hello my friends is your buddy Phil here project management training coach I know lots of you are getting ready for the PMP exam and you see the table I'm drawing out and I know you've heard from a lot of your instructors you don't have to know this table it's not asked on the exam well yes it's not going to be us to wrote on the exam but not knowing this table leaves you vulnerable in a lot of respects so I want to advise you to know this table as good as you can in fact I would like it if you just knew it because it's going to help you not only on the exam but also in life so what we need is 10 columns 10 rows of beg your pardon and five columns so let's see we've got all the columns we need three equal five six seven eight nine almost we're gonna have to divide one let's divide this okay so this is a great opportunity for you to take a pen and a paper follow along with me it is going to go very quick but I'm going to show you how to process the information okay there's a mnemonic that goes like this I prefer extra money in cash and that just stands for initiating planning executing monitoring and controlling I'm going to make this a bit smaller let's make it a little bit smaller so it fits in that box monitoring and controlling and closing those are the five process groups of project management before you start any project in the world of the PMI the project management Institute you should authorize that work that's initiating when the work has been authorized and you as the project manager have been identified then you can plan right this is planning then you can apply the resources to the project you can work with the team you can hire those you need in executing and you plan with those folks the team members right so you initiate you plan you execute you Monitor and control and you close now this is not linear I want to make it clear that if these were five components if this was initiating initiating overlaps so it's not like oh initiate and then plan no if these were five things you would have initiate in overlapping with planning now in the scheme of size to make it even fairer planning could be in terms of effort in terms of duration plenty is significant right now in terms of monitoring and controlling I want you to think about it like this monitoring and controlling is all encompassing so there's a lot of overlap all throughout in fact you're monitoring and controlling all throughout the project executing is very significant because that is where a lot of the work takes place so there does have to be some heavy overlap with the monitoring and controlling aspects C and then close in is not as huge but it could span across several phases before you close that so this I just want you to have this bubble chart idea so that you're not just thinking linearly it's not a then B then C then D no there's a progression that is in that direction but there's overlap and there are iterations and their feedback loops okay so just keep that in mind when you take a look at page 25 in the sixth edition now someone says well Phil it's not in the seventh edition isn't it a waste of time no it's not the PMI still refer very heavily to this model across many other exams this model we're stuck with it honestly I tell you this is the best that you're gonna get I mean it doesn't get any better than this let's just take this and use it go forward you get what I'm saying so you you're gonna benefit if you know it all right let's talk about the knowledge areas right the knowledge areas uh integration unifying the project on combining it scope scoping out what needs to be done schedule scheduling the project making sure you've got a defined timeline cost management making sure that the budget is defined so that we know when we are over budget on budget and so on Resource Management which deals with managing resources acquiring resources in the first place these are human equipment Material supplies and Facilities then Communications management which deals with sending information to the right Channel Through the right channel to the right person so we talk about the five W's and the H the what when where why how and who of communications right who am I sending it to where's the information I'm going to reside why do I need to send this and so on then we have risk management which is all about dealing with uncertainty that could impact the project then we have procurement management and last but not least we have stakeholder management and there's another mnemonic for this and the mnemonic goes like this I saw six Chipmunks quietly roasting coffee reading poetry stories okay I saw six Chipmunks quietly roasting coffee reading poetry stories all right now you've got an idea of the knowledge areas and what they are you need to populate the table you could populate the table gradually over a period of time just make sure that what you're putting into the box you really do understand what is being done okay so I am going to use a series of abbreviations where I need to write in shorthand I will but I am going to cover very rapidly the 49 things with you and I want to challenge you to stop this recording and I want you to go back and what I put in abbreviated form when I do that I want you to expand on it okay okay so let's talk about the very first thing that should happen on any project in the world of the PML like I said you want to develop a project Charter now this is a process okay in the boxes I'm going to put processes just remember at the top you have knowledge areas these here are knowledge areas that's what they called not uh big upon these are process groups and these at the side are knowledge areas so just keep that in mind technology is five process groups and then in the boxes we have processes so the first process is develop project Charter develop project Charter this is where you develop a charter that authorizes the project and sometimes you need a charter for a phase each phase could be charted on some projects when you have charted the project you are now authorized to apply resources to the project so do keep these things in mind next we move into planning and we develop project management plan now these names may sound a little bit off to you because they're a verb noun so they kind of sound weird like what is that is that a command it's a process so develop project management plan is a process okay then we're going to execute I'm going to make it even smaller here we have a process known as Direct and manage project work direct to manage Project work and that involves you the project manager directing and managing the work for the project okay let's move this down because we're gonna need more room we've got a lot of processes in scope so I'm going to move these down just so that they can fit all right so directing and managing the project work is really a leadership kind of thing where you lead the team and you coordinate all leadership efforts that's really it and then we have manage project knowledge which is where you learn your lessons what went well what didn't go so well and you take that knowledge and you share it across the organization that's why it's called manage project knowledge that knowledge needs to be managed you're not just waiting till the end of the project to get the knowledge no as you're going through the project you're learning your lessons and you are documenting the lessons and sharing it with people and implementing it back in the project so you don't make the same mistakes or so that you realize those same benefits and opportunities of doing things in a particular way okay then we get into monitoring and controlling and this it just makes sense like whatever you do in life you are for the most part monitoring and controlling you're crossing the road you're looking you're checking you're gauge in the distance of the bus to you of a train to you some people have done a lousy job in monitoring and control and they get hurt but then you also Monitor and control even in the house maybe you're doing chores maybe you're cooking maybe you're operating an electronic Appliance uh maybe you're working with uh fire you've got to Monitor and control that's the general idea so it's a very simple idea it's just called monitor and control Project work who doesn't Monitor and control I mean everyone does so these are not far-fetched ideas monitor control project work okay the next thing is Change Control and we call it in a greater Change Control I'd like to give you a very mundane example I like mundane examples because they stick a very mundane example could be your student and for the longest time you've always got an allowance of five dollars a day and then covet hits and then you you're out of school and then you come back to school and with the crazy stuff going on in the world to get a decent lunch is now like eight dollars so you need to go back to your parents and ask for three more dollars there needs to be a change there needs to be a change request so how do you make the request well in the real world you just say hey Mom Dad can I have an additional three dollars uh the cost of price of lunch has gone up it gets cost an arm and leg to to to to get a a decent lunch at school and that's an idea of Performing integrated Change Control perform integrated Change Control now let's break down the words perform carry out integrated interlocked touching many pieces and coordinated so perform integrated Change Control perform change that is intentionally controlled across many areas to begin with schedule cost and scope they all need to be integrated if you're making a change in isolation of scope or schedule or cost you're doing it wrong so when I ask for three more dollars I factored in that yeah I can still get this lunch at this place at this time I doesn't mean I need to go somewhere else it's right there the scope hasn't changed all that has changed is the cost the schedule is still doing lunch break you see I like breaking things down into very mundane examples because through the mundane examples you will better understand so I want you as you go through each line item and I'm going kind of slow for this first one but as you're going through each line item I need you to come up with examples in your everyday life all right final one closing this is where we close the project or phase and it's just called close projectile phase so again an example in life you got done with a thesis or you got done with a paper now like one of my one of my my friends had been working on closing out of this course my goodness and my friend she knows who she is she's one of my students but she knows we we had an encounter with this this professor it seemed like this this course would never end that you know it seemed like it would go on and on and on but but it but it ended thank goodness we closed project we closed phase we closed many different phases and then we eventually closed the whole thing close project or phase that's an example another example is just an assignment that you submit in college right or in high school whatever right you close it out you're done you've handed over the deliverable you'll scored you're happy and the story all right so my my suggestion to you my friends is to Anchor pembok back to real world any project whether it's a home cleaning project building a pool uh anything I'm telling you it's not far-fetched now we're going to go a lot quicker we're moving into scope but to show you how you should be thinking I want to go beyond doing it linearly like from left to right right you could fill it in by integration scope schedule all the way on down you know in its entirety but instead I want us to move in this direction we're going to go that way down like that okay because I have other videos you can find on this channel that do it across and but for now we're going down in in rows so in columns through the rows so the next one I'm going to is in stakeholder management so in the very beginning of the project you're going to identify stakeholders okay you're going to identify who the project could affect and who could be affected by the project all right and then this one over here called develop project management plan I'm going to frame it because a rather important one and it needs some explaining so develop project management plan is not something that happens just a one-time thing and uh it's all done at once no there's a lot of stuff that happens in this column well guess what the stuff that you derive from this column it actually all rolls up into the project management plan so you actually have in your project management plan a bunch of stuff that you get from this column such as scope management plan schedule management plan risk management plan Resource Management plans go Baseline schedule Baseline course Baseline it's all in the project management plan so if your teacher hasn't already taught you that you will learn that hopefully hopefully hopefully they're going to teach you that so let's go into everything that happens in planning under developed project management plan okay so we have plan scope management now I'm going to show you the redundancy in this table so that you feel more comfortable in it all of the first processes of every knowledge area from scope all the way on down to procurement they have this they have this ring to it I'm going to show you this here they all have this plan X management theme where X is the knowledge area so it doesn't really take that much to remember a whole bunch of them see they all follow this planet's management band where X is the name of the knowledge area so if we just take the knowledge area schedule and put it in here we have plan schedule management if we take cost it's called Plan cost management if we take quality plan quality management we take resources plan resource management we take Communications plan Communications management we take risk plan risk management take procurement plan procurement management and all this is saying is you're just planning how are we going to manage this area how are we going to manage procurement how are we going to manage risk how are we going to manage Communications how are we going to manage resources how are we going to manage quality and then the last one plan stakeholder but watch this there's a little twist here it's not management it's called plan stakeholder engagement in other words how are we going to engage our stakeholders so that's the only one that's different but everything else you can see it has that Mantra of plan this management plan that management plan that management now as you look under the hood you've got to go a step further into asking yourself hmm what do I do after I plan scope management there's a logic to it after you plan how to manage scope then you begin collecting your requirements so we have collect requirements okay and then we Define the scope that we need to get those requirements done and then we create a work breakdown structure create WBS see that and that's scope and then in schedule after you plan how to develop and how to manage the schedule the next thing you're going to do is you're going to define the actual activities that have to be done and you know an activity just means task so the itty bitty tasks that you need to do you got to define activities activities then you've got a sequence activities then you've got to estimate the activity durations how long will each activity take right so sequence the activities put them in the logical order of occurrence just so that you're testing the logic and the flow of the work you're doing and after you estimate activity durations you put all of that together into a schedule a coherent schedule and we call that develop schedule and and that's what you're doing in schedule management but you need to think through okay what what does it make sense to do next remember the PMI asks you for three years of project management experience so if this stuff isn't making sense you've got to make it make sense because you got the aptitude to make it make sense okay all right next we're going to go into cost and there are three things that happen under planning and cost very similar to what we did in schedule we plan cost management and then we estimate costs for each activity it's like you're building a house and you want to furnish the house well of course you need to estimate the cost for each room how much will it cost to paint a room how much will it cost to decorate a room how much will it cost to lay tile these are all tasks but you've got to estimate each of those things and then you roll them up into a final total we call that determine budget see that and then we move into quality we're done with quality there's nothing else there we go into Resource Management we plan how to manage our resources and then we estimate the activity resources okay then we go to Communications then we get to risk risk is huge so we're going to move this around so that we can make enough space for the enormity of risk risk is a seven-headed beast so there's seven things that you need to know in Risk and you know when I say no I'm not just talking about the name I mean really know what is happening in each of those areas okay so if if you are following me with a pen and paper I'm telling you you are programming your brain to retain this stuff and I want you to go back in here and I want you to watch it over and over and over and over and over again until you can anticipate what I'm gonna say next and the reason why you're doing this is not because you want to cram but because you are trying to register your your rewriting stuff that you may have known incorrectly you're reprogramming your brain to know it well okay trust me there's power in repetition so we plan how to manage risks and then we identify the risks what is a risk and on certain events that can impact the project positively or negatively so you identify the risks and then you perform perform a qualitative qualitative qualitative risk analysis I'm trying my best not to use abbreviations because I really want you to register this it is still so relevant to the exam as at 2023 contrary to what a lot of people think or say it is still so relevant trust me all right and then next one I'm just going to copy this because they're very similar so qualitative risk analysis is where you score a risk this is where you say a risks probability is high but its impact is low a risk probability is low but its impact is high or the impact is high probability is high right we score the risks on a scale of one two could be one to five one to three one to ten different company by company some companies just use high medium low however your company decides to do it you know just register what is going on and then we have a perform quantitative risk analysis this is not just using some arbitrary number this is where you actually know for sure based on what the experts have said there's a 70 chance this risk had happened and there's a one million dollar impact if it does so we find what we call the expected monetary value also called the risk magnitude and that is what we do in perform quantitative risk analysis and I have videos that talk about that on the channel you can find them okay so the next one is plan risk responses so now that you have scored the risks in quality risk analysis you've also prioritized them you do another round of prioritization in quantitative risk analysis and you have a good idea of how the severe the risks are or the opportunities how significant they are so we plan risk responses right and this is where you decide to either avoid transfer mitigate accept escalate negative risks or you escalate share enhance exploit and accept positive risks you know and I call that the A Team the money ate am or easwe okay and yeah those are your five for for risk right there we're done with risk for planning and uh the next thing that happens is in procurement and then stakeholder and boom you're done that's we just went through the whole of planning it it seems ominous when you're looking at it but now that I've gone through it with you I am hoping that this makes sense so for my friends on the call I want you to put a chat into the chat box if this is making sense just put a chat in the chat box and if you got any questions please put a question in the chat all right so we're done with planning and we are going to finish off the other columns now I want to show you another trick in the area of executing we've already gotten two done but I want to give you a visual to show you which areas are blocked so when we talk about scope there is nothing in executing for scope neither is there anything for schedule or cost in executing so that whole place is blocked you see that you see that visually I'm giving you there I want you to remember there is blocked so there's no reason to recall anything except this is blocked now with the exception of those everything else has something in it but again there is some sort of ring to these process names okay so for those of you who are color code oriented I'm going to use a different color for the purpose of this illustration okay so I'm going to go to a kind of burnt Brown radish just to to help you remember Okay so when it comes to executing the word manage is prevalent okay so we have a again a theme that says manage and I'm going to use a little letters manage X where X could be the name of the knowledge area but it could be something else so we have manage X and then we have in one of these we have another manage X somewhere here we have a manage X somewhere here we have a manage X somewhere here as well and I'm going to show you a way of keeping stock of all the process groups so here we have two processes in this column right here we have 24 and here 224 10 in executing 2 24 10 and then 12. in monitoring and controlling and then one in closing 224 10 12 1. that's it so when you're trying to keep a count you've got to ask yourself hmm is there anything missing okay in Risk we don't have a manage something instead we have an implement implement the word Implement right and then for procurement we don't have a manage we have a conduct okay when it comes to resource resource is actually one of those pretty big areas because we have six processes in resources so I'm going to move this down just a little bit so that we got more room to play in the resource column let's move that down and resources has three things so we have an mnemonic that forms ADM a d m for those of you who may have extensively studied schedule you know what the ADM method is it's it's an alternative way of of scheduling but we have this ADM so I'm showing you patterns so that you remember these things okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we're good okay so the first X is manage quality and this is where you're carrying out your quality audits a quality audit is carried out before the deliverable is created so it means you're actually checking the process you're not checking the product you're checking the process to see hmm how well are we carrying out the work based on the quality standards we're meant to be adhering to remember plan quality management is where you identify the standards that you need to adhere to be it sucks compliance be it uh Food and Drug Administration FDA whether it's OSHA regulations where whether it's Americans with Disability Act whether it's sucks compliance whatever it is manage quality is where you check the process like an audit okay so the a going into the next one resources this is where you acquire resources and all manner of resources human equipment Material supplies facilities the d stands for develop team and the M manage is manage team boom acquire resources right acquire the resources you need develop the team Center for training team building off-site Mentor them coach them train them whatever you need to do to get them to their Optimum state so they can perform the project work manage team is where you're giving the team feedback it's that simple for every team they need to be guided with kpis right key performance indicators they need to be able to look back and understand their performance as a team right individuals yes but also as a team majorly as a team for this one so this is where you give them feedback on their performance in Communications just replace it with the word Communications manage Communications and then Implement risk responses that's simple Implement risk responses carry out the response so are you going to mitigate accept avoid in the case of positive risks are you going to share the risk then go ahead and do it this is where you do it so if the risk said to deal with the risk of everyone getting wet for this event we're going to get we're going to rent some canopies the moment you buy the canopies you've implemented the risk response because the risk responds is to mitigate and the way to mitigate is to erect the canopies so the moment you purchase those canopies you are implementing the risk response all right next we have conduct replace it with the word procurement and last but not least the manage X is manage stakeholder engagement and what this means is engage with the stakeholder manage stakeholder engagement is a doing remember it's in the executing process group so it's the doing of the executing this is where you are carrying out the engagement so if I know my stakeholder is someone who goes to the to the cafeteria every lunch break and I know my stakeholder doesn't like to be interrupted through the day but hey at lunch she's at her happiest I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure I connect with her in the cafeteria she doesn't mind and you know a lot of times you say Phil give me the breakdown of what's happening on the project Eureka that's my opportunity to engage this particular stakeholder in a particular way using those great interpersonal skills so I'm going to sit down I'm gonna have lunch with that stakeholder I'm going to give a stakeholder the 4-1-1 of the project at a high level boom I just got done with managed stakeholder engagement now for some other stakeholders it's a it's a it's a more drawn out process you know there might be travel involved there might be a big old meeting a big old dog and pony show but the bottom line is you got to do it you got to know the mousetrap that works for your unique stakeholder all right so we're almost done the next one again I am going to use a different color just to for those of you who are very uh color uh focused in terms of your brain is wired to uh things and how you saw them in particular colors I'm going to use another color here I'm going to make this pink and this will stick in your brain be like oh it's a pink column the pink column yeah okay so for monitoring and controlling again there's a formula to it and the formula to it is is simply control X that's it so we have control X somewhere here we have control X here we have control X here control X here Ctrl X here not so fast control X here and that's it now what do we have in the other ones in the ones that are human human oriented humans we don't like using the word control because it makes us seem like we're control freaks even though a lot of people say project managers are we don't like that connotation right so we stay away from the word control here and we use the softer word of monitor so we have monitor X for communications where they're humans involved for risk where we cannot control uncertainties so we use a software monitor you can't control the uncertainties of tomorrow you could only monitor them and react accordingly right and then we have stakeholder monitor you cannot or should not try to control your stakeholder so we use the word monitor all right watch this watch this it's easy watch it watch it watch it it's coming all right so we have control you ready control scope but for those of you who are calculating the numbers you know that they're meant to be 12. so there's another process that happens above this and it's just called validate validate scope and validate scope is where you'll check in the scope to make sure that you are on point okay make sure that you're doing just what is required no more no less control scope is is where you are preventing gold plane let me take that again validate scope is where your customer beg your pardon is checking the deliverable control scope is where you are making sure that no one is doing extra things that we're not bugging for or were not on the plan uh control schedule is where you're checking to make sure the team is following the timeline control cost is where you ensure the team is on budget not going over budget control quality is where you are checking the deliverable before it goes to the customer I know you're you're thinking Phil didn't you just say that the customer checks up here yes there's a flow of a deliverable that you have checked you first check it in control quality and it theoretically goes to validate scope up here but in reality these two happen in succession you have to control quality first you should before you validate scope so validate scope is your customer and control quality is you this is a really huge Eureka moment for some people so I want to make it very clear validate scope is a customer responsibility control quality is the Performing organization or you okay forming organization or you the project manager makes sense okay so moving on to resources this is another special one in control resources we do not refer to humans the resources that we are controlling are the physical resources so the materials that supplies the facilities we make sure that they were used they were utilized as promised as intended and is there's nothing going to write all right next one is Monitor Communications just take the knowledge area you see replace the X with the knowledge area monitor risks control procurements okay and again monitor Communications is making sure Communications are going according to plan uh if they're not you're going to change something monitor risk is making sure that you got the risks down and that there's nothing that is new or if there is something that's new you update your risk register right control procurements making sure that the procurement went according to plan the seller has given you what you asked for now I didn't talk about procurement that much but conduct procurement is where you are selecting a seller or sellers control procurement is where you are ensuring the seller is giving you what you paid for monitor stakeholder engagement is the final one here and this is where you are making sure your engagement level and approach is on point okay and we got close project or phase and we should be done one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. there are your 49 processes my friends close projectile phase like I said in the very beginning you're either closing out the project or phase closing out a phase or the project as a whole those are the 49 look at them my friends I think we spent about what 30 35 minutes watch this video relentlessly I want you to listen to it over and over and over and over again until you can anticipate what I'm going to say next it's free I put out free for you hey this is my 2023 gift to you use it it is so important you know this table my friend because if you don't know this table they could run circles around you with stuff that is not even that hard but because you don't know it it is going to appear very difficult okay so I'm I'm advising you please do it I'm going to show you something else this table is so important that in a previous video I took this same table and I broke this table down into an agile perspective in other words you're in integration how do you do develop project Charter in agile there's an agile project Charter there's a product roadmap and the vision how do you do develop project management plan there's a product backlog there's a Sprint backlog you see when you get this configuration you can explain other Frameworks more thoroughly and you can actually account for all that happens a lot better I want to encourage you if you haven't opened the agile practice guide to read how each knowledge area is carried out in the world of agile I want you to go to the agile practice guide I'm just going to put it here Azure practice guide page 90 to 95. in this agile practice guide you're going to find pmi's breakdown of how every knowledge area from integration all the way on down is carried out in an agile setting okay hopefully when you watch this again you're going to make it times two I talk very slowly and deliberately sometimes just so that nothing goes missing or falls through the cracks and so those who speak English as a second language can actually hear every word I'm saying but for those of you who are like Phil you're slow go quicker speed it up times two my friend all right thank you very much for joining me again Happy New Year to those of you who I haven't wished happy New Year ready I'm looking forward to you killing this exam crushing it putting it as Chokehold and doing havoc on the test all right thank you very much if you've got any questions put them down below remember if you are looking for training coaching and help that breaks it down exactly as I did go in meticulously through the content you need to go on down to our website it's praiseon.com that's p-r-a-i-z-i-o-n I'll show it to you on the screen going down to praiseon.com because I know some of you you need hand holding it's not enough for you to do stuff alone so going down to our site take a look at the various Vehicles we've got we train everything from the PMP exam immersion which is a half day boot camp to full-on 35 contact hours through our project management masterclass or cap M exam whatever you are working on whatever you're working on just go ahead and get some time on your calendar to attend one of our courses thank you very much all the very best and bye for now