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Exploring Physics with Walter Lewin
Aug 19, 2024
Physics Lecture Notes by Walter Lewin
Lecturer: Walter Lewin
Course Overview: Explore physics from the very small (subatomic) to the very large (universe).
Magnitude Range: 45 orders of magnitude (1 with 45 zeroes).
Fundamental Units
: Meter
: Second
: Kilogram
Derived Units
Common derived units for length:
Centimeters, millimeters, kilometers, inches, feet, miles
Astronomers use astronomical units and light-years.
Common derived units for time:
Milliseconds, microseconds, days, weeks, hours, months, years, centuries.
Common derived units for mass:
Milligrams, pounds, metric tons.
Preference for Decimal System
Decimal system is preferred for calculations.
The imperial system (inches, feet) is seen as cumbersome.
Movie Introduction
The Powers of Ten
: A movie covering 40 orders of magnitude, originally conceived by Kees Boeke in the 1950s.
Fundamental Quantities in Physics
Symbol Definitions:
Length: [L]
Time: [T]
Mass: [M]
Derived Quantities
: [L]/[T]
: [L]^3
: [M]/[L]^3
: [L]/[T]^2 (meters per second squared)
Measurements and Uncertainty
Importance of
measurement uncertainty
Any measurement without uncertainty is meaningless.
Example of a measurement setup with an aluminum bar demonstrating vertical vs. horizontal length.
Uncertainty Example
Vertical measurement: 149.9 cm ± 0.1 cm
Horizontal measurement: 150.0 cm ± 0.1 cm
Testing Grandmother's Statement
Grandmother's claim: A person lying down may appear longer than standing.
Measurement of a volunteer (Zach) showed a discrepancy of about one inch in height between standing and lying down.
Galileo's Scaling Argument
Question: Why are mammals not larger?
Argument: Bone strength limits size.
Mass relates to the volume (size) while bone thickness must increase with size.
Scaling relationship established:
Thickness of femur (d) is proportional to the length (l) to the power of 3/2.
Experimental Validation
Femur measurements from raccoon, horse, opossum, mouse, elephant:
Results showed that the ratio of thickness to length did not scale as expected.
Dimensional Analysis
Question: How does the height affect the time of a falling object?
Relationship expressed in powers:
Time (t) proportional to height (h) and gravitational acceleration (g).
Final conclusion:
Time t is proportional to the square root of h/g.
Experimental Results for Falling Apples
Experiment setup to measure fall times from 3m and 1.5m.
t1 (3m): 781 ms ± 2 ms
t2 (1.5m): 551 ms ± 2 ms
Confirmed that the time of fall is independent of mass and proportional to the square root of height.
Importance of understanding measurement uncertainty in physics.
Acknowledge limitations in dimensional analysis and results.
Encouragement for students to think critically about physics principles and experiments.
Next Lecture
Reminder for students to prepare for the next class on Friday.
Full transcript