and I say this carefully like a lot of people just are lazy right so you can't just want success you've got to need success an entrepreneur in London has come up with a novel way in order to help people achieve their dreams so his name is Simon scrib Sim the media make up stuff but people trust these things I know people that actually trust the sun to get their political information right the education system is totally upside down teaches you exactly the opposite and there's no other alternative and that has to [ __ ] change I'm going to fix education system do you think everybody is cut out to build and run a business yes everybody's cut out to run and build a business everybody should be rich anyone listening right now who's in financial trouble you can get yourself out of it it's possible that's where the 98% of your life can be hacked and basically it's through steps to it first [Music] is what's up guys and welcome back to first things first we have a special guest today a fellow Brit Simon squib thank you for coming along thanks for having me no problem no problem so what has your journey been I know you're you're born and bred in the UK how long did you spend there before you went and traveled around the world 21 years old I moved to Hong Kong yeah and I thought Britain was the best place on Earth until I went somewhere else and realized it wasn't and uh yeah I moved to Hong Kong first year I was there I hated it so different to England and then I realized just how amazing like places can be like Hong Kong why did you why did you move there in the first place that's like a it's a bit of a Mad place to move to yeah I um well I mean I've got a long story I guess but but primarily I um I I I started a business and sold it for a little bit of money and if I left England for nine months I wouldn't have to pay tax on that money and at the same time and I love fate I had a friend who was living in Hong Kong who said come and stay on my couch and then someone also offered me a small consultancy gig out there so all the things kind of aligned I'm like okay I save the money not you know paying capital gains tax in the UK I get an opportunity to go and meet see my friend and I got noow no rent because I can just sleep on his couch and I've got this little gig I can do while I'm out there and it was kind of the Handover MH for Hong Kong it was 1997 and Hong Kong was just about to be handed back to the British uh to the Chinese and they lost Hong Kong in a car game and uh they were giving it back which is kind of amazing MH and so I could go and experience that and see what that was all about and um yeah so many people told me not to go so many people that said oh don't go there try ads don't things I didn't really know and tried to put me off and I pushed through all that pain of everyone saying I shouldn't go I went it was amazing I didn't like it when I first went there but I loved it but within a year I was like this is literally one of the most exciting cities in the world I didn't know existed I had completely a different impression of it like anyone on I say Hong Kong listening might be thinking concrete Concrete Jungle right right M but it's literally like forests and Hikes and I it's mountainous isn't it that's why the the rent is so high because they can't really spread the city any further out well this it second most expensive city in the whole world I mean I think London's number 11 people think London's expensive like when I moved back to London like five years ago I moved back from Hong Kong after 20 years or so in Hong Kong I moved back to London everyone's saying London's expensive I'm like no it's cheap yeah it's cheap here to live and to like compared to Hong Kong but the opportunities bigger in in markets like Hong Kong the tax rates lower so you can take more money home so of course things can be more expensive because you can earn more do you think it's still the place it once was because I've heard a few things in the news that it's well that's the thing I mean you know we can get into the politics side I mean I I I think in the end be careful what the media tell you the media stuff is all generally designed to do one of two things sell you advertising get you to click so some [ __ ] statement to make you click which sticks in your mind as truth and it isn't it's just to get you to click or they have an agenda right so in England now when I came back I realized that all the media is kind of like England's Great you know at least we're not getting too many murders at least we've got police that still turn up sometimes you know like it's somehow like it's better than that other country you know have you heard about Cuba have you seen their cars they're from the 60s you know like oh oh we've got new cars then it's all right is it so it's like they they show you all the really bad stuff I think it's like that kind of psychology of life where if someone else is having a worse life than you then your life isn't so bad and I think that's what they do in the media it's almost like part of the Mandate for the government to give you a license to be a TV channel or to be a media PL you've got to make sure you make everywhere look a little bit worse than England so that at least people don't complain too much about how [ __ ] England is yeah or everyone leaves well everyone leaves because everyone told you the truth if the media actually told you the truth right about Dubai about Hong Kong about these other markets and the opportunities in those markets there would be no one left in England if they actually understood like why there would be no one there why why are you saying is it for the food well there's better food elsewhere is it for the amount of money you could earn well there's better money elsewhere is it the tax rate you're staying in the tax rate's good okay family is there okay well move them somewhere where they can get proper medical care or they can get real help like people wouldn't stay the whole of England would leave if they knew what I know but it's still good though because you have returned after all these years I returned yes I that's an interesting point I returned originally I sold my company and I could move any where I wanted in the world and I made a list of all the places I want to live and actually top of my list at that time was LA and then Donald Trump got elected and I just couldn't bring myself to go and live there and see his picture at the airport I just couldn't do it so I changed my plan and because I've got residency in the UK the easiest thing when I was about to have a baby is just to fly back to England right because I got residency honestly it wasn't my first choice now I'm there however I feel a sense of like I want to [ __ ] fix it I I want to make it what it could be I want Great Britain to be great I don't want to say great again CU I don't want one of those red stupid caps but like there is a real problem in England that can be fixed it's all fixable so now on there I want to fix it that comaraderie has just been lost I feel like Britain has tried to make too many people happy too many ethnicities happy trying to just like let everybody in that like it's not really been looking after the people who are actually British yeah I mean what is British anyway I mean I don't even feel British now when you introduce me as a guy from Britain I feel like I'm a guy from Hong Kong to be honest I mean I spent 20 years I spent my growing up years in England I love English sense of humor but otherwise I don't know why I am I don't think I'm British I think I'm a hybrid my my wife is Chinese my son is half Chinese like I I I feel like I'm a mix I'm not but and I think that you know I actually like the diversity of London and Britain that side of it I think what I don't like is I don't like politics I think the whole thing is broken and and no one's fixing it a bit like the education system but it's all divisive it's red versus blue it's you versus me I mean I don't know who listening to your podcast today has actually ever read a Manifesto from a political party but it's all bollocks you know if you actually read it there's no way you'd vote for the party with they they just all of those policies are like hidden inside a massive document that no one reads my mom voted in the past for Tony Blair because he was handsome like but what are his policies what what what does he actually care about like genuinely care about I don't want him to do it on a poll on what we care about and therefore say that's what we want so he gets the votes I want to know what they really think and what they really wanted to do to make the country better but none of them operate that way would you ever get into politics I thought about it but to be honest and I even hired a political adviser when I moved back to England I thought right maybe I'll get into politics maybe that's how I can fix this country that was once great and then I really got a lesson on how it works like how the inner workings of politics is and like the first thing the consultant said to me was like okay these are the things you have to say you believe to get elected Based on data right so for example brexit I don't believe in brexit but if you want to get elected right now you have to say you like it I could never agree with it it doesn't make any sense as a business why would you cut off a trading partner doesn't make any sense why would you it just does I would never agree with it now does it need fixed in the relationship with the EU yes like any deal you can renegotiate and fix it should you just just get rid of it no but to get elected I'd have to say that so I can't lie I can't do it yeah well I tell you the whole brexit thing has been a nightmare for my clothing business like the import tax and everything yeah you're not the only one I I I can think of thousands of people that have come to my DMs telling me what a nightmare has caused their business that problem so how can we be a great country exporting all over the world if we just cut off one of the markets that was working for a lot of people in Britain yeah did you did you go to university in UK no no I left school at 15 15 started a business no choice what was the first one gardening company nice yeah and I'm so bad I did a bit of that when I was younger I think I was it was my dad that got me into that because I was at school and during the holidays I OB I never had any money and my dad if he was ever going to give me money he would make me work for it and he said look why didn't you just you you Garden our house like you mow the lawn you do a bit of the weeds and everything go and do that for other people's houses go around walk around knock on the doors and ask them if they need any uh gardening and then I was lucky to find this one client I guess you could say that had this massive manner I think it was in the the illey mo or something so I spent the whole summer looking after that huge property after one entire week of going through everything it was time to do it all over again those those sorts of examples like what a lot of people say to me I can't start a business I haven't got money I'm like it's a step-by-step process start a Service Company mhm and build up but a lot I say this carefully like a lot of people just are lazy yeah me included right so you can't just want success you've got to need success right so I only started a gardening company because I'm definitely lazy I only started a gardening company because I needed it I wouldn't have anywhere to live if I didn't do it I wouldn't eat if I didn't do it I couldn't get a job cuz I was 15 years old you need National Insurance go I couldn't get a job had to do it and I wasn't a good Gardener I didn't know anything about gardening I still don't really to be honest because then brought people in eventually to do it I mean I wouldn't be able to identify the correct flowers and what you should do you know I can cut grass yeah that's all right but I think if people are listening I would about I'm thinking I've got no money I want to start a business I'm like clean some [ __ ] Windows you know like do some gardening clean cars the good thing about all of those things is they're not glamorous you can instantly make money you can knock on a door and there's not much marketing cost it's cash flow positive because people pay you as soon as you done the work and you learn how to get a client how to sell how to hire people cuz that's what I did I had to bring people in to help me do the gardens like all of the skills you need to do something much bigger much more exciting all get built in that like wax on wax off Karate Kid [ __ ] that like learning to do the basics so yeah it's not like AI is going to take over that job at least just yet there's L A's got better things to do yeah yeah so and and and as a kid like it's just great it's just great experience like trying to hire people to do the gardens for me was just great experience you know like people telling me to [ __ ] off or not even turning up and you know working in the rain working in the rain or even like wanting to charge me more because when they got to the Garden it was more work than they thought and I I end up losing money on a client I got you know like all of these things you learn in such a simple shitty business that that that groundwork of running that crappy gardening company has allowed me to run the business I'm running today like a tech company yeah I wouldn't be able to run this tech company today I'm building without doing the shitty gardening when I was 15 years old I wouldn't because you learn all the things it's all basic skills anyone can learn that school should be teaching people school's [ __ ] as well right the education system is totally like upside down teaches you exactly the opposite like memorization equals intelligence getting an a means you're smart that's all bollocks right so like to me like education you want a real education go start a business you'll learn more in six month starting a business than any business school four-year degree or MBA or any [ __ ] University education teaching you marketing forget that man I just interviewed someone it' been 4 years marketing four years spent £56,000 four years of their life doing a marketing degree and I said to them they wanted to join the company I'm like tell me the four ways Tik Tok makes money if you're on Tik Tok how can you make money the four ways no idea I'm not really on Tik Tok I'm like what the hell are you talking about like why is Tik Tok getting banned in America no idea how does the data system work on the back end of Instagram no idea how does the algorithm work on YouTube no idea tell me what you do know well 1995 almost went bankrupt who gives a [ __ ] you know like you've just it just drives me crazy because University is literally it's literally part of the Trap that people end up on it's a treadmill they come out of that university job they have to get a job to pay off the debt or they've got so trained into a system that tells them to get a job to make them look good get a brand behind them right so my niece third generation entrepreneur family I've got my niece is an entrepreneur but she went into University and then she came out with a degree and then she had to go get a job at body shop that have just gone bankrupt she should be doing her own business you know like you really want to learn forget all that stuff now if you want to be a doctor or a lawyer okay fine you've got no choice now but go to university to do those things right Tesla couldn't get a job at Tesla right I understand the system's definitely got people cornered if you want to do certain professions you have to go to university that's just unfortunately the way it is but for everything else like 90% of people it's because they don't know what else to do and there's no other alternative and that has to [ __ ] change I I'm I'm going to fix education system that's big part of my mandate now yeah that can't carry I think you're right that's I mean I went to I went to school went to private school did the whole university thing I think University was a massive disappointment because I I went there thinking that it was going to teach me how to run a business and like even within the first year it was just like all Theory all like textbooks graphs equations maths and I was getting taught by people who'd never run a business in their life go to the car park of any University and see you know like just these people aren't the people don't get me wrong I I actually have a lot of respect for teachers and most of the teachers I meet are bit like police and bit like firefighter they care about people you know they're doing that job because they care it's a hard job they're also restricted but I just can't believe in 2024 like I think this is the future we're still measuring people about whether or not they could remember some [ __ ] that doesn't matter you know like Google's telling us this [ __ ] it was it was when I was young it was pointless now it's even more pointless like we just ask Google I can literally talk in this room now hate Amazon blah blah blah it will tell me I don't need to remember that [ __ ] it's using up my brain for the wrong thing M now you can get into conspiracy theories I I'm pretty much I'm I'm I'm I'm totally convinced at this point that we all know the syst is a [ __ ] broken system and we're not fixing it yeah you know rishy soon recently said let's teach people maths until 18 what are you saying Maths for financial literacy we want Financial lit I've got a [ __ ] calculator I don't need to learn maths I need I need to learn how accounts work I need know how money works that's all teachable anyone can learn it mhm I mean I was on um GB news not my favorite Channel but they have me on and um they had on after me the education minister so they kept me on after interviewing me to talk to the education Minister and I asked him live on TV millions of people listening I'm like hey um why don't we teach financial literacy in school and give people that knowledge it's like hm Simon your story was very inspirational than I just heard uh but I um I think that at the end of the day that stuff can't be taught you need to do it in the real world what a load of BS what are we talking about like the education Minister thinks something can't be taught yeah I just it's think there something weird going on I feel like but we all know it as well right all you your listeners will know that the education system is genuinely broken right except for maybe 10% of people that love to remember things and maybe they need a particular way of learning to become a lawyer or a doctor to remember all the laws to okay but for 90% of people like marketing degree should not be at University marketing degree should be either start your own company or go work in a company right that's how you're going to learn marketing or start going live on social media or do some posts yourself you want to learn marketing do marketing there's no sitting for four years with a professor that doesn't know [ __ ] about Tik Tok telling you how to do marketing for four years it it's insane Yeah well yeah I hope when you go back well you're now there that you can actually do something about about it I think it's going to take something big but yeah something needs to change for sure I think the first thing is just like we all know it it's just you know we need to talk about it I I'm on Tik Tok educating people for free I just put a YouTube video up that I could have made millions of pounds putting behind a pay wall I was going to say that was I probably I watched that I got more value out of that than I did throughout the whole you read comments and I'm I'm not you know I'm not bigging myself up but you read the comments in that video and people are like I spent four years learning business and this 2hour 26 minute video is better than that they spent four years of their life which is very big sunken cost time most valuable thing you've got four years forget the 50 Grand of debt not every country has that bom but four years of your life and then a 2hour 26 minute video from me I'm not saying I'm a genius I'm just a [ __ ] normal person that helped them more than that degree well that's got it's like two and a half million views already yeah in a week which says a lot yeah that's what I'm saying it's like it it's just insane so I'm trying to fix the education system by Leading from the front not charging a course fee I'm not charging anything it's free there you go right and other people are following me it's just give people the knowledge they need because we want everyone to be rich MH right people can't can't grasp this if you have a divide rich and poor the rich are [ __ ] the poor are [ __ ] it's [ __ ] and people think everyone can't be rich people listening to this say everyone could be rich they' be like no not everyone could be rich I was in China right in 1997 till 2017 I watched 400 million people go from poor to middle class that was good for the country right more civilized people more respectful the whole world benefited especially America you know like it's just good for the whole world if everyone gets rich and everyone should be rich and it's stupid to hold back knowledge education system to not be fixed it just it doesn't make any sense and and and that's why you end up you know in a conspiracy theory bracket because it's like why is it we all know it's broken but we're not doing anything about it why MH so is there any education system that you think is doing a good job in any country right now there are certain education models that are better um I like the Scandinavian education model more there's a couple of things they start young later so like seven like my kid has to go to school legally at 5 right I mean it's too early yeah because you should just be playing yeah you know like you should be in your tribe making fire going to the forest making some stuff coming back like I mve to a forest and my son can do that I just want him to live right hang out with his parents see what his parents do learn from us right that's how it should be 5 is too early so they go later the second thing they do they banned all private schools right I'm someone who can afford a private school and I put my kid originally into a private school but it's wrong because when you have private school and you have general education model like the free education model if you have private school all the money all the resources all The Talented teachers all of the people that actually are passionate about genuinely moveed to the private school because it's better economics and I'm not saying this is true for all of the domestic schools but they end end up being underfunded and under supported whereas if you mix the two the rich people then help make sure those schools are good for all because their kids are in it yeah right so you know it's controversial I'd never get elected if I I'd never get elected in any political party if I said this I'd ban all private schools but it's not really going to solve the big problem the the real big problem is the way in which we measure everything within a school system like how success is considered your grades and therefore the school's grades so the school kicks people out that don't get good enough grades because then they don't get good enough grades and therefore they don't get enough pupils because parents and system believe grades equal success within a school education system right they're not me measuring EQ they're not measuring Common Sense learning they're not the things that they're measuring they need to change right and I and I I think like the practical skills the things that AI can't do I don't want to say gardening because it makes it sound so basic but like the real life skills that we need to survive like money how money works that needs to be taught why isn't it like it we're all thinking anyone listening this podcast knows I'm I'm right it's a problem then we just kind of go oh well we can't and it's the way it is yeah and it's not just England by the way this is every country that's the really bizarre thing and we all know the history of Education in the last 100 years this was created by Henry Ford and Cari they literally said it right they literally said it it's like Scientology the guy that wrote scient he literally said it it's [ __ ] right the guys that created the education system and funded it said I don't want people to think I want people to work they want people to turn up to the job in the factory it's changed now it's more like an office but it's the same [ __ ] Model turn up to the factory do the job go on one holiday a year cuz that's good for the economy that's extra business money buy car cuz we need you to be able buy a car then come back to [ __ ] work cuz you're so ignorant that's what you've got to do right and this day and age I'm starting to blame people themselves like there's no excuse the knowledge is actually out there on YouTube it is out there especially now yeah and and you know stop making excuses would be P part of it I think we got to stop parents need to do better job of of education but the problem is those kids those second third generation parents don't even have Financial knowledge I know people in their 50s they don't understand that the house they're living in on an account structure would be considered a liability not an asset if I ask them is your house you're living in an asset or a liability it's like an asset like no it's a liability no it's worth money then sell it where you going to live sell it what are you going to do with the money don't know buy another house they don't [ __ ] understand how money Works MH 50 years old so how can they teach their kids and all of it's learnable what would you do to ensure that you're well you've got one at the moment got a six-year-old six-year-old you going to have more don't think my wife will let me yeah so what how are you going to ensure that he's just going to be brought up with the all this drive ambition and knowledge that you want him to have cuz obviously you're very successful you you obviously not struggling for money so how are you going to make him appreciate the value of money I think about this a lot because my son not only do I I've experienced unconditional love which is something I've never really understood until I had a kid right this word unconditional love like I just love my kids so much but I also know that I know how the system is so I'm motivated to fix the system in part because I want him to live in a better world when I'm gone and then I think about his education so I think first thing to recognize is that everybody's different okay so the first thing I spend a lot of time is understanding what my son wants not what I want right and that's what's problem with the present education system it's about what the UC UC ation system wants it's not about what the individual pupil wants and I think in the future like even Medical Care everything's going to be about what you need so right now pharmaceutical companies will give you vitamin c a th000 m and then that's what you take that's probably not what you need yeah right we need to do a test on you and say actually you as a human being you're tip you only need 60 but it's not good for the pharmaceutical company because then they have to tailor make everything and that's not mass production system we have today right I think the school system exactly the same analogy it's like you need to look at the individual and to understand I think it's led by their passions so I give you a really good example my son if I said maths or geography or politics he's six he doesn't give a [ __ ] about any of that stuff right and in the school system at six years old they're trying to teach kids that stuff right history maths right instead this is the way I deal with it my son says daddy that road map's really interesting let me oh wow look why is this big round Circle Road in the middle of London what's that I'm like well that's not in the middle of London that's the M25 and for your listens overseas this is the biggest road in England and it goes around London he's like oh wow why I'm like well you know and we start looking at the history of why that road got built and he's like Daddy how much did it cost and then we start looking at the finances and how it got funded and how it was over budget and why it was over budget and who [ __ ] it up and then we get into politics who tried to block it and when and why he like why did they try to block it why did that man not say he wanted to do it I'm like he wanted to get reelected next thing you know he like politics maths geography where the concrete came from to build the [ __ ] road yeah all of these things are not separate subjects it's an integrated thing based around what you're interested in which is why I think business is brilliant because when you start a business you have to learn all of these things even if you don't want to to understand how to build a business so I have to I don't like maths I'm I'm not but I learn accounts because I built businesses and if I don't understand how profit and loss works it won't work do I want to learn accounts no do I actually end up hiring an accountant always any business I start yes I know my weaknesses but at least I know I have to learn it and it motivates me to learn it because I know that's how I'm going to end up doing something I love well I imagine the the first business the gardening that probably wasn't something you loved no I I definitely think like purpose is something you're either born with some people are lucky it comes to you early in life for me purpose came after a lot of tragedy after a lot of hardship I found my purpose after a lot of pain right which I think that's also a good thing happens to to a lot of people too right paining what like uh in the business world or personal personal where my my father died at 15 I was 15 he died in front of me when I was 15 years old suddenly have a heart attack and was gone and then I had an argument with my mom and she kicked me out of home and I became homeless so that's why you needed the money so then I had to start a business because I couldn't get a job yeah right but from all that pain and all that hardship came this need to do something because that's the other thing right people are listening and thinking okay I don't know my purpose right I know how to help people find their purpose but let's just say people don't know how to find they don't have a purpose right now first of all they're not giving themselves time to even ask that question because it sounds woo woo to a lot of people but like you should spend time thinking about it like what do you like to do just start there things you like to do things you don't like to do because school system again will say oh you're not good at biology so you need to get a tutor you need to get better at that no [ __ ] that you don't like biology don't do biology focus on the stuff you like doing because it will naturally push to learn right if you like it you will learn all the things and you'll push yourself through the pain of doing doing that learning right because learning is hard well I always tell starting a business is is hard it's hard at the beginning but gets easier over time whereas working for someone else it's easier at the beginning gets harder over time right do the hard thing early as quickly as you can right what's your thoughts on doing something that you're passionate about versus something that you're really good at doing because you could be really really good at doing something but you maybe don't enjoy it that much but if you execute it and continue with that thing that you're really good at it could obviously lead to something pretty great or make you a lot of money I don't see many people good at something they don't like yeah because they've had to practice at it to get good at it there's nothing comes instant I don't I mean unless even know Tiger Woods or federa these guys are practicing all the time they're naturally talented at it but I mean I don't know I I've always loved sales now it's called marketing cuz it sounds cooler but I've always loved that like how to how to sell something how to bring people on board in your company how to get an investor excited about your business or like like bringing your building a tribe you know that's how I see sales like building a community yeah I love that how old are you when you discovered that you like that they I knocked on that door at 15 really yeah cuz like I'd never done sales in my life I didn't know I could sell I don't think anyone realizes they can everyone can sell my best salesperson in my last company was my accountant right anyone can sell but I knocked on that door and I was desperate and I basically said I'll take care of your garden would you pay me to do it and he said sure how much and I said I just picked a number I said2 200 a month he said sure it's like the Euphoria of like having an idea in your head and then turning it into money like this is brilliant M like why wasn't I taught this at school I was 13 years in school at that point point and I didn't know anything like a little bit of biology a little bit of second world war history no one had taught me about this thing that you can make it real this in your head you turn it into money I I have a funny relationship with money but it turned into money in that moment right which is Just Energy it's like Jesus Christ like this is the Revelation to me and from that moment onwards I was like I knocked on the next door and they told me to [ __ ] off right so luckily the first door and I think luck plays a huge part in anyone's life luckily the first person said yes and I felt that like oh my God I can get myself out of the [ __ ] that I'm in I can get myself out of it anyone listening right now who's in financial trouble you can get yourself out of it it's possible do you ever think what you would have done if you had like 20 back-to-back rejections right I think that day that day it was a Saturday I remember it like it was yesterday and knocked on over a hundred doors that day and I got 11 people to say yes to me being their Gardener now I realized that was a [ __ ] high hit rate yeah you know I should have got one two right so something happened that day there a fate I don't know what it was it was it was meant to happen I maybe I got so lucky um I was so lucky I was homeless I was so lucky I was kicked out I was like Jesus Christ I've just learned something that's game-changing that's absolutely wild for 15 years old that's I thought I was mature as well I thought 15 years old I thought I knew it all think when you lose a parent you instantly come extremely mature whether you like it or not well yeah also I had three brothers I think I grew up in quite a quite a an intense and quite intellectual family so you sharpen up early because otherwise you get picked on yeah basically you know like you learn to stand up for yourself quite young I mean that's the benefit I guess of having older brothers younger brothers like we you fight all the time and I I felt at 15 years old I I mean I know now I was a kid but I didn't think I was a kid back then you know I thought I'm I'm ready for this and if you think back on History like I mean we're dying at 30 15 years old is like midlife yeah you know you get married at 15 I'm not saying we should do that again but I'm like conceptually like I [ __ ] needed that I needed to go there and hunt I needed to leave my home and Hunt I didn't I was forced to do it but actually 15 years old like right I'm a warrior let's go let's go let's learn the skills to hunt and how you going to do it you're not going to read how to hunt from a textbook are you pick the javelin up and throw it no you got to [ __ ] do it yeah right you got to get in there and like face the line and look at it and go this thing can kill me how am I going to survive an analogy equivalent is a gardening company came along and tried to kill me right another another company that tried to take the business I just won right and they had fancy equipment and brochure and all the cool stuff I beat them I beat the lion right and once you beat a lion you're a man you know what I mean like his history is the same history tell you the future that's basically modern day equivalent like I'm hunting it's natural I'm meant to get up in every day and leave that cave and Hunt we're not meant to sit in the cave and someone bring us a fish every day and then one day we're like can I have another fish please do you mind a pay rise do you mind if I a pay rise and you're like No 3 months time we'll do a 360 review no no I need more fish I've just had a baby in the cave no no no and then you're scared to leave the cave because you don't know how to fish you're like I better just do what they say and sit here and wait for them to give me a paywise [ __ ] that right you leave the cave and go and fish it's fun it'll be raining and cold you'll be with your mates you have a laugh it's meant to be out there doing [ __ ] whether that's and by the way in case anyone starts giving me any [ __ ] and the comments about like men going out and hunting and women going out and hunting both went out and hunt and men and women stayed and cooked right there was it all depended on again what you like doing some of the old day tribal systems you had like pepper Grinders and stuff they were [ __ ] heavy they needed men to help with cooking right and some like to cook and some women like to cook and some women like to hunt and some men like to hunt and they used to go out and do their thing right tribe tribal system is pretty interesting you start I've spent a lot of time trying to understand human nature and in particular tribes right and if you understand how tribes work you can understand how the world Works how it used to work and how we used to survive how we survived so long before the [ __ ] internet right and before we had all these [ __ ] systems one of the biggest scams out there today is a system we were taught at the beginning of the education system 100 years ago which is give and take so your list going hear this and say I help you and you help me sounds perfectly reasonable right that's why I help you you help me that's kind of fair yeah so we'll do a podcast together I'll promote you you promote me I got a big following you got a big following we'll help each other all sounds reasonable yeah it's literally what's caused Wars this this concept and I think it's me millions of people haven't got help they needed in my personal opinion is caused a lot of people who probably listening to this podcast a lot of pain without realizing it I tell you why in tribal times the way we worked was you come to me with a problem because I'm the person to help you with that problem right you're probably not the person to even help me with my problem right so I help you because I can and because I should I help you and then you go on to help someone else because you've got a skill they need and then they go on to help someone else and then one day two years from now I have a mental health issue someone will help me now tax man wants everything taxed right so I have to have a tradable system if I don't charge it there's no tax mhm so it shouldn't be give and take the way we should live is give without take and I've been living this way for the last 5 years I tell you what I've never been richer I've never been happier the system I was taught when I lived in England under the education system is like everything's a transaction you got to get something before you give something you get told stupid things like there's no you know good deed goes unpunished to stop you doing a good deed stupid at what point did you pivot change your mind I think it was a gradual process of deprogramming yeah you know like I went through the education system for 13 years but I didn't finish the indoctrination you know I didn't finish the program that the system sets for you cuz I I remember the school system telling me you could be a really good hairdresser nothing wrong with being a headdress right but like you could be a good hairdresser all by the way the factory in s where I grew up town I grew up you could get 500 quid a week working there you know think you could buy yourself a stereo and something you know like who doesn't want a stereo you know 15 years old yeah all right you're like what that's literally what they told me and I I think because I didn't F finish the treadmill I fell off it it's like waking up and I think I think my true Awakening now the time that I real I was fully fully aware that everything I've been taught in the education system and in the present media system was total B looks was when I went to Hong Kong I literally sat on the Harbor in that City I had a preconception of what a communist City look like and how China was I'm just like these just normal people like they're just they're laughing over there look they're cuddling their kids wow this food's [ __ ] awesome oh my God tax rates only 15% and there's no double taxation system this [ __ ] amazing like wow this isn't what I thought you know like and that that that's when I started like hold on a minute everything I've learned for the last 20 years is just total bollocks the world is [ __ ] huge and there's enormous opportunity and humans are amazing we're not like you're D you're dumb you're a you're smart that is total bollocks right like I can never have an opinion on a country or city if I've never been there myself but people do yeah like media do I mean I've met reporters giving a report on Hong Kong have never been there like don't get me wrong no city is perfect I mean Dubai right now everyone's telling me Oh how the floods couple of days it's gone yeah people won't come here now for a while because they think there's floods like you [ __ ] idiots it was like they wanted to get you to click the news headlines yeah there was some floods they're gone yeah what's the big deal you know like it it's just I think the media again I don't I don't like the word conspiracy theories I'm just going to call them theories that are [ __ ] true you know like it the media wants to make money so how does the media make money and I have this from like very high level media people they [ __ ] make up the headlines to get the click negative yeah sometimes the article tries to be true depending on the media MH I mean the son just did a story on me saying that I bought a [ __ ] Lamborghini and I'm worth 500 million I'm like what the [ __ ] did you get this information from you know like they just they printed it full on they did an article on me a few years ago saying how it was worth eight million I'm like where the [ __ ] where the hell did they get it from you think they'd at least ring me yeah and say just want to check um is it is it 500 million or 450 at the moment depending on your share price of your [ __ ] company like do some [ __ ] due diligence for God's sake and then I've got L got people telling sending me messages like have some money for exactly you got 500 million and I'm like I had to increase the security at my home actually on a serious level like I had to add some cameras and add another lock to one of my Gates like because maybe they'll kidnap my kid now because a some about a story that isn't [ __ ] true you know like but they they got the clicks though it was the number one story on the on the on the online this last week so I'm like all right great you got a number one story you got some advertising Revenue you [ __ ] what about my life you've just affected and my kid now that might get kidnapped [ __ ] why do you think that came about you think just cuz like a YouTube tring in the algorithms lately I've been my name's been trending in the algorithms so someone on the data side said write a story about Simon's grrip that will get us some traffic so that's what they did that's what they always do all these celebrities they only write about them because they get traffic people they're searching they want to they want to you know find out about that person [ __ ] take that traffic [ __ ] the consequences of the human being on the other end that you've made a lie up about don't own Lamborghini I'm not worth 500 million right it's just do your [ __ ] due diligence 750 million yeah I'm 1.6 billion I worked hard to make 1.6 billion you [ __ ] get it right but you know what I mean like it it you know beyond the personal damage that sort of stuff does to humans it's it's distorting the truth as well for young people you know and and I think that it it it needs to change and it's not conspiracy the what I've just described there is not a conspiracy theory it's just happened the media make up stuff but people trust these things I know people that actually trust the sun to get their political information mhm I think more people are waking up but there's still an alarming amount of people who are getting all that information from either social media like these unofficial reports or posts or from you know these newspapers like the Sun but it's interesting because I think that is the one downside of building a personal brand and actually starting to get famous because there is Fame is [ __ ] don't anyone listening to podcast should never chase Fame yeah I was rich and not famous and in some aspect my life was a lot better now I'm rich am famous it's a pain in the ass I never CH F and you're going to become if you keep putting out these banging videos that you've been doing you're just going to get more famous yeah and it's it's something I've had a very deep conversation with my team and with my wife about um it's something I really struggle with I I actually had no idea what Fame was yeah like I heard Fame it sounds like a good word right Fame kind of it's [ __ ] awful it disrupts your life in so many levels like people do not Chase Fame but there is a caveat I will make the if you have a mission a purpose it's like a sacrific to be famous yeah right so I sometimes and I know there I don't care about any actors I don't care about these people that are famous I unless they do something with that Fame right like DiCaprio for example you know goes out and pushes climate change he can argue whether or not he's doing anything but conceptually he uses his Fame to try and shed light on a subject that we should be talking about that is valuable Fame in my opinion right so not fame to sell product that's not valuable but Fame to make a difference I personally made a conscious decision and it's to the detriment of my life that Fame will bring shed light on this need to make a change fix the education system and I'm willing to endure it but I've had to make a lot of changes to endure it increase my security make sure that my life is tight I can't have my personal address online I can't have my personal number online which has got online my phone rings off the hook and I and I just I just had to I've I've had to learn how to deal with it and I'm still dealing with it even the hate as well which is weird I find you you get a lot of hate online right I think that's like the sign that you've made it all like the moment that your video has got to the point where it's starting to go viral you start the comments start getting really weird because you're reaching Uncharted Territory in new audience it's the way it's always going to be like you could literally be trying your best just to help people people just going to have go totally it's like and and the thing is like you know I I think that with it's really interesting on the hate side cuz like good luck and bad luck are both still luck right so like I I've discovered in my life all the bad luck I've had even though at the time I Chang it for today has turned in to be good luck somehow in some way equally good luck I've had good luck has turned somehow into bad luck at points as well right but I think that same with bad bad comments and people that don't like you something good comes out of it all too I mean sometimes the videos do well because there's a lot of a hate in the comments you know like the algorithm is like oh these people are interested in it you know like it delivers it up to more people so you help more people thanks to the haters you've mentioned that luck is hackable what do you mean by that so L luck is very hackable and um there's only one caveat like 2% of your life is not hackable that 2% is where you're born right you know the whole saying the Hardy work the luckier you get right that's what people will hear when I say luck is hackable that is bollocks that is absolute crap how hard you going to work to be born in the right you know right country statistically will make a huge difference to your life right whether you got access to like if you're born in in Silicon Valley you know High chance you can build a company that will get funded you know like where you are located will have a dramatic effect on your life so you can't really hustle and work hard to be born in the right place right that part of your life you can't really hack you need an element of luck however being born into a difficult situation let's take you know famous boxer maybe Mike Tyson's born in the ghetto sounds like bad luck at the beginning but at one point he then has to get tough and fights becomes a world champion if he hadn't had that bad luck and be born in a bad place or have a bad that bad experience when he was young he wouldn't have become a boxer forget the rest of the story of Tyson because that's still being written but the point I'm making is like 2% life is not hackable it is down to that part but how you deal with that bad luck or good luck does make a difference and that's where the 98% of your life can be hacked and basically there three steps to it first is how much risk are you willing to take that's the truth the more risk you take the luckier you get nothing to do of hard work I made the most amount of money when I brought people into to run my companies not when I was running the companies I built them and then I brought someone else into to run them who knew what they were [ __ ] doing right so I worked less hard made more money had more successful businesses working hard getting luck is a lie it's a lie to get you to work hard more risk you takes I took risk I hired very senior people I paid them really well and I brought them into to run their business I took a risk I earned more I work less right taking risk the second thing is know your destination because most people don't what's your goal what's your mission what's your purpose what's success where you going can you get in a car and don't know where you're going and expect to be successful in that Journey right and now I I think the final thing for me is always if you want to hack luck and I've actually researched this intensely so it's my opinion but I've researched it it's like you got to have a a a a purpose right You' got to have a thing that motivates you every day to do it basically persistence so it's take risk know your destination and persistence right and and they all Interlink but you got to follow through it's just that simple right my first first big success was a company called fluid which I sold to price waterhous Cooper the largest accounts company in the whole world enormous amount of money more money than I'll ever need because I didn't stop now I didn't stop because I enjoyed it because I took risk and brought people in to help me run it what was flu about basically was a McKenzie kind of moreel creative agency mixed with consultancy and Innovation so we used to help big Brands like CNN figure out how to get more views or how to help big Brands get into China that sort of stuff and you know the whole business only succeeded because I followed those three things I just said about hacking luck I took more risk I knew where I was going I wanted to be the number one creative agency in the world right PWC will take it there but I I had that I bought people in under that Mantra and and I I knew exactly ultimately that I love I enjoy doing it and I wasn't going to stop right and when I didn't want to run it anymore I didn't stop and shut it down I brought someone else in to run it I didn't stop you know you got to someone who's basically just the CEO or yeah he ran the company yeah I was a CEO at the beginning because you know when you start a business you can't justify hiring a CEO and I didn't know what I needed in the early days and I wasn't as knowledgeable about business when I first started I started fluid you know 2001 so some people listening weren't even been born yet when I started that company but like oh that was not the time to bring someone in to run the company I mean there stages yeah um and and certain points I'm the right person I love I love building things I don't like big companies and I don't want to be trapped in my own business a lot of people listening to have a business often get trapped in their own business because they think they're the only person that can do it all so at some point you got to move away from like you running the business and start going from what we call generalist model where I can do everything Simon SCP can do everything to a specialist model and saying right but who's the best person to build a 500 people company it's not me or a thousand people company it's not me but I'm great to build a 50 50 people company from zero to 50 people I'm I'm pretty good I was that one of the best you said the bigger bigger businesses are easier to run compared to they are easier to run so I can have a 500 people company but I'm not running it yeah and even the CEO it's easier for him to run because now he can fly business class because there's more money in the compy and he can get middle management that take he's on the golf course too so like I feel like when it gets to that point for you you're like okay the challenge is kind of gone I want to start new yeah again what you just said I want I'd love listeners to really pick up on this because this is not explained enough I'm about to release a video on this exact subject it's easier to run a big company than a small company most people start out I just want to BU build a small business it's fine if it's a lifestyle choice and I totally accept that but just remember a big company is much easier to run than a small company that is not what people think it is not true that a small business is better you have a small business and you go on holiday often don't have Revenue anymore or you have three people in your company and one leaves well you [ __ ] you lose one client you're [ __ ] whereas if you've got thousands of clients and thousands of people it's I don't want to personally run a 500 600 700 man company which I think the biggest companies in the world in the future are only going to be small numbers of people anyway thanks to and all the rest of it but the point is I don't want to run that and I don't need to I can still own it I don't need to run it cuz once you get to that scale you can pay people that know what they're doing to run it at that level maybe you could argue those people don't want the responsibility sure but then again they don't know what that responsibility is yeah so they they're fearful of something they don't actually understand most of the people I meet that have a small business they don't know what a big business is they've not been educated about it so they think it's scary they think it's hard they think it's more responsibility it's less responsibility you're dividing up the responsibility mhm but that being said I mean I've had small businesses I've had big businesses it's stages in life as well on a personal level like when my son was born I said to my team you know when I was starting out what we're building now I was like I personally don't want to run a big team I want a team of about maximum 15 people little mini Army like the SAS that's what I want now each member of my team has the ability to run a 500 Man team and they're young so they want to I don't want to do that I've done that I don't want to do that so I'm going to have my little army of 15 SAS soldiers and they may build their own little armies to do what needs to get done I won't be running those armies I'll be running my 15 SAS team right because that I like that size it's like a family like we're in all we're in Dubai at the moment we're staying together it's fun yeah for me my personality this stage of my life I've got a kid and I want to spend time with him as well I don't want to manage a thousand people in their needs that's not the stage I'm at so I think that's the other thing you've got like you just said you got to look at your stage as well and what you want but once you understand how business works I think people will realize that you don't I know a lot of people who should be running big businesses but they're running small B businesses because they don't know how to run a big business they don't how to build a big business and they think it's more scary than having a small business it's not if you're sick your business stops right if you if you you don't turn up tomorrow no more Revenue potentially most businesses that's a that's a huge risk why would why would you put yourself I know someone running a farm I was just looking at buying a farm and I was they were showing me what they do they haven't gone holiday in 26 years because they look after cows every morning they have to get up and feed the cows and every single day they have to make sure the cows are okay they haven't gone on holiday in 26 years honestly I was like let me take it over for a week and you go on holiday I'm I can't look after cows but the point is somebody else they but they can't afford to bring anyone in to look after cows because the big supermarkets basically price control how much they get paid they can't literally find any anyone that would they could afford that would be able to come in and look after those cows it's like they've not had a holiday in 26 years what would you do in their situation I'd open a supermarket selling milk actually yeah I mean that's what kind of the farm shop movement is about right it's like you go straight back up to the food chain is causing you this pain in the Pro first place the milk is actually quite profitable the cow you feed them they produce milk the milk is actually like fresh milk people want it put it nice glass jar with a proper label on it Farm Shop milk big might turn it into ice cream do an ice cream brand be bigger than hugad us hug us is full of [ __ ] I just want it straight from the cows into the ice cream perfect ice cream ice cream shop and you know open up a farm shop and then I make farm shop branded I expand it all over Britain I take out tesos [ __ ] those people making me work 26 years about a holiday they don't work for themselves they work for the supermarkets I told them all of this as well I have a question for you guys do you take supplements and if you do do you really know what supplements you should be taking you see this is a problem I had for years I would walk into a supplement store I would buy loads of random bottles of supplements and just pop pills every day hoping for the best but in reality I had no idea whether or not I should be consuming these supplements that is where bionic came into the picture and solved that problem you see I've been working with bionic for the past couple of years and since 2021 I've been getting my blood work done with them every 3 to four months and based on that blood work they send it off to get analyzed and then they put together a very specific customized formul for me which will last me for 3 to 4 months until I get my next blood work done and honestly it's been an absolute game changer for me they also offer another product called bionic go where all you need to do is go on to the website fill in questionnaire and then based on that questionnaire they can give you your customized supplement so if that sounds like something that would be of interest which I highly recommend go on to the website Bionic everybody is cut out to build and run a business yes you think everybody's cut out to run and build a business everybody should be rich you thinking that 100% because I know I I feel like there's no it's I know where you're going I've heard this question many many times it's it's just not true that people cannot run a business it's just not true I don't care who you are you can do it and I'm not selling a course I'm not selling a course about becoming an entrepreneur I'm not selling anything that I I'm selling a book I'm selling sign my platform and help people I'm not not selling anything but I'm not selling a course telling people to be an entrepreneur but I I will say this to you no human being is born anything right we're not born anything we have different skills and different interests there's different types of doctors right there's different types of lawyers no one's born a doctor no one's born a lawyer doctors and lawyers need training and guidance and doctors and lawyers have groups of people that help them be doctors and lawyers and and there's lots of there's a brain surgeon there's the heart surgeon there's the guy the GP there's different types of doctors there's different types of entrepreneurs there's different types of skills that you have that are applicable to entrepreneurship right so my partner in one of my previous businesses she's a graphic designer she didn't think she was an entrepreneur she's a graphic designer I'm like you're an entrepreneur you just need to team up with someone that likes to do marketing and sales right everyone is an entrepreneur it's just a structural thing it's not an ability thing because you know like one of my videos went viral because there's this guy who was standing in the street in England holding a sign that said like McDonald's that way right I was like if Elon Musk today announced that he's actually created an equivalent of a human being right he's almost done it with robots so it's created a human being it config for itself it feeds itself it recharges itself um it last 100 years it will think for itself it will evolve he's created a human being oh my my [ __ ] god it's going to drive our car for us it's going to do our oh my God this unbelievable his share price would go through the roof he wouldn't just be the richest man on the planet he' be the richest man for all time forever right that's it but oh my God he's created a human being this is unbelievable one week later he's standing in the street holding a sign this robot he's just created saying McDonald's that way what the [ __ ] are we doing human beings like we're incredible what the [ __ ] that can be done by a breeze block yeah so get a breeze block to [ __ ] do it well don't go to McDonald's either way I don't care what what happened in the video that made it go viral well the thing is the video went viral because of two things one you know two very different people the guy standing there with a sign it's actually he was really cool actually the guy um and we had a really nice chat you know sometimes with Clips people misunderstand you have a chat before and you have a chat after it's really interesting guy anyway the clip basically the problem with the clip is I'm sounding a bit condescending right because the guy standing in the street holding a sign I'm saying with a smile in my head but maybe in the video people don't understand I'm like would you one day like to do your own sign company he's like no I'm really happy I really I really love holding a sign like really I mean I was literally interested like you like standing in the street when it's pouring with rain holding a sign saying buy [ __ ] this way really he like yeah I love it I'm like no mate you don't but I sound condescending a little bit in video um and I don't mean to be I'm I'm just kind of like shocked and I don't believe him right he either owns the sign shop or he's just bullshitting me right and I'm genuinely trying to find out what his dream is to to figure out if I can help him with his dream I'm interested in it right but the clip went viral because one people think it's funny guy holding a sign doesn't have a dream and people are like leave him alone he's enjoying his life he likes standing there with the sign just stop judging okay that's the comments right and I think that's one of the reasons it went viral because people are judging me for it but I'm not I'm not judging him I'm trying to understand like how a human being such an incredible [ __ ] thing is doing a job a breeze block could do mhm like and then the thing is it was actually a sunny day that particular day the next day it poured down with rain I was thinking about this guy standing in the street holding this sign for what would be like 10 quid I'm like what the [ __ ] you can go online on your phone on Tik Tok go live doing that make more money holding the sign like one B of extra education he'd be able to earn three times more money just going live in Tik Tok standing in the rain with a sign you know at least do that you know like at least do let's at least do that for you man like cuz you're standing in the street working for someone else holding a sign I let's just do that at least you know it kind of blows my mind CU it's education in the real world you know what I mean like where's he got that training from that that's the best he can do right because I believe in him more than he does but unfortunately some people took it as me judging him why do my why do you make these videos like why are you putting such a lot of time and effort into the creation of content on social media CU you don't need the money well I mean I'm I'm not making money with the social media Clips I give out money right I'm not it's not about making money I will make money long term from doing social media but I I put all the money back into giving it making the content better and helping the people in the videos and helping people on help I'm helping people with that money but that social media makes but it started off really as uh I'm interested you know like I was like we've come to Dubai okay and when you come here to Dubai and you just have a holiday it's nice or you come here meet have a business meeting it's nice you stop someone in the street and you ask them their dream you find out what's really going on in the minds of the people in that City it's like a whole another level like so part of it is morbid curiosity I just really find people interesting like why are you here holding this sign in the street why how have you ended up here and what's your dream I find it such a great question to ask people the the the stuff that people tell a perfect stranger blows my mind the dreams that people have blows my mind and I think if you can unleash that power if if you can help people just do what they love [ __ ] me the world would just change overnight yeah you know and and and I'm I'm I'm fascinated by it is literally one thing that can change their whole life that one moment like yesterday we met this lady she was just skating along it's like what's your dream oh just I just want to be financially free I'm like how you going to do it so I just this clothing brand idea the swimsuits like my mine doesn't fit right and I just I'm like let's do it I'm buying 10 there's the money she's like she's almost crying she like oh my God this is it this is what I'm supposed to do yes this is the moment I've been waiting for this moment this is it this is where someone Believes In Me a stranger I've just met on the street this is it I can't believe it self-belief I think is limiting factor I literally saw someone when I first saw her slightly dead in the eyes to Alive awake ready to go like one conversation three minutes of my time and some money energy is all it is gave us some energy mhm now we can put that video up and promote her business and use social media for social good because it's not used for social good enough social media is just like the internet these things can be good and these things can be bad right but if you use it for good it's hugely powerful I put that video up you know we put a video up the other day of someone called Daisy has dreaming of opening up a bakery business the Tik Tok alone got 42 million views 2.7 million people like that video you go into the comments you'll see a wave of human kindness I'll buy your cakes I'll support you I know someone in Hong Kong might be able to give you a free shop it's [ __ ] mindblowing how powerful and useful social media can be for social good if we use it that way right so you ask me a very simple question why do I do it well I'm curious two I love seeing the light in people's eyes come on three I can [ __ ] help these people do it and four people watch it the amount of DMS we get of people saying I watched that video and it made me realize I can [ __ ] do it too mhm and somewhere someone else's eyes woke up and they went yeah I'm making excuses [ __ ] that I'm going to do it it's very it's extremely satisfying knowing that you've had a positive impact on someone's life totally like even I think one of the most satisfying things for me especially when I started when I started going hard with the YouTube videos and providing value how to help men women build muscle lose body fat like the amount of people that have been able to transform their physique totally just I don't know whether it was if it was the inspiration or just breaking it down so that they understood that it actually wasn't that complicated and for then those people to come up to you and you know say something nice and even now like I've had so many people come up to me and say oh you're the reason why I quit my job and moov to theb and I'm now like running my own business like that that's what fuels me to keep do millions of people like you because like when you do that when you realize you've made a change in something see the thing is this is the other thing I think people don't really understand because we've lost this it's like it's it's when I say it people are going to go oh yeah of course man sounds easy like when you help someone else like you're meant to help in a tribe you're meant to help someone else it's the most satisfying feeling ever it's more satisfying than helping yourself right it actually what makes you feel alive we turned it all into a transaction but it shouldn't be right and the best way maybe I can explain is like if you buy someone a present I'm sure everyone's bought someone a present you've really thought about it you going and bought the Miss present and you're giving it to them and you watch their eyes light up right there's nothing I don't know what present you've been giving in your life I mean I've been given a car I was definitely happy about that but the end of the day I still feel I can think of times when I've given my wife something I'm happier about that moment I am about the person who gave me a car you know that moment I got given a car you know what I mean like like don't get me wrong I don't want to sound like getting given a car when I was once Homeless was a big [ __ ] deal I still felt more kind of excitement when I I can't wait to give him this present I can't give it to him until tomorrow [ __ ] I can't wait and then you give it to him they open I'm like oh wow I made you happy it's [ __ ] awesome it's got to the point now like when it's my birthday I don't even want anything but I would rather have a meal with everyone see everyone else having fun organize an event which brings everybody together and then see everybody we know it's true what I'm saying but we don't [ __ ] apply it and if you want to be happy I reckon half of the world's mental health problems will be solved if we just help someone else that day if we're having a tough time I've written a book right so I'm I always want to plug my book right I've got I've got a book who it's pre-order now if you pre-order it now it really helps with later getting on the bestseller list so pre-order it what's it called and and it's what what's your dream it's on Amazon and Waterstone and uh but don't you don't have to buy the book to get my knowledge by the way it's got some knowledge in it from me you can get all my knowledge for free you don't need to buy a book to get my knowledge I'll give that for free but the book is about this concept of like give without take not give and take and how we need to move away from that this transactional nature everything's turned into but I I think that there's a there's a real how do I put it without sounding doomsday but like if we don't make a [ __ ] change like millions of people with I coming their way are going to have no purpose there's actually a social experiment done by one of the big universities it was a 12year experiment and what they did was they said um okay they put 10 rats in a like a really nice enclosure like water food and said there you go food and water which by the way most people in most parts of the country can't even afford to pay for their food and water but they gave them that um and then they said then then they run the experiment for three months that the rats run around they were all happy and then they put more rats in there um and they those rats and new rats had babies and they grew and they grew and they grew 12 years later basically 26,000 rats at this point suddenly the rats were still comfortable had food had water enough space it was still okay suddenly though those rats will started eating each other and the conclusion of the experiment was basically that if humans don't have purpose we can even if we're given food and water which right now by the way basic human needs like food water and now electricity this Brilliant Invention that we're now so dependent on often buy a monopolistic company we got no choice to buy from right so this great invention which it was is now basic human need which we don't survive if we don't have right those those things should should be free I'm not socialist by the way I am a capitalist but like these things are basic human needs and even if you provide all those things and humans don't have purpose what are we going to do walk around like zombies with nothing to do that's kind of you want a little test of what that's like you go home and do nothing all day right AI is coming it's going to disrupt a lot of jobs we need to have purpose we need to have something to do I think part of that is helping someone else that's a purpose right it we need to get away from give take very quickly and move towards this concept of like and a lot of people listening will be like I can't afford to help someone for freey and I'm suffering I totally get that but you've got four minutes to help someone for free right four minutes help someone for free for four minutes for example I give out money but you don't have to give out money you could go and retweet someone their new business and try to help get it going you could share on your story is what they're doing you can make a comment or a like on their LinkedIn post to help the algorithm notice what the thing they're trying to do it doesn't have to cost you anything four minutes now if you take four minutes and go and help a fellow human couple of things are going to happen you're going to sleep better at night you're going to feel good because it's a it's meant you're meant to do it second thing is going to happen is the person you just helped is going to feel good and then they're going to think wow was helped now because I was helped for free for 4 minutes I can afford to help someone for free for 4 minutes and I will say the 5 million people that follow me on social media if they all help someone for 4 minutes today in any way they can the world will change dramatically because those four minutes would change someone else's life those 5 million that get help would then have five million they would help and by the end of next week I you could actually see a war ending you know like things could change cuz that's what we're meant to do we're meant to help each other do you think you could still do that in the early phases of starting a business I think it's vital like most of my early businesses like I remember um what I was I was trying to win a cricket ground when I was doing the gardening company and they had um The Gardener they had was retiring so I knew there was an opportunity but all these other companies were bidding for the cricket ground work and so I basically every every day for about 3 months would go to the Crick and do some work on the garden with my crew just in the morning we make it routine Crick didn't pay us they didn't ask us to do it and then when the tender finally came up for the work they're like Simon you've been doing you've been coming every day you care about this we're going to give you the work man like this is the price you need to put in for the tender though and this is how you need to do it but you got the work man it's fine you know like free is so valuable and you shouldn't use it as an upset I think Free's got a bit abused you know um come on my free course and then someone UPS you I think free should should be the nature of you don't expect anything back and and and I've I've run this experiment for The Last 5 Years so this isn't just me saying it's an idea I've run this I've I've I've had plenty of opportunities where people someone offer me 10,000 pounds to help them for 1 hour I don't care how rich you are £10,000 for an hour it's like all right I helped him for free right so I lost £10,000 people be oh my God you it's all right for you mate you're rich you can do it that guy name's James sky has promoted me to so many people so many ways every time he goes live he talks about me and how I helped him you know like I didn't take the 10 grand off him you know like yes I could have made instantly 10 grand from him and sure that would have been a nice thing to suddenly be able to spend out nowhere but I didn't take it so what's interesting is it's like an energy thing if you give and don't expect anything back like I didn't expect James to do anything to help me right I didn't the fact he has is like oh that's nice I didn't expect it it the amount of stuff I get back and I I'm in a privileged position where maybe I can help people for free and I can give money out and help people that way but I've also discovered ironically if you want to be successful and you want to be rich if you want your dream to come true and this is what my book's about if you want your dream to come true help someone else's dream come true that's the irony if you on on your birthday you got a birthday cake in front of you you want your wish to come true make your wish about someone else's wish coming true blow those candles out wanting someone else's life to be better and you know what someone will do it for you and it will come true MH it's literally that simple you don't need to buy the book now cuz I told you the basic whole premise of it so don't need to pre-order it forget the whole thing it's you got all the knowledge it's true it's funny because the moment I started giving away the most amount of free value and information through my socials that was when I started making the most money totally it everybody at the top will tell you the same yeah you know and the more you give the more you get and it's so cheesy and people like yeah well you can afford to give well you [ __ ] started giving that's how you end up getting but you don't want to aim for the get you want to aim for Pure give the more pure give you can you can do the more you get back it's an energy transfer thing MH it's an investment and even if you if you don't get much back in the beginning usually later on down the line it'll it'll come yeah and there's nuances it to it as well like you know the other thing is like judgment so I'm I'm not just talking about like a financial return I'm also talking about an expectation return so most people's misery will lie in the fact that they lent someone money and they didn't pay them back right so I lent my older brother money and he didn't pay it all back we fell out for 15 years I didn't see his kids right what's the [ __ ] point yeah yeah so I should have lent him the money and and then that's it I do a good deal good deed for my brother right but we had an agreement he was supposed to pay me back he didn't pay it all back right so I'm like you [ __ ] you didn't pay me back right it's my fault not his for 15 years I blamed him right it's my fault I should have given it without any expectation of anything in return it's my [ __ ] brother right it shouldn't be a transaction but you know he even approached it as a transaction let me the money and then I yeah I'll pay you back right so all right that's fair I should just you already had the expectation then but but so for 15 years I didn't see his kids I didn't see him why what what should happen is you only give what you can afford and you should give it without any expectation of anything in return and I had an expectation so I caused pain for myself pain for him why you did a good thing you you let someone's listening they definitely L someone money you did a good thing L someone money move on don't expect it back from them that's the end now of course the banks have created transactional systems the mortgage system which is totally [ __ ] creates a transactional system so we all just think everything's a transaction it's getting worse by the way Supermarket you can't even speak to anybody I it's like Ching you didn't register properly Ching it's all transaction buying food buying stuff online love all transactions swipe swipe we got to get back to like two people talking who I mate what do you need all I'll do it for you don't I don't anything back yeah that's rare these days got to get back to it yeah otherwise we're [ __ ] how many businesses have you started 18 now I'm on my 19th business now this is probably the last business I ever do before I die uh and yeah this is my 19th company and yeah I I've had a lot of failures along the way um I've had a lot of successes luckily I've somehow made more money than I've lost and I but I love the the experience of building things that are in your head and making them real everybody listening right now is on a device that was in someone's head and they made it real or sitting on a chair that was in someone's head and they made it real or sitting in a building was in someone's head and they made it real It's [ __ ] amazing what we can do I love that I love that taking an idea like help for me was an idea like well what could we built a LinkedIn where people helped each other for free what about if we build a LinkedIn where everyone gets helped for free but also we'll pay people to help people for free what if we made it convenient for the people that can help to help because that's one of the big problems people want to help but they don't have time so you make it convenient for the person that wants to help to help I get thousands of DMS from people like please help me I'm like I don't read my DMs that's not where I help I help and help go there yeah and I will help you when I've got the time to do it right and I think that that whole idea to me is an idea in my head that is real it's alive today hundreds of thousands of members it's working people are getting help they need people are helping people when they making them feel better when they do it and be paying people to help people right like it and it's an idea in my head you know like and I and I I that from that day that got that first company you know gardening company idea in your head real it's just amazing what we can do how how many of those did you start by yourself and how many did you go into business with somebody or co-founder um so numbers aside because that's boring for listeners I think what was interesting My outcome is that for me I have had the most successful businesses when I've had a co-founder yeah so um I interviewed Nick Jenkins on my podcast a little while ago he the founder of moonpig and we kind of had a little bit of a healthy discussion about like he he was a soul found and he loved it right he didn't want a co-founder he didn't want anyone to talk to about it it was all him he did it and I get it not for me though I like team I I would rather about 50% of a successful business than 100% of something I don't enjoy and so all the businesses that have been super successful for me have being co-founder businesses businesses I've someone's got a different skill to me but the same moral code and they're the businesses for me that also the most scalable because I can go on holiday and that person still you know like it instantly you get a little bit of scalability when you have a co-found found ER I love teams I love building things with other people I don't need 100% of something and so um for me anyway and I think for a lot of people that really enjoy their businesses co-founder structure works for me that's one of the common things I see the other thing is I've always been quite I didn't realize it until I look back now on my life but know that 15-year-old me that struggled to start a business after the gardening company I started a hotel booking service this to show how old I am for your listeners listening right now they might think I'm 25 but I'm not um when I when I first uh when I my first business after the gardening company people used I basically identified that people would ring a hotel this in the UK or this in the UK yeah people would ring in the old days you used to ring up a hotel to make a hotel booking you didn't have the internet so you just hello have you got a room and people were like in the hotel I was working in they're like oh we're full and they put the phone down but like we spent so much money getting that phone call to this hotel the receptionist is happy to put the phone down I'm like no no no next time they do that pass them to me so that oh we're full but I'm just going to pass you to Simon he's our marketing consultant pass me like what sort of room you looking for oh there's a Four Seasons down the road we can book you in there they're like okay great we get 15% commission for putting him into another hotel so so what I'm I'm explaining I guess is like each time I built a business I've also like leveled up my skills yeah and each time I built a business the general formula is always the same it starts with sales you know like and and your brain identifying like the garden is messy the house is big you're putting the phone down on some and and and everyone's got this muscle by the way it's just it's Common Sense muscle like why is that broken why is this not working if people want to start a business probably the best thing to do is like think to yourself what problem do you want to solve that you're feeling today you know like you go to the beach and there's no surfboards and you why not cuz you haven't got a car you can put it on so start a surfboard shop or bring someone in to run a surfboard shop for you with you you know what I mean like just identify problems that in your life and see if there's a business in it have you ever had a a co-founder relationship not work out or yeah I have um I've had many co-founder relationships not work out for various reasons probably the number one reason is uh moral code alignment and moral code is quite a hard thing to assess in someone when you first meet them I mean some of the biggest narcissist most Charming people in the world right how how do you know it's like relationships right you don't really know you move in with them and then you get a joint bank account and then you're like oh [ __ ] hold on you know so so it's a discovery process I made that mistake when I opened up a gym right wrong just completely different moral code yeah but I didn't know to begin with it was only till working with him for like over a year I was like hang on yeah this is terrible and then at that point you're locked in yeah like difficult to get out but you learned so how do you check now now I just do a lot more background checks on them I ask people that know of them I asked what they're like um and sometimes I just ask myself do I really need this person and sometimes I I don't but it's again it's it's difficult because there's so many people now that have just mastered the art of charming totally one another and they just they they will come to you and sell you the dream and just tell you about all these amazing things that we can do this together we can do that I'll help you do this you just need to actually see if they're capable of doing that and I I put them through a couple of tests yeah everything you just said there like I feel like I should have you on my podcast in the future like that's a great starting point all those things you just said there like ask questions get referrals check right but you know what you got to listen to your gut as well like I would say some of my mistakes in the past like I launched a comic book business I I so wanted to do this cool thing we had this idea of like doing a DC and Marvel comics in Asia and what if Superman landed in China what would that story look like you know what if Batman was born in India what would that story look I was so excited because when I said this to someone in America like well Superman's going to be evil like why because he's in China is he going to be evil like I really found that interesting the cultural like misunderstanding like we still going to be a good guy he's just Landing in China he's just going to save people in China instead of save people in America why have you instantly thought Superman's going to be evil because anyway I really wanted to do it and the guy that I basically teamed up with to do it I just overlook looked the red flags yeah cuz I so wanted to do it you know like I just and I'm sure it's same with the gy I wanted to do a gy man let's do it you know and I think it is it is patience again you know like just but equally the only cave I'd say to all of this is that sometimes you just also got to go for it yeah you know because people do change I have seen bad people turn good and I've seen good people turn bad you know money in particular can do weird things to people right I've seen good people turn bad because of money and I've seen I've seen bad people actually turn a corner like oh I shouldn't have done that and you know go back the other way when they've real so people do change and I think there's a misconception where people say oh people don't change they're always going to be that way no experiences change people right well I'm glad I had that experience when I did I was in like mid 20s and it just it taught me so much and after that it forced me to go off and do everything by myself which I think the reason why I teamed up with him in the first place was because I didn't think I could do it alone right and then I realized actually it was something that I you ever co-founder or partner since no but how old are you I'm 33 so now you look a lot older yeah anyone listening in case they haven't come and looked you on YouTube you don't I look worse in real life guys no you don't um yeah so I'm in a I'm in a great position now where there's so many different things which I could potentially start up all these business ideas the opportunities that I have I'm a known person so it's easy to get money or to find co-founders so where I once was a you know a fitness influencer guy doing the the whole online coaching fitness app thing I want to transition away from that and um even with some of my existing businesses is one at the moment where I'm considering giving away Equity because I see it has a lot of potential but as you said before I do have you done that before giving away Equity no be careful yeah okay now first of all uh I'm sometimes a Walk In conflict with some of my advice right but like I think everybody should ask for equity in the company they work in everybody the staff everybody yeah if you work in a company you should either have a path to own something or you should own Equity where you'll work or if you can't get those things you should go work somewhere where you get Equity because you cannot scale when you sell time the only way scale is when you own a brand and you own a part of something that works when you sleep no passive income that's also bollocks but that's another subject I think um when it comes to like the psychology of building a business the person who comes in if you just give them Equity there is also an element like they can just walk away and nothing matters because they they didn't lose anything right so there needs to be an element of balance so for example Callum uh who's part of my team he bought into the platform he only had a little bit of savings but all that he had he bought in so if it doesn't work he loses something right and I think therefore he has equity in something that now is worth a lot of money but what I'm pointing out is like you have work harder w't they there has to be an element of risk right there has to be an element of risk because I've taken R youve taken risk the people who are on the journey with you also need to take risk right um but I also don't think sometimes I think back to your age right which was only a few years ago for me people listening on Spotify um the the thing is sometimes experience can work against you as you get older right so example like I think it was Michael Gladwell wrote a book about um air air airplanes accidents and it turned out the most amount of accidents in airplanes were caused by the most experienced Pilots which seems counterintuitive right how come the most experienced Pilots have the most of accidents it turns out it's because they're jaded so for example a plane's taking off I won't name the exact plane CU I'm somehow going to be disrespecting the people that got hurt on the plane but the plane takes off and uh the older pilot says to the younger pilot oh there's ice in the wing but we're just going to leave it because normally when you take off it just falls off mate so if we have to stop and you know heat that up and we'll lose half an hour and I'll miss my dinner and I've done this a thousand times it's fine they take off this time the ice doesn't drop off and the plane has a problem right and I think in business like your experience with your co-founder what you did wrong was not what you now know but it wasn't having a co-founder that was the problem right so definitely having partners I I I can't say enough I would not be successful today if it wasn't for Helen Griffith joining me at fluid there's no way I'd be sitting here with you today I just wouldn't it wouldn't have worked there's no way now she actually wanted to join originally as an employee and she was quite happy mhm gave her 50% now there's strange caveat with that one because I ended up marrying her so giving her 50% worked out right but um but but but conceptually you know like I think that don't let experience also teach you the wrong lesson don't let failure teach you the wrong lessons sometimes people take the wrong I shouldn't get a co-founder because I had this bad experience no you didn't do it right cuz I my experience co-founder is like a 10x on most of the valuations businesses I've been involved in so yes um I I can start a business on my own I can um but if I allocate and co-founders by the way I mean I brought people into my businesses I've been running it two years and I bring people in they're still co-founders if they have Equity they come my co-founders I people always have a misunderstanding about you give people feeling of ownership why not make them proud of where they work they're part of building it yeah it's I think it's people leverage these things against their team instead of work it towards supporting their team and their Ambitions right I don't know if that makes sense what I'm saying there to you but like don't let your experience Jade you and anyone listening like they've had oh I don't like cofounders I had this bad experience too I don't trust people maybe it's just a person don't let that person win by that being your new way of living you know well I think it's deciding like which route should I go down because I'm like you I don't want to get caught up in running the business like this you can't scale if it's just you yeah and there's things I like doing which are having like almost like the biggest return on investment like doing social media thing yeah like I love doing it so it's dangerous by the way personal brand social media because if you stop it stops yeah if you stop making this content it stops yeah so you can't live like this forever yeah that's very true yeah personal Brand's a bit overrated in that regard like I spent the longest time building a company that happened to help my personal brand over time but then that company can run without me personal brand can come later and don't be wrong I think personal brand is quite powerful today if you can like what you're doing I actually think I love what you're doing you build a great personal brand you build the respect then you launch a clothing line then you do these things I actually think that's also cool but launching the clothing line is actually quite vital and if that doesn't work launch something that does work you know like make sure you don't be just you uh because then you'll be forever a slave to the system you you'll create a job for yourself it's deciding whether to give away Equity or just hire more people to run it like which how would you decide which one to do I don't think anyone should work anywhere without Equity so um but on the owner of side of equation I won't sit on the employee side of the equation for a minute I'll sit on the owner side of the equation I I think it makes sense to have a mechanism that everyone feels ownership in some way so the first step I think in that is and you touched on it earlier but like making sure the people that join your business are truly aligned with your purpose and not just saying it they [ __ ] are they mean it right because if they just join and they're like giving you lip Sur I love your clothing brand I just love cloes it's just awesome and I I wore it it's so nice and you're like all right and then they join you and you spend six months building it up and you and then Lululemon calls them up and says hey we're going to pay you double and you want to come over to Lululemon oh yeah yeah yeah double I'm there so there's no loyalty that so so I think you know that due diligence and co-founder is just as important in due diligence in your employees even if you do initially bring them on as employees and I've done that I've initially bring people on as employees because that's how you get to know each other right and then I pay them and then they they're able to pay their bills and but as you develop I think it's a mistake to keep people employees I think the Cooperative model and Equity I was do it on a means testing model like Callum who joined me how much can you afford what's your savings mate it's like I've got ex savings how long's it taken together a couple of years it's also my parent they gave me some money it's all I've got it's all I've got all right mate would you be willing to put that into this he said yes without blinking you know what that tells me he [ __ ] is honestly truly doing this because he [ __ ] believes in it cuz the amount of money he put in is actually gamechanging for someone his age he'd go live in barley for a couple of years and not have to worry he's not saying actually can I have more money and also I'm not putting my own money in mate I'm not stuck I'm not an idiot am I you know like he's like I'm all in yeah I'm all in see see what I mean like it's the best interview you could ever have it's like the real test I don't need his money I mean he's got his money back already twice over so far but I'm just saying like conceptually like it's that commitment you see what I mean it's the same thing with Fitness like if somebody for examp Noti this when people sign up like to my app for example if you're just investing you know10 a month you don't really take it that seriously if anything I should be charging it more but if somebody pays 1,000 or 5,000 or £10,000 for a program they're going to [ __ ] take it seriously because they put so much of their money into it that it's like well I there's no way I'm going to waste this this is a really interesting subject you're touching on now because there's a Nuance to it okay so why I describe and what you describe are not actually the same thing although I know exactly what you're talking about MH I'm talking about my side of it is I think this actually this the subject we're about to touch on now is probably one of the most controversial subjects out there uh when it comes to like people paying for stuff and not paying for stuff right and when I'm talking about Callum I'm I'm talking about uh validation that he believes in the purpose right not about commitment to the work because he was already committed to the work right and I'm also talking I'm talking about his want to be successful and making it a need to be successful right so when he doesn't have any savings anymore it's now also like a need not just a want right and the Vikings used to call this Burning the boats you turn up on on England you burn the boats that got you there you're not going back you're dead or you're going to you're going to conquer England right so in Ken's case I'm talking about he turned his want into a need and I validated his true feelings around whether or not he cares about the problem I'm trying to solve right what you're talking about I I I categorize complet I've gone through all the cycle of what you're talking about in all the business I build what you're talking about has come up every single business what you're actually talking about is identifying people that really need it okay and one way that many people validate if someone actually needs it is if they pay but it isn't actually the driving force so an example would be how many people pay quite a lot of money for a gym membership but don't go that's quite a lot [ __ ] huge amount of people so that instantly actually negates that it's money and commitment of money that in in EN encourages and confirms commitment what actually psychologically confirms commitment is if that person doesn't do it they're going to die right if I know I'm going to die if I don't do your exercise regime if I know that I [ __ ] I'm going to do it now if I've got no money and I can't afford your app I'm still going to do it if I can afford your app and it's 50 Grand I'm still going to do it if I've got the money doesn't it's about Market identification it's about identifying who actually [ __ ] needs it not just wants it right and so again no amount of money the money causes an element a false element of need that's actually what that does it it doesn't actually it's not the true cause of that person doing it so if that person didn't pay the person you're talking about who did pay and they did it if they didn't pay they still would have done it if I died into their lives and I've done this I know I know for a fact this is true if I dug into their lives without doubt they're doing it the money is just part of it it's not the reason for it they've had a health scare their partner left them there's a reason they've gone from want to need but most people I see that get fear they had a health scare MH right that's what though I've got to [ __ ] sort myself I'm going to get diabetes if I carry around like this it's it's not a want anymore it's a need and money has just become a weird way of proving it it's not the only way and I know this is an experiment on my side so I help people for free right I put a video up with all the knowledge I've ever gained in business in 30 years for free in YouTube you people paid nothing and they've watched the whole thing for 2 and 1 half hours and replayed it and replayed it and replayed it didn't pay anything for it the great thing about YouTube is you can reach all the people in the world that actually need it and not just want it so it's got two and a half million views in a week right and you what you read the comments there's people like this has changed my life this is unbelievable didn't pay anything for it it's it's insane the amount of value that's on it for free it's crazy but that's what I'm saying like so money has become this thing that people use as a Gateway so what happens is and I'm I say this very carefully I got a lot of friends that sell courses and stuff right so nothing wrong with selling courses nothing wrong with making money from selling courses I'm not I'm not against that I'm against the belief system that money motivates people it's one motivator it's not the motivator and an example is someone say to me well I did a free course and then uh no one turned up right I'm like you didn't Market it to the right people then and you didn't explain it right and you probably don't have the reputation of actually delivering most people think that free course when they get on it and this is a property company I was thinking of recently the property course that they advertise free that no one turned up to is because everyone knows that company as soon as you go on that course they're going to upsell you some [ __ ] you don't want at the end of it right so no one's going to go in there and get hard sold something and then half the information given to them no one [ __ ] turns up the courses I do that are free [ __ ] full up turn people turn up they're there right why because in those those moment when I do those webinars I'm not selling them anything and I'm giving Tru value so that's it people turn up it's bollocks and I marketed it right to people that actually need it not just want it now I can start saying well if I don't charge people money they don't want that justifies me charging money that's fine but don't just accept that that's just you trying to make money I don't mind that don't people are using it as a reason for charging people money don't don't do that just say I need to make money on this course so I'm charging 100 quid for it that's the way it is but if I took the 100 quid off and the value is so good my Brand's so good and the there is so good people will still turn up and that's the truth but people could be saying if people don't pay they don't pay attention it's a [ __ ] lie just like the harder you work the luckier you get it's a [ __ ] lie just be honest I need to charge money to make money to pay my bills that's a lie they stop pretending it's something to do with money maybe one factor in some cases it's not the factor [Music] mhm I wanted to touch on briefly property because we we nearly got into that before we started the podcast you don't believe that you should own property I think property business is a scam mhm and I cave at it by saying I bought a home a massive home in the country so um I I bought that home because I'm English and my subconscious just can't [ __ ] not do it and we're all like in England everyone wants to own a home right and also for some reason when my son was born I wanted him to have a stable place to live right having kids changes everything I would even say that my argument I'm going about I'm about to make about why no one should own a home there's probably caveats to it and one of them is kids right you want stability for your kids but this is my problem with it how long have I got this is a very long potential like download on this [ __ ] oh it's fine go wild yeah okay first of all you know let's take the sector of the property Market that people accept as like it's definitely worth owning a home you live in because it's better than rent right that's the argument rent versus mortgage my experience as someone that's made a lot of money is that I don't want to be stuck in one location because I own a house and I don't want to put my savings including the deposit into a house especially when I was young if I put that money on deposit on a house and then on top of that I'm spending money keeping the house making it nice I have to fix the washing machine I have to fix the fence that's been blown over I have to fix the guttering I I have to do all these things and not the landlord my mind is taken up the most important part and then also resources are slowly being sucked out of you owning a home costs money it's not free when you own a home and then of course the mortgage rates can go up and all these things I would rather rent and if the landlord lifts the rent move somewhere else especially when I'm young I don't have kids right and i' rather move with the opportunity is and so that's the first step understand that it's not rent versus mortgage sometimes it's mortgage versus Freedom understand the real framing of it because people are stupid when they say it's mortgage versus rent example I started my guarding company as I mentioned earlier and I had nowhere to live at first and then I moved into a squat and then when I did the deal with the Cricket Club I moved into the Cricket Club shed where I kept all the equipment and I had free office and I had free accommodation and I was able to put all the money I was making back into the business right when you're young you can do that even when I had a little bit of money I went to Hong Kong I still slept to my friend's couch right so I think that you know when you're young anyway like this accommodation thing is a ruse it traps people it gets them stuck in a location it gets them stuck on a monthly fixed cost even the mortgage companies say you can't let someone else live there um you can't do this you can't do that uh your mortgage infringement blah blah blah and if you look at the paperwork you don't actually [ __ ] own the house right you're going to pay four times more for it by the time you paid off the mortgage and technically the bank owns the house because the bank's using your house to go borrow even more money out on the ecosystem right so you don't own it you're [ __ ] battery for the mortgage company you're paying that you're working for the bank just be honest about it at least understand it don't go into it thinking you're owning it you may own it later assuming you pay the mortgage off in 30 years and you're not doing a no interest payment thing which is [ __ ] dumb you pay it off in 30 years let's assume you do that right most people don't because they upgrade lifestyle inflation they they get kids they get a bigger house most people die in the house they finally own at 65 right and then what happens we've got two kids because this is the other argument well I'm doing it for my kids I bought a house I'm doing it for my kids I'm doing a job I hate to pay the mortgage to work for the bank to own the house so that my kids have a better life which is beautiful sounds beautiful it's a [ __ ] lie as well cuz what actually happens in the reality the economics reality right most people don't own a home in a trust because it's expensive to run a trust system they own it in their own name that's how the banks want it as well because they can take it off you in your own name so what happens when you die is inheritance tax in most countries especially in England 45% so that house that your parents have managed to pay off if they have managed to pay off and haven't got a mortgage to pay for your [ __ ] University education you didn't need or they haven't paid off byy you some [ __ ] car you didn't need or whatever getting married cost whatever they haven't already remortgaged to do all that [ __ ] let's assume they actually kept it pure and managed to get out of debt and exist so get another mortgage good debt [ __ ] they actually managed to own it and die in it owning it now you got two kids let's say now those two kids 45% inheritant tax gone now you split the Le leftover after a bit of tax between those two people those two kids or average people have 2.3 children in England right two kids now you've got the deposit for the very house you parents have just died in you have to spend the next 30 years paying that [ __ ] mortgage it's a treadmill it's a [ __ ] light and then the other side of it is people like okay the property went up three times in value yeah gold went up more since 1970 than property yeah gold doesn't require you to [ __ ] change the windows and fix the gutter and all that [ __ ] okay storage money goes up if you put it into any asset that has value over time property in my opinion is damaging the economy Monopoly was invented by a very clever woman like a lot all good produ were invented by clever women and they she invented this Monopoly board to explain she had two boards one was property and land was not owned by anybody it was it was tribal it was Community run it's not socialism it's basic human needs being taken care of it's not socialism yeah I believe in capitalism it's basic human needs water at that time and a place to sleep a tent to live in were basic human needs right and she designed Monopoly to show here's when you create create an ecosystem that land and a tent is a basic human need and we provide it for each other and we all go around the board forever having food and water and living together create Monopoly there's one [ __ ] winner at the end of every single game because that's how it works so what start these rent to rent buy to rent people that should be banned right but even they're starting to lose what's happening now the institutions starting to say okay we can lend people the money the value's gone up now we can buy them so the institutions starting to buy up property this is a new new trend so it won't be people that own property today that will win right now I'm going to get into what I think is probably the biggest part of this property [ __ ] mess is that the very people that that run the system that keep us all alive the very people that get [ __ ] by this property system so nurses for example if you got a problem today you run to the emergency it'll be a nurse that probably makes sure that you and a doctor but there'll being that without that nurse there the doctors run off his feet you need that nurse she's going to save your life what you've done is you just bought a house you've renovated it and you've squeezing 9% out of her yeah so now the NHS can't really afford to pay her more so one in three people in the UK nurses wise are on food stamps so the person you want to save your life today right this very moment you've been [ __ ] them making sure you get as much yield out of them as you can in a house yeah cuzz we've not providing them with accommodation they can afford right there's people that are saving same for the fber Gade police we can't pay them more cuz there's no money tree remember that [ __ ] no money tree but there's money tree for [ __ ] everything else that comes along that provides big companies with money right so you got all these people that are literally like the Frontline workers remember we all clapped for them like yeah Clapp for you buy a rent good idea yeah let's make sure that you can buy a house and [ __ ] charge someone for fixing the kitchen right it's not contributing to society it's damaging Society it should not be a business that buy to rent stuff should be gone home ownership I can understand an element of it but a buy to rent should be gone it should not be a business like that then all the property prices go up and you know the other thing is that with property prices are same it's not like starting a business if you start a business let's say you start a Woodshed Building Company well you're buying wood from the local chippy you're hiring people you're buying equipment right that goes back into the economy the money goes back into the economy it's all GDP economy it goes back to the system right whereas property it goes up let's say it doubles in value yeah it's just sitting there it's not GTP contributing it's not real wealth it's [ __ ] what causes inflation it's why your [ __ ] cucumbers ridiculously expensive it's like and then people say well I can sell it and um have loads of money no you haven't inflation man now everything's gone up your house hasn't doubled cucumbers have doubled tripled quadrupled you know like it the whole business cuz I I when I when I made a lot of money I had all these Financial advis every single one of them [ __ ] idiots like telling me buy houses and rent them out I'm like does el on mus do that does he how many houses does he have zero [ __ ] buy a house and rent it out do you think I'm a [ __ ] idiot I've got a brain I'm going to want buy a house and change a lock on the front door and fix the kitchen and call myself a business man [ __ ] off it's not business yeah it's headache it's stupid and a lot of very smart people are doing it I'm like what the [ __ ] go build something real MH right s social housing projects renovate buildings I there's some things I I'll have caveats to the property side of it there are some caveat if you can take a disused warehouse and turn it into Flats great more accommodation in the in the ecosystem that I I don't I don't mind so much but like taking existing Supply putting a new kitchen in it changing the lock on the door and charging more for it and that value going up which means people can't afford to buy which means rent goes up it's just a [ __ ] where's it going to end no one can afford to rent no one can afford to buy but young people are [ __ ] good news they've got social media so somehow some of them might be able to make enough money to afford that [ __ ] and all their parents die and give it to them unfortunately it's still going to be a bit of a SLO but at least they have to deposit for the house to get back onto the mortgage system as long as those big companies don't buy out everything and make you [ __ ] work for them paying the mortgage told you it was a bit of the Spiel didn't I could tell you're quite passionate about that subject I just understand it and it frustrates me that nothing's being done about it in fact it's getting worse yeah so I just I just I just feel annoyed I'm just like we know the problem it's like the education system we know there's a problem here's a we know a few of the solutions it's not that hard teach financial literacy mhm so I like it's maths but you know with like depth it's like why not yeah why are we not doing it so that's why I am doing it as best as I can in my own small way because I just I don't want to moan about it I want to do something about it so I I don't buy property and rent it out and I [ __ ] fight as hard as I can to try and change the system so that people can have a better life and you know it's um I am passionate about it but I also I have to pace myself because I know it's going to take maybe 30 40 years to fix a lot this stuff yeah well you're doing the right thing with the the content that you're putting out there especially those recent videos that are taking off like people clearly care about them and want to see more so is that is what's your your goals for the rest of this year well I think we kind of have a goal to help one person every day in a meaningful way um we're building up help platform to every day we're adding a new thing on there to try and make it more useful to people really digging into what is help how do we help people like really help people and build out the community more so we're 5 million strong right now we just hit 5.1 million on our uh system just building that Community because that's the thing as well like again like politics it's like red versus blue you know I'm conservative I'm labor it's like we're not against each other I don't I want to help you let's do it what do you need and then someone I just want build a community where that's the mindset forget politics we don't need these people they're just in the way anyway they just lie to us it's just my goal this year is just keep building the community keep trying to share this knowledge with people which why I'm grateful you have have me on the podcast today yeah I just I just want people to understand things then they have informed consent if they hear what I'm saying about property and they go and buy property at least they know right if I tell them about how the business works and they decide to still work for someone else that's cool man I'm not here to judge I'm not saying you should be an entrepreneur I'm saying saying I want you to have the option to have an entrepreneur so one way to educate people today they're not going to let me into school to tell this so I come on great people's podcasts like yours go schools telling you what how [ __ ] school is when I saw my company all the NBA programs invited me in to speak to their students and kind of they didn't invite me back because my opening statement was like you've just wasted $200,000 doing this pointless NBA but that they all invited me separately and I went into all of them separately I went to Harvard and did they all inter intervie and all went in all of them and just so my company this is how I did it you've all wasted your money with this course right and they didn't invite me back but you know it it it's um that's the way I think you know my mission for you ask me for the next year is just like keep I it's hard work trying to make change you know I I could be at home with my son now swimming in the pool I I just but I know this is important for his future so I I'm pushing myself through the pain barrier to like just get to the finish line and leave have a system in place that isn't me complaining about it all and doing nothing except selling some shitty course that doesn't really do anything I want to like keep pushing to There's an actual system in place where people can actually get help you know that's why we're installing a doorbell in every country and when we're doing a doorbell in every single country you can press that doorbell you pitch your dream we upload it to 5 million people to try and help it come alive so we're in Dubai installing a doorbell we put it on a Ferrari Mo vogs Ferrari yesterday you so you know we're trying to build infrastructure that isn't just talk about the problem and then no solution cuz that's no good yeah a lot of people are doing that like oh it's not working is it and then do nothing so we got we right now this year is like just establish a system that actually tries to help people for free so people don't think there's a catch for free and make it like really work for as many people as we can awesome when uh when's the book out the book's out January but you can buy it now pre-order is very important next January this coming January damn it that's too far away I know a lot of people said that which is a good thing build up demand but if you pre-order it really helps actually cuz uh then then all the um opro will interview me if it's the time's best seller so the more it sells now will all count for the dates released as a best seller so i' I've done a little bit different on my book marketing other people I'm doing a pre-order 6 months saying buy it now then it'll be a number one 's best seller and then Oprah will interview me and then I'll be able to say to her she's got a slightly bigger audience in you I think not much few few hundred million more and we'll be able to get this message out like you know let's move away from give and take to give or out take awesome well the link to the the book and the pre-order is in the description guys and then I guess everyone can find you if they just type in your name but don't care don't don't DM you because you don't reply yes and be careful there's there's 7,000 fake Simon scribs on Tik Tok that's like blown my mind look for the verified Simon squid be very careful for scammers are they well I guess yeah they're asking people for money they're not spreading the the're if they're just spreading the good word mind you imagine that imagine the these people that no they're just pretending they're me and they slip into people's DMS this is why I don't reply to DMS as well it's like they slip into people's DMS saying would you like to buy Bitcoin with me and what's mad what's mad is i' I've never talked about crypto I've never promoting crypto people like oh sure Simon let's do it like no don't do it you've been warned guys you've been warned Simon thank you very much I appreciate it that was amazing I'm actually very fired up after that so thank you thanks for having me on man no problem