Understanding Dihybrid Crosses in Genetics

Aug 28, 2024

Dihybrid Crosses


  • Dihybrid crosses involve tracking two traits, unlike monohybrid crosses which involve one trait.
  • Traits discussed:
    • Color: Yellow (dominant) vs. Green (recessive).
    • Texture: Round (dominant) vs. Wrinkled (recessive).
  • In a dihybrid cross, individuals are heterozygous for both traits.

Punnett Squares

  • Used to calculate genotypic proportions.
  • Determine possible gametes through meiosis:
    • Big R Big Y
    • Little r Big Y
    • Big R Little y
    • Little r Little y
  • Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment applies, making each gamete equally likely (1/4 chance for each).
  • Punnett squares for dihybrid crosses involve 16 squares, representing combinations of gametes.
  • Example frequency: Big R Big R Big Y Big Y zygote = 1/16.
  • With more traits, Punnett squares become complex (e.g., trihybrid crosses require 64 squares).

Complexities and Alternatives

  • Punnett squares can be tedious and complex.
  • Difficult to determine specific genotype frequencies.

Branching Diagrams

  • Simplify computation of genotypic and phenotypic proportions.
  • Scale better for more than two traits (e.g., 3, 4, 5 traits).

Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment

  • Allows separate consideration of each trait.
  • A dihybrid cross is a combination of two monohybrid crosses.
    • Round vs. Wrinkled: 1/4 Big R Big R, 1/2 Big R Little r, 1/4 Little r Little r.
    • Yellow vs. Green: 1/4 Big Y Big Y, 1/2 Big Y Little y, 1/4 Little y Little y.

Genotype Frequency Calculation

  • Use branching diagrams to represent possible combinations of genotypes.
  • Use the product rule to calculate frequency:
    • Example: Big R Big R and Big Y Big Y = 1/16 frequency.
    • Example: Heterozygous texture (Big R Little r) and Homozygous dominant color (Big Y Big Y) = 1/8 frequency.


  • Mendel's law and branching diagrams are effective tools for evaluating genotypes and their proportions.
  • Will be used extensively in future calculations.