Transcript for:
Shabbat Fellowship and Hebrew Customs

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right all right shabbat shalom shabbat shalom shabbat shalom Hallelujah we give Abby yahuwah praise Glory and Honor there is none like him throughout the Earth he's abahal by himself he's great he's Mighty he's powerful and we are so delighted to be with you yet again on this sort of part day that the mosa has given to his set apart people all right we're going to start off with the blowing of the shofar then we're going to have the Shema and then we'll ask our Memorial Delhi to uh come and open in prayer for us I'm going to ask my wife to come up and recite the Shema Hallelujah and y'all just follow along and then while we're done I'm just going to ask you to sing a song of praise and we just keep moving along as we fellowship and enjoy the presence of the most high Hallelujah come on Yahoo and blow that thing Hallelujah let's stand mishpika as we we call in the assembly together we summons the assembly Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] Hallelujah come on come on let all of Israel say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we're still working to get you know the TV up and going but we I'm just moving along with what we have so far so come on up um as we stand remain standing for the Shema we're doing the series called customs of our fathers and we're learning that in the second temple period it was customary for the Shema to be read at the beginning of the Shabbat Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise yahuwah if you all know the Shima just go ahead and say it with me Shima Israel yahuwah Elohim [Music] Hallelujah as it is written so let it be done and we should love yahuwah with all our heart with all our might and with all ourselves when the Mischief was asked which is the greatest mitzvot of them all he quoted the Shema all right come on Mario all the deadly as we open in prayer and we get started with our Shabbat Fellowship hallelujah hallelujah we are Hallelujah Hallelujah thank you how's everyone doing you guys know something excited to talk yes uh all praises to the fire let's pray let's pray let's pray Hallelujah father we give you all praise and thanks we thank you for this Shabbat day [Music] answer to meet each and every one of us in the place that we need help guidance Strength Cleansing purging to be the vessels that you've created us to be we pray father that you would teach us to walk in obedience [Music] to follow your word statues covenant's Commandments everything that is of you that you have extended to us that we should live our lives according to we ask that you forgive us for every sin that we have committed against thee during the course of the week onto this very moment we confess that we have fallen short we have sinned and fallen short of your glory but we confess our bear we already clear that if you confess our sins you're faithful and just to forgive us and the cleanses from all unrighteousness our baby cry out for help we need help we need help in every area of our lives in the secret places other we need help the things that we don't need want to share with others we need help father we ask that you teach us how to come before you and cry to you as a father as to help other because you are restraint you are a Stratford [Music] to you like never before when we put our hearts into your hands and we ask for help Papa we give you all the glory and praise our mother because you are our foundation and you are our helper we asked father that day that you've given to us about with unlock every place in our lives that is inconsistent with your will for our lives the life that you have given us in yahusha to remove these things it replaces more of you we need help us help us to stand against every plan scheme tricks manipulations of the enemy help us out here so that we can walk in righteousness and in truth and be the light that you've created us to be to function in the capacities and the dimensions that you have ordained us to be our help us over here we have sinned we have fallen short sometimes we don't even know what we're doing we're asking you to help us and give us the understanding of wisdom help us Abba he confess we need help father we pray that even today father as the world go out that this world the original Hearts Abba because many of the things that we're dealing with it came from our ancestors but we believe your word Abba and your word says by the power of the blood we have been redeemed so we have been set free we've been Justified marriage and cleanse Abba we need your help we answer the manifestation of the blood of yahusha hamashiach the power that causes it but overshadow our lives and in God for a very existence and put us in a place where you can use us we need help over here help us father we thank you for this set apart day we thank you for bringing us together to Fellowship look at us we are a congregation that needs your help and your guidance and your strength and above that father we need to quickening of your foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Commander three times a year we should come together to celebrate or fees why because he wants his people to meet him so he can search it and we can worship him together Hallelujah I know we don't want to pull too much on some of our Pentecostal experience but y'all can remember as we read in the book of Acts and he says and they all work together in one place on one Accord come on somebody there is something Supernatural that happens when you are in the same place and you are on one Accord you are Ahad [Music] scattered [Music] uh we won't realize our true potential as a kingdom of Kings and Priests so we give our praise we give him glory give him on come on more down and bless us with a song of praise I'm sorry I'm just so excited on the Shabbat Hallelujah I'm excited on this Shabbat Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah foreign [Music] [Music] to the distance [Music] completely [Music] my soul says yes yes [Music] yes yeah completely [Music] my soul says yes I need you [Music] from the bottom of my heart to the deaths by my soul [Music] I truly truly do my soul since yeah [Music] I praise you foreign [Music] do my my soul [Music] says he [Music] is yes by my soul yes yeah foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] to the death of my soul yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love you I love you from the bottom of my mind oh to the dance the my soul love you please my soul says yes hallelujah hallelujah thank you I praise your holy name for you are worthy to be praised with your name on high we give you all the praise your holy name thank you for who you are thank you for bringing us this far thank you for keeping us in this hour [Music] [Music] Hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you Hallelujah hallelujah thank you Hallelujah Glory [Music] glory to my Holy Name we give you praise Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] [Music] glorious [Music] you are ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] Yahweh we praise you yeah yeah we praise you bless you Holy Name we give you [Music] we give you bless your holy name [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah where would we be had it not been for the most high it would be robbery if we came into this place and not give him what is due to him which is all the praise the glory and the honor it is a sacrifice of praise that we give to him we cannot give anything in return for him waking us up this morning closing us in our right Minds uh the wealth of this World is Not Enough the only thing he requires is to let everything that have breath praise me Hallelujah so right where you are just open up your Master Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah [Music] Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah how we praise him we give him glory Glory and Honor we're going to ask you to get ready to share with us from the Covenant agreement and as we shared last week we're still working on the Hebrew pronunciation so we may just go with the English for now on but we will get to the Hebrew hallelujah hallelujah over to you uh Hallelujah all right [Music] shabbat shalom homes thank you as Murray born said we are definitely working on bringing you the Hebrew interpretation um so we're going to get there we're going to give a deal College try when when Shabbat but for now all right foreign [Music] agreement is found in the book of Exodus and it says thusly I Elohim and your Elohim who lead you out of the land of mitraim out of the house of bondage you shall have no other elohims besides me you should not carve for yourself an image the likeness of anything in the heavens above or the earth below or in the waters under the Earth you should not worship them or serve them for I Elohim yahuwah am a demanding Elohim inflicting the sins of the parents upon their children upon the third and fourth generations of those who hate me but showing steadfast love to those who love me and keep my Commandments you should not invoke the name of Elohim Almighty with malice so God does not hold Guiltless one who invokes his name with malice remember the Shabbat day and keep it holy six days shall you labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the yah Almighty you should not do work you your son or your daughter your servant your domestic animals or The Stranger in your community for a six days y'all made Heaven and Earth the sea and all that in them is then he rested on us about day wherefore y'all bless the Sabbath day and called it holy honor your father and mother that your day may be long upon the land that abayyah gives to you you should not commit adultery you shall not commit adultery you should not commit murder I'm sorry you should not come you shall not steal you should not bear false witness against your neighbor you should not covet your neighbor's house you shall not covet your neighbor's wife nor servants nor his cattle nor anything that is your neighbors Hallelujah [Music] so this morning I wanted to try something different and I'm and I want to going forward maybe incorporate this in place of an exhortation and what I wanted to do was share let me share my screen [Music] just ice what [Music] I would call [Music] Spotlight on ancient Hebrew manners and customs so what I want to do is each week just give you a little nugget a little Spotlight on ancient Hebrew manners of customs and although we we were in mitzvahim for a while it may involve some customs and manners that we we took on from them but we're gonna uh I want to use my time each Shabbat just to share and when we all can learn something as far as customs and manners because one thing I always say is if you want to truly understand scripture you have to be able to look through it not just through a heat break lens but put yourself in that time that's why a lot of times there's a lot of differences between when a day begins and ends The Luminaries and things of that nature because we try to we try to look at it in this 20 21st century lens and you won't get a true understanding of the times or the culture unless you place yourself in that time [Music] let's get started on this [Music] so we have here geography and meteorology geography talks about the region the area of where wherever Israel was located wherever they stayed in the meteorology talks about and describes the climate and weather of that region the landscape of ancient Israel was and still is very diverse ranging from the coastal plain to the Foothills to the central mountainous regions to the rift valley and to the desert area climate and geography determine what kind of crops be grown and whether a certain area is agricultural or more pastoral for example living near a water source would increase the likelihood of fish being in a regular meal fixture those living in the Negev the southern region a drier area would lead a more pastoral life and would thus have greater availability of animal products such as milk cheese and the occasional meat dish now just to touch on that you know that a lot and that's why Israel was always considered a a like a nomadic people because a lot of times depending on where they were living at the time would determine what they could grow did they live near a water source where they could dig Wells um if they lived on the planes in a dry arid area you know there's there's certain things they couldn't grow so they had to rely on a different type of of of sustenance to sustain them um now there were some temporal variations in the modern Western World we are pretty used to getting whatever product we want whenever we want it didn't matter on the seasons the weather we could get whatever we wanted but throughout most of history and certainly in ancient Israel Foods were seasonal this would not only be true of fruits and vegetables but also of animal products the main source of milk believe it or not for the ancient Israelites was not the cow it was the goat and this milk would only have been available for five months out of the year and yes well why couldn't they drink it all year round does anybody know nah didn't have anything to do with refrigeration although goat's milk didn't need to be a homogenized like cow's milk but there was a lactation period so you could only get that milk during that lactation period sheep milk was available for less time only three months out of the year now [Music] give me one second thus what ended up on your plate depended a lot of time on the time of the year that determined what you were going to eat or what we're going to drink or what you were going to have and if there were certain Staples that you needed that you couldn't get because you couldn't plant it they moved from one area to another and another thing that they had to worry about was if they had cattle which they did and they had crops they were growing a lot of times uh there were Bandits if you will that would come through and raid their Village camp or what have you and take everything they had now they have to start over again so those are the few of the things that that would cause them to move from place to place is a picture of a certain area that would what would look like they would where they would be living back then outside the city Gates [Music] out in the open so what foods were available for the ancient Israelites well the daily diet of the ordinary ancient Israelite was mainly one of bread cooked grains and legumes the three things that you would always find would be bread olive oil and wine those those are like the main Staples bread was eaten with every meal vegetables played a smaller but significant role in the diet legumes and vegetables were typically eaten in stews that's why you didn't see vegetables weren't grown a lot number one because you you mainly saw more of the wealthier class that had the land to to produce that if you were a a group that was a nomadic group that was moving place to place you you probably didn't want to waste time growing vegetables especially because they didn't keep well and like uh like you said a lot of stuff couldn't be kept because there was no Refrigeration back then so a lot of things that they let's take for instance fish and meat the only way they could keep it longer than a few days without it going bad they had assaulted and hang it out to dry so they could travel with it and keep it foreign and there's also a scripture in Proverbs I believe is Proverbs 27 27 that talks about the importance of the goat's milk [Music] the Israelites drink goat and sheep's milk when it was available in the spring and summer and they ate butter and cheese honey both from bees and date honey was also eaten figs and grapes were the fruits most commonly eaten while dates and pomegranates and other fruits and nuts were eaten more occasionally seasonally wine was the most popular beverage and sometimes other fermented beverages were produced meat usually goat and mutton was eating rarely by most Israelites and was reserved for special occasions as celebrations now we know that After the flood when the most high in Leviticus gave them and told them they could eat meat but he said okay this is what you can eat and this is what you can't eat even though they knew that a lot of the Israelites still stuck to a edenic diet there was meat of course uh but they didn't eat it a lot even though they were able to now don't get me wrong there were some Israelites because we were mingled in with in Egypt that picked up a lot of those habits and did eat meat more than others but for the most part they stuck to an identic diet the wealthy ate meat more frequently olives were used primarily for their oil which was used raw and to cook meats and stews birds eggs and fish were also eaten depending on availability most food was eaten fresh and in season fruits and vegetables had to be eaten as they ripened and before they spoiled and we know why people have to contend with periodic episodes of hunger and famine producing enough food required hard and well-timed labor in the climatic conditions resulted in unpredictable Harvest and the need to store as much food as possible and and because of that you can see why there may be periods of malnutrition and and low food consumption thus grapes were made into raisins and wine you can keep raisins longer than you can grapes olives were made with into oil figs beans and lentils were dried and greens were stored for use throughout the year granaries of course containers of ceramic containers that they can keep grain in those things could stay you could you could have for a while [Music] here's a picture of some women uh retrieving olives from an olive tree that was what how they did it uh in the ancient times foreign Staples I have a couple of more slides left grains and bread grain products constituted the majority of the food consumed by the ancient Israelites the staple food was bread and there was such a vital part of each meal that the Hebrew word for bread leave him also referred to food in general bread was in at just about every meal and is estimated to have provided between 50 to 70 percent of ordinary people's daily calories it's no wonder scriptures doesn't talk about obesity as far as because you know bread is heavy right regardless if it's leavened or unleavened it's heavy it's it's a carbohydrate so but 50 to 70 percent of an ordinary person's daily calories came from bread legumes after grain legumes such as lentils God or father beans chickpeas and peas were the main element in the diet and we're the main source of protein since meat was rarely eaten lentils were the most important of the legumes and were used to make Cottages in soups I guess that's what Jacob served Esau Hallelujah as well as fried lentil cakes called Ashish such as those that King David is described as Distributing to the people when the Ark of the Covenant was brought to Jerusalem and here are a few more things that there's a long list of of what they ate seasonal in and out of season I'm only going to go through a few of them but you have vegetables and like I said it wasn't a big part of their diet but they did use it they did cook them in stews it wasn't a daily staple um like a lot of the other things that they had fruits olives and olive oil grapes figs wine and other drinks now the one thing that I didn't know about was the beer like they had beer back then and it was produced by Brewing barley was another alcoholic beverage common in the ancient near East beer was the primary beverage of of ancient misrahim and Mesopotamia but like I said because we were mingling intermingling with them and and living amongst them I'm sure we had a couple of Hebrews that was drinking some 40s right and it came to be assumed that in Israel which is located between the two there was also known the biblical terms a car May refer to beer or to alcoholic drinks in general so in closing like I said the geography and the climate and weather of the region determine what was going to become Staples for Israel if you lived in a mountainous region you can imagine it probably ate more meat than than than crops vegetables and things like that if they lived in a more marshy uh Coastal area closer to water they were able to grow those things that you couldn't up in the mountainous dry arid regions so it's interesting to see and to understand that the most high when he when he Incorporated and laid out the diet for men basically you could survive off of that forever water just water fruit bearing fruits and seeds and grain all those things he laid out for a reason because we didn't need anything else then and now it's just something to keep in mind uh if you're ever thinking about you know a healthy diet a healthy lifestyle those things work they have then and they still do now today Hallelujah when it comes to getting back to the customs of our ancestors I mean when I was growing up they ran me in the ground eating red we called it in Jamaica red pea soup and gunga soup or pigeon pea soup it gave me so much of that soup I I got tired of it not knowing that these were some of the customs of our ancestors how many tuned in to watch more Ray Will's presentation on GMO Foods Hallelujah it's not natural for you to have the same fruit year-round that's not the way the most high design the cycle the agricultural cycle neither is it natural for you to have fruits without any seeds so we are taking in a lot of unnatural um things within our bodies and our bodies sometimes cannot keep up so our bodies display what is called disease [Music] or disease because it's too much for the body the most high design things for his people in a way that we would cycle on and off to give our bodies a break we'll drop something else on y'all we're gonna get into some stuff as we talk about the customs of our fathers and again most of this can be credited to being documented during the second temple period did you know our ancestors fast twice a week or are we gonna get into it because the body needs a break from food [Music] how many have worked in a manufacturing plant where this we got to shut the machine down so you can get a break you can't run the machine 24 7. Hallelujah I know a body is a machine you have a juice at home and you try to run the juice out after a while you're gonna say I quit Hallelujah so the most high and thank you so much Maury for bringing that out it goes in line with what we're teaching in customs of our fathers I'll say this before I turn it over to um daily uh to share some more words of exhortation we're gonna have a song before Maury all the daily comes but let me tell you all this we keep talking about being prepared being prepared being prepared we got to be prepared to go back to the way our ancestors did things they didn't have no Walmart no Publix no Kroger no Winn-Dixie to run to every time they ate what they planted and they ate what was in season so the time does come within our lifetime we can say we've been here before our grandma Yahoo we've been here before we've done this before it's not it's not our first go around we're gonna have some Hebrews kid I want me some Burger King we'll let you in unless you have that Mark hallelujah hallelujah but overall we give you our praise we give him glory give him honor we want you to be in Rich we want you to learn about our ancestors uh just more than that they were Hebrews how did they live because if history repeats itself we don't have to be afraid hallelujah hallelujah all right yeah we're going to sing the chairman and worry all the deal is going to come Hallelujah and uh we're excited about Passover anybody excited about Passover I'm telling you I mean side we'll wait till you see somebody stops Hallelujah for Passover come on Hallelujah hallelujah praise yeah Hallelujah come on and stand and sing this Shimmer with me don't make me sing it by myself let's give y'all some praise Hallelujah come on let's clap our hands onto the most high surely he's worthy he's been good to us hallelujah if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have the breath in our body we wouldn't be able to move our hands and our lips come on and give him some praise hallelujah hallelujah we bless you yeah today Hallelujah we love him Hallelujah we want to remember to Shamar the words of yah in the song that says we ought to keep his Commandments hallelujah how many want to keep his Commandments Hallelujah for he says only the pure and heart we know are gonna see the the most high at the end of the days hallelujah and we need to continue to endure to the end in keeping his commandment Shamar to God and keep his word hallelujah you said to fear Him always and keep his Commandments that it may go well with you and with your children forever Hallelujah so we want to honor him in keeping his Commandments and singing Hashima is [Music] foreign is right here [Music] [Music] [Music] in mind [Music] is [Music] is my hands yeah hello [Music] [Music] pushing my I am [Music] Hallelujah thank you [Music] Hallelujah [Music] Hallelujah come on and give y'all some praise [Music] foreign [Music] uh I'm gonna say something a bit unusual chosen to fail you get into it when I make this this uh chosen to fail okay come on let's just go up yeah I know some people may be asking and said what is he talking about we not feel yes we're more than conquerors foreign [Music] okay so this is a allowed given all praises to the father so let's just by our hearts just sit where you are and let the rule act do what he does best father we give you all glory and praise this is a two-part exhortation I just uh probably just have your way half your way have your way this is going to allow us to see how blessed we are why do we pray that you will continue to do your great work in us I will continue to cleanse us and purges and bring us up to the standard to operate in the dimensions of the priesthood we thank you for your goodness and mercy we thank you for everything that you've done we thank you for fighting against the enemy and giving us a victory thank you for watching over our households our bloodlines we thank you and we give you all the glory and praise in the name of Adonai yahusha hamashiach and the congregation says hallelujah allowed [Music] and give him so this is this is very uh it's it's it's different but it's very simple and once you get it you want to run with it I know that most of us we deal with a lot of challenges in our daily lives blockages setbacks [Music] problems but there's a bigger picture so let's just do a quick read of a portion of Psalms too it says why do the healing rage are the people imagine a vein 10. the kings of the Earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against yahuwah and against his anointed saying let us break their bonds asunder and Cast Away their cards from us he that sitted in the heavens shall love who is sitting in the heavens foreign then shall he speak unto them in his right and Vex them in his soul displeasure yet have I not set my king upon my Holy Hill of Zion I will declare the decree yahuwah had said unto me thou art my son this day I have begotten thee acts of me and I shall give Thee the hidden the Nations for their inheritance this is big stuff you should receive right and the uttermost parts of the Earth for thy possession thou shall break them with a rod of iron thou shall Dodge them in pieces back upon his vessel the rise no I want you to put yourself in this text because you you are the anointed one you're the sins of yahuwah be wise now therefore when he came to be instructed he judges of the Earth in our givers right serve your way with fear and rejoice with trembling kiss the Sun at least he be angry and he perished from the way when his wrath is Kingdom kindled but a little blessed are they that put their trust in him now you put in your trust in in him Hallelujah you better ah you might as well all praises to the father so let's take a quick look at Revelation here so the uh the title of this these few slides it says uh allowed and given and the Beast was given him out uttering hearty and blasphemous words and it was everybody say aloud or we gotta get into this this is good and the peace was allowed allowed is usually ESV and given is used I think it's also using the King James right so the two words is it it falls in the same place as you read the text so and this was given a mouth uttering hearty and blasphemous words and it was allowed or given to exercise Authority for 42 months 42 months so the word forgiven and as uh yes we use allowed it's not time it needs to give to pray to set to give restore brand permit ascribe employee you guys get it no young characters yet let's read it again we talk about it is right and the Beast was given them out it was given uttering hearty and last in his words and it was allowed you allow your children to do x y z who's getting it right allowed allowed to allowed okay if we understand this this is going to change a few things the way how you see the big system the B system is allowed everybody say aloud all right all right so let me just read it again for the first time and the Beast was given them out or should I say it was allowed him out is so powerful that there's a system set up right that he allows certain things so at the end of the day he gets all the glory this is a position in which you are expected to function not in between period we have to bring the kingdom up we have to exalt yahuwah right because the system of Oppression that is against you it is allowed say hello again all right don't let me be the same poor dead am I or did to me right this is from the uh G uh one three to five this is a Greek it says here to give something to someone to give one something to his advantage to be so a gift to Grant and to give one by two gifts to one thing maybe maybe he asks for this this this little bit of period to oppress because you know usually the best way we get things out of any uh uh a system when you pressure a system or pressure organism or something that is Rich you got to push it through the fire right so look at it look at it this way the things that we are dealing with and the things that we are going to deal with eventually is to bring the Purity out of you because a lot of us recognize that when we Face challenges right through the challenges through the fire we discover that we possess things that are of the Kingdom which can transition our lives from one left to the next it allows you to move from one dimension closer to the father so when we look at the entire spiritual infrastructure that has been set up against us it is for the glorification of yahuwah so that you could walk in the dimensions that he has created you to function in Hallelujah all right so let's continue [Music] and the Beast was given them out same thing okay and this was given amount of alternate Arty and blasphemous words and it was allowed to exercise Authority for 42 months so we know that allowance means it's limited Authority yes for a limited time for a specific time The Authority was given which means there's a giver yes sir the all-encompassing one the one that is connected to you and is used them to glorify everybody say hallelujah [Music] and by the signs that it earned by signs that it is allowed to work or should I say and by saying that it is given therefore it is a giver this this this blows me away because oh I experience a lot of stuff but when you understand this is for you good a lot of us talk about the different challenges that we might be dealing with in a day you know in our lives on a daily basis if we are seeking the father and in truth the things that come our way is to improve you and some of the most effective teachers is those who are out in the battlefield not the book teachers if you understand what I mean you need to go out there and be docking a few times and the signs and by sayings that it is allowed or given to rock in the book to work in the presence of the Beast if you see those who dwell under Earth telling them to make an image for the Beast that was wounded By The Sword and yet lived the authority was granted to the Beast he has no authority of his own [Music] man you guys should be shouting if you guys gathered he is allowed to do certain things right when we both break Torah there's solely legalistic parameters that is going to allow you to come and do things at the same time he's been allowed all right is Sovereign everybody says sovereign so I'll be sensitive all right Hallelujah let's go in Praise foreign [Music] [Laughter] oh man this was just getting good Hallelujah knowing that has Satan is not operating under his own power or authority [Music] my mama I ain't gonna get into Maury's message I let him finish it up another time Hallelujah I want to share with you some announcements listen Michigan we're excited we are excited about the things that the most high is doing within Israel within uh the community within the life of his people we are excited and we just want to share some of that excitement with you and we pray that you will be excited as well so I'm going to share these announcements with you and then we'll jump into today's message and again as I shared last week uh by Heaven not to say again again as I shared with you last week this is going to be an interactive session so we're going to pass the mic around for those who want to participate but we're going to talk about the customs of our fathers and just dive into some material there's a lot of stuff going on in these YouTube streets if I can use a colloquial reference you hop on YouTube you hop on Facebook and you see all kinds of stuff and it causes you to ask a lot of questions and a lot of people hold certain positions and they don't know why they hold the position they just believe what they believe because this is what seems to be popular with everyone so we gonna challenge some things today because I want us to be able to recognize where we're going as Israelites do you all hear what I'm saying we want to be able to know where we're going we want to be able to look at and say yes it's crystal clear to me because for a lot of people some things are a bit muddy can we just be honest we look at a calendar and different folks doing different feast days some things kind of seem a little bit muddy so we want to clear the water up just a little bit the best way we can so we can swim a little bit further on back in the Christian church because we will run on and see where the end gonna be we can swim on a little bit more hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all right so I'm going to share these announcements with you and then we're going to come back Hallelujah foreign so let's get things going here as we bring up our screen Hallelujah foreign [Music] can everyone see on the screen Hallelujah as always we um are thankful to each and every one of you for your continued um love your sacrifice [Music] um we we always want to be able to express [Music] um our gratitude we don't take your gifts and what you give to the assembly for granted um we're truly grateful we're truly thankful to the most high all right so we just want to express our gratitude for you continuing to Fellowship when you're with us and blessing the assembly we're truly here to serve we're here to serve the community and so we want you to stay connected because there are a lot of things that are going on um with Great Awakening we want you to stay abreast so that you can tap in and um get some of the information so we want you to sign up and you can go online and the website is www.great [Music] um thank you great Hebrew Awakening .org and with that you're able to get communication that's going out you can subscribe to the email listing Hallelujah also um we have Passover that's coming up so that's April 4th through 9th and look at that Hallelujah a Great Awakening Passover Gathering 2023 look at their family they just look Hebrew in every way Hallelujah they look Passover ready Hallelujah telling the Great Awakening in Orlando send the ingredients Hallelujah all right so we are anticipating a night of Celebration um a night of feasting a night of um observing the moed as it's intended to be observed with the mishpika and we want you all to be here last year I'm telling you a Great Awakening Orlando showed up we were in the building I think we had about 23 um people from Orlando who traveled to be there last year and we want to do the same I want to pause here and let you know that registration is not up but it's very very affordable if you need a letter to take time off work we would encourage you to begin to put your time in we're expecting Amore ranaki can correct me from wrong six to seven hundred people to be there this year last year we were expecting around 300 I think we almost approached 400 if not over why because people are excited about keeping the Feast of the most high so we'll have another celebration um five days four nights with mishpaka around the country all meals are included private lodgings for the entire family again private lodgings will share some more with us later on um with the lodging can accommodate up to 1300 people there will be interactive celebration the pesach banquet meal breakfast and breakout session Passover Stage production play the play last year was phenomenal when I see the blood for the children and young people paintball and recreational activities Shabbat Gathering deliverance and inner healing sessions we'll also talk about survival and will the Wilderness prep um experience with zaken Anthony Johnson will have different forums for marriage singles Ministry youth ministry Hallelujah live and interactive panel session music worship water immersion I'm telling you I am excited different workshops we do need volunteers yeah I hear what I'm saying Mr Speaker we need some volunteers some people who can help because this is a huge undertaken so if you're able to volunteer I will give you the information here coming up shortly but the location will be in Tennessee where the in Tennessee will be driving up the mountains Hallelujah so we'll be talking about travel arrangements for those who want to fly to Atlanta um it's not very expensive and then they'll shuttle you from Atlanta over to Tennessee but as for the Parker household we'll be driving from Florida um to Tennessee and we may we may it's not for certain we may have some of the mishpaka from the UK worship Hub to join us hallelujah so we have the formal meal that will be on the 5th where we'll gather and have the interactive meal then we'll have a night of worship and celebration we have several artists um Hallelujah sounds of yah Hallelujah we have Marcus a nav a Coty um [Music] truly we'll have our beloved Moray Hallelujah formalistic and I'm sure many more will be there for this jubilant celebration there will also be a recording opportunity um at the Passover they'll be do a featured live recording to enter is free or just be there in the audience and just hear uh the shamaim Sheikh As we sing to the most high so we're excited and the stage play how many saw the stage play last year when I see the blood Hallelujah we are looking forward to that again a story of redemption and hope for Israel that will be on Saturday April 8th so we are excited again air travel and shuttle services will be available we'll be diving into some of these details over the next few weeks and then we'll be looking forward to registration so mishpika begin to put your plans in place and again we are excited we're willing to help in any way that we can to make sure that we make it again we need your help if you can please volunteer to help to make sure that the moadeem goes as ABA yahuwah has ordained we need your skill set so that we can um pull this off we need your contribution please send your name one or two areas of Interest State and affiliate assembly to volunteer at Great awake Hallelujah for the Youth we have obey us if you have young people within your household we have obeya we also have our interdisciplinary team and we have a marriage Ministry last week we had more oladele and his wife to present Hallelujah we're continuing to expand the community to different regions as we think about expanding our Hebrew footprint Hallelujah so we're developing communities within the United States within the United Kingdom within Africa and the Caribbean we encourage you to donate Hallelujah to these initiatives and last but not least continue to pray for our mishpika in the UK as we fellowship and establish the worship Hub if you desire to give it to rumor to Great Awakening we have our cash app dollar sign g-a-a-o-r-l or you can give through Gmail I'm sorry through PayPal greatawake Orlando at gmail hallelujah hallelujah all right all right all right we give your praise I want to segue over and begin to have our dialogue our interaction dialogue but before I move forward I just want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support whether on YouTube whether on um Zoom or come into fellowship with us we we thank the most high for that Hallelujah all right all right all right so let's hop on over and we are going to look at the information that we've been discussing for the past um few weeks Hallelujah well we started quite a while back and then we just decided to kind of um make sure that we provide proper background on where we're going it is a lot of information and we want to make sure that everyone understands what we're looking to accomplish Hallelujah can everyone see it on that screen all right so we started about customs of our fathers and we went through the two texts last week so won't spend um too much time going through that particular text I need to change the layout there Hallelujah let me go back and and um mirror display Hallelujah okay let's try something else Hallelujah so foreign so let's share okay all right let's see what we have over here still it's still showing that one all right so let's let's try again Hallelujah all right foreign is that better [Music] okay all right okay I had it going good before then something changed but we gonna get it Hallelujah all right all right so let's if not we just roll with what we have Instagram foreign okay all right Hallelujah all right so as we look at our objective we want to better understand the customs of Our Fathers as mentioned in the text in terms of culture and worship so last week we read the text where Russia will mention that he's not trying to do anything new um he's really trying to observe the customs of the fathers and we read a few texts and I'll just kind of browse through some of them um foreign so we look at a few of these texts anyone remembers these texts from last week for example we look at Luke 1 9 says that according to the custom of the priesthood um he was chosen to buy a lot to go into the Temple of Yahoo and burn incense so there were Customs that the priests would engage in and we want to know where these Customs come from and then in Luke 2 42 it talks about and when he I was 12 years old talking about mashiach he went up according to the custom of the feasts so we understand that there are certain Customs that are being discussed here and then Luke 22 39 and yahusha went out and made his way as was his custom to the Mount of Olives and the disciples followed him in John 19 40. so they took the body off yahusha and wrapped him wrapped it in Stripes of limits strips of linen with the spices and according to the Jewish customs and we see that word Jewish and a lot of people uh start putting on the breaks right there because oh that word Jewish we're gonna get into some of that today for burial but this is where we concluded acts 6 14. for we have heard him say that this yahusha the Nazarene will destroy this place and will change the customs that Moses handed down to us so now we know exactly which Customs are being discussed these are Customs that Moses handed down to the children of Israel to our ancestors why is it important because [Music] so-called New Testament or the bereed had a Shah where the Romans talk about something's not being their custom So within our cultural Paradigm as so-called Hebrews or we may use the term African-American there's some things that we do that it's a part of our custom based on our culture we we went out to Fellowship um with a family that came down y'all remember a coach of Jackie and her husband they came down we went out of fellowship with them and the waitress at the store seen that we are we're blacks and you only had Black Eyed Peas um today for New Year's why because among black people that's a custom is customary black eyed peas and cornbread on New Year's Day it's customary and then we look at all the cultures they do things as customary for example Hispanics observe Cinco de Mayo that's according to their custom the Irish folks um have St Patrick's Day that's according to their custom y'all sorry I'm going here but for us that's not according to our that's not our custom but it's ironic that we as a people as Hebrew people we are quick to adopt and to amalgamate into other people's Customs yet want to reject and disown our own customs you see black folks or Hebrew folks running talking about happy St Patrick's Day that's not our custom foreign [Music] if we don't want to assimilate into their customs their way of doing things but the most high had a way for Israel to do things and it's referenced as customs of our fathers so let's ask the question as we saw in the text let's be honest we saw it in the text [Music] it talked about Jewish customs and our objective is to try to figure out what are these Jewish Customs so let's go back last week we had spent some time talking about translation versus transliteration how many remember that we're talking about the difference between translation and transliteration so when we look at that concept the Hebrew word as we look at it here we look at this Hebrew word I probably can't see my cursor but looking at it for those who don't read Hebrew we would know what it is let us be honest I tell people all the time you put my name in Hebrew and put it in front of me I wouldn't be able to tell you that's my name and that's that that's embarrassing but it's the truth so I have a little way to go but we look at a manuscript per se if you look at a manuscript and you you're liberal words you don't know what's going why because we have been born into a custom where we don't speak Hebrew it's not native to us but you go to the Israel and you see those who are born in the land speak Hebrew fluently so they pick up a manuscript and they can read it without some of the vowel points some of them can some need the vowel points but just looking at the word there you don't know what it is so the word yehudi is translated and means from Judea so it's describing what the word means or from the kingdom of Judah but when we look at the transliteration of the same Hebrew word yehudi we find the word Jew or Jewish you may say Mori why we're going to get to that in a minute where does the term Jew come from where does it come from sorry go ahead people who are in Judea from the tribe of Judah anyone else the Romans okay anyone else all right so I have some information here the English term Jew originated in the biblical Hebrew word is I'm sorry originates in the Biblical Hebrew word so if we go back here we see the Hebrew word yehudi means from Judea or a Judean or someone from the kingdom of Judah in English so when we look at the translation that's what the translation the translation tells you the meaning of the word that's what we discussed last week transliterate little ring tell you the meaning why is all this important because we're dealing with a construct of a language that's not indigenously ours so we live in this country where English is the lingua Franca from your child is born they got to learn a b c d e f g and learn nursery rhymes in the land of Israel they learn aleph bet gimmel dalit hey oh boy I'm doing good Hallelujah I remember those live in the Spanish country learn hey according to me you know the ABC in French same as Spanish so you'll learn a language based on where you reside so we reside here in the Western Hemisphere where English is a language so how do we translation versus transliteration [Music] we understand that the word yehudi describes those who were from the Judea or Judean or from the kingdom of Judah that's where you're from just like saying hey talk you say if I say Floridian means you come from what state it doesn't tell me what color you are does that make sense to you he just tells me where you from but how did the word yahudi became synonymous with a color oh we gonna get there because we are conditioned to think when we see the word Jew we think a certain color but when we look at it in the text is describing those who are from a location so historically we know who the people from that location what color they were but we're gonna get to some things here all right so again in English we have the word that originates in and it's key here Biblical Hebrew why because this is where the modern term is rooted in some people will tell and the reason why we're having this conversation because um how many heard that um the word Jew is a made of word you've heard that it's a made-up word and here's the truth that's partially correct but it's not entirely correct and that's what we have in this discussion so we can look at it all right so the word again the English why because we're dealing with the English language so if we were to deal with a different language we wouldn't be discussing this word Jew it passed into as your dios and Latin as your Dios which evolved into the old French goo after the letter d was dropped a variety of related forms are found in early English from about the year 1000. what do you saying Moray prior to the year 1000 the word Jew did not exist why because the English language was just being developed but in Prior languages it was rendered in Greek which is an earlier language then than Hebrew I'm sorry that English as IO Dios so if there were speaking Greek they wouldn't use the term the Hebrew word yehudi there would use which word iodized did you all know there were some Hebrews who did not speak Hebrew that spoke Greek only anyone know what region they were from the Hebrews who did not speak um any Hebrew they were called grecians so when you read in your new testament it talks about grecians a lot of those references that there were some of them were in Corinth but primarily they were called alexandrian Jews from Alexandria Egypt thank you I wish I I could pull it up but we're gonna keep moving when you're reading the book of Acts and you hear the argument between the two groups and it says and the grecians argued with the with the Jews that's just one rendering when you look at that Greek word the Greek word for that is Grecian Jew what does that mean Hebrews who were hellenized hellenized Hebrews oh boy that sounds like a topic I can I can teach something on hellenized Hebrews just like we have quote-unquote Hebrews now War colonized we don't speak none of the the African languages that our ancestors spoke we don't speak Hebrew at all we've been colonized some more people so colonize our grandma Yahoo they don't want to go back to the continent spoke with a Jamaican the other day I quoted query and they said I'm Jamaican I'm from no Africa no no I said I was speaking to somebody I said according to prayer I was speaking to someone the other day from Jamaica so we have people from Jamaica who who said they didn't know I said I'm not African we were talking about you know Africa and you know going back to the continent say I'm I'm not from North Africa I'm from Jamaica the person lives here in the United States see I don't know number in Africa so if things get bad I'm heading back to Jamaica but it's just a mindset of how some of our people are so colonized I tell you another thing some of our people are so colonized they hate the very color of their skin have black folks bleaching their skin to remove the melanin because they're so colonized but it's not our first go-around there were he moves as we read in uh The Maccabees who were uncircumcising themselves I'm sorry they were doing the uncircumcision I don't know how they was trying to do that foreign [Music] spoke spoke Greek only they didn't speak no Hebrew so when they would refer to themselves they would refer to themselves as iodiz you said what are you those but what does that mean means I'm from the kingdom of Judah or my family is Judean my ancestry goes back to the tribe of Judah or the kingdom of Judah so first we must understand the progression of languages we didn't get to the term Jew overnight it went through different channels to different languages before it ended up as the term Jew all right let's move on according to so we have Yahoo the Jew in the Hebrew Bible according to the Book of Genesis Judah Yehuda what's the name of the fourth son we all know this this is nothing new to us that that yahudah was one of the 12 tribes you have Hebrews now have shirts on what they got a name Judah Hallelujah I got a 12 tribes chart they have Judah but we'll fight you over the letter j it's a different message from a different time so with the destruction of the northern kingdom listen to this because if Judah was One Tribe how did the whole region adopt that title it's just like we have one counting say Orange County so where you um where are you from or I'm from Orange County but you live in Deltona that's a whole different gun that's Volusia County it's funny and of course the correct intelligence sometimes you ask Jamaicans where they're from they're going to tell the Kingston because that resonate you tell people you're from Bad Rock Hanover Portland where is that but they know Kingston yeah if you were born in the country moved to Kingston yes I'm waiting from they they're going to tell you they're from Kingston so Kingston is a geopolitical term that that are used to describe some Jamaicans the same thing occurred where the kingdom of Judah was established as the southern Kingdom so if you were a levite if you were from Simeon if you were from God and you moved there you took on the title of Judean or Yahoo do you all understand that so the plural of Yahoo Dem is found in Second Kings 16 6. so if we can find it in the Old Testament then it's not a new testament concept if you can look in Second Kings 16 and 6 someone read that for me because we have a lot of folks saying oh that that came later Second Kings 16 and 6. at the time that recent king of Syria recovered elab to Syria and draved the Jews from elat and the syrians came to elap and dwelt there unto this day Hallelujah so looking at the proper context what occurred is he drove those who were from the southern Kingdom the judeans so if we are looking at it in the Hebrew we would see the Hebrew word yahuddin or yahudi but if you have the septuage and how many people have a copy this Septuagint if you look at this same passage in the Septuagint you will not see yahudi what word will you see your Dios because the Septuagint is really in which language Greek so the Hebrews who read Greek they wouldn't see yahuddin even if they saw that word in Hebrew they would recognize it but if they saw the Greek word they say yeah that's talking about me right there I was working with some folks and in Spanish I think Jamaica is Jamaica so they say how am I kilo it took me a while to catch on because that's not my native language but to them that's how that's how Jamaica is in their language Jamaica so to a Jamaican who don't know nothing about Spanish he probably said man are you trying to curse at me and somebody were approaching Spanish and they talked to say what would you say can can you back it up a little bit English please some folks are speaking so when you don't understand the language you are at a deficit so when we talk about communion communicating and you know Rapture will say something powerful they say I can't just bust up to you speaking in a different language knowing you don't understand because I don't profit you nothing he says it's better than I speak to you in one or two words in a language that you understand that me coming to you speaking in a whole different language because the art of communication is to be able to relate to you and sometimes for example you speak in English we're dropping some big words and you're like I need a dictionary to figure out what you're trying to say to me what what I couldn't miss it what is you say my wife and I sometimes we laugh because I'll watch a movie um where where the lady use a word what is spectacle um they're talking about taking pictures Optics jump in the broom so the young lady affluent well educated said are you getting ready for the Optics I said what's happening oh we're gonna take a picture why don't you just say take pictures and and they're using the same language as the English language but if you're communicating in a way that I don't understand it's not profitable so if people don't like the word Jew do you prefer me use yehudi if you don't understand what I'm saying to you but let's let's move on the term yehudi occurs 74 times in the maseratic text so without even looking at the Greek text the term yahudi appears 74 times we also have it in second chronicles and we have it in Jeremiah 34 and 9. let's move on here so the inter testimony inter-testamental period time between the Grecian and Inter testamental period is considered uh when the Book of Micah and is is written the Greek rulership and then Matthew picks up that that's inter-testamental period all right so we have that term described in First Maccabees 8 23-32 time is May all go well with the Romans and with the nation of the Jews again he's talking about the southern Kingdom why is Lam Kingdom reference can anyone tell me why do we keep hearing this reference about the southern Kingdom that that yeah that's correct because the northern kingdom was dispersed and never returned to the land foreign from Babylon was the southern Kingdom so they became the dominant recognizable entity in terms of ethnic group the Greek language used to write the New Testament manuscript uses the word iodized for Jew to describe people from the place called iodia Judea which we know in its latinized form as Judea sometimes people have problem with language with the with the Greek language do you know the word Hebrews from Greek people but don't like the Greek language does anyone know what the actual Hebrew word is for Hebrew Everett [Music] so someone walk up there and say say um Shalom is that my name is no that's not my name but they're actually using the term Hebrew or referring to you as a Hebrew so the term he word Hebrew is derived from the Greek Greek let's move on a person who comes from the era came to be known in Hebrew in Greek at the simplest level in a person from eodia is a iodius this word occurs in the gospels 88 times so this was a popular word used during the time of the mashiach even Paul who's from the tribe which which tribe comes from Benjamin what he referred to himself as a Jew an eodaios or a Yahoo Dem but he's from Benjamin why is he calling himself a yahuddin because it was a geopolitical term used to describe the people from that land just like people look at us today and call us African-American Africa is a continent America is a complete separate continent but you look on that application what you're gonna see on there you're gonna see black not black of not Hispanic I started checking Arthur or they can say choose not to answer all right write it in Hebrew when you look at how information is collected and they're looking at a demographic to say how many African-Americans voted for this person so it's in a geopolitical term that they use to Bunch us all together sometimes I have to tell people that um afro-caribbean because technically I was not born in this country so to put African-American in me as a title it's a misrepresentation but if there are no other options guess which option I have to choose when they refer to me they say you know this this African-American gentleman started a business how does it feel to be an African-American I'm starting a business that's how they refer to as a geopolitical term when they look at senses you know we don't have enough African-Americans working in this um Workforce they don't say um we don't have enough Georgians working in here we don't have enough Californians working in here what they say African Americans they just said no well you know I was born in New York I'm in I'm a New Yorker I'm from New York let's go say you're African-American you can tell them as much as you want I'm from Boston they don't care in their eyes they're going to put African-American because it's a geopolitical term that is used to describe you as a people group it's the same thing your houdin was used as a geopolitical term to describe all Israelites and guess what a lot of Israelites were fighting against it oh that's why we're talking about this they said let me correct you real quick you see I'm from Simeon I just wanna I just want to straighten you all real quick I'm from the Travis they call him they'll say hand here here go my hand all Yahoo didn't stand up you better address me right I'm a God that 12 chart 12 12 tribe chart and miss a lot of people off because if you're calling the right tribe they ain't gonna respond all right let's keep it moving it's also found in the New Testament 200 times it's in the text when you look at the Greek that's why it's so important to look at the original language all right historical fact so this is what most of us are used to it is believed to be an incontestable fact that the word Jew did not come into existence until the year 1775 prior to 1775 the word Jew did not exist in any language they are correct what you mean more are you contradicting yourself because now we're talking about English so if you try to find Jew written in j-e-w in the Greek you ain't gonna find that because they use a different lettering system if you're looking for it in Latin you're not going to see there because that's not a word in their language and I'm we're going to get into some of that in a few minutes we know our Jew was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century it's it's one and only implication inference and innuendo was Judean so even when the word was introduced into the English language it was used to describe who Come on talk back to me Mr Speaker that's why we're having this in person Shabbat it was used to describe who judaians so when it was first added it was used to describe judeans but oh we didn't stop there this is where some of the tricker came in during the 18th 19th and 20th Century it took on a secondary meaning hold on wait a minute so first it was describing the people who belong to a region but then they change it upon usakin it took on the second remaining among the English-speaking people of the world the so-called secondary meaning of the word Jew Bears no relation whatsoever to the original connotation of the word Jew which means Judean so the new contemporary term was assigned to an ethnic group that does not look like you or me but originally it was assigned to describe an ethnic group that did look like you and me y'all remember this lady I remember what her name was but she got all kind of benefits identifying as African-American while she was white y'all remember that lady yes she eating two head office with NAACP and you're talking she said in my heart I just feel like I'm black can you imagine if I'm gonna go somewhere if they just left that open until you can identify us they probably ain't gonna do that but guess what they're doing now they're saying you can identify as an agenda you want come on term has changed and you have people getting upset because they look like a man walk like a man talk like a man say good morning sir I'm not sure a man it's a man to you like what [Music] thank you people get fired from their job because they choose to use pronouns they said we don't we're not using those pronouns here so now you look at certain emails now you all seen certain emails now they're putting he him her right down the bottom so you can know what to refer to them as person name is Susan Allen and they have him his and her and you're like what [Music] to me there is a word it escapes me um they want to be referred to outside a personal pronoun and they say call me um what is the word they're using it's a non-binary term but it it's not the um I'm sorry they don't want to say him or her they want to use another term a student um complain to the university and got the professor fired so the point I'm trying to make here is that terminologies change over time so right now we refer to as being a male no longer fits the traditional description Tony Dungey almost lost his job y'all seen that controversy Tony dungeon he made a remark because the school system that we have our kids in are pushing to put feminine Sanitary products in nail bathrooms because the the term they're saying is that women are not the only ones that have a menstrual cycle in the school system they try to do it though remember I went to Chicago for a train and walked in the bathroom saw women women in the bathroom I was confused I came out the door looked on the sign in the door it had an image of half of a man on this side and a half of a woman with a half a skirt I was so confused I didn't know what to do I said if my wife ever saw this boy look in here I'm trying to explain myself to her and the past and what might be in the bathroom with another woman it's not me when it's on the door go ahead Moray other non-binary pronouns include Z pronounced z-e pronounced Z in place of she or he in h-i-r can uh pronounced here in place of him or her wow oh boys it's gonna take a while to get used to that especially when you have a manager that you got to report to and they're telling you what to call them Hallelujah so so let me just boil this down historically the term yehudi or Jew was used to disturb describe those who from Judea it became a modern contemporary term to describe Europeans which um somehow lost its original meaning so if someone refers to you as yehudi you cannot get upset because they also call Europeans yehudi do you all understand what I'm saying I know we want to carve out a different name for ourselves so let's look at the history of the English language so the reason why I say the information is partially correct that English the word Jew did not come in until 1775 is because the English language hadn't been around that long [Music] they won't tell you that did they just know J in the English yeah at that point it wasn't because ding's language was very new another thing they didn't tell the English language has evolved over time so yes when it did start out it didn't have certain words do you know they add words in the dictionary every year why because the English language is still evolved in we're trying to get up um I'm going to be done here in a minute but everybody looking hungry Hallelujah y'all just pray for me I'm gonna be done this is the last slide I believe it is hallelujah um kept showing me how many minutes I've been up talking and everything Hallelujah um let me say this let me say this and share this with you all um we're trying to get a word introduced in the Hebrew um in in the dictionary we're going to release information um pretty soon but it's particularly to describe discrimination against our people outside of racism because racism believe it or not can apply to any race but you all realize that anti-semitis anti-Semitism only refers to One race so we want a term that particularly identifies discrimination against us as Hebrews all right so y'all stay tuned let's close out with this the history of the English language literally started with the arrival of three Germanic tribes from uh Mr who invaded Britain during the 5th Century A.D these tribes the angles the Saxons and the jutes crossing North Sea from what today is Denmark and Northern Germany at that time the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language but today you go to Brittany gonna say oh I forgot how to use my British accent Hallelujah okay for some teammate but that's not how they spoke originally they spoke a Celtic language the Brits did but when the Germanic tribes came over they brought a new language and it replaced the old language but look when the First Development was between 450 to 1 1 A.D so technically the English language is about 1500 years old it's one of the youngest language we have in our catalog of communication but they didn't just stick with Old English they moved to what is called English between 1100 to 1500 and by time they got to early modern English that's where the term Jew came in because it was introduced into the English language as the English language developed someone would argue that there was a conspiracy and a deliberate um act to put this word in but it as I shared with you it evolved through Greek then Latin then it got to English but it was meant to describe one people group then we have laid to Modern English 1800s I want to add to the English language the update dictionary so what I want you to understand when we move forward into this series and we use the term June and Jewish what are we talking about we're talking about Ephraim who are we not talking about we're not talking about Europeans we're talking about our people I want to make that very very clear because we accuse the Europeans of a lot of stuff that they're not responsible for they did not come up with the word um that's in the Everett it's in the Hebrew language it's in the Hebrew text they didn't create it foreign that's talking about us so even during the time of Michigan certain Jews certain Jews and immediately because of how we were indochnated we thinking skin complexion Europeans they came later on so though they have colonized a term it does not belong to them do you know people who live in South Africa who are Caucasians call themselves South Africans do you think that's where they originally came from because they use the term South African should other South Africans not use that term we just talk in Michigan watch what you all think Dutch Africans or you know how they do us like I agree they're originated I want to call Caucasians European Americans since they call us African-Americans Anglo-Saxon Americans but based on what we look at in terms of communication geopolitical climate they use the term whites but when we look at South Africa for example those people are not indigenous indigenously from there the Caucasians the same thing with New Zealand same thing with Australia so I'm Australia mate then you see the original people from the Atlanta wait a minute their dark-skinned aboriginals but the aboriginals don't fight the name Australian when it's applied to them because it's describing the people from here a certain place so again when we use the term over the next few lessons of Jew and Jewish I don't want you to think European what I want you to think our people because we're dealing with the texts in a time where our people were being described so remove the modern remove the second application let's go back to the first one hallelujah hallelujah all right I know this was a little bit um lengthy but I wanted to break ground and show you the progression and the fact that the term Jew originally was used in the English language to describe the people from Judea the judeans or from the southern Kingdom irregardless of their tribe it was used to describe all Israelites so when we go forward and we talk about the customs of our fathers and we see Jewish prayer uh we're not talking about Europeans and the Jews fasted we're not talking about Europeans we're talking about our people hallelujah hallelujah all right come on let's stand as we close in prayer we want to truly give the Most High Praise Glory and Honor yourself the essence of what we're trying to do is to uncover what our ancestors observed why because we find ourselves in a conundrum we feel like some things are quote unquote to European when we say it's too Jewish and then we don't want to go back to some of the Christian formalities because they mixed a lot of pagan practices with so much so we want to be able to honor the most I worship the most high the way our ancestors did the way our mashiach did can I can I say it that way the way our Messiah did the way our Messiah did that's why we want to honor him why because the woman of the well says you know we we we worship we don't do we don't have no problem worshiping but y'all said Jerusalem is a place to worship so I will follow this Worship in the mountains the machine says the time come and I tell you it's now that the father desires such to worship Him in spirit and in truth we see the apostles saying that we worship according to the ways of and that's what we're trying to uncover at this time we just come before you As We Lay ourselves at your feet as humble as we can in this Shabbat we ask you to put your hands upon us and strengthen us uplift us encourage us but we just ask you to bless this food that we're about to partake of we pray that nothing in it will bring out your bodies unless the hands are prepared it out but we pray that your cause increase to come upon those who have brought food to feed the family but we pray that as we break from this place but not away from your presence that you'll be with us you know we're going out and our coming in and out but we just thank you in the Beloved name of your son hallelujah and amen blessing keep you all your free to enjoy some of the food and continue to Fellowship um you can ask any questions you want while we break down hallelujah hallelujah the most blessing keep your Shabbat Shalom shabbat shalom [Music] eight hours foreign [Music] I know yeah this time that's why I said we drive because the options yes all right