so this is the sterilization room this is our third video this little like series what's in my OP I'll show you this is kind of we're lucky to have a very large I feel this is pretty large and spacious we have a whole side this is like the dirty side and then this side is kind of like the clean side you'll see what I mean in a second so obviously it's not my office you should still wear proper PPE you should be wearing your long sleeves your mask your everything your hair should be up so over here we have our cavity wipes you know you need carry wipes everywhere you go pritch others in my room well they're my room do the remote copy that I didn't show we have our sharps container we have our emergency section here emergency equipment we have an sanitizer every time before you leave or unter we hand sanitize we have our like medical waste you know anything that might be a little like you know bloody we put in there and then our normal garbage here it's very nice it's like whatever our ultrasonic a lot of ask me about ultrasonic hygienists do you already know but if you're not a hygienist or if you're not a dental person but ultrasonic does not sterilized at all it's actually probably the dirtiest part it's just to put you put your instruments in the basket this is filled up with water you put it in there you close it and it goes you know but the instruments get like any particles that are on there it helps get them off it's like agitate them off you know what I mean so you don't have like gross it's supposed to be better than taking a toothbrush and making that all go everywhere it goes in there it's covered it's like a nicer way to get the crud off we have some of these like guys to put like burrs and stuff in again a hygienist Pro doesn't care you might put your tips in here depending on what the manufacturer said you can put your tip your ultrasonic tip in there so again it's more for assisting you know we do some if we do it in plants so we have like the special implant thing that you put this is all for the ultrasonic so yeah I should use an instrument let me get an instrument to show you this process okay so here isn't it so you would put then when it's done we go over to here and it's dirty this is all very dirty remember that and then this is when we have our drawer of different size pouches sterilization pouches so then we put our dirty instrument into this pouch you close it and then we have this little bin over here and then once the bin gets full then you load it into the autoclave some people might put it strength autoclave whatever works for you we just like go and go and go and so it's barely ever in this bin but sometimes we have to our clothes so you know can't it go and go going and then when you're done over here we go in here so this is where we're going to put the dirty instruments into the autoclave this is what sterilizes them before we do that I need to unload the clean stuff because I think these are still from yesterday okay so let me unload the clean stuff first and this is what it's talking about like the clean area so this is our clean area this is all like very disinfected so we put all the stuff here yeah until we sort where it has to go you know dentistry is always changing and it's been like a few years since I've been an assistant so there are some things I don't know where they go right now I put all the mirrors we have like certain drawers well you know that's where the mirrors go hygiene kit this is one of our Jonas oh snap erase I never talked with that I used to only use snapper aids to take x-rays and that's just what I did as an assistant I bet a lot of distance too but then like when I went to dental hygiene school I started using the Rin and the the rings and everything I realized that's a boy a better x-rays with those so I don't use this anymore but some people don't hear some you know fillings cut off sign over here and then the doll hygiene shut up go there now what we do is we load the autoclave to put in there so I'm not gonna start it yet one fun fact is you should never put two on top like if I have this you shouldn't put another one on top give them like their own space does that make sense so it's able to you know arrow I have a video all about if they should be paper up or paper down I'll link that video below and then the only other thing in sterilization is you know we we store a lot of stuff in here it's also like our storage but it's very nicely in these nice things right we have like a million like gloves in here everybody's got different sizes it's like a larger office so we have like a lot going on there we have our masks and like I talked about earlier we have size two in size three for different things over here we have all of our like hygiene stuff this is like more prophy paste so we can stock our rooms which that was my first video here it's how I stock my room you know flooring furnish all that stuff and then over here is our trays so these are all premade trays these are the hygiene trays a I'll show you those in a second and then over here we have like our anesthetic and then we have them all like the doctor trays as a doctor trays so they kind of like throughout the day you know know like this is all ready for tomorrow they know what procedure needs needs what but back to the hygiene cuz that's what we're all about in here today I'll show you kind of the tray also the I didn't even show you all these there's so many cabinets up in here right like we have them all in ink like labeled which is nice like prophy and go straight covers building supplies crown supplies are very organized it is just a lot you hear that all day let me show you a trick so we have a hundred cover I kind of just did a whole like tray setup for you like I already showed you what's on the tray we're just showing you how they look in here for us so again and my other office we put their all every single hygiene setup is the same so we have everyone likes the same program I like another office so we just have a hygiene set up in a mirror but here we only have a mirror because the assistants like allow us to pick whatever hygiene setup we want depending on the patient because we have slightly different instruments in every setup does that make sense like just slightly different even though it's just like the brand is different if I go over here and then pick my instrument from this drawer and then I put the instrument setup on here but everything else is pre-made and on here the Gaza tips that everything and then I take this and I go over and sometimes the spies off because that always happens so you have to remember put that in here it's kind of it and the sterilization that I can think of that's like worth talking about dirty over there clean over here that's why I'm hanging on over here if you didn't see the first two videos I will link those below thanks for hanging out and seeing what's in my up until next time peace look Angie that's sterilization for you [Music]