Understanding Dynamic Programming Concepts

Oct 3, 2024

Lecture on Dynamic Programming


  • Dynamic Programming (DP) is a powerful algorithm design technique.
  • The next four lectures will cover DP, focusing on optimization problems.
  • DP is useful for solving problems like shortest paths and more, often turning exponential time solutions into polynomial time.
  • DP can be seen as a careful brute-force approach.

Why is it Called Dynamic Programming?

  • Named by Richard Bellman to sound appealing and avoid negative connotations associated with research at the RAND corporation.

Core Concepts of Dynamic Programming

  • Subproblems: Decompose a problem into smaller, manageable subproblems.
  • Memoization: Store solutions to subproblems to avoid redundant calculations.
  • Recursion: Use recursive functions to solve problems, but enhance them with memoization.
  • Guessing: Try all possible solutions for subproblems and choose the best one.

Example: Fibonacci Numbers

  • Naive Recursive Approach: Inefficient, exponential time due to repeated calculations.
  • Memoization: Store previously calculated results to achieve linear time complexity.
    • Create a dictionary to store Fibonacci values.
    • Check if a value is already computed before calculating it.
  • Bottom-Up Approach: Iteratively calculate Fibonacci numbers, storing only needed values to optimize space usage.

Key Idea in Dynamic Programming

  • Running time = Number of subproblems * Time per subproblem.
  • Dynamic programming is recursion plus memoization (and guessing).

Application: Shortest Paths

Single Source Shortest Paths

  • Recursive Algorithm: Compute shortest paths by considering all possible last edges to a vertex.
  • Memoization: Makes the recursive algorithm efficient for dags (acyclic graphs).
    • Running time for dags: V + E (number of vertices + number of edges).
  • Challenges with Cycles: Infinite recursion occurs in graphs with cycles.

Handling Cycles

  • Layered Graph Approach: Transform the graph into a layered, acyclic version to handle cycles.
  • Delta Definition: Define subproblems as shortest paths using at most K edges.
    • Delta subk of (S, V) is the shortest path from S to V using at most K edges.


  • Dynamic Programming is a versatile tool for algorithm design.
  • It involves breaking down problems, memorizing solutions, and trying different approaches systematically.
  • In upcoming lectures, more complex and interesting applications of DP will be explored.