[Music] hey guys it's Destiny and today we are going to be doing tear list review and I'm going to be talking about my thoughts regarding Jade especially now that she is out before we begin today's video though I would love to know what is your favorite team in starl as of recently for me it's definitely been the break team for sure I literally love seeing everything just explode and then vanish off my screen with fireflies attacks lastly though if you guys do enjoy videos like these make sure to subscribe to win your next 50/50 hit the like button to support the video and now let's get straight into it so here we are going to be taking a look at Pride one serialist which was just updated for the release of Jade I really wanted to talk about Jade today just give my thoughts after being able to test her from the Creator experience server so I thought we'd actually start off today with pure fiction since if we're being honest pure fiction is definitely Jade's primary mode that she is going to absolutely excel in and as we look tier zero Jade is perfectly worth being tier zero when it comes to Pure fiction just because of the fact that she is able to unleash so many followup attacks and as we know characters like Herta himo and honestly a lot of our follow-up attackers are really good when it comes to modes like pure fiction so I can honestly definitely agree because of how frequent she is able to get her follow-ups due to how many enemies you will be fighting this is really good for Jade in particular and she's definitely a character that will absolutely excel in a game mode like this you can literally pair up Jade with a character like Hera I actually ended up showcasing this a little bit ago and Hera and Jade are just really good at being able to clear whatever you are fighting in pure fiction so if you are looking to get the maximum points then Jade will definitely be able to do that for you but then the question comes in of how does she perform in other game modes and is she Niche down to only pure fiction so I really wanted to get into that for today so if we take a quick look at memory of chaos here we see you know all of the top characters we have Firefly acaron Jing Leu donel characters like Bo Hill Kafka then when we keep scrolling we we we haven't seen Jade just yet and then here we are in tier three and she's categorized as a niche character Jade being in tier three is it did honestly surprise me cuz I don't ever think I've seen a character being ranked so low the moment they came out but I will have to say a few things regarding that the first thing is I'm pretty sure these tier lists if I'm not mistaken we take a quick look pretty sure they're actually based off of the current memory of chaos if I'm not mistaken but the thing is with this memory of chaos is that there's not really too many Quantum weak enemies so it definitely puts Jade at a major disadvantage in my personal opinion I did end up using Jade and blade together and I personally think this Synergy is really good for being able to clear content especially when it did come to memory of chaos I did try out this specific team there and in my opinion it did fine you shouldn't expect I guess big number from just one attack though because the thing is with Jade because of how frequently she can followup attack you'll more so see like decent numbers but because of how many decent numbers you're going to be seeing the damage does add up so in a sense her way is being able to as long as you attack frequently Jade will be able to perform in my opinion decently but once again this memory of chaos is really not favorable for her I have tried her out with multiple characters the main one that felt good to me was obviously the blade and Jade comp I just mentioned it also is the factor of if there's not many enemies on the field and you are using an zero Jade he can definitely feel lackluster in my personal opinion against enemies in memory of chaos not to say you won't be able to clear within the 10 cycles for a three star but she does feel a bit weaker in that scenario compared to characters like acaron Firefly Boot Hill whatever it may be and there's nothing really wrong with that since we are getting more characters that in a sense fit their own role for Jade it's as we can see primarily pure fiction is where she's rated really high and that's primarily because that mode heavily favors her kit she wants to be able to hit as many enemies as possible and also have a partner who is able to do that as well the reason why blade is really good in this scenario is because the fact that Jade's skill going onto blade will not only give him additional speed so now he's going to attack more often but blade is also going to be able to now get two stacks every time he attacks they definitely have a really cool sense energy and it does potentially open the doors for when it comes to the future Jade potentially having more synergies with characters that are heavily AOE Centric but It ultimately just comes down to what characters I guess are being released in the future so when it comes to her placement or memory of chaos I don't know if I would personally say tier three she could maybe be up a little bit but I completely understand why she would be categorized as Niche for this particular memory of chaos for sure I think if we had a memory of chaos that had more enemies especially Quantum weak enemies at that I think Jade could potentially go up and I do think some of the other characters down here could potentially go up as well I've been definitely fighting for potentially a character like ASA since I do feel like her speed Buffs and even her attack Buffs are very valuable especially depending on the team comp you have her in for example if you don't have Ram you can definitely use ASA as a really nice option for your damage of her time teams but if we were to go right back to Jade when it comes to I guess the benefits of her she is really skill point friendly you will be able to accumulate a good amount of skill points with her and this can allow your DPS character that she does use her skill on to now be able to potentially spam their skill depending on who it is for example if we were to take a look at Hera Hera will be able now to always spam her skill and Hera Just Hits everybody so I really like the energy of Hera and Jade just because of how fast you'll be able to get Jade stacked but yeah I don't know I personally feel like Jade is in a interesting spot right now she could potentially be better in the future I do think though that her launch was a little rough because of the fact that we just had a Rua May rerun and I've definitely gone over on my channel why Rua is incredibly valuable he's getting even more valuable now because of the fact that we're getting so many break Centric characters we ended up getting booill and then we got fire Firefly so ru's value increased even more from those characters since she pairs so nicely with them and then we got Jade and unfortunately Jade's Banner was um kind of unfortunate I would say her Banner was not that great I feel like they honestly dropped the ball a little bit with this because it's like You released her right after Firefly and rame and then you also decide you know what let's give her a banner that's just kind of okay or or as some would possibly even say mid so I don't know I kind of feel bad for Jade honestly because of that since I feel like the second half characters have not been getting the best treatment on their launch for example last patch a lot of us were you know raving about Robin but then booill came out and I feel like Bo Hill just kind of got you know like obviously we did pull for Bo Hill or at least some of us did I definitely did cuz I love his Cowboy aesthetic but I feel like they've been kind of treating the can have characters not the greatest for Jade in particular there was even I guess much buildup or hype around her either so I think it also makes it a little more worse for her scenario unfortunately that doesn't have to do with the tier list I'm just saying cuz I did notice that I definitely wanted to mention that in this video but regardless I think Jade could potentially go up pure fiction she's perfect for that if you feel like you struggling with pure fiction she'll definitely get the job done her being skill point friendly as I said very beneficial for characters that want to just use all those skill points to be able to get Jade as many stacks as possible the speed buff is also really nice if Jade uses her skill on someone now that character is going to be able to have a way higher speed threshold potentially or if you were running attack boots on them and you still wanted that 134 135 roughly around that range speed well now you're going to be able to do it just by using Jade's skill so Jade definitely has her benefits for sure it's just she got sandwiched in between or rather she got released after Firefly which was definitely one of the most hyped characters and then for Firefly to also release with a relic set that's just absolutely perfect with her alongside Ruan May of all characters it does feel pretty unfortunate for Jade if I'm being honest if we were to just look real quick at apocalyptic Shadow she's in tier 2 for apocalyptic Shadow I think that's I guess okay that's still considered tier 2 is still considered in The Meta character category so I think think this is all right but yeah I would say for at least right now where she really really will shine is definitely pure fiction I do think though if you probably already have Hera and himo and they're already clearing pure fiction and then you possibly have a secondary team that is able to get you the necessary points to get the maximum rewards I do feel like Jade's value does diminish a bit though because at that point you're going to get the rewards regardless but at least her play style is really cool and once again in the future she might be able to possibly go up depending on what characters we get I would probably keep your eye out for characters that are able to just steal a bunch of AOE damage IR addition characters in general potentially even destruction class characters can be really good here such as blade for example so yeah that's just kind of how I feel about Jade I really want to know what you guys think about her do you guys feel like she should be ranked higher do you feel like they kind of dropped the ball a bit with like I suppose who they dropped her right after being Firefly and r or do you guys completely agree with you know Jade's placement I just really want to know since she seems to be the main character that got moved around if we were to take a quick look let's see let's go to the pure fiction tab oh actually Black Swan did drop for Pure fiction which I could see why because Jade is the tier zero now and 0.5 isn't bad at all that's still really really good yeah I can see Jade being the only tier zero when it comes to the specialist character category and then he himo went up which finally I feel like himo is definitely one of the best characters for Pure fiction for sure and if we just keep looking oh blade actually went up as well I would presume because of Jade's release that Synergy is just so freaking cool and really strong as well so I completely agree with going up because of pure fiction and I think that's really it for the changes I did want to talk about something real quick though which is we're just go back to the memory of chaos tab I'm curious what they're going to do with the me mechanics of the future DPS characters because with the release of acaron the release of firefly even Boot Hill all of these characters just feel so freaking strong in comparison I would say to some of the other DPS characters acon has her own type of play style which is of course you want to get her as many stacks as possible so that she's able to unleash her super powerful ultimate with firefly you definitely want to weakness break enemies as soon as possible which thankfully her skill kit which I did go over this in my last cheer list review her skill kit enables her to do this very effectively being able to implant fire weakness on two enemies and then also being able to have increased weakness breaking efficiency just within her Base Kit makes her very powerful I 100% agree she is a tier zero character and the power that she's able to unleash once enemies are weakness broken is just incredibly strong and then we have characters like booill I still think maybe booill could go up booill single Target damage is incredible he is literally going to just shoot his gun at you and you are just going to die especially if the enemy is weakness broken he is just so freaking strong I love this character um I really want to just keep testing him out even more as time goes on to see potential synergies but I think Bo Hill is an incredible memory of chaos character for sure and apocalyptic Shadow as well he's amazing there so I feel like the break meta in particular depending on what possible supports they released or even if they release I don't know like maybe another sustain whatever it may be I do feel like the break meta is going to continuously progress depending on what they release to advance this even further acaron is also likely going to have a boost as well depending on what nihility characters release and if they favor her play style or able to allow her to either get her Stacks faster just boost her damage even further whatever it may be acaron has the potential to get better in the future as well just with additional nil characters supportive characters whatever it may be and in general I feel like the break meta is definitely going to be one that's going to be on the rise for quite a while I really want to see what Yun Lee is going to be able to do once she comes out really excited she looks like a really cool character so I'll definitely be showcasing her and even the nil character that's going to be coming out in the second half I'm definitely going to try him out just on damage over time teams try him out with acaron I just want to see how these characters are going to be especially with the patch we just got with the release of firefly and then the ram rerun as for the rest of the tier list though if we take a quick look I still think personally a character like sh could be bumped up I feel like she's definitely been getting her shine as of lately the break meta she is very favorable there you can use her even with characters like Robin and tingyun I've done that myself in a showcase before J definitely has options and I I feel like I don't know I personally think that she can go up I don't know if you guys would agree with that I still think ASA can potentially be tier 2 though and for everyone else if we're to take a look I feel like maybe himo could be a bit higher as well as our jenti and Misha especially if you have an E6 Misha Misha is pretty good because of how many multi- hits he can do he can wither down a toughness meter pretty fast so I do feel like Misha could potentially go up I don't know what do you guys think about the placements I know some people didn't really agree with Avent train being the only tier zero I personally do value his utility though and just his also potential damage output for being a tier zero character I did notice though in my last video some did argue that fwin should still be tier zero so I'd love to know do you guys think that fwin should be alongside aventurine or do you guys think that aventurine is just I guess the king of sustain right now tier zero is good for him the difference between tier 0 and 0.5 isn't that massive they're still in the Apex character category so I think all these characters can definitely be in these positions or rather these placements so I completely agree with that and honestly I think the tier list is pretty decent right now I might be updating my own tier list maybe more near the end of this patch to just give my finalized thoughts on placements but yeah for Jade in particular since I know I talked about her a lot for this recap he has interesting potential for sure P fiction she absolutely destroys it I love her play solid pure Fiction it's awesome I do think though she did release at a bit of a weird time because being released right after Firefly people are more than likely going to wonder okay should I just pull for Firefly is Jade competitive in the sense of providing more value for my account in comparison to Firefly so that's I feel like that's always a question that's going to be wondered I personally think in the future Jade might be able to have more shine but for right now it is a little rough memory of chaos isn't really favoring ha too much due to the fact that there's not many Quantum week so her damage output might not be as great as it could be pure fiction though absolutely amazing and then for apocalyptic Shadow she's pretty decent there I'd love to know your thoughts on jadeen in particular but yeah I think that'll be it honestly for this tier list review I know I have yapped quite a bit this one I just wanted to share my thoughts I haven't uploaded in a little bit on here so I just want to talk to you guys but yeah I would love to know everything you guys think about I guess the characters right now who are you guys playing Team wise any cool character synergies you guys have figured out I'd love to know and if you did enjoy this video do make sure to subscribe leave a like to support the video and I hope to see you all next time peace