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How can you install Python?
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Download Python from and ensure 'Add Python to Path' option is selected during installation.
Name some notable websites powered by Python and Django.
YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, Dropbox, and Pinterest are notable websites powered by Python and Django.
How can you get user input in Python?
User input can be obtained in Python using the `input()` function.
What are some areas where Python can be used?
Python can be used in web development, machine learning, AI, and automation.
How can you make decisions in Python code?
Decisions in Python code can be made using `if`, `else`, and `elif` statements.
What are some practical exercises mentioned in the tutorial?
Practical exercises include developing a simple calculator, checking conditions based on temperature values, and interacting with users for input data processing.
What is the difference between tuples and lists in Python?
Tuples are immutable lists while lists are mutable sequences in Python.
What is the purpose of the `range()` function in Python?
The `range()` function is used with `for` loops for generating and manipulating sequences of numbers.
What are the types of loops in Python?
Types of loops in Python include `while` and `for` loops.
Which IDE is recommended for beginners in Python?
PyCharm, preferably the community edition, is recommended for beginners in Python.
What are some string manipulation methods in Python?
`upper()`, `lower()`, `find()`, `replace()`, and conditional checks are some string manipulation methods in Python.
What is the output of a simple Python script that prints 'Hello World!'?
'Hello World!' would be printed as the output of a simple Python script.
What are some basic data types in Python?
String, integers, and booleans are basic data types in Python.
What is the first step in creating a new project in PyCharm?
The first step is to create a new project in PyCharm and add a Python file.
What are comparison operators in Python?
Comparison operators in Python include >, <, ==, !=, etc.