all right so in this video i'm going to share with you my video sales letter example template script software and overall formula that made over 730 000 in the first year that we used it so i'm going to break down the actual what i use everything so how i've got my whole setup the microphones that i use the software that i'm using to create everything everything so that you have that and you can start implementing this because if there's anything that can make money faster than anything else or if there's anything that can grow a business faster than anything else it's having a video that shares what you do why you do it how you understand the customer's problem how you fix the customer's problem and it can direct them and lead them to wherever you need them to go so that you can help them fulfill what it is that they're trying to fulfill so i'll break down every single thing this is one of the biggest topics i see people wanting to know about it was something i wanted to know the most about so i just wanted to create the most you know full and complete way to do it and simplify it as much as i possibly can because if you have a business and you don't have one of these running in the background constantly it doesn't matter if you sell sand or if you sell the most high-tech digital whatever it does not matter what it is that you're selling these things are the key to all sales and it's one of the hardest things that people have you know to it's the biggest thing that people have trouble with creating so and i can understand that uh because there's you know video stuff involved there's a script involved there's uh just the formula itself and everything so you'll have all of that in this video okay so if you have any questions about this or if you want me to do more about this just go down in the comments below ask the questions that way i can keep creating content for you to help you do this because this will be a big big thing in helping you grow your school helping you grow your business helping you grow anything that it is that you're trying to get attention to by showing people that you have the answer to their problem or whatever it is that they're doing okay so the reason i make these videos is because uh you know there's a lot of stuff out there that's confusing and when there's people just in the raw trenches that are needing to do things to to make things happen uh it's it's it's not really there and so we want to be the ones to help you make something once and be able to use it over and over and over and over again okay hence the name make once so let's go jump into it so the first thing when it comes to creating a video sales letter is anymore you used to not have to really be on the screen but there's just so many tools that allow you to be on the screen and it's just going to be more connected than if you're not so i just have a basic camera hooked up here plugs into my computer i keep my computer shut because it saves more space and i can just operate everything on this one screen a lot of people have all these screens and like that you don't need that one screen one focus i've got this basic light right here um just got on amazon it's like 20 bucks just a cheap camera here but it shoots 1080p and i got a wide angle lens on it i've got this uh sure mic right here i can put links down in the description for this stuff and then i've got this plugged in uh to here which has the hard drive because your vsl videos tend to be pretty big so you're going to want to store them somewhere i usually go from here and then put it in the cloud and then this just adjusts right here okay so you can adjust the temperature of the light depending on what it is but you know people have all these big lights you don't need a huge big crazy light you just need that um i've got this because sometimes when i'm talking i can hear you know other audio behind me and then i've just got a basic setup behind me that's not going to distract from the overall thing that's going on and then i just use this mirror software right here okay and this is where i create my slides so what we're going to do is we're going to jump on the actual computer here and then i'm going to start walking you through what i actually do to create the whole vsl itself before i record it the framework the scripts and all of that stuff but this isn't always necessary like you can always just i mean i could just use the computer because it's got a camera uh it can you know it's got a microphone on it and most your stuff nowadays has all that but you know these are little simple upgrades that'll help you just make it a little bit easier and so as you can see when i come in here everything's already really set up already so i can just sit down and i can start creating video i can start creating sales letters because at the end of the day you have to be able to you know get your message out there and really help other people understand you know why you're doing what you're doing why you've created it that you understand their problem and that you know how to solve it so um i'll get it if you want me to get into some other videos on like how i put together videos uh and and how i create this little framework then you know for like the keywords and content map stuff i can show you that as well it's basically the reason you're seeing this video organically is because of this process right here so i can show you that uh just let me know down in the comments if you want to know that process as well you know people ask all the time like what kind of mic i'm using and they want to know that stuff so you can see this little guy here okay i took the little fuzzy thing off that it comes with but um you know i'm gonna set this down just a second so i can grab this thing so this is what i'm recording on right now all right it's a little zoom f1 field recorder and it just has a little sd card that goes into it you can it's really handy like this thing clips on your belt um and it does a really good job with audio and so that's what i'm recording so i have my phone set to uh just 30 frames a second and it's uh just in high def okay because really that's that's all you need and it air drops to my computer really simple and you know 4k is great and everything like that and you can do that but it takes longer to edit it's a bigger load on your computer it takes longer to transfer the files and things like that and i've seen zero difference in my conversion ability from uh you know 4k to 1080p so just 1080p it's the same thing i'm running on that camera that i showed you earlier but i like this because i can walk around as you as you can hear um you know i can walk around and still have great audio so i just start recording on my phone okay i'm just holding my phone here and then it's in horizontal and then i just click record on that and then when i go into the computer which i can show you how i edit all this stuff if you want just let me know in the comments and then i just you know put the audio underneath this track line it up get rid of the phone audio because it's not as good as this audio and now i've got great audio and if you pay attention to anything pay attention to audio and lighting over anything so all right let's jump in i just want to share that with you because i know a lot of you are going to ask okay so when i go to record i have the mic like about right here um maybe i can turn this around i have the mic about like right here and i've got my camera right here and then as you can see i'm using i use screenflow so up here and i can show you on the screen but i want to show you how to get prepared for this alright so the shure this shure mb7 or whatever it is no it's the sure mv7 okay it's got this little software that goes to it i like this thing because you can just plug it in with usb and i just run it down this thing here and then it plugs into the back of my computer over there okay but i have it plugged into this thing so i can have this shut and all my stuff goes there but what i what you want to do is you'll make sure that like you can see what i look like through this camera right here on my screenflow program so i use mac so i use this little screenflow program and i i have it so that i'm doing a new recording i record my screen which is going to be the screen i'm recording and then it's also going to record my camera which is this thing so i can be in the video not just a flat screen and then this down here is my shure so when you plug it in it will show on here and you want to make sure that your mic is doing that see test test sometimes you know you'll get in a rush or whatever and you got to come over here and i just oh you know sometimes i'll mute the mic because i'll be listening through this thing this is why i like this these headphones can plug into the back of here okay and when they do that then i can hear somebody else i can hear other audio while i'm doing stuff um you know sometimes i listen to music too you know and i'll have it muted just make sure you come over here and un uh unmute it and if you guys want me to go deeper into that stuff i can i've got some settings in here that seem to work really well for me but i just make sure that my my screen is recording my video camera's recording and my mic is recording okay and then screenflow records all of this stuff into the actual software and then i can even add video like this video into it and so when you have those capabilities just where you can simply connect all that stuff together that is what makes this so cool because you know at the end of the day your business if you don't know um that your customers are getting the message about you and if you're not able to create video quickly on the fly in today's world you're gonna lose out really quickly okay so you want to make sure that you get your video game dialed in and so many of you are paying 50 to 100 bucks an hour to have video done and you can just do it yourself and get it done and then later down the road when you're in a position to really you know take it to the next level you can and you can have somebody do it for you but i just wanted to show you again that basic setup you notice my desk is really clean there's no distractions there's no nothing it's just one screen one thing and we're focused on this okay so let's go jump into the thing now so now i'm recording through this mic that camera and we're recording the screen here um let me jump over to the vsl i'm getting ready to actually shoot and use and here's the outline now it looks complicated and crazy um maybe maybe not but this software miro here's all my slides over here kind of like keynote or powerpoint but what i like about this is the ease and quickness of the whole thing okay so the formula that i use and i've been through a lot of formulas i've bought a lot of script software i've done a lot of copywriting you know knowledge and and you know digging into all that stuff and what i found has worked for me okay and has worked repeatedly it's just following the good old-fashioned process of problem agitate and then solve and then all of this right here needs to be done with a few things number one clear make things extremely clear when you're communicating them number one just having something confusing is just gonna take you out right away because if it's confusing people are out okay the next thing is you need to always have some sort of like urgency or scarcity right so if you like i always say if your rent wasn't due when would you pay it right you wouldn't so you want to always have some kind of urgency at the end or scarcity of some sort limited seats limited time to sign up limited bonuses limited price option that's going to get people to move and really i've seen the the the times that you give people depending on what you're selling but in general when you're using a vsl i wouldn't go much more than a week i like the three to five day mark that seems to be a good countdown and then that's how you can get all your emails in place to like follow up and then you basically go from like announcing it a few times a day and then towards the end you're sending emails sometimes almost every hour uh to close it out and you'll see most of your sales come at the very end very very end in like the last hour you'll be like man this thing sucks then all of a sudden boom 20 30 40 grand comes in so problem agitate solve remember we're taking people from their current situation to their desired situation and everybody has one just like yours watching this video your current situation was how do i make a you know vsl video how do i create the formula how do i create the script how do i create the vsl how do i create all that stuff that's what you were trying to figure out right and so your desired situation is to know how to do a video sales letter so that you can sell whatever it is that you're trying to sell so we just take people across this process here okay what is it how do you actually get people across this gap to where they want to be right so you would basically lay out your steps and you're going to go through that people this when they think about this formula they're always thinking about like oh you know you the you got to do this secrets and blah blah blah blah at the end of the day here's people are really crazy right just you just gotta frickin tell them okay so you if you show somebody how you actually solve their problem and you hold nothing back and you actually help them in the actual video then at the end you can always pitch something very lightly or very intensely but it's always here's how we solve your problem it's like if somebody's coming to buy something they're coming to buy something to solve a problem if you show them in blatantly how do you actually do that okay and you make a great offer at the end ta-da so it's like here's your problem right so are you know the this video sales letter i'm getting ready to do is i'm showing the actual four-step funnel that turns prospects into paying clients in less than 72 hours it doesn't matter if you're charging you know 29.97 or 109.97 and this is for coaches consultants course creators people that want to have an online business where they're using their knowledge to solve people's problems and they want to do it in a digital way this is what this is for so you might be a coach that has you know worked your butt off and tried to figure out how to do something and you want to help people with it and usually we're trying to solve your own problem and then you figure out how to do that and that's what you're going to do is show people how to solve that problem that's what i did i didn't want to work for anybody i had the i just couldn't it was like entrepreneurship chose me almost um and i just couldn't do it right so i had to figure something out or i was going to be freaking flat ass broke all the time so i just figured out hey if i know how to get companies and businesses and entrepreneurs if i can show them how to get attraction and conversion using the internet i started this back in 2006 got started in it really in 2007 been doing it ever since here it is 2022. um you know we figured out how to do an email campaign with eight eight email campaigns made 224 000 in a month you know so it's like we can figure you know this stuff out together and so i can show you these things and that's what i ended up doing i learned how to use all the stuff and then i teach people how to use it uh to make to make money and to grow their business so that's what i'm going to be showing them here their current situation is they don't know how to turn they don't know how to number one attract prospects number two they don't know how to take those prospects that they've attracted leads and turn those into paying clients quickly okay nobody wants to wait on that so that's the whole you know thing right here out of the gate you want to have a title a headline this is the most important thing on this entire thing is you want to have a headline that your audience can't refuse okay i would just ask myself when i was in this situation because most of the time as an entrepreneur you're just helping people do what you figured out how to do that's usually what happens in a business okay it's very seldom otherwise right or your father your mother or something was in something but that's usually the whole part of the process okay so that's what i'm going to teach people in this that's the opening slide and then immediately you want to say who this is for well who's it for this is where you get to basically filter out who it's not for and then you get to actually show who it is for and this really draws people in so i just use i like to use the rule of three to five so you know three to five things is really all you need i don't care what the hell you're explaining you can get it done in three to five points so i i show who it's for and in this same way i'm also really trying to magnetize the person and get them hooked right out of the gate because in the beginning of a video sales letter you need to grab their attention i use bright colors i like to point with arrows people like to see sequences and then i hook them right away and i say here's who this is for then i say here's what you're going to learn and i literally say like this is what we're going to learn in this video and you want to hit the hot points and the way i get these hot points here is by actually laying this out first so what is your process how do you get somebody from a to b okay so problem i i talk about the problem right here okay then in the way that i'm showing who it's for i also can kind of agitate it here by saying you know this is for people who earn a living from their experiences influence specialized skills expertise you know and a lot of people that are in that situation are having trouble with and that's where i can really start to use these slides so i introduce the problem and then i'm still kind of introducing the problem here a little bit and the way you know how to introduce the problem is by actually knowing your person's problem it's all over the internet it's all over comments reviews listen to other videos that are talking about the same topic and that is going to help you okay then and and take note of it just literally write it down or put it in a spreadsheet then i talk about what we're gonna learn this is also part of the hook and it's also a place where i can start agitating like hey you know you need to know this and you don't and so this is the problem and all you're always doing is saying here's what i did here's what we found out here's what we learned that's the video sales letter it's not hey you got to do this hey do this do that you can't tell anybody anything you have to you have to just share what you did and you know a lot of people they don't know how to do it and they're trying to do this and they don't know how to do what they're trying to say they know how to do and that's why you're having trouble so if that's you you're not there yet you got to do it you got to actually be able to say this is what i did that's why in the beginning i like to just show flat screenshots of what i'm making you know out of these email campaigns and you know what we what we made you know in a year doing this stuff and how things actually went right so once you get a thousand payments on on a product you can kind of talk about what you did there okay so i like to use a lot of visual examples because showing is better than telling like conversation always gets beat by demonstration okay after you say what you're going to learn i go into some more of the details of it and what i'm actually doing is setting myself up to be able to talk about and agitate the problem okay i'm trying to not only hook them in these first like five slides but i'm also trying to agitate the problem because once i get the problem really established and they know okay this is the problem this dude's solving or this chick is solving then what i do is i'll go in and i'll start really agitating it and and by agitating it's not just pissing them off or making it it's really building that emotion up because people make decisions and buy things based off emotion but you've also got to have the details and logic in there so that when the emotion fades off they have logic to back up their decision so in that whole way i'm also trying to make them feel that emotion of why it bothers them so much that they can't figure this out or what they're missing out on because they don't have this solution and and what they're missing out on in life because it's not there so then i go so instead of you know i don't want you to be hoping and doing random acts of marketing or constantly stalling out and starting over instead let's learn how to operate your your online business your your consulting business coaching business like a machine and we can leverage these automated systems just like you're watching this video right now it's not live right but uh it is you know working for me it's it's leveraging me and it's and it's automated it's happening without me and it's a system because there's you know whole process into what i'm doing here and then i always put in let's be clear here and i do this because legally it's smart to do this and you should do this and i'm not here to jack around like we're not doing any get rich quick sleazy crap but you're also using this as a way to also show that you're being honest and true and that you're not here to just you know screw somebody over and it really helps build that trust and then i just you know so we both can agree like everything that i'm gonna be sharing in here took hard work it took focus it took true drive you know it's and and people when they hear that they go okay yeah this person is real and then i start getting into examples and i'm agitating them in the way that because they want to do this stuff they want to make these kind of um you know results happen in their own business so i start talking about my results because i'm showing them not talking about it just oh hey i'm actually showing them you know i i do actually you know do make high ticket with stuff okay these are what customers have paid us over and over and over again okay so um we do know how to do high ticket all right and you know i didn't even put them all on here there's like several pages here i didn't go click the next button okay so you can see we've been doing this for a while and this is just establishing you know actual credibility and then what i do is um i start going into what i said i was gonna do on the landing page and here's what a lot of people don't uh realize is that your bullets on your on your vsl landing page or your vsl funnel and i can pop that up real quick so um in your vsl funnel like on mine if i go to this page here you know i'm sharing here's what you're gonna discover in this short video training okay well i just took those bullets right there and the the way i came up with these bullets is i just know all the problems that my client has and potential you know sales that we're going to be doing and everything i know that these are the things that are bothering them and the reason i know this is because i went out and researched all the things that they're saying i learned if there's one thing i learned in all the copywriting studies i did um and and just business you know communications and messaging when you're going to create your vsl when you're going to create a you know a formula for what you're going to talk about or a script or whatever david ogilvy he said and it's that book that's like black and white and it's real big i can pop it on the screen here but in that book he goes i don't come up with copy he says i go out and find what my actual audience is complaining about and saying and wishing that they knew because they're asking and saying it and back then they had to go do some crazy stuff to do that now we can just jump on social media look at reviews look at comments look at that stuff and i just reiterate it back to them because if i can tell you what you're saying to yourself in your own head you're gonna be like okay the only way that person could know that is they actually understand my problem and what you're trying to do in your vsl is get people to feel understood you're so they need to be saying wow this person knows my problem wow this person is is saying all the right things and and this person is like literally describing my life to me so now i'm gonna listen now i'm gonna pay attention because they couldn't know that unless they actually knew what they were talking about right because you just can't know that stuff so what i do is i go find all the things that they say and i say them back to them but i just leave out the punch line right so i'm like hey here's how i did this and it's basically curiosity with a ton of benefit but i never give them the answer the answer is when they click on this button opt in and then go to the deal right that and then that happens on the next page and then i use a piece of uh the video or i you know take and put a little here's what's on the other side so on my landing page i just have a headline that's 90 cents out of the dollar that's like the powerful you know movement that happens on this page is them scanning this headline then i support the headline if i can otherwise i just don't put anything there and then i break down in bullets here and i did this i went six on this but like three to five okay three typically is all i have uh and keep it simple there's nothing else on this page okay and then that's you know i make them either click here and it opens up this or they'll click play on this and it also opens up this because there's a little micro commitment thing that happens there and causes them to want to convert even more so all that i put on the bullet point i literally copy and paste that and i go let's give you some answers because that they came here because of this and so if i don't deliver on my promise they're just going to be like well this this was a trick or some so i literally just copy and paste it and i go okay we're going to talk about that then i come into here and i break down here's complex you know and then i break it down i say okay next we go to the next thing and then i just break that down i literally answer the question and at the same time you gotta remember i'm i'm helping them get like answers but i'm always agitating revisiting the problem in every slide and then i'm talking and leading them towards the end for the solution okay and i don't let them scroll through the video okay like this is a youtube video i'm also going to cut this up and put it on all the other platforms because that just makes sense and it's smart it's leveraging your time but you know this video like when i go to do the sales video here this one here i actually don't let them scroll through okay and i don't put the button on the page right away because if i do that then they're gonna immediately have this sensation that oh this was a they're just trying to get me to buy something even though they know that in the back of their head yeah i'm watching a video uh you know he's gonna sell me something that's why we called a video sales letter and and the reason we called a sales letter is because the video has letters on the screen right and it's a video and we're selling so the that's that's that right but when they come to watch this i want them to come watch a training that at the end is embedded with a sales process at the end right so when we're in here if you really want to get somebody's like you know trust and commitment share give them all your secrets because in almost every single business you're you're selling implementation okay you can give everybody all the secrets and most people are lazy and most people won't do anything about it like they will do nothing like you could tell you could get the book of the best secrets and and ideas and and things inform everything right like i'm giving away everything right here in this but 99 of the people that watch this are not going to implement it so i'm doing this for that one percent that's going to see this and go holy i get this i'm going to do this thing right so when you're doing this if you give away all the secrets they're going to be like holy crap if this is what the free stuff is what are they going to do like what is the paid stuff like right so in every uh instance of these bullets i do a micro pas okay problem agitate solve and if you have any questions about any of this stuff that's why there's a comment section down below so that i can reply to your comments or if you want me to do another video on this obviously i can't cover absolutely everything in here it would just take forever but you know this is going to get you really really close and and by the formula the vsl or the video sales letter formula sorry i'm doing this i'm demonstrating this i'm going to this is an actual sales video that i'm using right um you know and if you want to see it i'll put a link down in the description to so you can go watch this video if you want okay but um it's always like okay here's the problem all right that you're experiencing and then i as i'm explaining the problem in the slide i'm also agitating at the same time okay it's like i'm sticking the knife in right here and then i'm twisting it it's like knife gets stuck in and then i'm twisting it all the way through here and then i'm like ah then i provide the solution then i move on to the next one i present it and sometimes i only need one slide to do it all right like i just need one slide to stick the knife in agitate it and then ah you know make it happy whatever that is that's supposed to be happy but that's what you're doing and you're basically going over all the things that you found out there about them and you're going in and you're releasing that from them you're answering that you're helping them solve that and through that they want to keep getting more and through that it's allowing you to deliver your message that whole time so think about it you hook the right person you in this slide right here get rid of the wrong people and typically they won't even get to the video sales letter if they're the wrong person if you do it right because the ad that got them there to the landing page and the um the landing page itself would have deterred the wrong people so if somebody's actually watching this video if if your messaging is on point meaning you know who you're talking to because you understand their current situation and their problem by time they get to this video you've pretty much defined or you pretty much know that you've got the right people watching okay and then when you get them in here you hook them with something they really really want that buys you time 15 20 30 minutes an hour to hang out with them and they get to know who you are why you do what you do what the whole thing is and i haven't even in this whole deal i haven't even introduced myself yet because they don't give a crap about that they don't care who i am the trophies i have nothing what they care about is getting this problem solved because that's why they got here okay [Music] later at the end i'll share a little bit about me or i'll be sharing about me as we go through this and usually i just let this speak for itself like when i'm talking about what my results were um that's the stuff and i go into far detail right like as you can tell right now this is a free video that you're watching on on youtube and i'm going into the process and the reason i created this video cell or this video sales letter video is because all the other stuff that i've seen out there they're like leaving so much stuff out because they're afraid possibly okay i don't know that for sure but from what i'm assuming because i used to be that way myself is that they don't want to give away the actual secrets because they're trying to sell the secrets i sell implementation i'll give you all the stuff and then when you're having trouble trying to get it to work that's when you come to me and we just hand hold you and and take you through the whole entire process so in each one of these i'm doing a little pas with all of them right and what i'm really doing is in the back of my mind i know that there's three big problems that have to be overcame through this entire process number one problem and i'll just write these down right here the first problem that you have to uh overcome is um and i got this from uh i got what i'm gonna share with you from uh russell brunson but it's i've you'll start seeing it in all the copywriting books but the first one is like internal belief right their internal belief that they can actually create you know in this case like a funnel that converts people in 72 hours they really don't think that they can do that so i'm having to help them realize and see that yeah you can it's not like impossible for you to do that the second thing and these are beliefs that you have to break and rebuild as you're doing this thing okay so i already know these going into it so as i'm doing this thing my nuance is i am also always paying attention to the fact that internally i have to make this seem you know doable so i'm always sharing with them and trying to be as clear as i possibly can about how to do that the next problem problem number two is they also have these things outside of them or externally that they're saying well i i can't do this uh because i'm too busy or i can't do this because i don't have the right equipment or i can't do this because whatever and so you want to start breaking down through this whole process all the things on the outside that are going to be you know an excuse for them why they can't do it and you just have these known in your mind you write them down i've just been doing this for so long and have made so many video sales letters that i just know that in my mind about my audience so i'm just always trying to say listen you might feel like you don't have time to do this or you might feel like you know your family's not gonna you know be on board with this so as you're as you're doing this stuff and then i just kind of break it down right i address the elephant in the room the problems or the disbeliefs and then i break them down and answer them for them because this whole thing right now you've literally got so much stuff out there distracting them so many other people saying whatever it is that they're saying good bad and different fake real whatever when you get them on your video sales that are here and you get them watching this your mind has always got to be realizing that if i don't impress the absolute crap out of them and literally get them to have no like they can't think that you don't know how to do this they have to know to the core that you know what you're doing with examples and you could not have enough demonstration you couldn't have enough examples you can't have enough testimonial you can't have enough of that right so you know we've got over 600 clients in a very tiny itty bitty brick and mortar martial arts niche and we've been able to make you know seven figures multiple times for for many many years now where everybody else said oh people won't pay that people won't do that i had some of the biggest leaders in the industry tell me oh that's you're charging too much people will never pay that and yet they continuously do all the time so you have to be able to literally break down their internal fears of being able to do this or beliefs that they can't their external fears or beliefs that you know people from or things outside of them are gonna break you know break their ability to do this and then also uh the vehicle that gets them there so they um they don't believe your product right they're they're internally skeptical right they're internally like always coming to because it's a protection mechanism right so you have to constantly uh share with them that this vehicle is the new way to do it or you know this vehicle actually works by just demonstrating to them that it actually works okay so you're always trying to break those barriers down right there and that's that's just in that's just always known right that's just always known in the back your mind see how cool this mirror thing is and and you can just connect things here like you can just connect stuff over you know and all this stuff like it's so cool and if you want me to do like a little tour of this thing i can just let me know down in the comments but um you're always trying to do that you're always trying to break that down so like if you want to look at it in a certain way it's like as you're going through this whole process you're always like you're always taking and and breaking these things down almost in every video like every social media video every vsl video um you know every offer that you make you're always trying to overcome these disbeliefs okay and and i'll say just like uh belief problem and you can go look at russell brunson uh if you look at some of the stuff he has um you know it it'll help you so much uh about this like his book dot com secrets and his new book traffic secrets and stuff he really goes into great detail on this but you're always doing that in your video sales letter um and don't be afraid to like mention other people matter of fact it's not even cool if you don't right like i've learned so much stuff from like sam evans uh aaron fletcher frank kern i went and talked with franker and stood on the stage shook his hand talked to him about he was telling me about his divorce and this stuff you know vernon burchard like all these guys we stand on the shoulders of giants it's like books are just books written about books and if you're scared to share all that stuff it's because most of the time you're full of right so don't don't be that way just just be honest and be out don't be worried about there's no competition people are gonna love you for you okay so i just go through this process and once i get through what i told them i would say and deliver on remember the you know on the landing pages this i literally said to them here's what i'm going to give you so gosh damn it give that to them right um once i do that then i get to a place where um you know i i i always have this like one slide before we get into the actual pitch okay so i get through all that stuff and the very last bullet on here in that bullet point it's like you can do everything while fulfilling your inner i always make the last bullet like about them and their core thing that they're trying to do which for you watching this you know you're probably wanting to create a video sales letter so you can create enough income so you can create enough freedom so you can do the things in your life that you want to do and help the people that you want to help and have significance have success and you know that right like duh right so why would i not make sure that we talk about that because that is the actual back end core reason you're doing this and you're watching this still right now and so i bring that up and i'm like so listen here's how it works when you dial this in you're gonna you know create this here's and i break it down the math i'll tell you what if you sell something that's high ticket or if you sell something where you're talking to educated individuals that you know are you know very like they're running a business like i talk to people that already own a business i'm talking to experts coaches course creators consultants these are not stupid people by any means they don't need to hear the the like they need to hear the little you know hey you can do it stuff but more than anything they want freaking numbers like hey this brought me up um you know 10 roi over 30 days with this one element you know they're wanting the the tactics the stuff that if they're already a coach consultant expert course creator they already own a business they're an entrepreneur they've already got through that little period of like oh yeah you can do this you know believe in yourself they've already done that right and so you got to think about your customer what if they don't don't don't insult their intelligence kind of a deal you still got to talk about it because it's there right like i've got like a hey you know cool man bro time to you know there's that but you're also you need to break down and talk about like the numbers with them right it's called i think alex hermozy says like um he calls it it's like his data he said it was like his secret um and he was in the i think the dan henry podcast where alex hermosie and dan henry are talking incredible podcasts matter of fact i'll link to that down in the description but in that what what the he talks about is he's like show them the actual like numbers like break down like hey this by doing this it increased our roi or our ebitda or whatever by x you know like get into the details like that and show them that because that concretes things right that concretes things so i do that i have a slide like that where i kind of lay it out and make it crystal clear and then um with colors try to keep colors at a minimum like two colors is the best three colors is like max and just if it goes which i know that i broke that rule right here but these are like icons so but you want to pay attention all that when it comes to design i'm all about keep it keep it all white or minimal and let whatever's on the screen be the color okay so you'll notice like most of the time it's real simple one two three okay and i've always just used rules of three keep the colors at a minimum which these are bad examples but you know because like you know like but like this here right gray black white and then yellow's the pop right i try to just have like one pop color you can see because they're not i'm not i'm not trying to sell my artisticness right but i don't want to show up with like you know brown pants and a freaking you know weird-ass color like i want to at least be complimentary with colors right so keep that in mind and just keep it clean keep it clear so once we do this slide i i drive the whole point home what you can do and then it goes so you basically have got two options and i try to find either a fork in the road or like this here and then i go through their two options i'm like now you'll figure this out eventually but it's going to take longer and then i explain why it'll be harder and then i give example it's like make your point back it up and then move forward and i'm always doing like problem agitate solve i'm always being considerate of their in disbeliefs and i'm always you know i'm always thinking about them like it's all about them this is nothing about you okay so i go through um option one which is you know you can do this yourself but it'll be longer harder more expensive more painful or option two you can partner with us and get there faster okay so it'll be faster easier less expensive more fun and i break that down then i go so hopefully you're using your intelligence and i'm always like trying to be on their side right i'm not trying to talk down to them okay i'm trying to get in the boat and like give them a hug and hold hold with them and i say here's what you can expect if you choose option two to partner with us and then i break down here's exactly what we're gonna be doing okay here's exactly what this looks like and then i go into um you know and i'm like geez and that's you're gonna get all that in just this amount of time because that like relays that and then because it's like they're thinking about time all the time so let's like just address the elephant in the room and then so i go so now if you're somebody that wants to do this and you feel like what we talked about describes you then we need to talk if you want to actually convert people and you actually want to do it with the least amount of stress pain and discomfort get them on a zoom or a phone call and that's what i say here's how it goes i opened up my schedule over the next five days so in a video sales letter you know with the coaching consulting high ticket stuff here and if you're a martial arts business owner you're a high ticket coach or consultant if you're a uh lawn uh you own a lawn business and you're teaching people how to do the same thing you're a high ticket coach and consultant court like if if you know a absolute ton about a topic and other people want to know that you are a consultant if you choose to be right a consultant is literally just a coach a author any it's just somebody that knows an absolute metric crap ton about a particular dynamic or topic or thing and other people want to know that so they they they teach them that stuff or they give that stuff to them or they demonstrate that to them that's all it is all right don't get confused okay so i say here's how it goes we jump on a zoom okay for about 45 minutes or so um we i'll lay out a solid action plan it's a free call okay um and i can guarantee you that whether we work together or not or whatever it's not a high pressure call or anything whether we work together or not um you're going to leave that call with an absolute ton of value and we'll either work together or we'll part as friends you know being just blatant with people and candid is what they want enough of enough is enough with the bull crap right just be straight and then i go into it again who it's for and i come out at a little bit just different angle but it's basically saying the same thing and i always put you got to have skin in the game and the reason i say that and i learned this from sam evans is because um you you don't want people coming in with the idea that they're just gonna you know click a button and be rich or you don't want them to come in and and just be lazy or not willing to work and that's why all of our clients all almost 600 of them now um you know they they just like they know internally who i am and who we are and that we work and we do this stuff and so i just say you know please understand this is kind of that urgency scarcity thing i'm like i'm only opening up my calendar for five days and it does fill up quickly and i've only got 15 to 20 calls over the next following day so if you're serious about this you want to know how to do all the stuff we just talked about and everything go below the video and click let's talk okay and so when i do these like youtube videos or when i put videos out on social media i always put my link to apply to us down in the description because some people that are really serious they're going to go down there and look in the description and give them the chance to set up a call with you and then that all just goes on your calendar and your calendar will start looking pretty awesome like here's an example of our calendar because in this video i'm actually showing like what we do um and i can go through this funnel and stuff or there's a link down there in the description and i and i kind of go through the funnel and everything it's real basics real simple um and like in this particular video i always give like a bonus to over deliver so like in this one i'm giving them my funnel i'm giving them my website layout i'm giving them my online course portal stuff just a one-click download um but you're this is an my actual calendar here okay you can see my little head up here um and and this is for you know our business and this is what your counter will look like when you do this like i don't care what's going on i don't care what the economy's doing everybody you know people still have their problems okay so um this is this is what will happen right and your calendar will fill up you wake up you look at your google calendar and you'll be like oh okay and then when they click on that the way we do this uh with the the software we use for the calendar um they answer some questions so we have like this breakdown of everything that the person is and does and so we can because when you start getting a calendar fool like this you have to start like vetting them this way too and this is a really great place to be so so this is how i lay out those slides you can use keynote you can use powerpoint i love this miro software because i can just like move things around i can like to create a new slide it's really simple i can just go boom and i've got a new slide and i can just like adjust things so easy i can draw on this thing that's another big like thing that i like is like the freedom to draw real simple but i also love keynote it's it's not neces it doesn't matter like about that as long as you can present slides google slides works really great too but the big key to this video sales letter is just problem agitate solve breaking down these internal external vehicle and then using urgency so that they act now be very clear and then help them by actually helping them first right it's like what frank kern always says right help them by actually helping them first so that they go holy crap this was the most helpful thing i ever you know seen and so for you um in closing like if this is the most uh helpful vsl breakdown you've ever seen let me know down in the comments if you feel like i less left something out let me know down in the comments so that's like a little call to action at the end here this is your call to action right here it's these slides where you're going now if you're this type of person here's what happens we get on a call here's how the call goes that's being clear okay but this is the whole call to action sequence okay who again this is who this is for so if you're not that person please do not click the let's talk button like i don't we don't need to talk if you're not if you're not this person and then i i remind them again we only have five days out and you don't want to let your calendar don't let them schedule more than five days out in general because it's like you like what sam always said let you know hit the iron while it's hot all right um you want to because if you let them schedule too far out there i don't remember doing that because there's too many distractions hitting them all the time and and it'll mess them up so keep it short and it's also a good urgency thing and then when you get on the the actual you know call itself you'll want to uh there's a script that we use it's like a 12-step script and it works phenomenally very very well converts very good if you'd like me to do a video over that just let me know but um you know this this is what this is what we do this has worked for me time and time again so um to review uh you know i talked about you know being able to create a video sales letter here it is it should take you know typical video sales letter uh will be anywhere from like i don't know 10 minutes i've seen five minute ones that work really well up to like i've done three hour ones i don't tend to like worry about the time as much as i do worrying about making sure that i'm actually going to be solving their problem making sure that i'm actually going to be able to help them and that's the thing that i really want to pay attention to the most is you know like they say in copy have it short enough to keep it interesting but long enough to keep it respectful kind of like a woman's dress or skirt right but that's cool that's a great little thing to think about but to me it's more about like did you cover the bases that needed to be covered did you break down and and rebuild these uh internal external and vehicle beliefs did you really address and make clear of the problem did you agitate it by helping them be clear that it's important for them to solve this problem and then did you actually give them a solution and did you give them an ability to get in more contact with you to get a deeper uh solution like when they get through this yeah i show them how to do all this stuff but i know just from experience that they need help you know setting up and doing the the keyword stuff or the the content they need help creating the ads they need help with the tracking software they need help with tracking the ads and all that stuff they need help with email automation i know that i showed it to them i told them what to do and how to do it um or i you know show them what it is and why we do it but to to get into the how to the deep deep how-to i know they're gonna need help with implementing that that's why we give away the secrets and we sell implementation okay um i can't remember who i heard that from but it was rece it might have been like alex or mosey or something like that but it's the truth right or cody sanchez i heard her say something about it too but that's the truth like show proof demonstration beats conversation every day of the week that's why i demonstrated here what i do and what this looks like okay um and and as far as the software i use miro i use screenflow um i use like to do some image editing i use a mac okay um i use well a lot of the pictures and stuff i can just go uh into here and there's like an icon finder inside here that's another reason i like this i can use these icons to get like pictures and stuff like that that are not copyrighted i actually just go and i use pixels so if you go to pixels okay i use this to get you can get videos off of here um they do video and they do um uh images and you can just type in anything in here right and it these are all free to use okay extremely awesome uh you can here's a canva you can use canva to do some editing and stuff i use pixelmator um i like this pixelmator pro it's kind of like a an expressed version of like photoshop if i need to do like some like crazy editing or something like that which typically i don't um and then when you're speaking just speak in real clear like you don't need to go into crazy language just speak like you're talking to a kid you know because why would you not want to do that why would you want to be complicated right like it's complicating enough so that's that right so the formula problem agitate solve but i'm doing that in every slide that's what they don't tell you i don't hear people say that a lot they think that it's problematic it's like problem up here then agitate then solve no it's all problem agitate solve and the whole time you're keeping things urgent you're keeping things clear you're actually taking them across this journey that you actually take them across to actually solve their problem wow right what a great idea um to actually show them what you do like don't be scared to show them what you do and then you're always making sure that you're you know helping them understand that yeah you can do this you're constantly doing that it's like throughout the whole thing you can do this externally don't worry about these outside forces you can figure it out you can do this thing i know that these things are there don't don't deny them just and don't act like they don't exist at all address them and then show them a way through it and then the vehicle you know show them how it actually works best way to do that is use testimonials or use examples my favorite way to do it is just to actually like testimonials are great but just show them how to do it like just show them the thing doing it like that that's that's like you know i i mean testimonials are always great but like you know just you you know if i'm like you could get a testimonial let's say from the most influential leader in the world that says hey you know mike he can fly and you're like people can't fly so like no matter how you know much testimonial you would get from the smartest most greatest person on the war you know on the planet we know humans can't fly like birds like we can't flap our arms and start flying right so um i could have the best people in the world give me a testimonial and say yeah he can do that but there's still this like eh i don't know but the way you really beat that is you're like all right guys watch this here turn flip this thing on watch this and you fly off into the sky you're like okay that guy can freaking do that that's what i love about what i'm doing here is because i talk about how to get the right person's attention the likelihood that you're anything else other than a business owner a coach consultant a course creator is unlikely especially if you're still watching this number two um i talk about how to do a sale video sales editor here's my video sales letter and i just walked you through what i do um like i'm doing it i'm flying in front of you like this is what i'm i'm doing right i show like i just show yeah this is this is what we did this is what this campaign did okay these are what these email cam these these are organic raw campaigns this had no ads behind it um and it did this in email campaigns so like you know and i just show you i go into my actual stripe where you can see the customer's credit card thing right like it's like yeah we've charged this and done this like many many times so you know um that that that's the way i like to do it like my grandpa just like i think about like my grandpa he's a farmer you know i live here in kansas like can you do it or not it's like can you lift it or can you not lift it pretty simple if you can lift it all right show me how you did that period if you stick to that life gets real simple there's no trickery here it's just here this this is what this is what we do okay so i hope this helped um let me know in the comments if you have any questions about this if you like this type of content great and i look forward to seeing you around and there's links down in the description uh to the stuff that i was describing throughout this whole period so this is how i create a video sales letter this is how we've been able to make outsized returns um and this thing is beautiful because it's like you can make this thing work in the background consistently all the time constantly just going and going and going and then when you attach like a simple email automation to it that's how you get the follow-up because the fortune's in the follow-up so we use retargeting and automation to keep driving people back to this page right here where we put the video um but that's that's for another that's for another video and like i show all our traffic sources and how we do all that stuff too okay so what i just did there was i kind of hooked you into looking at other videos all right so i'm going to show you how i'm actually editing this vsl video so this tr i'm inside a screenflow right now and this track right here so this when i told you about the headphones okay this is why you i have the headphones because right now i'm going to be able to hear this but i'm also recording the audio of my computer so you can hear it because i want to show you how i do the overlap here but this audio here is from my little recorder right remember when i was telling you about this thing so i took the sd card out of it right here and i put it in that the little sd card reader over here that's plugged into my computer and this is the video track that i recorded on my phone this is the audio from my phone i literally clicked on this and i clicked detach the audio and it detached the audio that my phone recorded from the phone speaker it detached it from the video portion and then i upload i added you know i uploaded the file or imported the file off of the sd card off of the better audio okay so i'm gonna play both for you and show you why i do that because audio really matters and the reason why you like you know listening to something is because it doesn't like drive your audible like part crazy we can deal with like kind of shitty video but audio nah it does it's like audio is more important we'll watch black and white tv as long as the audio sounds good right so the other thing it helps my audio in here and i can talk about it later but i made these acoustic sound panels 250 dollars for like 11 panels that would normally cost like close to 3 grand so a lot of people want to know like how do you make your audio sound so good there's no resonant that's why they're really simple and easy but anyway i digress back to this so i'm going to first play i'm going to mute this okay i'm just going to press v inside of screenflow again on a mac if you want to do this on a pc just get camtasia okay so i muted the audio this is the the audio from the phone and here's the video okay so i'll play it video i'm gonna share with you my video sales letter example template script software and overall formula okay so there's the phone audio now i'm gonna i'm gonna actually mute the phone audio and go back and turn on the the the zoom f1 field recorder audio okay so let's listen to that same thing there so in this video i'm going to share with you my video sales letter example so i'm going to now have to match it the work you know my audio together so it like matches with my mouth but let me show you the difference here when i take this audio right here i've made some presets where i can go into the audio and i just go to my um this bass and treble boost thing and then i just smooth the audios like this and now listen template script software and overall formula that made over 730 now compared to this 130 000 in the first year that we use it so i'm gonna break down the actual okay so you can see the difference is is quite obvious so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back and line this up so that and then i'm going to delete this track okay now the phone didn't sound bad so again don't think that this is completely necessary okay because obviously you can see it it does take a little bit of extra time not a lot but it does take a little extra time so i press the plus key on my keyboard so i can get these wave files out and you can see i'm just matching up the pattern here and then i play them both all right so in this video i'm going to share with you my videos so when when the video uh for you know when the video audio and my microphone audio if i can't tell them apart like if i move this just a little bit now listen sales letter example template okay we don't want that we want it to sound like this script software and over when it sounds like it's just one audio playing that's when they're matched and then i'll come in here and i'll cut it like right there so i'm just going to click t to cut it i'll put press o makes that little thing and then i hold down command backspace and it just cuts it perfectly um and then i'll click on this and i will just delete it and i move this up and now all right so in this video i'm going to share with you my video sales letter example template script software and overall formula okay so now i've got that and i'm just going to do that um i hold shift z puts all the tracks on the screen i'm going to do that for the rest of this and then this is my other microphone so like this audio here is this microphone here okay so i'm gonna pull this down on this i can just right click detach audio so i can see the audio file okay and then on this one i just go up to the uh these presets and i just put i call it gucci audio i don't know it's kind of silly but so i just press that and it automatically just edits it so i just i i made the audio configuration one time and then i saved it so i don't have to jack with it each time because here's what actually is going on like all this stuff okay i set up all these things like the peak limiter sample delay dynamic processor and then i adjusted the eq and then once i i did all that i just went up here to this thing and i saved it by pressing plus and then i just named it this and then i can like you know mess with it but it's like a preset so i don't have to mess with that each time that's what makes my audi editing goes really fast i try to shoot everything in one take um you know sometimes you can't do that but typically if you can't do that a lot of times you're either just new to video and you need to shoot more video or you don't know what you're talking about so that's always been my case uh maybe yours is different but and then as far as what people think about what you look and all that forget about all that crap who cares okay so let me get to the end of this the ones to help you now when you've got a lot of time and energy you can go back and like cut this to where it's like really choppy quick cuts so there's no blah blah or so what's or something like that when you go to like splice two clips together there's something called j cuts and l cuts so you're either gonna move the audio this way or move the thing this way and i'll show you like let me go in here okay right now the way this cuts uh here's the difference between these two clips like the way it cuts now is like okay hence the name make once so let's go jump into it so the first thing so that's okay those are just like straight cuts but if i come to the very end here because i zoomed in i hit t to cut that then it cuts that i double click hold command double click hit backspace it just butts them up against each other a a j cut or l cut i'll probably get this backwards but like what i would do is i'm gonna pull a little bit of this track back and pull a little bit of this one forward so what happens is you you you're hearing me and it's like slight voice over into this and then it goes into it and you can't so this would look like a j right like a j or no an l see i'd not even it up an l okay or i can go the other way with it right like so i can go like this and i can have it go over this way and i can do this so like you see like so let me show you the difference so like watch let's go jump into it so the first thing uh that was beautiful i want to see this like seamless right like you because you're hearing the voice down here um before you even you know you're hearing the voice in the last track and then you're going into it so it blends right in or vice versa you're seeing the new track and then you're still hearing the certain voice so it's like a voice over and this is how you make seamless cuts and as far as how far you come in here just with it and see like you'll be able to tell you can t you know if it feels seamless then great if it if it doesn't then switch it do an l or j one of the two but that is how you splice things together and make them sound awesome so i just wanted to tell you that because a lot of people like i don't know how to make a cutter they'll make these like jump cuts and it'll like look crazy so but in this case i'm not going to worry about that i'm not necessarily you know dunn's better than perfect but i just know that what i'm saying in here i've already like mentally went through what i wanted to say and cut out a lot of that so um and it just comes with experience it's like no different than anything right um you just it takes experience but this is how you get there by creating lots of these i've created thousands of videos so uh don't don't let the gray hair fool you here like i been doing this for like since 2000 like six i've been shooting videos okay all the time so anyway uh i'm gonna come here to the end make once so uh let's go jump into it okay so i i stopped there i'm just gonna uh hit t that cuts it i'm gonna select these two tracks backspace they're cut okay now on the actual video look uh i'll find a place where it's not like blurry you know meaning i'm like moving around or something i'll just get like a still shot here and then i click on that and i've got presets under that too so i go to the video and then here i go to my little save thing here um and then i'm just gonna put the uh teal uh teal and orange and then it just it sharpens it you see how it kind of like you see that how it's sharp let me undo that so see how i went from like that and then i just you don't need to add a lot just a little bit like boom just a little bit of sharpening a little bit of contrast you can still see it's kind of grainy and stuff but doesn't matter i'm telling you okay like i'm telling you now with audio uh or sorry with like music and stuff like that like typically um you know putting music to things it's uh should i or shouldn't i um but it does help if you know how to do it it adds emotion and the way you think about like doing that is um what emotion am i getting wanting somebody to feel like what emotion am i trying to get somebody to feel or experience that's how you go about it and what i use i actually use youtube and i'll come in here and let me get off of this real quick i go in here i go to you whoops i go to youtube studio okay and then uh in youtube studio you just go over here to the um uh audio library here and then what i do is i click search i go to mood what mood am i trying to get them to experience so in the beginning i want them to kind of like um i want them to feel like you know happy maybe or dramatic or dark or whatever right so in this one i i want them to feel like inspired like to do this okay so i'm gonna click inspiration apply so it just adjusted everything to this type of mood that i want people to feel and then i don't want to worry about copywriting crap so i just go attribution not required that means i don't have to like attribute this to anybody it's just like kind of like pixels where it's like copyright free so attribution not required and then i go into the genre that i like uh and i always you know dance and hip hop kind of stuff like you can pick different things i just i found or cinematic sometimes it just seems to i don't know i like it right so now it's all adjusted for that um you can you know i have starred ones that you know like you can save some of these that you like or whatever and then you can always go back saves you time and then you can adjust duration by clicking on it and in the beginning of this like that first clip i'm just going to bring some video or some music in on the first like track and then i may lace it throughout but usually i don't um i just put it at the beginning and the end kind of gives it a beginning in the end feel but this uh little uh clip right here if i double click on it it is two minutes and 19 seconds right there so so it says that right there so i'm just gonna go find a track that kind of works with that that's around two minutes or so like here we go so i start looking for these let's listen here [Music] not bad another little trick is if you're real low you need to kind of get some more upbeat music it's like doing the opposite of what you are if you're real high strung maybe get a little bit lower tempo music because it kind of it'll it's like balance right it's just a little thing that i i've i don't know where i've learned that or whatever maybe it's just common sense maybe i don't know i'd like to think it's that but let's see and it'll tell you like um oh maybe it doesn't not on this i thought it did so i just you know this takes usually the longest but i usually don't get too twisted on it like i kind of like this right here but i don't know it's always it's always kind of a weird thing right like trying to figure out [Music] another thing is you can go find like audio that people uh use all the time so you can kind of like see oh this is popular so people are going to kind of like connect with it better it's kind of like kind of like finding the trend in something okay um and sometimes i like click through i'm like if it's too like bangy and crazy like sometimes it's hard to [Music] let's see here yeah it's just i kind of like this uh this one right here [Music] yeah i'm gonna go with that so um just click download and then what i do uh i'm on mac again it puts it right down here i can just literally drag it in here boom done and then the way i like structure this is um i'll click on it and then i come up here to the audio settings and i'll click like smooth volume levels so that kind of takes the highs and the lows out and it kind of it increases the lows it decreases the high so there's no like limiting hits and stuff like that and then i put the same kind of filter on it like the bass treble boost thing that also like kind of helps it out and then typically i find that around like uh anywhere from like 10 to 20 is the where you want to have the volume you don't ever want it like the main thing here is my voice and what i'm saying so i don't want with the music to compete with that i don't want to make it hard to listen to or distract if it just needs to kind of blend and sometimes you got a multiple tracks to figure that out so i just kind of click around in here i'm like alright so in this video i'm going to share with you my video sales letter example template script software and overall formula that made over 730 000 in the first year that we used it so i'm gonna break now you can also like a lot of things that's really popular now because people are watching things in silent is like you know adding captions to this and and different things like that but uh in the in the brevity of this and like what i'm trying to do i wouldn't necessarily do that because um you know this is more of like here's what here's exactly what to do kind of video so it's not about like that but it it's kind of a personal preference but it is popular you can make money faster than anything else or if there's anything that can grow a business faster than anything else it's having a video that shares what you do so i'm just going to do it how you understand the customer's problem how you fix it so i adjust the volume a little bit let go of the customer i'm using the spacebar and it can direct them and lead them to wherever you need them to go so that you can help them fulfill what it is that they're trying to fulfill so i'll break down every single thing this is one of the biggest top so i can barely hear the music so i'm going to just crank it up just a little bit now i use these headphones here they're the sennheiser hd 280 pros it's the ones that joe rogan uses you'll see a lot of music because they're studio monitors like they they give you the highest dynamic range you can hear all the stuff and that's important when you're editing videos so you can hear like the because i see people like you want to hear things as good as you would hear them in the best situation so that you can edit it accordingly to know about it was something i wanted to know the most about you don't have to go through all this i'm just trying to give it to you right so i want you to have it you don't have to do all this stuff when i first started didn't have any of this i just literally didn't have any of this i just recorded videos out so i just wanted to create the most you know full and complete way to do it and simplify it as much as i okay so i like that so i'm going to leave it like that and then i'm going to go in and continue editing the rest of these and then when i get done i will go up here i'll click file and then i'll click export and the way i export this is i go to fastest 1920x1080 make sure that's set correctly and then i choose a place where i want to put it and then i name it and on i export it it exports and then you can upload it to youtube or wherever you want to upload it okay um you know if you want to like like so i let's say i wanted to chop some stuff out of this and turn it into like tic tocs and all that crap i can just come up here to um you know the the the cropping and i can change the crops here like i can i can set up stuff there or i can start from the very beginning when i open up a file like if i want to start a new file i can set that up so if i go to like for instance file new and i was going to start a new video i can go to new document here and it has like presets in here for ios like this it's got um square instagram so instagram or portrait or any of these like portrait modes will work for like tik tok snapchat uh instagram all that stuff right so that's you can preset the orientation and then pull these files into it like this you can just drag and drop those in there and then adjust them on the screen so you can see what you want to see so that's that so i just i wanted to add this in there because um i wanted to give you a complete vsl like how i do it like this is how you even edit it okay so this is like the most complete uh video on on how to do that so okay so that whole video that i just did is the same way that i would record the vsl video and so that's why i did it this way because it was like kind of inception it was like a video sales letter inside of a video sales letter but when i get done you see now it's on the screen here and what i can do is and i'll flip the screen around here in a second but now what i do is i just go in and i just make simple edits to this timeline here i can snip and cut out different clips i can shorten these clips and use them for other videos i can create shorts from them i can create tick tocks i can create vertical videos from it because this is the video editing software of screenflow and i can change the orientation of the screen to be vertical or horizontal like it is now and then i just go in and i export it i upload it to wistia if i'm using it as a video sales editor because i can i can control whether they can play through it or not it's unshareable in a certain way and and it's in a video sales letter that's what i want because people are having to opt in to watch this training and then i can add things to the timeline like i did with these clips and then i i just have adjustments i can make in there i can adjust the audio i can adjust the video that all happens up here in this like little area here and they make it really simple okay and so um it's just basic video stuff like this is not some fancy dancy camera but it worked damn fine didn't that um you know this isn't like high-end crazy expensive crap it's a couple hundred bucks this thing will last a long time this is a well-built thing it's a very great deal the editing process it's just clip cut move it around and i'm done with it right um and just keeping it simple but basically just taking people through this process is what you're doing you're explaining to them how you actually help them by actually helping them don't make it any more complicated there's no trickery it's not like we're leaving something out of the deal okay it's how that actually works and so you know we've been able to create all that and it all just happens right here it's all you need like you know people do all this wild and crazy stuff and they don't need to okay demonstrate what it is that you do show them how you actually help them by actually helping them and then give them a call to action to to contact you you know call call using the button below come in if you if you're brick and mortar like a like let's say you're a martial arts school and i'm just talking about that because we work with martial arts schools if that's what you do tell them to come in and meet with you schedule them get them scheduled you know it's like a movie stars you can't just go hang out with them right they're hard to get to that increases their value that inc like you want what you can't have right so the more you keep it like hard to get the more attraction it is right uh the harder it is to get something the more valuable it becomes but you're only making it hard for them to get because you're trying to filter out the people that aren't serious about it and if you want to charge more and you want to do high ticket because when you do high ticket sales it doesn't matter what you're doing if you increase your ticket you're going to get a better customer typically because they can afford to be you know you got to be somebody to be able to afford things right um because the only way to get money is solving problems so you're dealing with people that are eternally like you know problem solvers obviously if they have money number two you can serve them better because you have more money more profit so you can buy better tools to help them you can buy by time to help them you can have people helping you because you can afford to and then you can spend more quality time with them and then also you have less customers but you're making more so your focus is really right there with them okay um and you it's just everything becomes better the quality of everything goes up the time needed goes down and they are people that are there to actually be there because they have skin in the game and they put enough in to actually like make it matter to them even more because even if you're a super driven person and you're crazy about like success and everything you still need drivers because happens and it can derail you and if you don't have a driver then it's it's really difficult sometimes to to do the right thing so um hopefully hopefully this helped you if you want to learn more um you can you can just either book a call with us there's a call down in this you can do it down in the description um if you want me to go into more of this stuff i can it's just those are videos in and of itself but those are the software things that we use this is how we make this happen and i hope this has been a good video for you so talk to you soon thanks [Music] [Music] you