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Tier List for Patch 5.1D

what is up YouTube I'm Royal I'm rank one wild drift and in this video I'm bringing you my tier list for patch 5.1 D so the cool things about 51d is the addition of maai who came in in Midway through the last patch and of course the Jacks rework so let's see exactly where they fall into our tier list let's not forget that maai had some huge Nerfs after being obviously god tier in every role but let's see where he falls in now starting off with the baron Lane and maai is actually going to be S TI because Baron Lane is just not his best role he does have a few Mana issues in the baron Lane without having obviously blue buff having to spam his abilities however he's still going to be an S steer Baron laner and of course Jax is g to be probably the best Baron laner after his rework like his rework was just straight up buff ja does the exact same thing but now he does more damage doing it because of his ultimate change and now he also has more options on his build he can build a lot more magic damage since he has a lot more AP scalings I do recommend playing him with a Divine Thunder or a trinity Force into Rift maker into more Bruiser and tank items I don't think full AP is the way to go however with this more Bruiser AP build he's definitely god tier and of course joining him the got here is going to be Fiora who received some really nice Buffs in this last patch her ADC scalings are really high on her two damage so if you're able to get ahead especially you will absolutely destroy everyone in a one V one and of course joining them is going to be Garen who I think is probably the easiest best champ to play he he's so effective either as a tank or as a Bruiser and he's so easy to play at the same time that honestly makes no no sense this Champion does deserve a Nerf so if you're looking for some quick easy wins definitely pick Garen in the S tier of course we have all the top picks that are just not on the level of the god tier Champions the god tier Champions are just way too strong both in the early and the late game uh in the E year we have a few more Niche picks that work well situationally like the teimo like the Canon who actually got buffed the patch before this and he is a really good option he just can't really compete against the gatier Champions like if you're playing Canon you're leaning against the Garen it's going to be a very very difficult game for you uh in the B tier we have some very very Niche situational picks that I don't really recommend however they can be good in the right situation this is why I'm including them even kale can be beat here in the right situation she can be really strong so now let's move on to the Jungle so in the jungle I've decided to go ahead and add Vigo and Lilia back to the god tier the Nerfs were definitely not as substantial as I thought it would be so I've just put them back into the god tier and of course joining them will be the after Nerf maai that's right he's still a g tier champion after all those Nerfs in the jungle it's unbelievable but his jungle clear is still really quick since he didn't really rely on his over attacks so it doesn't matter he A1 down he's relying on his first ability percent Health damage so you can still do a lot of damage to Jungle Camp so he's clear still really quick and he's still an absolute Menace In team fights so he's still definitely deserves to be in god tier in s tier we see a couple new Champions obviously Jax is now an S tier jungler because if though his passive doesn't work on the jungle camps his second ability does more damage jungle camps so his clear speed is actually not that bad his first clear speed is pretty slow but after it's first clear and he really starts to get going especially after you get Trinity Force which I definitely recommend as the first item in the jungle your clear is really fast your damage is insanely high and you're so good in these 2v2 3v3 skirmishes that junglers get into into the early in mid game Graves has also joined the Ester his clear speed is just out of this world he probably the best invade jungler once you get your armor Stacks with your third ability you do not lose any fights so definitely look to contest SC look to invade if you can especially with the red buff constantly slowing the enemies and kiing them out Graves is an absolute monster obviously lein is going to be got here forever this Champion just needs to be nerfed but there's many stier junglers right now there's lot of variety in the jungle when I say variety I mean it's mostly carry junglers the only tank options are Mumu and maai however there's a lot of really really strong junglers both AP ad and now we even have a couple tanks the a tier junglers can still be really really good in the right situations carry junglers like Nyla Kane and Zed are pretty much only there because they're out shadowed by other carry junglers but they're still really really strong Diana obviously got a big big Buffs a couple patches ago noooo is pretty strong as another tank option if you're not going to go for a Mumu or maai or even Wukong I guess a bit of a tank uh the nooo can be a great option I would recommend staying away from the B tier Champions however they can be really good in the right situation especially I want to highlight Shan and Gwen Gwen absolutely destroys tanks great pick against maokai right and Shan is a great supportive option he's obviously not as CC heavy as these other tanks but if you have if you're really good at the jungle and can read the map well you're always ready to counter gank with your ultimate uh however the rest of the B tier champion I would probably recommend staying away from because don't really fill any niches so they're not even that good in most situations for example why would you play Fizz when you can play like Evelyn or eeko right and definitely I would tell you from the C and D tier Champions I've had people tell me that Ranger is good I just I just don't see it honestly obviously kale is a terrible option to which do not do not even bother he's just nerfed into the ground he's only useful with a uh with a Lulu so now let's jump into the midlaners so in the mid lane Jace did get nerfed unfortunately but well deserved so I'm actually going to drop him down into the S tier because his burst simply isn't that good and it was mostly a mid lane effective Nerf because you want to use your first ability to just pounce on someone absolutely destroy them so Casten is goingon to be the only Gotti your Champion obviously Casten is more of a situational pick because he does get hard countered by Champions like Jace Champions like Lucian so of course he's more of a counter pick to of these AP Champions are really really strong all of these Mages but if you get him in the right situation he's defin not just God here he's absolutely insane uh in the S tier of course we have all the usual really strong Mages and really strong assassins like the aali like the Diana like the Yasuo obviously cnra Morana and zigs have been the best assass the best Mages excuse me and corki joining them as well who is kind of a mage pretty much in the E TI or other really strong options especially situationally TF made his way from s tier to a tier with those Nerfs however he's still a great utility option with his stun cards that didn't really get affected in the B tier again we have some very very situational picks I do want to point out that Karina actually made her way from D tier into B tier she's actually a good Champion now if you can get her in a comp where the enemies don't have a lot of lockdown you don't have low CC and you can just jump in there and Penta kill the enemy team so again these are more situational picks that can be really good in certain situations Kenan obviously steam fighting is insane and he can be really good or Soul can be really good in the league game and the C Champions I wouldn't recommend picking unless maybe you're like a onetick pike moving on to the ADC Dragon Ling position Varys honestly deserves his own tier because he is quite a bit better than Ezreal right now Varys is the best ADC no questions asked I don't know why they buffed him he's been got here forever and the Buffs are actually really meaningful in most of these builds especially the essence raver edge of Knight build or even Trinity force is extremely powerful right now on hit Varys is a little weaker with the Terminus Nerfs however with these ad ner ad Buffs I don't see why you would try these other builds like AP vars and onit vars are still are still gottier but this ad build with Essence raver is definitely the way to go and he's not just got here with that build he's probably the pick of the patch right he's absolutely insane his damage is insanely high if you hit your ulti you just do a fully charged first ability and it's always a kill pretty much on like every squishy champion and does like 60% of the Tank's HP so definitely the best Champion kaisa saw some slight Nerfs however I don't think that knocks her down to the S tier because honestly she was already ready to enter this go the god tier so these Nerfs are just going to make her a bit weaker however she definitely still deserves to be in the S tier not many other changes have happened um I'm kind of debating maybe putting jyn into the a TI however he's still just not there I don't think he's that strong Jinx vain still quite weak and obviously twitch is awful Sena should never be played ADC to be honest unless you have like a tank support obviously I keep saying this in every tier list but Senna wants to play as a support that carries and someone else is farming Kindred and action are not Seas I'd have them in D tier to deter people from playing them now let's move on to supports a couple things have changed in the support tier obviously we have the addition of maai who I think is great on the support role and he's definitely going to be god tier even after the Nerfs because while they do impact him uh he's still his kid is just still way too good he has way too much crowd controll in these steam fights he second ability is very spammable and very useful being able to just rout someone and not the back into your team is just so insane especially on the support role uh he's going to be joined by Lulu as the best enchanter and noress has another really good engaged support in the S tier thresh has fallen from the G tier because I actually think the Nerfs were quite heavy they're going to impact his laning phase a lot so he's going to go from having probably the strongest laning phase as a support just a mediocre laning phase so he's definitely a lot more manageable especially if you're playing a tank support it's going to be really hard hard for thresh to get those early kills but honestly every champion in the S tier and godtier is really really good in the E TI there's a few supports that I think are really strong and can be really good in the right situations for example you don't really want to be playing Soraka into thresh however if you can play saraka into Grom for example then Saka is honestly really insane immediately but again this is more of a situational pick and this is why she's lower than what a lot of you guys would think she would be uh unfortunately bran has pulling off a bit his damage is now quite a bit lower if you want to go for a mage support I do recommend Karma or Lux instead even Zyra can be a great alternative the CTI supports I would mostly stay away from the bti supports Ash can be good if played right Morana I don't really recommend she's kind of a weird support but her black shield can have a lot of value for your team so this my tier list if you agree with it let me know by liking the video If you disagree with it leave a comment down below explaining what you think should be where I always love hearing your guys' opinions debating with you a bit in the comments or just flaming you for your opinions that's always fun so please comment down below your thoughts if you enjo if you enjoyed this video leave a like and let me know what Champions you're going to be abusing this patch thank you so much for watching And subscribe for more wild drift content