hi youtube this is mr lim here again and this is our first video about addition polymerization about how to make an addition polymer all right so um we're going to be learning about addition polymers okay so what's an addition polymer additional polymerization is a combination of a monomer with a double bond within them and by breaking the double bond and forming a chain of carbons from the new bonds that are available so here's our double bond on our prop molecule all right so what you're going to do is you're going to break that double bond and because it's a double bond it's like this see there are two uh things there and each of them has another thing there and that one happens to bond to another carbon but that doesn't make a difference right so we're going to break this double bond and we're going to turn it into a single bond okay when they come with a single bond now we're going to be these two electrons which are no longer part of that double bond are going to be able to be turned into single bonds on the opposite sides all right and then if you take another one of these protein molecules you can make another single bond on that side and then you take another protein molecule and you can make another single bond on the other side and you can see that this chain can grow longer and longer and longer as long as you are um breaking double bonds and then reattaching stuff on either end all right you can bond this way as well have another one over here oh my goodness yellow is a terrible color right and then so on so forth when you are building new and more um the extending the carbon chain longer and longer and longer all right so um the two carbons of the double bond make up the backbone of the polymer so what does that mean so here we have the two carbons of there all right and those will be the backbone of the polymer so just like we had before here's the first two here's the second two and all of these are for carbons that are here all right these two carbons right those are those two carbons they make up the backbone of the polymer right any other substances connected to the carbons on the double bond become extensions or side chains of the backbone so let's have a think okay in this purple one here those two carbons are for two carbons there and there okay we'll call this one a we'll call this one b all right attached to a there is a hydrogen so here's a hydrogen and also attached to a is a ethyl group okay so we draw an ethyl group here ch2 ch3 okay that should go to there so yep okay so there's that ethyl group attached to the b carbon is a methyl group and a hydrogen so here's the hydrogen and a methyl group so any other substances connected to the carbons that's these things here that's those things there on the double bond become extensions or side chains of the backbone so this next carbon here this next what's that that's a 2-pentene has the same thing an ethyl group and a methyl group with two hydrogens over here and this one here two hydrogens and a methyl and an ethyl group oh no sir you've turned this one around all right ultimately what that just means is that this is the a carbon and this is the b carbon this is the a carbon this is the b carbon and it doesn't actually matter if you've connected them a to a b or b to an a or b b to a b right as long as you've connected those two carbons within that you can put them either way forwards or backwards as we go along and i think the next slide will explain that okay hey look polymerization of pentane we just did that okay so let's try this one polymerization of two five five trimethylheptine and when i say that we will try that i mean you try that because i'm too lazy to draw this okay but you should recognize that that part there will be on that carbon and this part here will be on that carbon and which two carbons will make up the backbone these two so i generally you just draw the carbon chain and then you draw those side chains on those carbons okay so you recognize that that's going to be like if i was to name this in the a carbon and the b carbon and so this is the a carbon here with the a side group that's the c c c uh c and c here and the b carbon here we'll have the c c c right and then uh you just repeat that the a the b every two carbons because that just makes it nice and easy to draw out okay and usually to draw that because i'm not gonna be bothered but you get the idea have a practice of it okay when the polymerization occurs each monomer can be attached to the chain in either direction so what am i saying that was what i was talking about with the a and b this is the a carbon this is the b carbon right you have a chain of carbons of which you know they're going to be in pairs a and b but it could be b and then a and then it could be b and then a and so you can have the cls attached to the b's and the h is attached to the a all right h's h's h's h is everywhere okay and that would be a polymer okay a couple of things i haven't been doing a very good job of this but you need to be showing your polymers with open ends okay so that's a diagram of a polymer with open ends how many repeating units is this this is three repeating units one repeating unit two repeating units three repeating units all right just showing um [Music] that okay and i think that's it making of addition polymerization uh you go have a practice of that one from before and maybe just practice couple of others on your own adios oh no there we go