Adam Smith and Economic Theories Overview

Aug 25, 2024

Lecture on Adam Smith and Economic Theories

Introduction to Adam Smith

  • Adam Smith: Scottish philosopher and author.
  • Best known for writing "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations".
  • Regarded as the father of economics, laying foundational economic rules and principles.

Economic Theory Before Adam Smith

  • Mercantilism: Dominant economic theory.
    • Belief in a zero-sum game in economic growth.
    • Wealth was thought to come from seizing wealth from other nations.
    • Dominated by agricultural output (farming) and hoarding gold.

Impact of "The Wealth of Nations"

  • Challenged mercantilism: Argued for industry and manufacturing as sources of wealth.
  • Industrial Revolution: Coincided with Smith's ideas, encouraging manufacturing as analogous to farming in wealth creation.
  • Factors of Production: Introduced by Smith:
    • Land
    • Labor
    • Capital (anything that contributes to production other than land and labor)

Capital and Wealth Creation

  • Capital: Includes cash, tools, machinery, patents, etc.
  • Value Creation Process: Nation's progression from agrarian to industrial economies.
  • Examples:
    • United Kingdom: Limited arable land led to industrialization.
    • China: Abundant farmland delayed industrialization.

Trade and Specialization

  • Specialization: Encouraged division of labor to improve efficiency and production.
  • Trade: Key driver for wealth, emphasized by specialization and comparative advantage among nations.
    • Guiding hand of the free market proposed by Smith.

The Role of Government

  • Smith's view: Government should maintain markets by preventing fraud and ensuring safety but should not interfere in the market.

Influence on Democracy and Modern Economy

  • Smith's economic theories paralleled the democratic movements of the era.
  • Capitalism as a form of economic democracy, where choices are made with money.

Limitations and Future Economic Theories

  • Smith's ideas were not perfect, as they assumed rational behavior from all economic participants.
  • Behavioral Economics: Emerged to address irrational behaviors in markets.


  • Smith's legacy persists in modern economic policies and practices.
  • Upcoming exploration into behavioral economics to address human irrationality in economies.

Supporting Information

  • The video mentioned was made possible by supporters on Patreon.
  • Encouragement to engage with the channel for early access and exclusive content.