Transcript for:
Exploring Ayana Koji's Awareness Techniques

welcome to ianakoji August I inokoji from classroom of the elite is the most Keystone character in the anime World currently due to everything we're going to cover in this series during eye in the Koji August we will dissect everything there is not only Ayana Koji but other characters from the classroom of the elite show covering their mindsets personality traits and of course how we can take the positive traits and apply them to our own lives it'll be fun let's get straight into eye in a Koji have you ever asked yourself how does I and a Koji get everything he wants why is Aina Koji so manipulative why is ayanakuchi able to control any situation now I ask you can you guess what is the most powerful trait that Ayana Koji possesses we're about to answer all of this in this video obviously however I cannot stress enough if you truly desire to become like Ayana Koji this video is extremely crucial to understanding the core principle that gives him his unlimited power I'm not gonna cap this video is Keystone for our eye in the Koji series throughout this series I will give all the techniques in the world but those videos are tree branches whereas this video here is the tree itself number one trait Aya nakoji possesses more than anything else is awareness if you're on my patreon and you've gone through our itachuchi of course then you more than anyone understand what I mean when I say awareness right or even if you're my free official Sasuke Uchi course then you understand that awareness is one of the most powerful traits that any human being could ever willed or have all right let's back up and go to that original question shall we how does Ayana Koji get everything he wants I mentioned this in my previous eye in akogee video The Power of observational awareness I and the coach is always studying his environment which gives him information which allows him to make right decisions with absolute pinpoint accuracy however observational awareness remains limited to being aware of strictly one's environment whereas awareness by itself revolves around you being acutely aware of everything rather external or internal now I will briefly describe what awareness is to me and what it looks like in real time and then we'll immediately jump into examples of how I and a Koji easily and effortlessly trained his awareness to unlimited levels of power and of course is how you can do the same shout out to my Discord Brotherhood all 1200 of you probably already know what I'm about to say right the millennial Kingdom definition of awareness is your ability to see see what Mk Brad the answer is any and everything see this is what single-handedly separates an individual like Aya nokoji from everybody else in the show you want to be more like Aya nokoji than remember what I'm about to say forever [Music] active versus passive again active versus passive Ayo nokoji is always in an active State of Mind well what do I mean by this according to the Huffington Post 90 of your Consciousness is in a subconscious state while the other 10 remains active according to the article the conscious part is also called the intentional part of the mind because it represents choice but like previously stated that only makes up ten percent of your mind unfortunately according to psychology today human beings on average make about 35 000 decisions every day but as we just deduced only one tenth of those decisions would ever be a conscious choice of yours leaving only 3 500 decisions being controlled by your own direct influence the undeniable point I'm arriving at is that the majority of people live their day-to-day lives in a complete zombified Haze they move subconsciously asleep almost like an algorithmic robot who have the illusion that they're alive and conscious but really they're following a script encrypted in them by its programmer in our case we live in a matrix through the constant pressure of social media news propaganda and so Liberty affluence we are given an algorithm to follow leaving most people with the illusion that they're making their own choices when in reality they're being controlled by a matrix I am akochi possesses a high level of awareness if you re-watch classroom of the elite take notice of how much time I and nokoji spends keeping his attention in the present moment in order to analyze everything relative to the other characters who are in a brain fog if I had to guess I'd say I inokoji spins around 60 to 70 percent of his day in a subconscious state compared to most people who spend 90 of their day in this asleep State because I and akoji has mastered his awareness he is less vulnerable to other people's programming it's extremely hard to manipulate or influence someone like ianakoji because he would be aware of you attempting to do so let's now speak on how to train your awareness like Aya nakoji [Music] bruh the white room was crucial for ianakoji's awareness I'm currently developing a masterpiece video on the white room which I cannot wait to release so I'm gonna be honest but this video is strictly centered around the basis of awareness so I'll keep it short what you need to understand about the white room is this in order to develop awareness like Aya nakoji which is one of the most powerful traits in the world you need to cultivate an environment that will accelerate the power of your awareness the white room was specifically cultivated to train one's ability to see the kids of the white room especially the fourth generation class were trained to be cunning and manipulative to the eighth degree meaning they had to learn how to get information under any means necessary and you can only gather information effectively by having high levels of awareness I and nokoji matched with the art of gathering information being as Sleek as a fox while also remaining as koi as a bluebird all of which will be discussed throughout the Ayana Koji August series don't overlook the power of this there's a reason why if you go back and re-watch classroom of the elite Aya nokoji is always spamming questions in his head if you're part of my Itachi uchio or Sasuke courses then by God you know how much we discuss the power of asking questions what makes asking questions so powerful like you claim MK Brad really yes what makes questions incredibly powerful is that questions force your brain to search for information this is common sense but it can't be overlooked right when you ask yourself a question your brain is now implored to find an answer the only way to find an answer is to gather information and like I said earlier Aya nokoji is a master at gathering information AKA asking questions whenever stumped in a situation where I and a Koji is about to attempt to get what he wants he always stops first and asks questions this allows him to flawlessly gather information and therefore have a much better understanding of what decision he should make next that will easily and naturally allow him to get what he wants you know some real though fictional or non-fiction if Aya nokoji was a real personality in life in real life do you think he would be engaged in any of the following checking Instagram every 25 minutes scrolling endlessly on Tick Tock for seven hours a day binging three Netflix shows a week non-stop video games sucking up sugar and junk food like a damn vacuum pmo addiction like it's very common sense that he wouldn't be engaged in any of those things yet most guys are doing one if not all of those things Aya nokoji has complete Mastery over his attention which is number three for building awareness a guy in akochi if you do not have control over your attention then you cannot have control over your life let alone situations remember this Aya nokoji is the one influencing not the one being influenced anything that would potentially remove or slowly diminish his ability to control his life and actions he would obviously not partake it this is the most important one because if you don't have this then training your awareness is futile you must unplug yourself from all dopamine spamming take a precise look at your daily habits in anything that's stealing your attention you need to replace it with an activity that enhances your attention as a recap we have concluded that I inokoji's awareness is built through one the white room having an awareness driven environment two training himself to always ask questions and three of course unplugging himself from the Matrix I plan on creating the most in-depth powerful and most valuable classroom of the Elite series on the planet and this right here is video one of Aya nokoji August this Saturday we'll even be having a live stream talking about Aya nikoji and how to learn from him so be sure to join the Discord if you haven't already if you find any of this information viable be sure to leave a like And subscribe for the next video in our eye in a country August series also let me know in the comments what type of classroom of the elite video you want next as this series is open to unlimited content and I want as many video ideas as humanly possible this is MK Brad I'll see you guys in the next one peace