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What qualities does Romina believe make her a good fit for the company?
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Her skills matching the company’s requirements and her desire to contribute and showcase her technical skills
Why does Romina believe the company should hire her?
She has theoretical knowledge, is willing to work hard, is committed to the progress of the organization, can complete tasks on time, and strives to meet company needs
What is Romina Gina Lacuz's educational background?
Business Administration
What are Romina's long-term career goals?
To hold a respectable position in the organization
Where and when did Romina's interview take place?
At La Cruz Spectrum Equalization University
How does Romina express her commitment to a potential employer?
She states her commitment to the progress of the organization and her ability to complete tasks on time and meet company needs
What type of questions did Romina ask at the end of the interview?
She asked about job timing, transportation, job roles, and salary for the position
What are Romina's weaknesses?
Finds it difficult to say no when asked for help and can be lazy when not interested in a task
What are Romina's short-term career goals?
To secure a job in a company where her skills can be utilized and to improve her career path
What reasons does Romina give for wanting to work at the company?
She views it as a great privilege to work in a reputed company where her skills match the company's requirements, giving her the opportunity to showcase her technical skills and contribute
What is Romina's perspective on salary requirements?
Salary is not the first priority; she is interested in gaining knowledge and experience but expects a fair salary according to company norms
How does Romina describe her strengths?
Honest, self-motivated, hardworking, and has a positive attitude towards career and life
What does Romina emphasize about her priorities during a job interview?
Gaining knowledge and experience, rather than making salary her first priority
Where is Romina Gina Lacuz located?
Tegmenar, Sagalay, Bulacan
Describe Romina's family background.
Romina has two brothers and three sisters, her father is a former bus driver, and her mother is a housekeeper