Transcript for:
Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Lecture Notes

[Music] foreign technology and Society studies is an interdisciplinary field that's interested in questions about science and technology and especially how Science and Technology interact with Society so it's generally concerned with the authority of knowledge the claims to the authority of knowledge the way that these claims are received by a society students will learn how to look at the modern world more critically that in turn hopefully will impact the way they do their work and and hopefully in the process they will recognize that there is a profound social responsibility on their shoulders I think that STS is really important for people who want to go into a science Fields because it teaches you all of those things that you need to keep in mind that's beyond the subject like the ethics the politics involved the privilege that you have to work as a scientist who you're helping the STS program is an undergraduate program where you could either major or minor in science technology and Society studies I think it's good for two broad categories of students one would be the students who already started in Sciences and then they may get more and more interested in larger questions of what is this about what is its impact on Society on the other hand it will be students from social sciences and Humanities who are interested in all kinds of aspects of modern technology of modern science of expertise in many ways it's embodied in this vehicle behind me the back to the future time machine because you know you have the nuclear fission and fusion the scientific end of things there is the pop culture there is film studies and pretty much anything between and and that's really what students will get from SDS courses is this very wide breadth of knowledge that goes far beyond one discipline or one topic it's absolutely unique a program foreign [Music]