to you to pick what you want to do like I did some classes simply because they were easy like principles of fun Finance or something but I also did some classes because I enjoyed them for example uh from the solar system to the cosmos I really like that kind of thing or like Linguistics so yeah do your research before you pick your classes and the final thing I want to tell you the final thing to do before University this might seem weird but get ready for the Sprint get ready for University so this is how most students willo approach the semester and it's completely wrong they will chill the first week you know it's first weeks they'll chill they'll take a chill they might even chill the second week but third week is about when assignments start getting released and due dates start coming up and then when they start actually working in third week they realize that they're two weeks behind and they've got to catch up and for the rest of the semester they're always lagging behind so here's what you need to do you need to start studying honestly day one of University if not before University starts now I'm not telling you to do many many hours a day of University literally what you need to do is you need to start building the habit of studying so if you're if you've been on a summer holiday or a winter holiday you're not in that habit of studying so it can often take you a couple weeks to get into the groove to get into the momentum of studying every single day or studying often so what I personally would recommend is take the first week of University take even before that to literally just start building The Habit so here's what you do day one you make it your goal to sit down for 10 minutes and just explore the subject's website explore the syllabus and then the next day you watch maybe 15 minutes of the first lecture so what you're doing is you're just turning up and you're building that habit slowly rather than waiting two weeks and then having to catch up so take the first week to slowly get into it just like when you're running a race you know you don't just take off at full speed you like slow down your pace and towards the end that's when the the Sprint is this is a bad analogy but what I mean is like start slow get into it slowly personally like day one of studying I just read the syllabus and then every day I add more time of studying more time of studying as I build the Habit so let me know if these tips are actually useful or what um so yeah see you later