Transcript for:
Understanding Pelvis Anatomy and Drawing Techniques

all right so now we're at the point in our Anatomy series that we are dealing with the pelvis let me come in a little bit so you can see a little closer here so we're dealing with the pelvis that is really the the quintessential kind of core structure of our form of our human or human bodies so I kind of think of it as a cradle as a holder of many different areas everybody the lower especially the lower core as we know already the abdominal muscles the the obliques the erector spinae in the back the lats and the obliques here all have a location point on our pelvis and you're going to find later on as we go deeper into the lower extremities that the acid talam here the ischium here the ilium up top Melia crests all this in the pubic bone in front to an addition are really going to play a factor in also the lower extremities also movement of the legs and again securing the upper torso so this really is a hard-working bone it's a complex event it's divided into some parts here now the sacrum is not necessarily part of the pelvis although I include it I included in a spine and I also included into the the pelvic discussions here so let's talk first about as we're defining some of the features and there there are a few that we want to know there's it's a lot more complex than then what we're going to study remember we're studying as artists for artists for visual information and they're about four or five parts we really want get get familiar with so let's let's look into those and look into the basics of pelvic drawing and construction and we can move forward from there so the first thing I think about when I look at and think about the pelvis is it's really kind of a a box form a small little rectangular box and I'll show you what I mean mean but I'll start rolling over here but I'm going to draw a little from 3/4 especially and it's kind of a downturn box it's about if you take that angle if we come here this angle now here and you see the downward trim of the ilium the iliac crest here and see how it kind of opens up this way it's kind of a barrel but also we can think of as a down slightly downward trending box and to here kind of a pin retainer box so I see it like that and I see it coming down here down here is a slight a slight angle here okay and here and here so let's put some of these these boxes out on our paper first and I'll put one now kind of in front and I'm drawing in getting a feeling of the pelvis with the drawings as I'm working these little diagrams to is well to having a pelvis I have a luxury of having one if you can get a hold of a skeleton skeleton somehow I think you're really better off that if not you can work from firm images so we have a box here we can feel that okay it's simple kind of box and it's inverted so it's a little smaller drawing this one a little smaller in front for reasons I'll show you talk about in a moment tip a box there then we'll work one kind of three-quarter behind a little bit that I'm thinking of so we'll have a box that's a little bit more to the side let's say you know let's go ahead and do that we'll just do a lot of these here and now we'll get one a couple more to the back here as we lay out some boxes the wider in Bank because they're two different things I'm going to talk about that we can they can feel with pelvises a little bit and the box works pretty well but also later on will be kind of a bowl so this is sort of the box in turn if we drew the insides a little bit that might help hold that too as well so I think we have we have that beginning of the pelvis those were working here further now let's let's go back to the to the one at the top here and start to add a few features to our to our pelvis and I've got an image now popped up so you'll be able to see what I see so as we're looking through these will be weaned parts these are the ilium up and through here and they really kind of turn over come down with these simple parts we're going to simplify this quite a bit and we're kind of feeling and working through this box structure that's important so we have the ilium parts the sacral parts and tutors we're kind of fitting it locating it in a box coming back over to the ilium curved over where those muscles the obliques and the lats attach to and we're gonna come down in front so we're feeling this box the center here and then coming on down right through here alright we're feeling this crest right in through here of working into the pubic bone area so this is starting at pubic bone here these tendon very simply damnit and now I'm going to reduce the complexity greatly here so we're just going to come down more of a volumetric feel to it this is ridged in through here this is ridged in through here like so coming on down and then we have this pubic bone area the tubercle of the pubic bone in through here you can kind of see now this cartilage is pubic cartilage in between here we have got quite a bit of cartilage later on we'll talk about that joint in a moment the acetabulum as well so we have that we can put a little little cartilage lining through here then only to think about is to simplify this further this side this kind of weed part of the ilium in the what is the acetabulum of the hip joint yeah in the ischium back in through here let's simplify that let's just think of it as the side of a box over here come on down and shaved in okay forget about all the peculiarities for now later on when it's appropriate we'll get to them we'll come through we can fill that box coming over back around and then that box down in through so it feels really like our girdle or a holder taking taking shape now the the acetabulum or you'll hear me just say the hip joint the ball and socket joint where the femur goes into later on we'll come through here we see that we see it coming through here right so the first thing we want to know is how to simplify it okay and how to get the most out of it now you know that this is a bowl ish forming through here so we'll just we'll just put this in there for now I'm not even going to worry about filling out the sacrum in through here we'll get to finer points later on with that bone but we want to think about this initial pocket a lot of times in your constructions of human figures this will this will be all you need you know I'll just go ahead and split this up where we get down to the lower part of the driving on through and that's what you really need now we started with a box so let's work some now over through here we'll do the same thing so we know we found this center line so we know we can do that that center part right so we know we can work from the the crest here and go through the iliac crest around down through the pubic crest in through here I forgot that name of this little creek I'll find it as we do our videos further it's not it's not that important as a name but this crest down kind of like a saddle right opening up and through here then we'll come over box this out this crest in through here that's the part we'll see there right that's the part we'll see now we notice now now this bone pubic bone in through here right settling through we know that this bone now is turning just swipe turning right back in that way so they're kind of like if you'll notice they're kind of like ears little weand ears or Mouse ears so that's gonna have a feeling to this box so we'll come down we're basically right over here where we're at here so we're coming down the crests right and we've seen where remember our muscles in the past have attached along the sacrum the erector spinae muscles right right in through right into here so let's stop there and let's dump do any more with that inside part and let's just kind of feel this bowl emerging this rounded parts later on we can conceive of these as a bull if we want we'll take these kind of around like so and have have the fall there now we need a little bit more information here on the side so let's bring down this boxy form here now we're not on the edge of the box so I consider the edge of the box about where the crest ends here so about half way down through the acetabulum or the ball and socket joint so half way down so here's our full breakage so what we see now is coming forward we can start to say about riding through here we can come down that cradle that box and fill that out come across here we could even curve it start to curve it if you want just a little we can do that and then back over and in and up through so there we have our pelvic our pelvic region right in through there in if we wanted to give a little fancier we could come down and say okay here's our ischium through here a little bit lower in my box you can alter that box as per your needs and then the pubic tubercle right in through riding through there okay alright so let's go on to another here this is a little wide so I'm gonna reduce my box in so that's what that box ratio it's rectangular it's wider and longer this way that it is tall so it's not that tall so that pelvic pelvic girdle so we'll lay in a box here so what we can do is kind of feel these ought to feel the edge of the box here coming over now so I've got my pelvis back in position here around and over okay and this curves a little bit through now even in our little boxy approach I can feel that this is going to affect a lot a lot of times this little bump and area up through here and it around with the external oblique then we'll come down then we'll just box this down I know it's more complex but let's keep it well here rent on the Dover okay like so then we'll bring drive the other side drive the other side over right on our box coming down get our thickness here so we won't see the inside part of this crusty through here okay then we know we can drive over then we're gonna come down those ears remember the iliac crests in through here drive down in through here and reconnect up back through back through that line right in through there okay so now we can come over and say we've got our nice cresting pubic crest curve in through here let's find our Center and perspective here and over right in through here so we can crest through and this where that starts to get really into a bowl doesn't it or cradle cratering over here our bowling out over here if you will here's our front where pubic tubercle would be I just kind of think of it as this front little cylindrical tube right in through here so these particular techniques are what we use to think about complex forms and structures in the beginning for lay-ins for animation for you know fine art drawing to get a sense of how we can think about this complex structure quickly and easily so we can have a little thickness here okay and then we could come down more now with our ischium okay here and then from the center of the tubercle really out about 45 35 45 degrees here and over downward here I might even come up a little here and then breakfast just a bit right as either so I'll darken that up just lets you can see that clean that up a little bit just our simple concept of the pelvis you know we can get our little feeling of this opening this bowl like oval area of the pelvis in through here and down it around reading up later this would be inside here like so it's kind of a heart-shaped oval in through here there we go now let's do another one from more of the back over here so this is more this little cylinder for the pubic tubercle running through running through here so in our back view we notice we have a raised back of the of the box here right we have this box raised and then we bring down really quickly these angles of the ilium wing to the acetabulum back to the the ischium and through here and it really see how it comes in dives in further so this is excuse me this is at an angle so we put a straight line against that you know look how look how much that's probably I don't know more than 45 degrees right in through here so it's pretty pretty cute there here like so so there's that boxing through there okay so what we notice now with this box we won't get much of the inside but what we can get is this we we part here now from the back and so we can kind of bring this up a little further in our box and over to here so the iliac crest over where the sacrum is gonna fall here and then we can get the other crass the ear and through there and they're relatively some Interpol they're not perfectly symmetrical but they do fall over I think Prenton tend to think of them as Mouse ears at this point in time so over like so and in the sacrum here fits snugly in between and fits underneath a little bit where the where the iliac crest kind of comes over over them a little bit now as they come down they're going to keep that degree so we want to just keep our simple box don't we so we've got that we mark mark a little bit of for the sacrum turns it heads down hill or back into the body right so like that okay we won't even go for the coccyx for now so we'll come back in and we've got the finishing parts of our our form now we could get a little bit of that Bowl coming through here right later on but our first simple land we can think this simple then later on wheel we can build and we'll build complexity the the ischium curves at least we'll go back into so we could get those coming out maybe a little bit longer so here's kind of our center point here okay we have that and so we can head up into that particular curve again like we did earlier here right and down where I'm going to go just a little bit lower like I did on the other side and we've got something really now to to work with right through there in the acetabulum comes through where the attachment of the femur the cartilage of the head of the great trochanter would be in inside this this area of course are all kinds of ligaments that are holding that together okay so those those are the beginnings of one way to think about the the pelvis so from the Box kind of format so we'll write that down we'll call that the box we'll call this the the pelvic pelvic box conception okay I want to show you another conception the immaculate conception isn't drawing if you haven't be careful the pelvic conception as a bowl or a kind of a cylindrical form so I'm going to change paper and we will explore those because you might like that even better so let's try those on for for measure okay so let's now introduce the bowl as a concept for the pelvis so when I think of it I think of the iliac crest here ridging around to this pubic crest in through here as the opening of that bowl and the bowl is kind of tilted forward towards a so I'll draw it drawing in a profile view first and let you see what I mean so it's like this I'll come over let's see come over here and we've got this nice ellipse going in through here to here and we're gonna Bowl down taking into effect the sacrum as it turns in here then down through the ischium part through and now we're back to the pubic region bone which would be even more probably even leave it more tangled later on so now we've got this this bold to work with that I like to use sometimes in my mind young pelvic conceptions so let's keep it simple now so we know that this this can be the center of our construction kind of in three quarters and around through here okay so we have that so about half way over and around is where the the helium wings are crashed in through here so we can press over because we're kind of looking at it from the top in through here okay so we have that boxy kind of construction see how we can begin to place that over and then down we'll just go right through the asset table all the way down through and if we want we can box this off or square it off of it still keeping the curve of the bolt coming on it over and then catch the ischium down under really keep it really simple okay and through and then we're going to come back up now to the pubic bone we're going to take this lower now so we have to come in we see how that Ridge is lower so about right in here is where I'm going to shoot from for now ride them through here okay curving around and up to here and then we'll just bring this curve now simple we could get and we know this is going to come all the way back around now threw it over measure take into perspective and through here okay so we round round in through here okay coming over don't worry about what's coming through we just want to get a feeling where this crest is on the other side right in through here coming up cresting up and over in boxy and remember we're gonna put the sacrum just that beginning plunge underneath right through there so we've got those wings this would come underneath like so and right in through and there we've got the basis of a very simple constructive kind of bowl shaped pelvic unit that we can do a lot with later on so we can feel the sacrum can come down and through here and then we can finish out that bowl crust on the other side that holds muscle abdominal material etc and we're ready ready to kind of work with that pelvis unit now we can also do is bring down the ischium break here right that we've done before and this one would be right over in through there and there you see we're ready to go with our basic very basic pelvic structure even with that the acetabulum or the or the the hip ball socket joint which would be obvious if I Ryan through right up through here a little bit more forward pushing they're not so side pushing they push a little bit more outward this way we'll get into that in just a little bit and why that does that with the trochanter so let's go on now to a front bowl here so it's you know when you think of this you can think of it as a ball to we're slicing that ball so if I come up here and draw if you think of it as a rounded I mean how simple can you make your constructions this that's what you want you know the ball and then this slicing of the ball down right into pelvic unit here's opening here's the front part of the pubic bone would be into here I look at that and we're already you're already on your way to resolving some of your drawing problems right into it come looks like a cat look cat head with ears maybe whatever works whatever works best for you so let's draw some more of these bowl constructions we'll come down front here and so as we go through the crests around the bowl here so I'm just getting this mimicking this move not here in front that's important right in through here mimicking that movement then we're coming down opening see this this bowl really opens our abdomen opens down so that angle is about twenty or thirty degrees from the profile opening downward here so there's that opening riding through okay then find that real true kind of center of that cartilage in it downward so this wants to come down and then out obviously remember before out out like so so there's our Center we can even put our pubic tubercle cylinder right in through there then let's finish it out and where I kind of see the bottom of the the ischium here that's the bottom of my bull riding through right in through here then coming up here coming up here so it really is tilted tilted forward the pelvic region tilts much more for it for it to us take a look look at that make sure we get the right and right and straight up for you how it's tilting nice and forward to its kind of opening up the world to our our midsection in a way okay so now we'll come up and we can quickly make this bowl into the pelvis so when you're drawing the model you can conceive of this and then quickly come up and try to find the endpoints of those crests are the iliac crest right in through here pinning them in over parallel over that's why box helps too as well so we're coming through up and we find that over now this is greatly simplified and that's what we want we'll get to a complex complex one okay then we're gonna come over right find that Ridge find its rich point here and then find that year right the mouse ears we'll see we're sacrum here bring that over to our sacrum here over over here this gets flat ridged here so it narrows as it gets back on this view and then we lose that Ridge altogether it still stays thick but you see back in through here just in this view it gets it gets a little bit more narrow as we come down and so we have our rutting parts and so about a third of the sacrum is where we'll find that interval right through here and that will connect up down to underneath here we'll just feel it roughly is it gets more complex down with the ischium and a foreman which is the foreman of the the holes between where nerves and other processes go through through here then we'll get a tubercle connect it up keep it simple don't worry about other other parts for now and then from that center point we get the pubic cartilage through here and then we get that downward trend about 45 degrees to get to our ilium excuse me issue I'll get those confused all the time always pronounced all students are always saying oops that was the that was the ilium enough tuition these are the issue or you can say miss Kim up and threw it over and then we have our simple pelvic girls so you can see where that construction really works into our advantage as well quite nicely I'm going to put on the sacrum here just a little bit to this pops out this pops out it gets wider and then it downturns as we get into those lumbar oh well excuse me coccygeal lumbars here this would open up here you see that come out never that like so you're like the wide ones down we're trending yeah and these whip downturn you can see this all down trends to get us to here and then down the right here and then downward into the floor of the pelvis through here you know when we're talking about the pelvic area men tend to have more narrow pelvic reaches and women tend to have wider ones and that's all I think it's August for childbearing reasons so men tend to have broader rib cages and narrower pelvic units and women are just the opposite so you're gonna find you're gonna have to find out which of your pubic constructions you did do you like do you like the best and that'll be up to you you can go with the box you can go with the with it with the cylindrical kind of too so we'll have a three quarter here from the other side and just feeling it across okay look at that opening so this angle already what is that that's about twenty thirty you know degrees of of change of opening up to the world and we can see this as our Tsar pubic tubercle region right in through here keep this really simple now let's finish out the disc Bowl disc right in through right in through here right now we can kind of separate it apart so we can come up on the ridge of the disc here right look for as the raising of the crest the iliac crest comes up of the ilium they come up and where they start to make that bony change that will show up on the model too by the way with you bleak these will come over like so and down this will come over like so over in perspective okay keep that in mind kind of that's why the box is so important - as well so you can think of them both together if you need to later on I do but each singling them out really I think also also helps this is going to force short enough and over and through greatly simplified again till we get a little thin this here and then we'll come around and we'll get those really the remember those Mouse ears coming over through here Mouse ears we're gonna get a great deal of thickness through the crest of the helium iliac crest and this will turn in and in downward turn it will get this is all they'll get where the sacrum starts in through here and we can find that inner curve about where the sacrum starts to turn in right in through here so we could draw that now in we're like a box then down and then over and then we get to start to get more to the coccygeal region this week as we push downward that one cystic you know look into that ball and then we turn and we're turning in now and then downward into into that bull ridge and down right through here now let's finish this out will come straighter here off the bowl over inward and then pick it up where the the ischium would be just keep that simple here we have our center of our tubercle out about forty-five out about forty-five here and here right and that's gonna get our ileum our issue excuse me excuse me reissue editor here writing through here then up now of course that will curve over etc we're gonna keep it keep it that simple a lot of times that's that's all you you might need now we're gonna go greatly deeper but for a lot of you are simple bigger constructions you may not need more than than that let's go to a back view so again like when we talked about in our box constructions the the back view will arch up so if we're drawing a twenty degree tilt of our box from the straight back those years of the ilium the iliac crests will merge out higher so here's the back part of our our Bowl our ellipse for our bow right in through here okay and then we'll come down that downward just like our box dip that bow down downward trend here downward trend here and then through and it will get to the ischium yes yeah back through here okay so we have that now this will be the front through here so we could then easily split this apart and find the top of the sacrum about a bow on Oh in less than a quarter so maybe 1/5 of the way let's see right here 1 2 3 4 5 parts down where the sacrum our end right up through here and then we'll see the the overturn and the crests come through okay they overlap the pelvis you see them your photo your reference material they'll come over keep it simple for now downward trending this gets thicker here keep it boxy and simple it's more organic I know that relatively symmetrical here over it's a hard working bone the pelvis and the sacrum together and with the themer a lot of glutes in there and abductors a lot of ligaments down and through so we'll coming around then we'll find that box over here moving that strong degree of change and over back through this way shave back through this way and then we're going to find the top of the sacrum here and it will put it down below a little bit as it's here in here stretching okay run it through here move it wider there we go we get the downward trend now here like so this this trend is like this here we have spinal spinous processes on this sacrum here right here here here and down below and then we have the coccyx region just generally I'll just add that and just really quickly through here of a boxy arrow shape coming down so we have that and then of course now we want to come back up to this inner curve or pubic curve in through here and that's 45 so our tubercles here on the inside okay and then we'll come out right here come out here find our ischium or ischium and just fill that in how easy was that what you start to see this process of it so that's building off of the the the bowl building off the bowl that simple construction of the bowl what I want to do next is to slow it down and draw some pelvis ease that are in well we can do a little positions too as well we could do that as well but I want to slow down and relief break apart the parts for you and do a more finished desk looking looking more pelvis taking a little bit more time adding on the acid tablet here that the joint adding at talking about a little bit more about the foramen in the back of the V is him too as well it's pretty hard working hard working material but you can draw the pelvis in many different directions if you want to work with the bowl which we're doing here see I can just turn that bulb I want to turn it upside down right there it is there's the bowl there so you can you can turn it mini dip it's many different directions and right there there's the Healey crashed in through here pubic bone and through here you see him and you're on your you're on your way really quickly you can turn and change that quite quite nicely all right so that takes care of the box and the bowl I'll call it the bowl right down here in the green so you can see that as well so they'll kind of the bowl cylinder I think that's important to see working nice all right all right let's go on now to our next phase actually I want to do more now these little pelvis studies but I want to do and do them in some more difficult positions so you can see how you can take this object and you want to be able to take every bone and really every muscle and isolate it and be able to draw it in many different positions in order to do that you want to simplify this structure it's quite frankly simplify the anatomy so let's do some now on in some boxes and some in some ball forms that give us a little bit different viewpoint so we might say we could do a box or looking or a pelvis where we're looking underneath a little bit so like maybe like something here okay so you know that that's kind of a rectangular form and if you can start to feel your way out in that sense you can really craft a pretty good pelvis and think about the the actual bottom part of the line of being you know pretty pretty quickly so we're kind of in this in this kind of position looking looking at the form which could be a reclining pose etc so if we start to think about that we've got the iliac crests up in there we can take them over and down so we'll keep it simple will reduce all that with a sacrum heart is down and over by the by the ischium right that's gonna be in through here we're gonna keep all that simple so we're gonna have the crest and then we're gonna bowl that over to get that pubic crest here's our middle about right here so that's our in of our our pubic crest area in through here that will come over right and then back around in this way and then we can get the crest coming back over on the other side and down and through and that's going to start to curve in so we're already getting a pretty decent a feel for it just in a very very short amount of time this could come over now the last part of the the ischium down in through and up about forty-five coming out and through and you've got a pretty quick little pelvic kind of box girdle that you already were getting beginning to kind of feel through and work with and make it make holes so a lot of times in your explorations of your concept of that area when you're drawing a model this may be all you need of course the oblique would go over it the the gluts would come around and go over and then you could if you wanted to you could simplify this Wien a little bit further and again I hesitate I don't want to do go too complex but then you could get the acetabulum in through here where you get a little bit of the opening of the the orbit for the the trochanter of the femur coming in here and of course you get a little bit of the young four minutes there here but I don't want to get too complex and that would be that would be enough that's all you really have to remember now we're going to go in deeper so that we can fill our memory and feel our our experiences deeper but that's a one of an odd position so we used a box there let's use a bowl now and maybe go for a position that looks a little bit more like like this underneath so we might be looking up up at the buttock a little bit so we might have a tilt here we'll do about six of these and the bowl would have tilt in a little bit like so so this would be the sacral back and through here so we have have a little bit of an angle right coming down coming down this way about 20 degrees then we fill this bowl underneath so we'd already feel it he wouldn't get it through here you already feel it in through here a little bit a little bit more of an oval bow so we have that so wouldn't they we can start to pull this apart now you think about this now we're looking underneath or on top through it here so we're feel this under undertow here the sacrum the sacrum we would be here we could come over a little bit and then we could start to take that through and then we could come over now with crest here and over through here it already to get a feeling of that kind of open bowl and then tilting downwards I'm going to bring down the conception of my pubic crest coming in down and through there and then up and over and then around and then we can course we can get the tubercle already through there there's our to go in and then the ischium will come on these through there they'll be a little bit longer and through and autumn we're pretty good already right in there for a quick sketch when it was at about 15 you know 20 seconds and if we wanted to go with the sacrum even further we could go there and see how quickly you can craft this pretty complex object so let's take another position we'll use a box we'll go for a little bit more of the back view in about this tilt here coming over down in through here and we'll move it over so I'm feeling this corner of the box about right here coming down and through like so we'll come down this way and then we're going to see a little bit of this bottom part and through here no it will come down like so and through here like we've got some construction workers outside the studio we have different classes it comes through just fine so now we're already set up we have the center here of the sacrum we can give it a curve this will be underneath we get the coccygeal kind of direction that way look how quickly we can analyze this so we can take that sacrum here right in through there come up basically its volumetric izing the pelvis quick little volumetric studies to keep it keep them really simple in your mind and you can take these two complex solutions later on now we're going to just bring this angle of the acetabulum or the joint hip joint there the ball and socket joint come through okay bring this over we can see that of the ischium below them and through here okay and we're just gonna box this out where I know this gets more complex interior box it out here okay box it up there we're gonna get this view up the back of the iliac crest little bit a little bit more of the box coming down and we're already just about there maybe we can get a little bit of the crest coming in through here hangin over and then maybe just the bottom up just an indication how that flow the sacrum comes in through here and we get that flow back there that's all you need if you can get these done and in a short time as possible without a lot of specific fussiness that the hardest part is going to be and although just a little bit of them be a socket is to get these without a lot of fuss you're going to try get more detail then you need keep them really really simple and then find out what you prefer the box or do you prefer the bowl let's go on to another all right let's take another difficult to you butts maybe go underneath a little bit something like this and so it almost screams out box really does it sometimes you have to decide what you want your conception to big box or Bowl depending upon your your viewpoint a lot of times when I get more of an open idea like this I'll go for a more of a bowl and then sometimes when it clinically when it just looks boxy I'll go for a boxy so if we have something like this how do we control that that viewpoint well if it's really kind of a triangle here attorney one you know solid about it so we're you know in this kind of tilted you know position so we see that you know kind of coming down that's the thing first thing I start with and then these the the downward trend the edge you through here we get into where the the pelvis would be with a sacrament base of the sacrum is kind of coming across this way that's what I see it kind of coming down so we can see that then we see the sides here now of that box so I'll just kind of finish it off and it's sort of shaved down kind of boxy form and then we can go to ten a lot of times again i anchor what i would i look for a lot of times where that sacrum is that's going to be with us give you a casteless your milonga sumus and spinalis the the erector spinae muscles will be so no box this off while you've exercised it here and then coming down you know around here and over so we'll have that come through here we'll give them kind of fuel that box here's kind of the plane or angle you'll have to know you have to be a little more flexible in this position and we could kind of shape will feel this sacral part can shave down right this way you know we can come back over here and take on the other iliac crest part of the ilium in through here coming over and then take it down and then we've got this side plane then this will feel here a little bit like a shaved plane in this way right in through there it's a little thick looking thin the net just a little bit as we gonna come down here come down this way we could shave this down to get this kind of feeling of this part of our pelvic girdle really moving moving down in that direction and then we'll kind of end it here underneath right and we'll see where the pelvis the sacrum part ends and through here we could box that off right in through here over and then getting a little bit of that under Bowl even in the boxy part of that riding through here then we could take off again that helium part for now we feel this and we get maybe with that tubercle again would be here and we come back in out 45 and get the feeling of the ilium the ischium actually know let's get this gonna confuse just bear with me and through here in through here and over and maybe around table as well we'll be totally totally fine through there there we go and so what is tighten up the small edge and we've got essentially a rudimentary you know easy to work with pelvis later on that we can start to get a lot of a lot more detail and of course we get the you get the sockets for the hip bone the femur coming in through around that way in that way as well let's go on to another one we'll use another bowl maybe four figures tilted back a little bit you know like that we might get something where we see this pelvis kind of in this direction and tilted back how can we handle that well we might feel this then as a bowl form here across here's our bolts one right there here this is our kind of the top here but then we're gonna have to essentially then find our angle oh right now I can already feel the inner Bowl coming down so we're down in and we're coming down a little bit remember at about 20% so we're a little bit raised up here right coming over raised up coming over so that's gonna put us our under curve here and here it over like so like so so what do you already kind of get that under curving pelvic floor down here like so and then we can start to put right quickly on the sacrum running through here so I'm kind of tilted I've got the photo to help so I'm throwing mine from life it's important right in through here and we kind of get that view of the sacrum and of course we get the lumbar the last one or spine here sliced that and so now we can come back really quickly and get these volumetric parts of it parts of the iliac crest in through here over volumetric and kind of boxy coming around coming around and over these will meet roughly on the same over to here okay just get their general volumetric you know feel using your basic construction either a ball box whoops either a box or a to finish this is black and if we could come over and down as we get to that pubic crest okay here just move down and you can see a deadtime we've got a pretty nice rudimentary situation now we have our cartilage separate very very easily through here and let's get our 45 degree coming out you can see how that works here works here for us as well and then we could come out and get be just the beginning of the the issue I shouldn't in through here maybe just a little bit of apartment for now - well here keep it really simple and and here a lot of times what you look for in this view will be mostly the iliac crest move dimple points right there yeah probably in this view because you'll have the oblique out coming out through here and then the buttock will come around right through here look like split you can see how that comes together now right up through here and these will wrap around you know so go through the trochanter but that gives you a little buttock down below alright so I think we've got enough practices now of the the pelvic area the pelvic girdle the box or the bowl form or sometimes two depending upon your NEADS and now let's let's start to go into a more precise picture now of the public and analyze the four or five parts that you'll want to know for your drawing practice which which really dis gets you in the early ballpark of understanding the the forum but it actually is what we need for drawing keep that in mind we're we're drawing and we're learning for drawing and art making and painting rather than true kind of finished finished anatomical you know medical school kind of thing or medical illustrator mostly for drawing and in being with a draw from observation and then also from imagination too as well which is important right of your head it's very important all right okay so let's move on to a normal proper view of the pelvis now we're going to look at the pelvis more properly in terms of more specific detail I may think I think the other studies were proper but they're quick conceptions mass conceptions about the box or about the bowl and they're gonna help us locate this pelvis anytime we want to especially in the model when we get to more more particular aspects when we add the femur and locate into the acetabulum and then we also get muscles pulling off different areas of the pelvis onto the femur and then unto itself in the sacrum we're gonna find that these points of reference these little little four areas are plenty for us to note as artists so what are they well the areas now of the skeleton are broken down to four or five parts so the the one dominant part is the sacrum we see that in back notice how its curved we've got that you know back part of the vertebral column it's the sacrum and coccyx geo areas with the spinous processes here it's fused no this has been sliced so we see the lumbar vertebra through here the last area where it sits on top so we have this spat the sacrum which is really technically part of the vertebrae or vertebral column but I like to think of it here too as part of it since the hip bones we have two of them they're detachable here and here they come off and they have this very peculiar sort of wind shape see how they fly out a little bit and their dividend here for insertion of muscle both interior and exterior the gluteal fossa in here with the gluteus maximum and minimum medial and maximal glute will stretch and attach into these faucet and through here but they have kind of a weaned look to them as well so we have the hip the hip bones and more properly we can divide these into the ilium here this is the ilium with the iliac crest coming through and around this is important for drawing the abdominal muscle you'll see the dimples here these two processes here these will show up on the model we've seen it already so we have the ilium and then we have the lower the ischium now I always pronounce them wrong so forgive me now let me just forgive you for for getting him confused so they just done they're so similar in sound that oh I'll say them one way but hopefully you'll the drawings okay will be clear so the ilium the ischium the sacrum then as we come around this pubic little curve this cresting curve is Bowl shape we see we get to the pubic tubercle in the pubic bone in general riding through here where that all the genitals sits in this particular area it's divided by a cartilage so these are very much two bones that fuse then infuse but they come together to carve cartilage so ischium ischium wings and through here the foramen coming through you can see that the opening here nerves and urethral material as well we also have the acetabulum a se tabla mace acetabulum our asset album this is where the femur attaches to the pelvic region by anterior ligament in by certain other ligaments that come out we'll get into the femur later the also the ball socket of the trochanter the finger of the femur come together and has a cartilage joined it over over over coats that join so there's very much that spongy karte karte building religionists material that goes on in inside there so those are the parts one two right three sacrum one ilium two ischium three the pubic bone for the acetabulum really there the hip joint five and in the four maybe even even six all right so let's jump in and draw on these now let's do a nice proper study of a couple of you so the first thing we have an open view here I'll go ahead and do have a bowl conception of our puke pelvis region so I'll start out with the so I'm looking at this opening here of this cavity around and as I want to draw and I want to sketch through to get that shape in through here then we notice there's this tilt that comes down and we'll do one over here at and profile in this direction in what we notice is that these wings come in kind of like bird wings or bat wings but there's a tilt downward about 15 maybe 20 degrees and so it really is nicely handled by a kind of a angled box in general I'll show you what I mean so we have this command this coming out a little bit this idea like so okay it didn't that boxes taken down taken down here and we get the placement of our pelvic box in through here here would be our Center right in through there or sin or not coming in through here okay and so if we finish out the bold now of our pelvic form we would start to see this bowl emerge downward kind of like it cylinder here and then cut around so we're gonna come around here like so place our nice ball this will be a very light line and through here okay so we have that mount we could do a three quarter position over here so I'll put it three quarters coming back now this direction so we'll see that construction now so it could go for either one it could be a boxy bullets let's combine a little bit let's curve it a little bit here it kind of come over in down through in around okay so we'll see that so this is kind of a boxy form but then it's also kind of a full form and if they're here so I'm thinking about this coming down here's my center point and coming down to the over and in get to that pubic bone bone region and then I think of it as a box a little bit now coming down and over till we get to the issue in here yeah through here than I curved back over then I come back to get my box again took that side plan by riding through here then I can start to look in gently generally to start to get that bowl feel of the inner floor inside there through here and then around some just a general kind of oval oval shape in through in through here so it's kind of a little bit of outlining if those crest points there and a crest point up and over in through here what you'll notice is is they'll generally be parallel in through here so we're kind of twisting it and turning this over and then looking down in it a little bit too as well so I used a little bit of box conception you're not also used a little bit of a bowl a bowl conception to is well to fashion this off a little bit here around there we go alright so now let's start back on the front and we'll we'll add to each each of these as we go forward here they weren't drawing through our thinking I think that'll help some I'm having you work from reference and I've got the line the line thing right in front of you anytime you can get the live line thing so if you have if you're at school and you can find them skeleton use great if not you could buy one of these you can buy a pretty well articulated skeleton for a probably less than thousand that's possible if you go in with friends or if you're at an Art Center or if you're if you're it if you're alone by yourself you can also buy them we had to buy one at students that was part of her our fees and so indicated parts and you had to put it put it together it was pretty pretty cool okay so you know if we start to come back here we can start take the sacrum now I generally a lot of times in drawing will look at look and find that sacrum those those dimple edges which were it'd be here on the model even on the inside you can see them emerging then we'll come in a little further now and we'll start to get the sacral area defined a little bit further on the inside so the sacrum comes in like so it's kind of about time forming this in this particular view downward down we're a little bit then what's happening is that bone see how that bone turns it turns like this so we have this visit movement here and we get a little bit of the ending part of the lumbar sliced off right in through here and then we'll come down and this it's very curved so you can see the surface curve can see how curved that is really a curved process downward down through here's the center part of it which would look straight in through here and then we get the end of the sacral condyles in through here around okay and then the coccyx part coccygeal part will come in and around here okay and then up and threw it over three get over through here and then kind of get this corner ornament it kind of bum you look first strange and beautiful part of our Anatomy in through here these are pretty rounded right in through here and then this bone the last last agree almost like a tail right in through running through there so we get some back in here we get a little bit of this bony shield almost reminds me of dinosaur like Triceratops you get a spinous process look through here coming through in the transverse processes processes over in through here a little bit as well as they curve state curve around tends to as well it's right here so we get we get that so we're feeling now pretty good in through here we can start to now get more of this bowl form of the the pelvic floor area now we can get the pubic bone kind of located in in what you what you know what you learn is is that look how open all this this is a big gap in here for the bowels of who we are as a species in through here okay so we have them then coming around so this comes over this is basically what we're doing now here over here right so we have that just to get that late in a little bit better for you they could be easier easier on the references to have just do one of these at a time so that tubercle here and then to here right so we're seeing it so it's a pretty long open spot that we come in thick so we have that tubercle now I'm through here so we had this eating carpet let's finish out the oval this kind of heart-shaped a little wider opening up here okay coming across through yeah okay and opening up here further coming on down through now there's that there's it gets deeper in there because we'll find the ends of the the ischium in through there okay so this is this is all very much now getting shaved getting curved downward isn't it running it through there so that can be a little bit of a shed attending it through here all right like so like so here's it comes through right so this is all coming downward this material is like a bowl really is moving down the water will flow into this into this particular area then what we get I'm gonna mark it on both these sides here and here so we can we can work to it is you get this curve underneath and this gets us to the issue that 45 degree point so we're at our cartilage here our pubic tubercle cartilage roughly and in this region okay and through here and we get this interesting knob you all kind of right off the top these cubicle cubicles where muscles attach abdominal muscles attached to or so they kind of have a heading kind of a point process and they curve in a little bit and then as they go underneath and go wider like so so they're very much these three-dimensional tur turn and turned and torqued processes here so we've gone beyond now just a simple two black cylinder we've got a we got to do that now to get more more detailing to hear that coming through so after this point now getting back to the issue here these back parts as they come through they're attaching and coming up all the way back up to the tubercle see that how they come all the way back up and into that so we're at a bottom view here so what we see is this over this gets really really sliced down okay and this wants to curve up and come around so we're under here Ryan you're we're curving up and coming around here that gets a little complex but if you draw enough and you keep think of it simply like we have a bowl or a block you're going to get this simple concept and be able to draw the simple concept because that's all you'll do what you'll really need but in order to get there you have to go through more complex steps like we're doing now so this comes down shada this one this is why we need to the form here all right so we have that going working for us moving it through now when in a front view and since we're looking down on it a little bit you're gonna have some of this coming through and down remember at 45 roughly so we're out through here and remember we're out through here a little bit what I'm getting into in our view and this is important to see is you're getting a little bit of this coming down now off the pubic tubercle down to now the issue in an outward please come outward in 45 degrees over and then they want to start to come inward here so I'm just gonna rough that in here we'll get both sides okay consumable they're gonna lead us over and develop the format and then they're going to get to get the ball and socket joint the exit tabla in through this area so let's do it now on both sides so they're relatively symmetrical so we can bring one side to the to the other here let's see this was a little a little more of an opening and down and it over through here like so there we go and that's gonna wing it's gonna come across like so like this and then this this point it's gonna have a little thickness in through here a little thickness in through here can get a little shadow you there okay now we see at this pubic this little cresting turn this up part of the what I call the bowl riding through here over is it starts to ring around this comes up higher see as it comes up higher now so we're ridging upwards and going up we're going to see that come over and get harder so we have to to show that now in our drawing in what we get now as we come over with this shape is the actual top of the asset a bone in through here or thee the opening I'll do it right over here of the point where the femur basically we're drawing then now where the femur attaches into that socket it's and it's deep it's it's deeper on the back end right than it is on the front end so it's a little bit deeper back there it's kind of like a crater really is like a an actual geologic construction or a crater so we have that right and then we get once we get past the acetabulum then we flare out just a little bit then we start to get to the front head of the Yuliya crest the crust say it like that crest okay I don't know why I said it like that but I said crest okay is that annoying or what alright so we get that now I'm gonna leave that there for a moment so we can we can think through this this wants to occur and turn around okay so that's curving in and turning around there's that bone so the acetabulum now we don't see a whole lot of the opening we'll get another view especially here we're probably about right in through here with our our pelvis and I'll correct that when we get over there later on so we get this under turning now of this bottom part riding through here of the pelvis gonna get the underneath and over so we're gonna see that bottom part a little bit like so there we go and now we're gonna be able to finish out this part the back part of the ischium more gluteal posterior part where we start to come around this flares out a little bit like so then wants to come back in in connect together so we get this under turning now for the two typical nouns on top for sure then we get a little bit of shading it through here shine each adj turning down through like so and then we get a little bit now the foramen Sheriff showing through right in through here and you can see how that's got a thickness to it right I'll show it to you right over there so that's got a little bit of a shade down thing that says this comes underneath and starts to gradually turn in community there it's real complex a little boom we've got the post it's really hard worker like the scapula I think they probably all aren't working give the bones there do dem bones make sure there are hard working in through there and then we can come up underneath and we start to get up in through here a little bit more so we turn underneath and get to this back part in through there alright so we've got that working working for us in through here okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to finish this part out and I'm gonna leave that for the sake of a little time so I think we've got that you can finish the rest of it on your own so I can get to these other views coming in through here so ask the town them in through and then here the secondary part the crest riding through here and then we get to the pelvic crest in through here and what you notice it's very curve W anonymous called this the wing of the ilium right in through here this is kind of like a bird wing as a matter of fact to me the whole pelvis also looks like a bird like a bird like maybe a bat a white bat flying doesn't it you know whatever it takes to to figure out how you're gonna draw it best and you're gonna have to hmm excuse me help yourself come up with good conceptions you know later on to that's gonna that's gonna help so as we're coming across and you're in you're around we're gonna come up and over this is arched Purdy high and it gets wider so how I feel why do we get in through there and it gets a little narrower as we come back underneath so just pay attention to what you see here but as a general then we're going to get this thickest point about the medial lat area of the of the number on the latter line but the medial part of it riding through here where we get the obliques and then if we come back further obviously we're gonna get the lasts in through here now this is going to turn down okay come on over and then it's going to want to come right on back in and over in through here and we'll get that other part of the second now the sacrum comes in front of we'll see that running through here right downward downward trending this has a little bit of a divot as this turns in through here I mean we can do a serious long rendering maybe oh maybe I'll do that I'll do a long rendering of a bone like a real real rendered one just so you can see that it's important to do at times but you want to get their concept really of in how to draw them in their general sense and you can get the detail when you do finish drawing so now what happens here this is over turns this be careful in this these pelvis Eve's pelvis easiest because is they do this and then all of a sudden they're also this is a fossa this is a hollowed-out outer area a little bit so it's under turning about right here so we get into that right and make sure you get that sloping somewhat or actually pretty greatly and this wants to come over this is an overturning a little bit too as well so we're overturning here and then immediately we're starting to under turn over here and it's kind of a these are all soft gradual and see how this wants to do that this comes underneath like so real strong here real strong divot and overturning it through here and then this wants to come gradually down this ball down a little bit here so you want to feel this contouring they all have a they all have a purpose sometimes they don't know all the purposes no no I don't need to refer our artistic understanding it's not as important but they do have you didn't want to be accurate in their contouring if you can alright so I think we've got a good view there of what's happening here maybe put a little bit of maybe a little light on it since we're kind of overhead a little bit alive here and then around the edges to show that contouring around here show coming through and maybe down along this pubic tubercle you can around cuz this really wants to stretch in you can also go back under and in turn and everything wants to go back in this ball pretty pretty strongly very strongly actually a little bit more specific down through here and still we could go to a level of rocky kind of thumb you rockiness but we're getting it kind of a good enough I think good specific you have only one of them see here around right okay so let's move on now to the side profile view over next door over here simple prop that profile is clean so coming over here now we're set up in profile and we're bending downward so we are trending with this angle in mind downward now depending upon how much of this other side now if I tilt it like this see how I don't see the other ilium over here but if I do a little bit in through here I can still make that call so I think I'm going to open it up just a little something like this and have it to have it there we're doing it on nice downward trend in through here so we're gonna find this sinner over here which later on will get us to our pubic crest area as we move and around and up and through here so that's very much on my mind that's the first thing it's kind of very much on my mind it just kind of comes over then we get the direct pull back this is pulling back okay and around and then slightly upward here where the tubercle is the split of the tubercle where the cartilage will be later well right in through here that too right so we're gonna see that this is going to pull back up this way it then up and out it gets narrower as it gets in further like so then we have that come down this opens up we're ready to get the foramen coming in through here over so see everything we could build right off a box really really quickly coming down and over and then we get this through here and this is gonna dis form in see how these come out a little bit you start to bulge out so you get that bulge in just a little bit here they're kind of kind of rectangular rounded then you're gonna get that's basically on that 45 like we were are over here it's important to see so we want to get that 45 nuts change in direction okay so that's 45 coming in in perspective here and over then it's gonna basically feel like it's pulling back that's what this line is for we're pulling back around it over and under here through break this song so see how we can get now it's pretty good where I put that not bad now that the aspect of it it's interesting about the essence of a tell'em exit Tecla I skip my pronunciations wrong how about the hip joint the they're actually kind of turned in their protruding kind of like an alien eyes but they're protruding out and downward a little bit so their aspect is a little bit more down where I can kind of add them now here's I is I draw so acetabulum well that's a nice word epic too bad I murder it through here and around like so so and this comes in so it's like a crater but then it has a little kind of like a mouth here ridge in an outward okay then it comes over right in through threading through here right in this this is a like a little Ridge in there it's a cartilaginous it's going to be covering cartilage to help can imagine this bone rattling against the other there's a little floor off ceiling riding through here and up and over so we have a ceiling to that riding through there okay and this wraps it up here like a little ball because then this gives us a little bit or to the under rhythm of the actual movement over back in through here so you can kind of see what's happening now back over on the other side up roughly over through here this connects the pubic tubercle goes a little bit it gets more knobby or right here on our drawing right over here so it gets more knobby than it comes underneath it does a turn in here like so gets thinned down and then it then it starts to undercut and keep that bit Bowl it's going to come down and be part of the form in right in under here so forming here and super get the tuber the esse acetabulum asa tabble and then we get this under foreman right out of three here this I'd like to see a little bit longer now because we come over through luckily I can get a little shadow under there you get that a little bit longer there we go like so this will want to push this is kind of boxing in through here and then this will want to push over and this is an opening now so now we have this open here of the format so the foreman backs right into the acetabulum how about that s weak they're off so we open that up a little bit we can see that this will occur up and over a little bit you come underneath a little bit a little bit further okay so let's get now the helium parts ileum parts coming up so remember this guy is like an opening it's a ball joint and there's a ligaments area there's there's a wonderful ligament here the femur grande femur ligament right in through here that attaches so all this is is really really a wonderful ball like shape so the femur can attach the head of the femur the trochanter can attach right on in there so let's get the the ileal wien and the crest they're necessary that word again crest alright we come over and up okay and then we get this movement here right so now we're moving we're kind of stair stepping our way up the crest and through here so we're riding through in this region over here to here so it makes you want to come up and over this turns over a little bit here okay right on top of the that's a tableau and then we're going to come up even further this one step and then we're going to come up another step and through and then we're going to get to the first part of the of the wing of the crest running through here so we're now right in through this area right here what a really emphasizes coming over in this coming underneath like so there we are so now we're gonna come up in just a feeling I'll square down sometimes we'll get the volume of it really winging over here getting thicker in this area coming down okay and over and then we get close to the sacral area coming through here so this again this aspect is how important you know that is to getting that tilt of that bowl so give them to get the bird wing look or the bat wing here riding through here is where the the crest ends and it gets more sakura riding through here so we're about riding on behind in through here up through here actually and then we come on down and then you get with the sacrum on you get this little converging here where the little sacral tail bulges out and then it wants to come point right back on in towards where we're at right in through there so we get that coming up in through so we're coming on up in here we get that we get this bulkiness this could be actually a little bowl here there we go get that Vulcanus here and a little bit wide I'm actually gonna bring it in so I want to make sure we get that correct and that's a little incorrect so we get to work to get correct see even I make mistakes we've never let anybody tell you that they're always done mistakes are great no big deal so we'll come back and so we get a little too too long and through here back up the crest over and then back down in through here they were coming back down the crest in you Lana through here okay it's so this whole thing you could have one rhythm first in through there then we can find my leg we'll do that before we add the sacrum on through there coming in and over and we get this nice under turn in through here like so and then we get to the sacral area right here we can get these processes on so this whole this whole movement is very much a curve we can see it in that direction that's very much a curve back in because the sacrum itself curves back in then we come through here on over to the end of the coccyx and it comes in pretty pre-curved on over they're running through writing through then we start to get the grooves of the spinous processes here 1 2 3 4 5 in through there and we get this side part here right in through here of the side part of the sacrum right in through here still simplifying enough we could be here all day rendering Apple little details it could be the bottom of your eye and this gets a little flattened through here they've got some better better rendering I'll put some of this now in shadow so we can see that will put this here we go in through here downwards Oh cover up the mistake how about city you can always always cover your tracks right up through there don't worry about it all right so let's go back and finish out the crest this gets a little boxier back in this back part curves through this wants to curb now over old bet as we see that and this gets as it's down we're trending it's gonna get more shadow right there you can see that shadowing out coming back over this moves and now we get up to the outside now we're on the backside over here so this comes out in through here like so and what's happening is now I can get a little more specific is we get the top part of it out through here and coming up over so it down and these will move a little bit then we've got this little crest head a little fatter part in through here then it gets a little bit thin down down in through here what's happening here this is important this comes over okay over here over here and then this comes down it's coming off the side of the mountain it kind of undercuts see I'm undercutting that just a little bit just for a little bit and see how this undercuts now we have to over cut the other way so now we're coming up this is undercutting in through here okay and then what we want to see over here now this this this little divot this cuts underneath and comes wants to curl over like so this is curling around back on the inside in through here that's curling curling in this is turning in like so it's just like coming it and then the point of all this is this comes out see that coming over here and over here underneath then over underneath then over under and over like like like that so I could get a little bit more shadow I'm hesitant to put all that Chuck so I want you to see some of that contour come to alignment through him through there little bit of thickness on this lip can you down there we go like so hopefully that will that will help you see that positioning as this comes down cuz this would be one cast shadow there we go around okay now we'll put I'll put just a contouring outline of the other side so we can kind of finish that off and see how that box worked well for us so we've shaved off the box here we found this part of the knob you love the end of the unit Kretz running through here okay this little box around it parts on the other side in perspective now so we can feel that over here okay flaring out winding out over here so that gives me an idea where I'm at coming in through over up above our box now we can our box is just a construction then we're coming up and through to here on the other side then over widening out slightly and then coming back in so width wise out as it goes out so it comes out a little bit then it comes back in these are on an angle they're not straight up there that's why that ball is a good that's a good thing to use - these are very much these wings are on an angle as they flare up and then they want to come back down then I would disappear we would not see the sacrum back in through that position and through there alright now we also get a little bit maybe the form in on the other side roughly in through here and the bottom parts perhaps and through and up just gently coming through you like so coming all around and get that bowl positioning in there alright let's put a little light on it and we'll finish now clean it up a little bit so the point is to draw it in your get it into your memory of a ball or a box and just draw bowls and boxes in different positions and then put the pelvis at the simplified crude pelvis volumetric pelvis in there and then later on can you do more quicker these I would self call these still kind of a quicker anatomical study of the form right you didn't later on if you want to do I think I will do one where it's a real long drawn-out pelvis just kind of put this through here I can't do a long drawn-out one of a real thrill deep anatomical study since it's also part of art historical traditions especially in Russia they do this I I tend to shy away from them in my student classes because we want to get as much positioning as you can't the point is to remember them you can be able to draw them out of your head but you're gonna have to remember the more simplified way but there's nothing wrong with doing a detailed study I think I'll do one just to show everybody how that goes too as well just connect with different countries and artistic practices so this is over of turning here overturning overturn overturn overturn II this would get a lighter then could show that even better by going under turning back in to the form through there so what I'm showing is you feel it under turning here oh we're turning it back to under turn so there's a ridge again through here under turn up and ever put your hands on these bonus and really feel them for what they what they can be for for study so let's put a little light on the some of this may be right up in here on the crest new baby back right here that might be okay then through here top NASPA tone give at the bottom just to get a feel for it I think we've got what we need now so I'm gonna go on to the last one here and see what we can do with our final one into recorder looking from above but more difficult particular pose here let me sharpen up a little bit and we'll talk about that so I constructed this one bottom one here out of the bowl and also a box worm didn't I so a little bit of both to compare how you can use both of them for for your needs quite a bit in depending upon your conceptualization where you want to place it you can use either one of those in your in your practice be part of the learning here banana beam understanding is that both of these concepts are going to be well worth your time depending upon the the position that you're thinking of and also from observation they can be relevant at different times and so you'll have a essentially a larger larger tool chest if you will as well alright so let's see when I race to get that a little bit turnt there yeah you'll put a little bit of lights and there as well coming in through here just a little bit over all right so we have that now all right so the last one here the 3/4 positioning of the pelvis it's a little bit more challenging to to conceive up so as we come on down here we'll work with the the sacrum now here and we're gonna work it over here okay so we've already got some more positioning I think a lady and we've got her bowl laid in we know where our ilium are I think the issue are going to be a little bit more difficult to kind of to kind of fish out and tease out a little bit because we're in this in this more difficult perspective looking down but now we have the crest coming over coming through here and around okay right in through here so we're finding their edge once I find an edge like I am over here what I'll do is I'll get its thickness lay down most of the thickness is on now the other side so get that around over through here off find it bring it down to the next step remember right roughly in through there I bring it down to the next step and then I'll transfer it over right in perspective in my mind I'm just showing it what I'm thinking here all the way over to here and in the other step to the crest right in through here so we're roughly now over here in our position up in outwards so the outward aspect again taking notice take notice about how important that is that outward aspect to our drawing so we're here with that first step and then we're out again and then we can come out and bring it back on in so this gets heavier so then you're you find where you're where you're at and where you're at you're what I call the geography of draw or where your where's your location this is going to turn in around and come back and in and again everything is popped it's popping out as it is curving around that's important so then what we get is we get this rounded part of this edge it also twist a little bit so here's the ridge edge here and then it goes it disappears that picks up back up again over here as it comes up underneath curls around gets wider and then will actually disappear here a little bit and then we get the top Ridge back coming out over back in through there and it starts to come underneath okay and over that's the theory that the end between coming over this will be shaved down a little bit through here okay then this will come up it's coming around and then it's coming on down and it really takes a turn here but it's still got a little bit more more of the bone coming in through here so you get that ribbon we're riding through this region over there okay so now this will occur out as the sacrum says hey I'm here and I'm coming to make it appearance now this will get shaved in okay grooved right like so and then this will come out like that really pull an ounce like so okay they're coming on yet now can I can start to really dig into this area be confident what I've got so far is working pretty well you need to change change I did remember up through there then we have the sacral parts again this top shelf of the sacrum I think of it like a box almost always up in here then it curls a little bit and then it wants to throw a little curl down or then it's gonna go down so that always creates this little Ridge of shadow almost always this curls in it's kinda like a bow tie so we're over here we can't see it over there coming through here and down like so okay and it'll get since we're this is the center part here this comes down and it wants to come out like that okay so here we had it just in just in the middle here now we're right yeah we're on the edge coming down so in perspective that's going to push us curved over the sacrum it's really curved but it also gets narrower that makes it look at harder to draw so here we have that nice edge across here and then we get that real what I call kind of ornamental look - it's very ornamental here and then over he's kind of left up over I kind of get circular and then we end up right up in through and I got my arrow on the way they're running through right in through there there we go so this comes up an herb or curls back in like so now sitting on top the last vertical area in through here kind of this disc that we see here and this flies out we see and then we see it pull back up and this helps with this that sort of dip it where all this sacra spinouts muscles are at then Alan through heads off into here and then we get the little spinous process emerging back there parotid trending early down within a little transverse process in here and also in through here not that important for now so we've got that just located so we're feeling pretty good about this bowl coming around and again this bowl under turns right okay and then under here it turns right and then this view we're gonna start to see the issue curve in so they're curving back curbing underneath and so what kind of Mark them just like we did right over here again right here and right here so we've got that going for us so we've got that and they're gonna be can bring them parallel over and mark them as it comes up and down right through here okay here we've got that coming around and then they're gonna come back up all the way back up go underneath the forum in there up around underneath the essent makes up the tabla they hit the hip point the hip joining through a sabot alamin through here and they can come underneath and they're gonna come around here so I can get some of that that's gonna marrow this little rich here a little bit further so now we're moving up and the under under current of the beast there we go the sacrum will start to get now over here to tubercle don't like to work all right actions bring a little bit you hear there we go right in through there so we can start to feel this now this is a gradual turn on here right under this this is coming up and also going down you want to feel it that way this is going down we're coming out but it's getting shaved off gradually down to the ischium in through here just connect over there heading off in through here this gets shaved down and so what we get now is a little bit of a ridge head running through here and here where it flattens out a little bit if you can start to see on your on your Mountain your skeleton there right in through there so this is now turning okay and then getting a little bit of this bulkiness right in through here this is kind of cuffing this wants to come over just cutting in through here underneath and so this cups right cupping in through here it just slides slides on down like so slides on down there we go and this moves across and over this is kind of a little cup again running through there it's lighter over here because of the light source just gets buried in through there there they go so remember this was a downward process you can see hopefully I could Illustrated this in the drawing where this flattens out a little bit right we'll see this Larry gets a little lighter right in through here that's where it's flattens now this is going to come to draw a little line here it's not going to be perfectly lined up because we're on top of this now there's a spatial distance this is important between or in this bowl region the sacral tip for the coccygeal tip is much lower down here okay then up here it's quite quite lower and that's important to know so this won't line up quite quite nicely that's okay the cartilage is here's what you know that it is roughly in the center both of them and the cartilage will come down a little bit here okay we'll get a little bit of a puffing in through there we're going to get a little bit of this downward aspect here okay so this is where a nice box view comes into play okay right in through here now these flattened back out so we're on these little tubercles writing to figure these little hubs right to here you just want to come up from this flat Ridge now in over could give us a little bit this kind of bumping in turn here and it comes down kind of like a box remember this is where we start to come out a little bit later at 45 so we'll come back it through here and outwards then we've got this thinning out here and then this head this has another head here a couple of heads in through here there we go now we can start to get this aspect now 45 and perspective here in outwards in this direction so now what's going to happen is we're going to feel this coming downward through get a little bit of a hit and then it's going to come down right the issue and remember that in through here okay and remember as we start to come down these ridges further in through here or and now we're on top of the face of a telomere and it back over to you so this wants to turn in so this wants to turn this is a little bit more of a thickness here this wants to turn in and so we get now a little bit more of this opening underneath here it's kind of hard to see since it's covered up that's fine right through here getting a little bit of a the top sheet that they had kind of a roof of it down through here and over is that Ridge and that's where the attachment now of the femur will go into and then we get a little bit now the foreman coming over it's right next to it underneath it a little bit of that okay so just about cleaned cleaned that out almost and then we're gonna have this come back over so you can gauge the in perspective where that's going to go to fit in to about right here so get them drawing mine from from life and yours this from the reference right now yeah through here and then did the aspect is this way okay so now we've got this part of the pelvis up it through and over got the very top part now see the hip points excuse me the hip joints be here you could kind of see it emerge this takes off down in here underneath a little bit of that circuit or bulging or gets a little bit dark or you could kind of see it here like so and come around and so what that means is this is skidding this is getting thinned out here and this is turning over like so and through and then we can get the rest of this part moving back in this direction get a little bit for me coming through here maybe put that back in the shadow right there here alright I think we've got now three pelvic fallacies I suppose drawn out and analyzed for their shape and position in more of their long throw a little line and finish these out we can talk a little further so it's really not that bad I think the hardest thing you're gonna have is probably keeping perspective on some of these these parts edge to edge I think that's gonna be a little bit harder to to mount and I'm gonna make sure that you know you get clear on that to get clear photographs that you're working from you should already be doing that so it does problem we'll have to solve off camera book and you won't even have to worry about it because you'll be drawing it anyway so let's put some finishing aspects here make these a little little bit cleaner now there's a whole nother level we can go to a drawing you know real deep rendering I'm gonna do one maybe of a pelvis it'll be a while after but just so you see what the the the difference in the processes would look this is probably my favorite level it gives you a really strong understanding but it's not it's not that a real we don't be photo real but we you know it you're still a level of detail that you can get to that I don't they don't think it's important for this this stage of the game hope you guys understand that for for my descriptions if not just let me know so we'll come out of here with it let's add a little bit of line so anytime I want to add if the pencil sometimes the pencil can get dirty response weathers lie I'll take the light out with eraser so I can it hidden uh yeah no white here make sure this would be a lighter on that Ridge there all right think I've had great it has a little bit maybe a lot here and then along this Ridge maybe it along this Ridge up in a highlight or two one here to the tuber full seem hard to see there but we got that push this back a little bit space so let's take a look and see that profile take a look riding through this back as it comes - yeah it comes through a little softer doesn't it okay here comes you around softens out a little bit a little bit more gradual and put that sacrum behind it a little darker let's sit back a little bit okay all right think we've got everything we we need now of the study all right so the next next study point will be to start talking about the femur and then adding the muscles together so how the femur locks into the pelvis the shape of the femur the length of it and the aspects of the femur and the trochanter the tubular part the rough line in the back and the medial and lateral condyle on the front and back of that of the femur it's a little powerful powerful bone powerful area of the body in an important that's coming up as we continue on with our the pelvis and which is really going to be the favorite to