Transcript for:
Paraphilic Disorders

Hi, I'm Cathy with Level Up RN. In this video, I  will be talking about paraphilic disorders. And   if you have our Level Up RN psychiatric mental  health nursing flashcards, I will be covering   the very last flash card in this deck. So if  you have our deck, go ahead and pull out your   card and follow along with me. Paraphilia is  characterized by persistent sexual interest,   urges, and behaviors that are unusual and  atypical. A paraphilic disorder is when   these interest, urges, and behaviors cause  significant distress, impair functioning,   and/or cause harm to others. So, in nursing  school, I would honestly just be familiar with   the main paraphilic disorders and what they  mean, versus the details of each one of them.   Exhibitionism is a paraphilic disorder where  an individual derives sexual pleasure from   exposing their genitals to others. Voyeurism  is a disorder where an individual is aroused   by observing an unsuspecting person  undress or engage in sexual activity.  Fetishism involves the use of inanimate objects  for sexual pleasure. For example, rubber, leather,   or shoes. And then, frotteurism is when an  individual rubs or touches their genitals against   a non-consenting individual for sexual pleasure.  Sexual sadism is characterized by sexual pleasure   being derived from inflicting pain, humiliation,  and suffering onto others, whereas sexual   masochism is when sexual pleasure is derived  from being the recipient of pain, humiliation,   or suffering. Pedophilia is defined as intense  and recurrent sexual urges or behavior involving   a prepubescent child, where the offender is 16  years old or older, and the child is at least 5   years younger than the offender. So keep in mind  that the psychiatric criteria for pedophilia is   different than the legal criteria for statutory  rape, which varies by state. All right. That is it   for this video. And that wraps up our psychiatric  mental health nursing playlist. I hope you found   it to be super helpful, and I hope you do great  on your nursing exams. Take care, good luck with   studying, and thank you so much for watching. [BLOOPERS]  Were an individual is aroused by observing an-- We invite you to subscribe to our channel,   and share a link with your classmates and friends  in nursing school. And if you found value in this   video, be sure to hit that like button, and let  us know what you found to be particularly helpful.