bhagavad-gita is described in the Padma Purana very similar to hog about them in the Patna pool on the father with them is described then the two candles of srimad-bhagavatam the first two cantos represent the lotus feet of krishna and then systematically going ahead the tenth canto represents the smiling moon-like face of shri krishna our Abimelech Parishad so just like the twelfth candles of shrimad bhagwat the movie Brazil the form of Krishna similarly the eighteen chapters of Gita represent the universal form of visual same Quran describes first five chapters of Gita the five heads of the Swiss world the next ten chapters are the ten hands of the Swiss Road so 5 plus 10 15 5 heads 10 hands 16 chapters the navel of Padmanabha Shri Krishna and 17 and 18 are the two lotus feet of the ocean so any chapter we pick from Haditha we are actually associating with the forms regression there is no doubt this Shastra pramana bhagavad-gita King Geeta Geeta Donatella lava kanika pita sacré de barajas Samar Chakri obtain the Sienna Amina cha-cha so beautiful bhagavad-gita King Gina DITA if someone meditates now the word King jet is very beautifully used in Sanskrit bhagavad-gita King Geeta Geeta so beautiful now the word changes can go with bhagavad-gita first half or it can go with second half data so these are like the eye of the crow in Sanskrit its described it this is a crow looks like a deer but just let's assume this is a crow I like to keep my hands our fingers are so let's think this is a cross so when you see you never seek both sockets of the crows I the crows either sing like this or it seem like this so according to sunscreen it's described there are two sockets but only one icon and that one I one is moving from one subject to another so this one I'm on but those sockets it's a poetic expression it's called caca singing the eye of a caca so similarly here King cheetah can go with first half or the second up there is one k-- engine but it can go with either of the sockets of the aisle what does King get bhagavad-gita me little bugger but King Gina theta means little meditation so if someone meditates little on the Gita or meditates little portion of the Vita spends little time meditating or space a lot of them meditating on little words of the Gita is this clear little portion of the Gita or the little tiny patita Kingi divita what is a McKinley say if someone meditates on Gita even for some time and Ganga JAL love a conical pizza and sips one one drop from the waters of the Ganga Ganga JAL love Akane capito reading little dita sipping little Ganga water and Sakura day the Murari summer child worship Shri Krishna once for someone who reads Gita worships Trishna and drinks Ganga JAL what is the benediction created the seon-ah Yamina church' such a person will never have any cha-cha or discussion or even meeting with your manager so that part of a visa is less in our lives by srila prabhupada this human form is so difficult to get do la vara 11 229 Bhagavad this human form of life is very very rare it can be lost like this but in that to get Gita is very well now possibly that's interesting can someone tell me what is your favorite chapter in the bhagavad-gita anyone chapter 9 10 10 11 - second second 15 and 12 very nice choice yes nobody at the back 12 yes rule 12 and 15 you know what is my favorite chapter in the Gita in one [Music] night my favorite chapter in the Gita is the first chapter now as weird as I look my choices are also equally weird why most of you are looking like this Mooji first chapter you mean second chapter no I mean first chapter most of them me click the first chapter as if the Gita starts from the second chapter so then why do we have the first chapter people safer Buchi first chapter doesn't even have Schwimmer the one watcher bhagavad-gita starts from second chapter why you picking first ever it is the most underrated chapter very honestly why why is it important in my perspective chapter 2 to chapter 18 gives the solution but chapter 1 talks about the problem statement we are all interested in the solution but what if we don't know what the problem is in the first chapter we find Arjuna standing on his chariot trying to see the other party say the your boy or what the a thumbs up I am a Achutha like we tell our driver got a nickel - almost authoritative listen stop oh yeah in Sanskrit means so establish my chariot there very instructive please take my child out there why I want to see my opposition party this is our situation in life we want Krishna to help us to do what I want to do we don't want to do what Krishna wants us to do we want Krishna to help us in the plans that be already made you see a banana girl I am going to do this I'm going to do that Krishna you just give me blessings that usually we don't go to Krishna Krishna what do you think I should do in my life no I know what I have to do you simply give the class to [Music] you be the driver I will try I will drive it is my chariot you simply namesake be ahead but Amala 108 coconuts as if Krishna doesn't have what Amala Krishna doesn't have coconuts we are giving in coconuts Christian I am doing this so that job like giant soda Yeojin a chain of course a pass go join so we have decided what I want to do but we just want Krishna's the curves tool and then what happens Arjuna looked at his problem then realizes wait a minute I cannot solve this interestingly Krishna's quiet why because Arjuna thinks what the problem is he knows what the problem is and Arjuna also things he can solve it on his own so - Krishna speak this is the sole reason our form of my silence in our heart at the moment richness there as Paramatma yourself a Buddha and there's a genetic study service HRM redesign initiative 15:15 gita chapter 15 takes 15 krishna saying i am seated in the heart and why he is not speaking same as first chair why because we are convinced because of our ego and our pride that I know what I have in life you you simply play you give me the money I know what to do Christmas what then when we realize hey what has happened so many enemies I don't know what to do hahahaha preach army , so Mona Cheatham yet today and if she comes even man she she's sorry mam prapannam 2:7 either when we go to krishna like that that's when Shri Krishna speaks when we go to him with three intentions one Krishna I am nothing I want you to be Parker Sarathy which means I want to move in this chariot but I want you to move in the direction in the intensity that you want to move a PT g1 boots a naive OVA second when we go to Krishna with the intention that I need your help I don't even know what my problem is how can I know what the solution is and third we are sincere endless and humble not cheating sometimes we do lip service through the lips we say Krishna I am yours but in the heart I belong to my plans so this is also a lesson for mentorship for leaders don't give an advice unless you are asked because if you give your advice to someone who is not asking for your advice even if you give it they will not take it but only when they really need it and they ask you and you give it will they follow because now they're ready so if someone is fill this talk is full and you give chalk on both they will not take it because there is no hunger but if they are hungry you give them even kitchen without salt they will eat with relevation so Arjuna initially had first arc he knew what to do so Krishna didn't give him anything but when Arjuna went completely with the spot and Dickerson I don't know what to do you help me that so it looks like you're not teaching a workshop on Vogue in the form of DITA so this is why I like the first chapter because I can relate to it I hate all the 18 chapters is very difficult for me Christian talks about Wendy does some other region I don't have some ethnicity so it's very difficult for me to relate that in my life it's theoretical but this I can understand and interestingly where did Krishna speak the Gita we spoke on a battlefield now when we are having this class there's announcement please put your phones on silent please don't talk kids please go to your you know kids class why so that there's no disturbance am i right now you tell me if Krishna has to speak bhagavad-gita no party long he could have done it in a temple I'd rather he didn't even live she could have done it in the cave cheated it on the battlefield it why because our life is anyway a battlefield there are horses and chariots and noise and conch shells and short fight going on throughout the day and AM it's that we have been here together so that we win over this battle if Christmas fix this in a cave we can give an excuse Krishna spoke in the cave my life is not a cave my life is a battlefield Krishna said no problem I speak it automatically these four color battlefield which is so noisy everybody is talking there you cannot our Charlie come Krishna provoke a not an ounce okay please put off all your horses down and all your elephants now please put all your weapons down no more fighting no functions are going on through and in image that Krishna speaking to join us in the battlefield of our daily life we have to hear Gita to win that battle sometimes people say I'll come to the temple and I'll become a pastor with all my problems have gone but you see all the situations where kita and parvathamma were heard war at the time when they were still emitting Shiva has had depth seven days any sitting and hearing logarithm is our problem as intense as friction modern originals on the battlefield of kuruksetra and he's hearing Geetha to win over that battle not just the battle but the battle of life so our problems are insignificant and therefore we have to hear the bhagavad-gita and the Bhagavad on to cross all the problems not that the problems will end and then we hear problems will never end it is like standing on the shore of an ocean somebody's putting a towel and saying I will go inside another four hours he's still wearing his towel and saying I'm going inside the friend is saying I'm eight o'clock I saw you it's 12:30 you're still standing no no I am waiting for the waves and the tides to subset then I will go inside the friend says I will tell you something very interesting the waves of the tides will never subside and you'll never meet if you want to be jumping clean yourself and come out so the waves and the tides in the ocean of this material existence in the form of problems will keep coming some solid potassium throw Dominica Valley Kashia do navasana nigahiga Sameera is Chaitanya Chandra momaday he path of Allah Sheila proposed an undersell suit each a tenet general life is filled with problems so therefore don't wait for the problems to get our forget to puff they get to puff this or that the problems get over sometimes people also ask this question you guys this higher Krishna people always talk about bhagavad-gita will my problems finish get done will my circumstances change everything around me change I lost my father by reading Gita will I get him back people have such questions so we asked a very simple question in filter Mumbai curves right so we have a simple question when it rains heavily can you stop the ring can you stop the ring you cannot stop the ring but then you can pull up a number Allah which you get on the signal really big ones that we were seeing even now while coming to the temple one really big umbrella when you pull up a big umbrella what happens you don't stop the rain but you stop the rain from touching you we cannot stop the rainfall but we can protect ourselves from that rain meaning problems from the clouds of Kali the rain like problems will continue forever we cannot stop now Kali with who you are then we cannot stop that but how we can stop we cannot stop those problems what we can pull up the umbrella of bhagavad-gita not to stop the problems but to stop getting wet and affected by those problems by taking the message of bhagavad-gita our consciousness will change our vision will change circumstance around may or may not change but our consciousness will change our vision our perspective towards that problem will change instead of saying can I get my father back you will be convinced that Jocasta intraoperative through a manifestation death is certainly for one who is born and just like him ah honey honey boo Danny even I have to go let me prepare for it so this first chapter of Gita in my opinion is the most important one because it states the problem statement that we can relate to in life and in that which is the most underrated verse now you've all credit guessing one one is the most underrated words of the Gita why forget about Krishna forget about Arjuna this is for us tomorrow I have heard people say today he's applying the man speaking somebody who's blind if he says write low you will not believe it people give excuses like this so he said he is speaking don't take it seriously but the point is very simple if it is part of the seven hundred verses of Gita and shrila prabhupada an extensive translation and work caught on to it it has worked our reading