The Evolution and Impact of Language

Oct 3, 2024

Lecture Notes: The Greatest Technological Discovery - Language


  • Main Topic: Greatest technological discovery - Language
  • Speaker: Petra Petrovic at the Center of Technology

Key Argument

  • Language is the greatest technological breakthrough, invented by Homo erectus approximately two million years ago.
  • Language laid the foundation for subsequent technological advancements.

Homo Erectus: A Pioneering Species

  • Longevity: Lived on Earth for nearly two million years, far longer than Homo sapiens so far.
  • Brain and Body:
    • Brain size: ~950 cc, 75% the size of an adult Homo sapiens male brain.
    • Physically adept: Capable of persistence hunting due to bipedal gait.
  • Tool Making:
    • Progression from Oldavon to Achullion to Levaldois tools.
    • Created both stone axes and wooden spears (for throwing and thrusting).
  • Transportation and Travel:
    • Evidence of seafaring: Colonies found on islands like Flores (Indonesia) and Socotra.
    • Extensive land travel: Spread to regions like Beijing, Indonesia, the Middle East, and Europe early on.

Evidence of Intelligence

  • Cultural Artifacts:
    • Venus of Barakat Ram and engraved shells as examples of symbolic thinking.
  • Hierarchical Villages:
    • Organized living spaces as seen in archaeological sites like Gesher Ben-Ott Yaakov.

Language and Communication

  • Speech Capabilities:
    • Vocal apparatus similar to a gorilla, with limited sounds.
    • Language could be possible with as few as two sounds, similar to binary code.
  • Sign Types:
    • Indexes: Physically connected signs (e.g., smoke as an index of fire).
    • Icons: Physically resembling signs (e.g., Mona Lisa as an icon).
    • Symbols: Culturally connected signs (e.g., numbers and tools as symbols).
  • Grammar Development:
    • G1 (linear order), G2 (hierarchical), G3 (recursive) grammars.
    • Modern languages today can have G1 type grammars.

Evolution of Language

  • Homo erectus had the capability for symbolic thought and primitive language.
  • Language is a cultural invention, not necessarily a genetic mutation.
  • Constant evolution and adaptation of language over time.


  • Significance of Language: A pivotal development that enabled other human achievements.
  • Call to Action: Embrace and utilize the power of language, appreciating its value as the most powerful tool given by our ancestors, Homo erectus.

Note: The lecture highlights the evolutionary and cultural journey of language, emphasizing Homo erectus's role in laying the groundwork for modern human communication. Understanding language's origins allows us to appreciate its profound impact on human development.