Quiz for:
Implementing OBE Using CAMEO Software

Question 1

What determines the percentage marks assigned to formative assessments (CA1, CA2, CA3)?

Question 2

When submitting the course outlay, which elements must be reviewed?

Question 3

What is an example of a subject category that could be used?

Question 4

How should additional COs be handled?

Question 5

What should be done with the subject preamble when implementing OBE using CAMEO?

Question 6

What is the significance of specifying the CO level in the cognitive learning domain?

Question 7

What can be done with the created subject outlay before final submission?

Question 8

What information must be included when entering the initial details?

Question 9

In defining Course Outcomes (CO), how are COs generally mapped?

Question 10

What should be done after copying and pasting the subject syllabus?

Question 11

What should be the first step in accessing the course under the OBE system?

Question 12

How should question papers be created?

Question 13

What is essential to include in the syllabus preparation?

Question 14

Which step involves specifying lecture and practical hours?

Question 15

Why is setting expected attainment levels (e.g., 60%) for COs important?