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Ninja Wraith Build Strategies and Insights
Aug 30, 2024
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Ninja Wraith Build Overview
Build Components
Silent Add-ons
: Key to the build.
Coxcombed Clapper
: Makes the Wraith's bell completely silent when going into invisibility or coming out.
The Ghost
: After uncloaking, the Wraith's terror radius and red stain remain suppressed for 6 seconds.
: 32-meter range for detecting survivors. Annoys opponents throughout the game.
Sloppy Butcher
: Increases survivor bleeding frequency and inflicts the mangled effect until fully healed.
Nurse's Calling
: Reveals auras of healing survivors within 28 meters.
Hex: Ruin
: Slows down generator repair speed.
Gameplay Experience
Demonstrated through three gameplay matches.
Initial commentary recorded after matches.
Discussion of add-ons and their effectiveness.
Player expresses confusion about the commonality of some add-ons.
Comments on game dynamics, including survivor behavior and strategies.
Match Highlights
Engaging with survivors, observing their actions, and countering their strategies.
Players made mistakes (e.g., not using pallets effectively).
Notable moments include:
Survivor trying to heal while exposed.
Kicking generators to regress progress.
Players failing to escape effectively.
Player Commentary
Mixed feelings about the balance of the game; expresses that some survivors made it too easy.
Frustration with survivor actions and game mechanics.
Positive feedback on the build and performance, consistently gaining points.
Overall enjoyment of the game despite challenges.
Emphasis on earning points and improving gameplay.
Acknowledgment of survivor strategies and the effectiveness of the Ninja Wraith build.
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