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What combining form means 'tumor'?
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What does the combining form 'Hepato' refer to?
Break down the word 'Gastritis' and explain its meaning.
Gastr (stomach) + itis (inflammation) = Inflammation of the stomach
What is the difference between the terms 'ilium' and 'ileum'?
'Ilium' is part of the pelvic bone, while 'ileum' is part of the small intestine.
What is the role of a 'Nephrologist'?
A specialist in kidney disorders
Which prefix indicates 'above'?
Define the term 'Pathology' by explaining its components.
Patho (disease) + logy (study of) = Study of disease
What does 'Gastroenterology' stand for?
Study of the stomach and intestines (Gastr (stomach) + o + enter (intestines) + o + logy)
What is the foundation of a medical term called?
Describe the term 'Electrocardiogram' by breaking down its components.
Electr (electricity) + o (combining vowel) + cardi (heart) + o (combining vowel) + gram (record) = Record of the electricity in the heart
Which suffix can mean 'pertaining to'?
-ic or -ical
Explain the term 'Hematology'. Divide and define each component.
Hemat (blood) + o (combining vowel) + logy (study of) = Study of blood
Give the meaning and components of 'Epigastric'.
Epi (above) + gastr (stomach) = Pertaining to above the stomach
What does the prefix 'peri-' indicate?
Surrounding, around
What is the primary function of a combining vowel in medical terminology?
To link the root to a suffix or another root
Which suffix means 'process of cutting, incision'?
Which prefix denotes 'under' or 'below'?
What is the significance of the suffix '-algia'?
Define the combining form 'Leuko' and give an example.
'Leuko' means white. Example: Leukocyte (white blood cell)
What combining form means 'brain'?