Transcript for:
Complete Facebook Ads Tutorial by Ben Heath

hi guys it's Ben Heath and welcome to this complete Facebook ads tutorial so in this video I'm going to go through the entire process of creating a Facebook and Instagram ad campaign from scratch so if you're a complete Facebook advertising beginner you've never run a Facebook ad before this video is exactly what you need it's going to go through the entire process from setting everything up in the beginning all the way through to getting an ad live in front of your target market if you've also been running Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns but you're not 100 sure that you've got all the elements correct this is also going to be really useful you can follow through and make sure you've got everything set up the right way okay so we're going to start right at the beginning by creating a meta business account what used to be called a Facebook business manager account now to do that you want to come through to this page which is forward slash overview I'll include a link to this page in the video description below and you want to go ahead and click on create an account now in order to do this you will need to be logged in to your personal Facebook profile meta want to make sure that anyone that's going to be doing anything business or related on The Meta platforms Facebook Instagram Etc that there's personal profiles associated with that helps with accountability and all that sort of stuff then you simply just want to come in and enter your business name so my business name is ligue for example your name will be automatically entered in because you'll be logged in and then you want to enter in your business email now I can't actually go through the next few stages and show you this because my business already has a number of business accounts set up and there's only so many that matter let you set up even when your Facebook ads agency like mine and we've got tens of millions of dollars worth of AD spend across multiple different ad accounts but just enter in your business email click submit and then you just need to go through a very simple process of entering a few bits of information and once you've done that you'll be taken through to the meta business Suite which will look something like this so the meta business Suite is a place where we can manage all of our meta related business assets so things like Facebook pages pounds Instagram profiles WhatsApp accounts all that sort of stuff is like a central location where you can manage everything now if you've been brought through to the meta business suite and you can't see this sort of stuff on the left-hand side business assets people etc etc the way you get here is just come down and click on this settings option and you'll be bought brought through now because you'll have a new um business account you won't see all this stuff down here so for example hands listed all our business assets that's what we've got selected and you can see we we're multiple seven figure agencies so when we scroll down you'll see that we have hundreds and hundreds of AD accounts and Instagram accounts and Facebook pages because we have hundreds of clients at any one time I can literally just keep going on this forever which is pretty cool now obviously if I scroll back to the top and you're not going to have all this stuff right and that's absolutely fine you're probably going to have nothing added in here so what you need to do is you need to add in your Facebook page your Instagram account and and either add in an ad account if you already have one or create a brand new ad account and that's going to show you how to do right now so to add a Facebook page into this business account we'll first go over to Pages then you want to go ahead and click on ADD assets and then select Facebook page as the top option then within here there are a few different options firstly if you haven't created a Facebook page um yet then you can absolutely go ahead and do what you will need to create one in order to be able to run our campaigns properly so you just want to Simply you click on create a new Facebook page you enter in a few simple details very straightforward and then that's all done it's already set up in here nice and easy I'm not going to go through that process because as you can see we've already got hundreds of Facebook pages in our business manager we don't need another one you can also claim an existing Facebook page so if I click on this so if you've created a Facebook page previously you need to put it into this business account and the way you do that is exactly what I'm showing you now you claim a Facebook page simply just enter your Facebook page name in here um or just go onto that page in a new tab grab the URL and pop it in here click next confirm add it in and you're all done okay so if you've already created a Facebook page this is the option that you want to select but if that's when it's your Facebook page if I just cancel out go back into ad assets Facebook page and or you can request to share a Facebook page so this is if you don't want to put the Facebook page inside a business account you don't want to put it into your own account and claim ownership of it but you want access to someone else's Facebook page in order to be able to do work so if you're offering any sort of Facebook advertising Services anything like that you can see it's as best for agencies who need access to clients page this is the option that you go ahead and select if you're just getting started with Facebook advertising obviously not an option that you're going to be using okay so that's us added in the Facebook page very important next thing is an ad account so we'll go over to ad account we've got tons and tons in here as well uh mostly our clients ones if we go ahead and click on ADD assets and then we scroll down to this advertising section and go ahead and select add account now again if you've never run ads before and you need to create a brand new ad account that's absolutely fine you can click on this top option go through the options it'll walk you through the process including how to set up billing information adding payment details which you'll need to do in order to start running ads you can claim an existing ad account so you've already run ads before you will have a an ad account created and you want to move it into this business account so if I click on claim and AD account what you want to do is just grab your ad account ID I'm not sure show you where to get that now so I've just jumped over to ads manager and if you're not familiar with this don't worry we're definitely going to get to this later on but if you have been running ads already you probably are familiar with ads manager and your ad account ID is just the number up here alongside the name of your ad account so you just want to copy that head back into your meta business Suite add in your ad account ID confirm done and then that ad account is added in to um your business account okay very important and of course if we just quickly go back into that section here click on ADD add account you can also request to share on ad account do the exact same thing as what we talked about the page but that's more for agencies not something that I'm going to focus on right now Okay so we've got Facebook page added in we've got an ad account added in if you've got an Instagram account I also strongly recommend you go ahead and add that in as well so you want to go ahead and click on ADD assets Instagram account and then you agree to terms you claim an Instagram account so there's not the option from within the meta business Suite to create one and you need to claim an existing one if you want to create a new ad a new Instagram account you'll need to head over to Instagram and do that instead but you click on this go through claim Instagram account it brings up like a new window you just enter in your Instagram login information claim the account and it go it goes ahead and gets added now there are also another of other type of assets that you can add in to your meta business account so if I click on ADD assets we've obviously got WhatsApp account we haven't discussed but there are other options in in advertising we've got custom conversions pixels all that sort of stuff you can add in catalogs a number of different options not going to go through and cover everything if you're getting started with Facebook Instagram advertising and all that stuff is far more in-depth and detailed than you need to worry about at this point I don't want to overwhelm you with information and make it much more difficult one other thing I do want to show you how to set up within metabusiness Suite is how to add in other people into your business account to let them do some of this stuff whether it's you know posting on your Facebook page or your Instagram account or setting up ads for you or anything like that you may well have other team members now again we're 30 plus person company so with all sorts of people in here you're not going to see anyone in here and that's absolutely fine when you're just getting started but what you want to do is go ahead and click on ADD people now you will automatically already be added in so your profile will automatically already be added because you're the one who created this business account um but you very simply want to enter in an email address so we could for example have example at Okay click next and then we can select what role they get within the business do they get employee access so they're not able to sort of add new accounts or remove them um there's certain things they're not able to do you can see that meta gives um information around that if you don't want someone to have full control over everything you want to go with employee as opposed to admin then when you click on next you can select Which business assets that this person does and does not have access to so if you clicked off on the drop down um you can give them access to your page and not your Instagram account or vice versa you can give them access to your ad account but not other stuff and you can go through and you can select the various options then you just go ahead and review invitation click done and they will then receive an invite so they can accept either via email or they'll receive a notification when they're logged into their Facebook profile and then they can be added into your um business account and they can start doing the sort of stuff that I'm going to show you how to do in a minute creating ad campaigns and things like that and I've already mentioned it but just quickly worth mentioning again if I just quickly click on billing it'll open up a new tab for us and here you can add in new payment methods okay and it's really important that you do have a payment method set up meta will not let you run a Facebook ad campaign Instagram ad campaign if they don't have payment information you can see on this side account for example we've got a small outstanding balance and it gives you some information around that you can grab invoices in here and it's a useful little tool okay that's all set up from The Meta business Suite standpoint now we're going to go ahead and head over into ads manager and actually go through the campaign creation process so before we jump over to adsman I just want to quickly mention that from within the meta business Suite where we are now you can actually create ads monitor them and all that sort of stuff and best ads option on the left hand side but I'd strongly recommend it instead you go ahead and use ads manager it is the better platform the one that most Facebook advertisers use so to get there you just want to click on all tools and then select ads manager you can see there's a little bit of information about it being the more advanced option so here we are now in ads manager this is what it looks like I've got an example ad account created that's why there are no campaigns in there because I use this for videos and demonstration purposes you might see a page that looks a little bit different but we're all going to be able to go through the same process now now before we create a a Facebook and Instagram ad campaign just want to quickly explain that there are three levels to a Facebook and Instagram ad campaign there's the campaign level there's the ad set level and there's the ads level important you're aware that there are three levels and that's how we're going to go through and set this up so I want you to go ahead and click on this green plus Creator button I'm just going to minimize that pop-up down and this first window is about the campaign level the top level ad sets within that ad is within that okay so first thing you need to do do is select a buying type you have auction or region frequency in most ad accounts and the default is auction that's what I'd recommend you go with by using auction your ads are entered into the auction as you might expect but that's where your bidding automatically against other advertisers to see which ads get put in front of people reaching frequency is a bit of a different setup where you're sort of just guaranteeing a certain amount of eyeballs for a certain price over a certain time period the downside with this is that often you don't reach the highest quality prospects so you're better off going with auction then you need to go ahead and choose a campaign objective now this campaign objective menu these six options It's relatively new it's called odax the previous version um had a number of different options but you can still do the exact same things and I've got a video about the differences between the two um campaign objective menus I'm going to explain how to do things within this campaign objective menu if you've got the old one just find the link to that video in the video description below that'll take you through there and you'll be able to see okay when you is talking about awareness in my menu the old version it corresponds to this and this okay hopefully that makes a lot of sense so I'm just going to quickly go through these campaign objectives and explain them because they are important so firstly we've got awareness now this is typically used for businesses that want to build their brand they want to get their stuff in front of as many eyeballs as possible so a lot of big businesses do this on Facebook Instagram they're not necessarily interested in people needing to click on an ad go through take a specific action like a purchase or become a lead they just want to be seen by as many people as possible get their stuff out there they big Brands like Coca-Cola do this sort of thing all the time tv ads Etc that's what awareness is typically for traffic is different that's where you want people to click on your ad and come through to your website typically there are a few other options but usually it's going to be coming through um to your website we typically would use that sort of campaign objective if we're advertising a piece of content that we want people to consume so let's say a blog post or something along those lines and it's going to warm up an audience and get them ready to to purchase we would also use traffic if we can't track what people are then doing after they click on an ad when they come through to the end destination so let's say we're running a campaign that's directing people to a page on Amazon we're selling products via Amazon and we want to send people from Facebook and Instagram to the Amazon page to purchase well we can't track that between your Facebook business account and what happens on Amazon therefore we can't go with some of the other options I'll explain in a minute and we're going to go with something like traffic okay traffic is used far too much by Facebook advertisers and is not the option that you want to be using if you actually want leads or sales that's very very important I want to get that across engagement is exactly what it sounds like if you want people to like your ads comment on them share them watch your video engagement is the option to go for so when people are trying to really build a community and engage with that community and keep them active and going and and interested in what they have to offer engagement is often a way to go not typically an option we use all that much then we get into leads now this is one of the two options that we use very very frequently and if you are looking to generate leads inquiries for your services people signing up for your email list there's a number of different forms that a lead can take then you want to be going for the lead option now once you select the lead option there are a number of different sort of subcategories of how that campaign can look within Facebook and Instagram and we're going to explain a little bit more about this at the ad set level but let's say you want someone to come through to your website and fill out an inquiry form that's absolutely fine you want to go ahead and use leads let's say you want to keep it within Facebook and Instagram either because you don't have a website or you just want to simplify the process you want them to be presented with a contact form where they can enter you know name email address phone number so that you can then contact them about your services and progress them through your sales funnel or then you'd want to use leads and instant forms that's absolutely fine and there are other options as well let's say for example you wanted someone to click on your ad and come through to Facebook Messenger in order to start a conversation with you about your services so lots of different options that you can use when it comes to leads app promotion is pretty self-explanatory are you advertising an app in which case go ahead and use this one and then there's sales which is the other option that we use all the time so the vast majority of the campaigns that we run are going to be leads or sales and that's because we want Facebook to optimize our campaigns for what we want and most businesses when they advertise on Facebook Instagram they want leads or they want sales so it absolutely makes sense to go I won't say click the sales option go ahead and get me sales now sales will work in a number of different ways there's people coming through to your website to purchase they could be um sending you a message via you know messenger or Whatsapp in order to work out the details and go on to make a purchase there there's a few different options um but these are the two that we typically use the most the demonstration purposes I'm going to go ahead and use leads the setup with sales is very very similar okay so we're going to go ahead and select leads here and I'm going to give this campaign a name you can see name your campaign I'm just going to call this new leads campaign so that we can nicely easily follow along click continue and now we are taken to a new window where there are some more options at the campaign level so you can see on the left here we've got our campaign level within that we've got our ad set level and within that we've got our ad level so we've given the campaign a name which is great special ad categories I've got a whole separate video about special ad categories links in the video description below if you want to find out more about that but if you are in a special category you need to declare that you are so are your ads in any one of these categories credit employment housing social issues local politics once you select these options you are limited in what you can do later down the line targeting options are limited for example but you have to select this if you are within a special ad category and it's fairly obvious once you read through these and you don't select it highly likely that your ad account will end up being restricted or just disabled altogether so most of you won't be within specialized categories and you can leave it as no categories declared some of you will be very very important that you go ahead and select if you are then we get into the campaign details buying type we've already talked about campaign objective we've also already talked about at this point you can go ahead and select this show more options and add in a campaign spending limit if you're a bit nervous about forgetting about the campaign or just going ahead and spending too much you can click on edit here and say I want to add a campaign spend limit I don't want to spend more than you know 500 pounds on this campaign whatever is is comfortable for you you can go ahead and add that in no need to do so then we get into a b testing now that's a tool that allows you to run a one option against another one so for example it says here you can try different images and copy Target audiences even it's a great tool but not one that I would recommend the beginner Facebook advertisers you so I would recommend you deselect this for the time being then we get into Advantage campaign budget what used to be called campaign budget optimization now I've told you about the three levels of a Facebook ad campaign you've got The Campaign level within that you've got the ad set and within that you've got ads now within one campaign you could have multiple ad sets and I recommend that you do have multiple ad sets and then of course within each ad set you can have multiple ads as well that's the structure now if we turn this on Advantage campaign budget I would recommend that you turn it on particularly if you're a beginner what that means is that instead of having a separate budget for each ad set within your campaign you have one centralized budget and Facebook decides where to Alex okay money according to Performance so if ad set one is producing better results in ad set two it will get more of the budget now that's very useful particularly for beginners because you might within the multiple ad sets you set up perhaps one or two of them isn't set up quite right if you follow through the steps I'm going to teach you then you've got a much better chance of getting it right but you know there's always a chance um and just this way it means that more budget will be spent on the better performing ad sets and that's only beneficial so once you turn this on you then have the option to select your campaign uh budget type the two options are daily or lifetime I would go with daily if your campaign succeeds which is exactly what you want you want to be able to run that campaign consistently over a long time period you don't want to be constrained by say a lifetime budget where you're just going to run the campaign for seven days and then have to create a new campaign and go through the learning phase I'll talk about that in a minute and all that sort of stuff and again and optimize it's not as good um daily budgets campaigns because they're ongoing are also much easier to scale than having to do it on separate campaigns and finally when you select lifetime budgets it just seems to happen I don't know why that the last day or two of say a seven day or a 14 day lifetime budget campaign your ad spend just kind of gets gobbled up by Facebook don't know why seems to happen and you don't really get any results so I'm a big fan of sticking with daily budgets then in terms of what budget to select I'd recommend that you start with something that's small enough for you to afford so if you don't get any leads or sales it's not going to put your your business in any difficult financial situation but that's large enough that you care about it you're not just going to set it at something that's so small you're not even going to bother checking your Facebook ad account that's not beneficial and what that is for your business some businesses it's going to be you know ten dollars a day for others it's going to be a thousand dollars a day for others is going to be a dollar a day you know it really depends on your personal um circumstances Facebook will often default for 20. I'm just going to leave that as is full now and on that point it's important that you're aware that just because you select a daily budget of say 20 pound day in this case but some days you will end up spending more than that you can see the medicines here you'll spend up to 25 pounds on some days so a good chunk more and less on others to give you an average of 20 pounds per day and and Facebook's going to do that not because they know that perhaps some days you get better results than others so they're going to distribute budget according to um performance if Monday's your best day of the week you probably spend a little bit more on Mondays for example okay so just something to be aware of because that can catch people out and annoy people um if they're not expecting it then we get into this campaign bid strategy option just going to minimize that down and you can see the default here is highest volume definitely what I'd recommend you go with if you're a Facebook advertising beginner um we've got a leads campaign here why would we not want as many leads as possible you can set a specific cost per Resort goal if you want um or you can go with other options like a bid cap so you can say to Facebook look if my leads are going to cost me more than this I just don't want them it sounds good and it can be for more advanced Facebook advertisers but at the beginning in it's important to go with an open option just highest volume because if you for example set a bid cap that's too low your ad simply won't run and you won't get any leads and it's very difficult to work out what your leads are likely to cost you if you've never run a campaign on the platform before so to begin with strongly recommend you go with highest volume okay that's the campaign level a number of different settings there hopefully that's not too complicated you can always go through and re-watch various elements that's absolutely fine now we're going to go ahead and move on to the ad server now before we move on to the ad set level if you're going through this and thinking this seems complicated I just want someone to do this for me I don't have the time that is a service that my business offers we offer done for you Facebook and Instagram advertising Services we create managing optimize campaigns for our clients we do have a 3K per month minimum budget requirement if you meet that you can click on a link in the video description below and book a call with one of my team members we can discuss the details and obligation call of course and hopefully we get a chance to work together if you're not at that budget level yet that's absolutely fine that's why most Facebook advertisers start you can carry on with this tutorial and my other content and that'll help you get to that point because of course the upside to successful Facebook and Instagram advertising is well worth going through this process because it is absolutely enormous okay so jumping over to the ad set level now because we selected a lead campaign lead campaign objective and we've got a number of different conversion locations and these will change depending on the campaign objective that you select now you see that the default for a Facebook Instagram ad campaign is instant forms an instant form you may or may not have seen these as a Facebook and Instagram user yourself is where you click on an ad and instead of being taken through to someone's website instead you are presented with a lead form so a form within the app where you can give your contact information that then gets sent to that company and that company you can get in touch with you and you can they can communicate with you about whatever it is that you signed up for whether it's a service or you're interested in finding out more about a product or whatever it happens um to be that's the default and it's absolutely fine to go ahead and use um the default particularly if you're just getting started it's a very quick and easy way to get things set up however what I'm going to do is go ahead and select website and I'm going to select website because a lot of people watching this will want to send people through to their website instead of keep them within Facebook and Instagram and they want them to sign up and become a lead there which is absolutely fine but I'm also going to select website because I want this tutorial video to be as useful as possible and when I select website what we will then see from now on will look very very similar to if we were using a sales campaign and let's say we had an e-commerce store and we wanted people to go through and make a purchase so select website which is what most businesses are going to do most of the time anyway and that's actually fine but you can go ahead and use instant forms even some of the other options that I'm not going to discuss you can use instant forms particularly if you're getting started and leads us what you want of course if you want purchases via an e-commerce website then you just go ahead and select a sales campaign use that objective and then you select website as your conversion location and everything else looks virtually identical okay now in order to run a Facebook and Instagram campaign that either the leads or sales campaign objective where you send people to your website and you want them to become a lead and sign up for you know inquire about your services or actually go ahead and make a purchase that you can track you have to have the Facebook pixel installed on your website I've got a whole separate video about that because you know that's a topic in and of itself there's a link in the description below would strongly recommend that once you've been through this video and got everything all set up that you go ahead and set up your Facebook pixel on your website that video shows you exactly how to do it including all the steps so make sure you go ahead and check that out and very very important there's no point running a lead campaign or a sales campaign where you're sending people to your website if you don't have the Facebook pixel setup because you cannot track the actions people take so when you run your Facebook ad campaign and you come into your ad account you go how many sales did I make from my sales campaign well if you don't have a picture setup you can't tell you have to get that set up very very important but go through this first you can get all this set up and set up the pixel afterwards um that's what I'd recommend you go ahead and do okay then we scroll down and we've got performance goal what used to be called optimization for ad delivery in case you're not familiar with the new name you can see Metro got a little pop-up telling us information about it and if we go ahead and select this you can see that the leads goal here is maximize number of conversions and there are other goal options maximized number of landing page views link clicks etc etc I would absolutely recommend you go with maximized number of conversions if this is a sales campaign this is one of the only settings that might be slightly different you can maximize the number of sales or potentially depending on what kind of website you've got like let's say you've got a Shopify store for example and you can not only maximize for the maximum number of sales you can also do for the highest value sales because of course when people come through to your Shopify store as an example sometimes people might spend twenty dollars sometimes they might spend 150 so you can also factor that in with sales campaigns not just like with leads campaigns here where you can maximize number of conversions you can also maximize um the value of those conversions which is pretty cool so if you have that option go with that basically if you select a lead campaign objective or a sales campaign objective you just want to go with whatever the default performance goal is that's absolutely fine then we go ahead and select a conversion event now if you don't have the pixel set up yet you won't be able to go ahead and add these in and that's absolutely fine get all this set up first and then come back here and if you already have the pixel set up just select the event that corresponds with whatever it is that you want and that you've got set up on your website so for example we would go ahead and choose lead here we're getting all sorts of warning error pop-ups by the way in this ad account because this is an example ad account it's not hooked up to a website don't worry if you've got the picture setup properly you won't see things like this okay then we scroll down cost per result goal and this is grayed out simply because we went with the highest volume bid strategy if you went with the cost per result bid strategy you have an option here but it's not something I recommend you so you can ignore that if we click on show more options then we've got a couple of things in here we've got attribution settings so if I go ahead and click on edit the default here is seven day click or Wednesday view that is the maximum attribution setting and that's what I'd recommend you go with to explain what that means attribution refers to how long after someone interacts with your ad they take an action and that then gets included as in this case a lead but otherwise a conversion within your ad account so what does that mean so if we select one day click or one day view that means that if someone clicks on our ad and becomes a lead within seven days after clicking or within one days after viewing the ad that person will be counted as a lead whereas if someone clicks on one of our ads today and they don't actually let's say that you know they forget about whatever it is they come back to your website in a month's time they then go ahead and become a lead they sign up inquire become a lead it will not register within your ad account and count as a lead because it's not within the attribution window the longer the attribution window the better that puts more data in your Facebook ad account which helps Facebook optimize your campaigns also gives you important information that you can use to optimize your Facebook ad and campaigns as well so what seven day click one day view is absolutely recommend you go with and then we've got when you get charged depression sometimes you're going to see an option to edit this and change the options it doesn't really make any difference anyway I just always go with impression Dynamic creative is quite similar to the a b testing at the campaign level can be a really really useful tool not something I'd recommend you use as a Facebook and Instagram advertising beginner it's just more advancing you need right now and it's going to complicate things once you get campaigns up and running as you'll see when you're a beginner this process of creating a Facebook and Instagram campaign is already more complicated than than it probably should be so go ahead and leave that then we get into budget and schedule so you can set a start date this is just when I'm recording this video um you can set that for the future if you're like I'm not ready yet but I want to run a Black Friday sale for example I could go and set this up for you know towards the end of November and we can set an end date if we wanted to if we don't want to if we want to make sure this campaign gets turned off at a certain point um you can set you know day hour even and get really quite specific again if we were running a Black Friday sale and we didn't want to have to remember to come in and turn this off we could just have it turn off automatically a couple days after Cyber Monday for example okay but I'm going to leave that blank because that's absolutely fine then if we click on that show more options we've got an ad set spend limit because we've already set one at the campaign I don't think that's necessary but if you had multiple ad sets set up and you were to make sure now I only want to send spend a certain amount on this ad set then that's absolutely fine then we get into the audience section now this is the real meat of the ad set this is what the ad set really does right you've got your campaign level which is all about like what type of campaign am I going to run you've got the ad set level which is all about who am I going to advertise to and how am I going to advertise them to them like how often when all that sort of stuff and then the ad level is obviously the part that your prospects actually see so this is really key and this is probably what made Facebook advertising famous was the ability to Target and really specifically narrow it in on on the audience that you want to uh to use things have changed since that point and I'm going to explain some some best practices at this audience section so first of all we have this custom audience reception up here now custom audiences include things like retargeting audiences so let's say you wanted to put an ad in front of everyone that had and visited your website before you can put an ad in front of people who've watched videos of yours on Facebook or Instagram you can put an ad in front of people that are on your email list lots of really cool options that's beyond the scope of this video not something that beginners need to worry about when it comes to Facebook advertising there'll be a link in the video description to a whole tutorial on custom audiences how they work how you set them up how you get the most out of them strategy everything you need so go ahead and check that out if you're interested in in this custom audiences section you can also create what's called a look-alike audience which is where you take a group of people let's say the people that visit your website and say these are really really good prospects from your Facebook can you just find me people that are really similar to the people that have visited my website it's a fantastic audience to to Target but again you need to have warm audiences first in order to use that so you need to have people that have visited your website watched your videos messaged you on Facebook or you know there's lots of lots and lots of different options um again something that most Facebook advertising beginners aren't going to be able to use just yet you'll be able to use this within a few weeks of running campaigns by the way it does not take long at all but not just yet again once you've been running campaigns for a couple weeks go ahead and check out my full detail tutorial that shows you how to set all this up on look like audiences again link will be in the description of this video for that one so we're just going to go ahead and leave custom audiences and look-alike audiences blank you don't need to worry about exclusions at this point either okay then we get into the locations Now the default is the country although I'm in which is the United Kingdom I'm going to go ahead and select edit here um what you want to do for locations is very very very simply just advertise where you sell your products and services don't overthink it don't think okay well I sell my product services in the whole of the UK but London's my best market so I'm just gonna advertise to London no no Facebook will work all that out for you don't have to get super specific here just go with the Target locations if you average ties your let's say a product typically or it can be a service like my business as Facebook ads agency we advertise you know we offer services all over the planet it can be beneficial to just pick one country to start with so that particularly if that country's got a large population so let's say you're a us-based company and you're thinking well should I start by adding in Canada and UK on Australia and other English league countries don't worry about that to start with just go with your main country but don't constrain yourself more than that if you're a local business that's also absolutely fine so if I go ahead and delete this out when I could put in something like um Cheltenham which is Italian UK where I live um and I won Cheltenham England to get the right option here Chatham England and I could say Okay I want to advertise in the city that I operate in um plus you know 15 miles let's say and you can adjust that as you can see to the various specifications that suit you um and then you can just advertise in that area that is also absolutely fine don't you know if you're a local business and you just advertise a product service locally don't expand the range Beyond where you can actually deliver your products and services right hopefully that makes sense really important little thing up here is this option so we've got people living in or recently in this location I would recommend you change this to people living in this location for example if I can only service people in this area I don't want people that live you know um all around in other areas parts of the country that say commute to Cheltenham for work or visited on a holiday recently and you'll see the default is or recently in this location no I want people living in this location so I'd recommend you go ahead and make that change now on the right hand side by the way if I minimize these as we're going along through this whole process you can see an estimated audience size here right so it's estimated that there are 250 to 412 000 people within this circle um typically right and that's useful because you can gauge that and work out is my audience too large is it too small et cetera Etc and we're going to get into more details in a minute and we'll see how this number changes but a general guideline is I don't like to advertise to audiences that are less than 250 000 people if you're a large population country like the us more like 500 000 people and in terms of an upper limit I used to say that we don't want to Target more than five percent of the population so let's say and that's the population of Facebook and Instagram ad users by the way not the population the whole country so let's say we're advertising in the US there are roughly 250 million Facebook and Instagram ad users in the US five percent of that is 12.5 million so we normally wouldn't go above about 12.5 million there are circumstances where it's absolutely fine to go above that if you want to test open targeting broad targeting those are topics for um later on and more advanced advertisers so don't worry about the upper limit too much it's that lower limit you don't want to go below you don't want your audiences to be too small I am for demonstration practice is going to get rid of this and I'm going to go back to putting in the United Kingdom next thing we do is we've got age so I like to be relatively broad with age so let's say for example your core target market was 35 to 45 year olds I wouldn't just put that in I'd probably go with say 25 year olds to 55 year olds or maybe 30 year olds to 50 year olds you want to be nice and Broad Facebook's machine learning process means that if you give them a nice broad open Age criteria to Target they're going to narrow that down for your work out the best options so it just puts more power into the machine learning process um of Facebook as opposed to you trying to guess and particularly for beginners that often ends up better so let's let's use that as an example right a core target market is 35 to 45 so we're going to go ahead and select 25 to each other this might be by the way the sort of targeting that we would use for my business a Facebook ads agency because that's typically our core audience is going to be say 30 to 55 roughly so we might open up the upper end but this is typically what it's going to what it's going to look like genders I would recommend you go with all unless you are very heavily skewed the other if you're saying 90 male 90 female then fine yeah go with men go with women but otherwise all genders is actually fine even if you say a 70 30 split I'd go with all you don't want to miss out on that other target market then we get into the detailed targeting criteria okay I don't want you to get stuck here and overthink this very very easy for beginner Facebook advertisers to do that um you just want to go about starting to enter in terms that are relevant to your business right relevant to your products and services so if I was advertising my business Facebook ads agency we could put in things like business owners right and we'll just see what comes up okay so we put in business owners that's who we want to reach small business owners perfect that's a great Target option for us perhaps we would want to put in things like digital marketing you know Facebook advertising product digital marketing great we can add in digital marketing as an option and we could go with social media marketing have a little think about that okay great we've got social media marketing as a job title probably not a good option there because we don't want to be advertising people that already work in the industry they're not going to be customers of ours employers again that's not the right option we don't want social media marketing uh people who are employed in that industry what you want is social media marketing as an interest yeah that's going to be the right sort of target market um for us so there's just three examples that I've grabbed there and we could start by advertising this in a country like uh like the UK um what I would not recommend you do though is have all three in one ad set I just brought them up to demonstrate the process what I want you to do is narrow this down to just the one to begin with and then what we're going to do is we're going to create other AD sets and put one other interest Behavior demographic targeting option what's called a detailed targeting option down here and that way you're going to run say three or four different ad sets alongside each other and then we're going to see which performs best right we're going to see okay is it a better market for me to advertise to small business owners or to people interested in digital marketing or people interested social media marketing or they're you know there are lots of other options I could come up with people who are admins and Facebook pages business pages on Facebook that sort of stuff and then you can test that out and particularly if you're getting started with Facebook Instagram advertising it's really really useful that over the next few days you're going to work out okay of these options we tested small business owners is the best one that's what we're going to focus on going forward so that's why I'm going to structure that and I'll show you how to create those other AD sets um quickly once we've been through this process okay so that's very very simple how you'd add it in you can see that small business owners advertising in the UK we've got roughly half a million people within the 25 to 55 age range I'm happy with that that's absolutely fine don't worry about this audience size too much by the way guys people can get really um twisted up about that you can add in exclusions you can Define further you can say people must be small business owners and interest in digital marketing or we want to advertise small businesses we want to exclude I don't know some specific category so you can get really specific with all this stuff I don't want you to get too bogged down and so I would recommend ignoring these for now unless when you're hearing that you're thinking oh I really want to make sure I exclude such and such you know we've had people that want to advertise to say people who work in a certain industry but they only really want one type um so you could exclude the other types within that overall industry and that sort of thing okay languages advertising in a country like the UK where English is the language it's pretty pretty self-explanatory we can just go with all languages that's fine but let's say you know you'll want to be more specific like if you're uh um you know let's say you operate in Canada in the French speaking parts of Canada and your product services are more suitable for French speakers then you can go ahead and put in languages to specify that that's fine okay and that is the targeting section something that intimidates a lot of uh beginners but it's absolutely fine hopefully you've been to that process you know how to get it set up don't worry about getting this wrong you can test and readjust and all that sort of stuff later on then we go down to placements and you can see that the default here is advanced plus placements what used to be called automatic placements and what that basically means is that your ads are going to be put all over Facebook and Instagram lots of different places in the feeds in the stories and reels in Marketplace and then what's going to happen is Facebook's going to work out the best places for your ads to appear across Facebook Instagram Etc where you get the vegetables and that's where they're going to show up so if you're using the lead or sales campaign objective like I discussed where you're optimizing for what you want it's absolutely fine to go with Advantage Plus placements because Facebook is going to try and get you leads and sales if on the Audience Network for example your ads aren't converting very well your ads just won't be shown on the Audience Network but if you're going with one of the other campaign objectives either because you have to or because you're using a slightly different setup like as I said Sending people to Amazon or something like that and you're using a traffic objective or maybe an awareness objective I would recommend you go ahead and select manual placements and get more choosy with where your Facebook and Instagram ads appear right so I'm going to just move remove that out and we can see all the various placement options here right as I said we've got feed stories reels your ads can appear in search in article apps and sites so if you are using leads and sales go with Advantage Plus that's fine if you're not as I said what I would recommend you do is deselect Audience Network that's very important that's um you get low quality Impressions on Audience Network these are the sort of ads that will appear like when someone clicks onto something that's not kind of within Facebook and Instagram you know the sort of thing you click on like an article and you come through and you see something pop up that's what where the audience Network's going to appear and then you can also deselect some other options like um in an article as an option you could get rid of Search usually we'd leave in stream depending on what ad creative we're going to use um but what we would typically if you really want to get as specific as possible we typically just narrow down to Fields uh feed stories and wheels and by the way you could even go in here and get more specific and be like I'm happy to appear on the Instagram feed but not the Facebook feed and you can have a lot of play with this kind of more advanced but if I was to Simply simplify it for you I'd say using the leads and sales objective go with Advantage Plus which is everything if you're using anything else just go with feeds stories and reels nice and simple for you to get cracking with then if we click on show more options we can get more specific and say things like I only want ads to be shown when connected to Wi-Fi or for certain devices um as opposed to others not something that I'd recommend you go ahead and mess around with um as a beginner it's just not something that you need to worry about likewise with a lot of this brand related stuff it's going to be important for some businesses the this is important for should be Advanced enough where they know how to deal with this not something you need to worry about right now okay that is the ad set level at least for this first ad set within our campaign now we can go ahead and jump over to the ad level okay so let's go ahead and jump over to the add level so this first section is identity and that's what your ad is going to come from so to obviously make sure you've got the right Facebook page selected in here that's where the ad is going to come from and then if it hasn't already been defaulted in there you want to make sure you select your Instagram account um as well then we scroll down and we get to this ad setup section now what I want to do is turn on this ad preview on the right hand side that's going to be really really useful for seeing what our ad looks like as we go through and create it now because of some of the selections that we made earlier on like we're not using Dynamic creative things like that the default here with ad setup is going to be create ad manual upload for most advertisers for some reason some ad account it's not you may see other options in here and I'd recommend though you go and select create ad manual upload um to go through the exact same process I'm about to go through in case you aren't seeing exactly what we're seeing here basically this option is we're going to make it we've got control over it and um particularly for beginners that is a good thing less likely something's going to go wrong I would recommend that vast majority of Facebook advertisers when they get started they go with a simple image ad it's by far the easiest ad creative to put together videos could be a lot more time consuming costly Etc definitely something I would recommend you do later on I've got lots of tutorials on that but to begin with let's go with single image let's try and make this as easy for you as possible because getting started is what matters so I'm going to go ahead and select single image or video and then we get down into standard enhancements now for a more advanced Facebook advertisers um I don't recommend you select this because I recommend you get more specific and use some of the standard enhancements not all of them for beginners absolutely fine to leave this on for the most part it's going to help you out then we get into multi-advertiser ads now as of the recording this video this is a very new feature um I'm not a big fan of it at all so I would recommend that you deselect it that may change in the future I don't think it's likely to basically I don't want your ads to appear alongside a whole load of other ads and when they could appear by themselves is effectively the long and short of it deselecting that is going to help your ADS stand out more get more attention Etc it's a bit more communicating that but that's the the quick and easy setup of it okay so those are the sort of settings for the ad itself and now we get down into the ad creative so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to change gears a little bit and for the ad set we use an example of like a service based business like mine that's advertising and Facebook and Instagram advertising Services um here we're going to use a very difficult business we're going to use an online Bakery that's looking to generate sales directly for their products and I'm going to do that because I think using the different examples is useful as you go through and this is going to be more applicable to more different types of businesses so in this case we're going to be advertising a specific cake that is sold direct consumer via an e-commerce website we had a client that was quite similar products in this we've changed some of the details we're quite similar products to this and so that's why we sort of got the the information for this example from so the first thing I need to do is go ahead and add media go ahead and click on this button here then you can either add in an image or a video the process exact same I'm going to go ahead and go with ADD image so then once you come into this page if you've got images already uploaded to your ad account for example then they'll be displayed here as as I've got some beneath and you can also grab any image that you've got on your Instagram profile any image that you've already uploaded to your Facebook page and then they'll be once you select those options they'll be displayed beneath here and if this is an image that you just want it's just on your computer and you want to just bring it in to an account just go ahead and click on upload and then follow the process it's very straightforward I'm going to go ahead and scroll through these in a second and just grab the image and that I want to use for this example so once you've selected your image and clicked next you'll come into this page here and this is where you get to decide how your image is going to look in sort of the main categories of placement because of course in certain locations um images are going to look different like when an ad is displayed in stories for example that takes up the whole screen on a phone obviously things are going to look a little bit different so you can obviously just go with the original and that's what's been recommended here or we can start to get a little bit more specific and go with one to one now because often images that you have unless you've been specifically created for Facebook and Instagram advertising purposes like this one wasn't this was created for a you know to go on the website and then and then we've used it um the ratios are going to look a little bit different a lot of the time and you're going to want to have a little bit of play around with this so even though original here is recommended I would say that one-to-one looks a lot better and I'm sure you would agree for the feeds we obviously can't make this 9 to 16 that's absolutely fine and then right column not many Impressions happen over here but we could try and change it to that option which again even though original is recommended I would say that looks better if you're looking at this thinking well hang on that ad looks terrible in um stories you can replace it you can use different images for different placement options because we wouldn't really use an image like this for stories because it just I mean you got all this dead space up top and bottom it's not going to look quite that bad when it shows to people but it's not going to look as good as saying this over here which looks actually fantastic like I'm sure you can agree that an image like this super colorful you know it evokes a lot of emotion doesn't it like all that looks delicious I want to try that that looks really interesting and that looks so much better in the way the image looks really important so what we would do is we would normally use an image like this for say the feeds and then we would either you know if it was a client advisor we could ask for a different image or we'd get a different image made or whatever in a different aspect ratio for the storage placement and you just go ahead and click on replace and then obviously you put that one in instead we could also if we wanted to crop this differently so we could you know take that or take that section or you could have a little play around you know with how you want this to appear depending on what looks best okay so just know you've got quite a lot of flexibility once you upload your images to Facebook and Instagram in terms of how you can get that to perform so this is exactly how we do it except we would um replace this one with a different type of image and one that's going to look better in that format let me go ahead and click next so now we get into the Advantage Plus um creative section so we can see that our ad is being shown as partially optimized we've got two out of four optimizations um turned on so we've got standard enhancements and you can see that meta provide information about what's going on here so that will be things like automatically just adjusting aspect ratio um a few other different various options as things like um optimizing text per person so moving your headline in different places and I'll explain a bit more about that in in a second um but you can see for example that look this is what's gonna this is what our ad with even without changing the image is going to look like on stories on Instagram stories it's not that bad is it it's not as bad as that preview in the previous page look like so you could run with this it would just be better if you did actually go ahead and make the you know put the different image in for example we've got image brightness and contrast that's turned on absolutely fine so you can see the difference between original and optimized that's going to be more important in some circumstances than this but really help your ad pop you can if you want ad music not gonna make a big difference to a lot of um Facebook Instagram advertisers for the time being it only affects two different placements in stories and reels so it's just it's not that big a deal and not something that beginners need to worry about and then 3D animation I would put under the same category so I'm quite happy to go with the two of four optimizations or study enhancements and the image brightness and contrast and we can go ahead and click done okay so now we can see our ad is starting to come together and on this preview on the right hand side we can see really useful information so this for example so far is what this is going to look like on the Facebook feed fantastic image and whereas it's going to look different if we go with say the Instagram feed or this one's a Facebook Marketplace video feeds what else have we got we can sort of Click through and see the various different examples and you could just go through and you can see exactly how this is going to look as you go through the process if we want to come in and edit how our ad creative our image looks we can do so there right we can say I want it to look different on any one of these placements and that's where you can go back into sort of the window that we had previously this is this Advantage Plus creative section that we just talked about same as the previous window but you can edit it in here in case you change your mind later it's not like you add your image in you have to do all this stuff and you have to go through the whole process again no no you can come in and edit these bits and then we get into the text so I've got some text prepared let's go ahead and grab that so firstly let's go ahead and copy in the headline okay and here we can pop in our headline and the headline we're going for here is mouth-wateringly good low calorie cakes now when it comes to writing headlines for your Facebook and Instagram ads um you want it to sort of try and take a few boxes right you remember we're trying to sell this product here so one of the benefits associated with this product mouth wateringly good well that sounds great isn't it who doesn't want mouth-wateringly good delicious tasty food and low calorie another huge benefit that a lot of people really care about and so we can go ahead and put low calorie cakes in there nice short Snappy good to go we can as you can see you've got a headline here 105 add in other headline options and that's something that I'd recommend you do not necessary if you want to get started and just like this price is taking too long it's too difficult and just go with the one that's fine but if for example you're like oh I'd like to test mouthwateringly good low calorie cakes versus something that like is a little bit different perhaps highlights the fact that it's a rainbow cake or talks about some of the other elements that's absolutely fine you just click on ADD headline option and you just go ahead and add them in okay so that's our headline now let's go ahead and grab our primary text so I'm just going to paste that in here and then the formatting went a bit weird with the copy and paste and now you can of course write this directly in here you don't have to paste it in from somewhere else but I just had this prepared for for the video so if we just go through this primary text quickly um this video is not specifically about copywriting but I think it's part putting the ad together this is this is important our signature rainbow cake smothered in white chocolate buttered cream frosting and topped with fresh fruit but the best bit you can see we're really explaining what this product has got why it's great evoking those emotions to get people to take action and purchase but the best bit it's only 150 calories per slice and we're currently offering a 10 discount if you could ever offer a percentage discount or something along those lines within your Facebook Instagram campaigns they are highly likely to perform better the offer is really really important seriously click shop now to brighten up your day so we've got some emojis in there it's fun it's short it's to the point it's um talking about the benefits associated with this product that why you want to go ahead and get it and the tone is quite playful we're advertising a cake if I'm advertising an insurance product the tone is going to quite different in the copy I have lots of other pieces of content about headlines and primary text and how to write high quality copies so you can go ahead and check those out I'm not going to dwell on this too long but just like with the primary text 105 you can go ahead and add in for other options oh and one thing I do want to quickly mention is we've got click shop now to brighten up your day so we've got a call to action at the end of the primary text which is useful we can see the ads starting to come together on this right hand side then we've got the description so let's just go ahead and grab that here limited time only 10 discount which what I'd like to include in the description it's nice and short and quick and Punchy and to the point and yeah that's our ad sort of somewhat built out a few other little bits and Bobs we can see how this is starting to come together um the headline for some reason isn't displaying down here it did a second ago and just be aware that this preview cans it's probably a good example for me demonstrate can't sometimes not show anything up quite right if we go ahead and click edit you can see boom there it is right mouth watering really good calorie cakes this is what it's going to why is it doing that and that's just a good example actually to show you that sometimes this preview is a little bit buggy and things don't display properly if I just quickly click edit yeah look we can see it in here right um in the actual preview so there's not really a problem here it's just not displaying down there for some reason which is a little bit annoying for demonstration purposes but may be helpful that you can see that these things do happen nothing to worry about we've got this optimized text per person section here we can see that's enabled and what that allows Facebook to do is decide that actually perhaps your headline will be better off in as your primary text and your primary text would be better off in your headline and your description it allows you to move all those various options around for advanced Facebook advertisers I don't like this for beginners I think it's fine um because it may well be that you're not quite familiar with what you should write in your description versus headline and then being able to move around is okay to turn this off by the way you actually need to go ahead and turn off standard enhancements and then you get a little toggle down here that lets you turn this on but standard enhancements are good for the most part then we've got call to action here just simply go with the option that best describes the action you won't be able to take so you can see that back in the primary text we said click shop now so what I would do is go ahead and select shop now from the drop down but don't overthink this and that affects this button on the right hand side by the way and just go ahead and click shop now and then you are good to go you can see how this is big buggy on the right hand side the title popped up and then disappeared there we go then we get into the website URL destination so this is pretty straightforward where do you want to send people if you're advertising a product like this we would send them to the product page if we're advertising like our business um for our Facebook and Instagram ad Services we would send people through to the page where they can go ahead and book a call with one of our team members where do you want people to go don't overthink this just pop in UI URL in there you can use it as different display URL this is going to appear above the headline I said my preview isn't working quite right um so it's just a short link to help recognize things like if we're sending people through to I don't know a calendly link for example where someone could book a call we might instead want to put in our um you know like actual URL to make sure it looks right and goes in you can see the preview popped up for a second and then disappeared you can choose or choose not to uh to go ahead and add that in um call extensions gonna apply to some businesses it's fairly self-explanatory whether we do you do or don't want to use it for a cake like this we wouldn't other businesses we may or might well and then in terms of instant experience and Facebook event definitely both things that more advanced Facebook advertisers can get involved in I would ignore those when you are getting started then we've got languages um same applies to really to the to what we did at the ad set level do you want to include other languages if we're advertising this cake in the UK no um if you're in a country where there are multiple languages spoken maybe that's more important and here what you can do is you can turn that on and you can add in your own translations um you can it can be set up for you automatically and you can then edit it there's a few different ways to to get that set up but that's up to you whether or not you do or don't want to use use it fairly easy to use and in terms of tracking and if you haven't yet got your Facebook pixel set up then a lot of this stuff might be a lot confusing and not set up right you might have errors once you do have your pixel set up properly using that video I talked about um then all of this is going to be set up and you don't need to worry about it at all all fairly nice and straightforward okay so that is the first ad created now what I would recommend you do is create other ads alongside this one usually two three if you're a beginner and it's just a couple others and test so here we're advertising our rainbow cake but if we're advertising an online Bakery there are other products that we could advertise so we would create one ad for the rainbow cake we would create one ad for I don't know a shortbread we might create one ad for a cookie whatever it is that we're advertising and we might run those together and see which one performs best now the way you do that if I minimize this down is you can see right here we're at the ad level remember the three levels at the top we would just select this ad I would click duplicate and number of copies one is absolutely fine into the original campaign and then for this one you know this one might be our cookie ad would be the new one and then what we do is we would go in here and change all the details that we want to change for the new ads we put in the new um where are we we put in the new uh media so we delete this out here remove this image and then we go ahead and add in the cookie image we change the primary text change the headline change the description change all of that information and to make it more suitable for the original one and then to help things be nice and simple I come back into this previous one for the rainbow cake and this would be rainbow K ad for example and then you can see the structure on the left hand side we've got one campaign one ad set but we've now got two ads within this ad set so that's how it's going to work and the best performing ads will get more of the budget which is great because that gives you better results you also mentioned around testing different targeting options at the ad set level when you first get started I think that's doable and not Beyond beginners so you just come to the ad set level like I have now you select your ad set new leads ad set and you click duplicate and the exact same thing we're going to create a new ad set in here so now what we've got is what one campaign we've got two ad sets each ad set has two different ads in them but they are the same ads and that's important if you're going to test different targeting options so let's say for example that this ad set was going to be our um people interested in digital marketing so we might call this digital marketing UK 25 to 55 and a few other bits of information I can't know exactly how we filled it out but something like that okay and but it's got the same ads and then in this ad set here we've got uh what do we have we have small business owners and we have the same thing didn't we 25 to 55. and that would be the setup and then what that means is we can come in once this campaign's been running and we can see okay we've got the same ads in each ad set so it does digital marketing interest work better than small business owners as a targeting option or vice versa and then we can specifically narrow down on that target audience so something that's um that's well worth doing to just set these up and if you use the duplicate function as opposed to creating new it means you don't have to go back through and create all these ads from scratch they just get copied with the ad set which is why I showed you it at this stage after we have done the ad okay obviously you can't just change the name of the various things so for digital marketing we would have to scroll down now um and where we've got this detailed targeting option of small business owners we would have to get rid of that and then we would have to add in digital marketing pop that in there and boom that's now ready to go okay so now I am aware that this campaign structure left hand side looks a little bit of a mess because we've got like a lead campaign that's advertising Facebook ad services at the ad set level and then at the ad level we're advertising cakes but just remember this is not how we would actually set this up right I'm just doing this to show you different types of businesses as we go through the process you would obviously have targeting options that are things like interesting cakes and baking and you know all those sorts of things food and there would be different targeting options for these ads like don't copy this campaign structure wait it could be Destructor but don't copy the fact that we've got one type of business at the asset level and a different type of business the ad level that is wrong hopefully um I've explained that and that and that's okay then when you're ready to launch your Facebook ad campaign get these things live um then you're going to click on review and publish and just check have a quick check through and then confirm and go ahead and publish and you add to go through review process it's done automatically it's not a person that looks at it initially unless you problems um and that process is usually pretty quick on a new ad account might take an hour or so often it's going to be quicker than that and then your campaigns will go live and you can come in here and you can see your results at the campaign level so we'll start to see for example things in the results column cost powers out how much it's costing us to get as leads you can have a look at it at the ad set level to see the difference between the two ads or the ad level to see how each ad is performing and you could use that information to start to make decisions and optimize your campaigns so you might for example know that you can pay a certain amount cost per lead and how is this comparing to what you need to be able to pay and same for cost per sale really useful information now when you first launch Facebook Instagram ad campaign it's important that you're aware that it goes through what's called The Learning phase the learning phase is where Facebook is testing out various stuff and trying to get you the vegetables possible so they're testing things like do your ads convert better at eight in the morning or four in the afternoon they're testing out okay within this half a million person audience that we're targeting is there a group of 50 000 that are better than others and we'll try and find those for this business so your results initially can be a little bit worse because of that learning phase then they will go on to be later on just something to be aware of and new ad accounts because of that lack of learning often take a little bit longer to go through the learning phase usually lasts about 48 hours and then more experience and accounts it takes a bit of a while for your campaigns to get um up and running now as you'll have noticed when we went through this video there's lots of things that I've sort of glossed over I said you want to get to that later on things like custom audiences look-alike audiences well there are links in the description of this video to a lot of that stuff so go ahead and check those out please also make sure you subscribe Facebook and Instagram ads changes all the time I'm constantly releasing videos about the latest updates and things like that you want to make sure you're um aware of those and on top of those as and when they happen because they can make a big big difference love to know what you think of this video so please make sure you go ahead and leave a comment below letting me know and what you think if there's other stuff you want me to cover and all that sort of stuff what I strongly recommend you go and do now is make sure you've got the Facebook a pixel set up correctly that's really really important I've got a full tutorial that you can check out here it goes through the entire process setting up in the first place installing on your website setting up your events in aggravated event measurement sounds complicated it's not once you go through that tutorial that really is the next step to get your Facebook Instagram and campaigns up and running and delivering fantastic results so go ahead and check it out