Jeffrey don't do it you're about to break one of the law no Jeffrey ah he's never going to get out of this rut now Adonis Adonis was there on that early day when the 17 laws of self-improvement were carved into stone he has been there from the start and he has seen the power of these laws listen if you're still a Jeffrey at the end of this video you're beyond saving I'm going to walk you through the 17 laws of self-improvement and you need to know all of these because if you're doing almost all of them right but you're just messing up on one you're not going to be making the progress that you want to law number one motivation is a treat but discipline is a necessity I think in our space motivation is too heavily criticized people say like oh [ __ ] motivation no no no no motivation is [ __ ] amazing to have you should see it as like a tasty treat if you can be motivated for some of the hard work that's amazing and you should really feel happy about that but discipline is non-n negotiable motivation is feeling like doing the thing like going to the gym discipline is doing it even though you don't feel like it so when you wake up and you really want to go to the gym you can't wait for the workout that's motivation when you wake up and you really don't want to go to the gym but you get your ass in there anyway that's discipline and discipline will save you on those bad days law number two smart goals are King now you can go and consider like living a life without setting these clear goals you know you can say that systems over goals like [ __ ] James Clea says that in his book which is stupid as [ __ ] the journey over the destination stupid as [ __ ] the truth is when you set a big goal and you set like a reasonable time frame like for example okay I want to make $10,000 a month within 3 years from now and you just align as much as possible to that Big Goal you'll accomplish it a life where you don't have a big goal that you're working towards because you're doing this cute like systems over goals kind of [ __ ] feminine [ __ ] you won't have that same level of Drive there's a version of you that wakes up looks at two his wall every day and there's a piece of paper that says a big goal like 1 million worth by the time I'm 25 years old and that version of you is going to have so much more zest for life rather than the James Clear Atomic habits little [ __ ] one just get 1% better every day that's nice you can certainly go and do that but living without big massive inspiring goals just makes you feel so soft and timid you don't want to live like that law number three morning routines are overpowered the easiest way for you to get consistent in your self-improvement habits like meditation journaling stretching breath work cold showers is to do them first thing in in the morning now at the same time your morning is also usually the best time for you to do your deepest hardest business work and so you've got to find a way to for example not have a massive morning routine so that you can still go and race to your work but the reason why morning routines are so powerful is because often you might just end up not doing those good habits if you don't do them in the morning like for me if I don't meditate first thing in the morning I just don't really end up meditating I just don't do it and so I make sure that as soon as I wake up I meditate for 20 minutes and you know what's interesting I've become a a better entrepreneur and I make a [ __ ] ton more money when I meditate because I make better decisions for my business law number four you must be a lifelong students you should acknowledge right now that you will never stop learning just close your eyes and just visualize yourself right now as like what as an 80-year-old on your rocking chair in this beautiful wooden room with that fire and you're just rocking backwards and forwards on your chair reading your wife is coming in and she gave you a drink and this is your reading time that you do one hour a day that's like your your ritual you can never stop learning because the moment you stop learning is the moment that you will stay behind everyone else even when you're 80 90 100 years old you want to be reading because you know what the alternative is you stop learning and you start getting complacent maybe your parents are like that already they they used to learn when they were in school when they got out of school and recently they've just become completely and utterly complacent maybe your father hasn't read or developed as a man in the last 5 10 years all he does is come home from work and watch TV and then complain about the finances here's the thing you can't complain about [ __ ] if you are unwilling to learn and to keep improving law number five you'll know this one you're the average of the five people that you spend time with if you spend time with Jeff you're going to be more likely to act like a Jeffrey into partaking their habits like for example playing video games or going out and drinking but if you spend time with guys who are serious into business you'll be more likely to because suddenly when like four of your friends are going to go say okay we're going to go sit down and work on our businesses you're going to feel like a fool if you're like oh but guys let's let's just smoke weed and let's just play video games right an action step for you right now is to think about five people who you're close to and just ask yourself what direction are they going to be pulling you towards and if it's a direction that you don't want to go towards it is your duty as a man to actually cut off that relationship because you can't change a person and if there's someone who's just going down a bad path who's just playing video games and just fine with being a [ __ ] loser you are also fine with being a loser if you keep hanging out with them law number six Progressive overload every guy who's serious in the gym understands what this is when you go to the gym Progressive overload is when you start with a small amount of weight and over time over the months and years you add a little bit of weight to it every week and then more and then more and then more you started with the empty 20kg bell bell and after a couple of years you're bench pressing 100 kg you've got two full plates on there but had to progress through these incremental milestones and self-improvement is exactly like that so when you want to meditate you don't start to meditate for 20 minutes or half an hour a day maybe you meditate for literally just 10 breaths first thing in the morning when you want to get better with girls you don't get pissed off that you can't get a girlfriend you start by just saying hello to a woman on the street we start at a small level and then we progressively overload to the level that we really want to get to many young guys forget about this law and then start getting pissed off when they don't get the results that they want out life and they're pissed off that they can't speak to girls or that they're not making money you've got to start with the Mt barbell and level things up slowly along with this law number seven is that weightlifting is the Cornerstone of masculine self-improvement if you're on self-improvement as a man weightlifting will be the most important habit that you do more than meditation more than reading more than working on your business everything weightlifting will be the most important it teaches you extremely valuable lessons like Progressive overload like discipline and consistency setback failure but also let's just be honest it makes you look like a [ __ ] Greek god it makes you feel like a Spartan it makes you proud of yourself it's so valuable having that moment when you're pushing that weight and you're grunting and gritting your teeth that is so important for you to unleash some of that aggression now go ahead and go to martial art and go running those things are awesome but you've got to lift some weights you've got to lift some weight and build a good aesthetic attractive muscular strong physique because that will do so much for you in your life when you walk into a party or a social event or work or school and you are the biggest guy there it's so easy to feel quite confident on that day law number eight 1 hour of video games is unacceptable you can replace video games with other things like anime or whatever the [ __ ] else when you're at these early stages and you're trying to transform your life and change your self-image your identity one hour of these bad habits is completely an utterly unacceptable every day I'll see a comment from someone saying no no no but ham is too extreme he says one was not fine but I watch 1 hour of anime and I'm still fine it's no no no when you're starting this journey you need to do whatever it takes to just outweigh the 10 15 years that you lived like a Jeffrey and so when you want to make fast progress you cut out all of that [ __ ] now when you're already like a completely new man because of self-improvements when you are for example really rich and sexy and you can get girls and you can make a [ __ ] ton of money in your muscular at that point bro if you want to go and take a week to be a degenerate and go to parties and stuff by all means go ahead when you see all these like Rich guys they all do that they all go out drinking and stuff the reason why is because they're already [ __ ] successful but you can see that the bad habit that these guys do like for example Ean goes to the party Andrew TI goes to parties and nightclubs and drinks right the truth is the stuff they're doing is just a lot more [ __ ] enjoyable and social than being sat at home in your crusty computer chair and just watching another [ __ ] anime so if you like right now if you want to go out to like a party and go learn to speak to girls I would actually support you in that because like it might sound like self-improvement but if you went to a party you would actually develop more than if you read an entire [ __ ] book on social skills right so I actually would promote you for that one of them makes you more of a loser and the other one makes you more of like a g if you do it in the right way and I think that's way better that doesn't mean that you should go out to a party right now maybe you're not ready maybe it's not like you're Focus but I really think that's the better bad habit like day off than just acting and living like a loser who's playing video games l number nine don't keep a streak whether it's on no or anything else the guys who keep a streak and are able to tell me like okay I'm on day seven of nofap I know for a fact are going to [ __ ] up anyone who's so autistic with self-improvement that they've turned into such a weirdo that they've counted how many days that they haven't masturbated for it's just odd to do that and it makes you this weird like autistic guy that people won't want to be friends with because that's the type of [ __ ] that you're interested in now by all means don't masturbate don't watch porn but if you're literally [ __ ] counting the days and you're updating your Discord [ __ ] username to say like 121 days seen retention bicep Emoji that's just [ __ ] cringe and anyone who's not like a complete enough to Loser would not be friends with you and then what's the point of your self-improvement if you just isolated yourself you don't want to live the life where you're the [ __ ] weirdo right don't count the days because another negative is that when you count the days you feel worse when you relapse what happens to the guy who counts the days and then relapses he's on Day Zero what does he do on Day Zero he goes for a faon right you probably if you count days of of your your no fap streak you probably have had this you reset and then you fap like three or five more times on the same day for the guys who binge eat it's the exact same thing they'll be like okay it's been 17 days since I've hav had any sugar they'll have a little bit and then they'll go all out right because you're on day Zero anyway so it sets this really unhealthy mindset that if you're going to mess up you may as well make it massive so the guys who who count the streaks always do worse in these goals than the guys who are just normal [ __ ] people not autistic and just like not watching por law number 10 you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink it so this refers to you trying to save your friends or your girl where you can show them self-improvements you could send them my videos you could take them to the gym but you can't force them to actually really give a [ __ ] about self-improvement so I have a rule that when someone asks me for advice to help someone that they care about I don't answer I have never been able to help someone to help someone else who doesn't want to be on self-improvement if your girl is isn't serious on self-improvements if your friends aren't serious on self-improvements it is a complete and utter waste of your time trying to force them to get into it now if your friend is super serious into it super want to help fair enough because you know how difficult self-improvement is even when you really really care about it like even when you really want to improve it's so difficult so imagine how impossible it is when there's someone who doesn't even have the [ __ ] desire to improve anyway so if you have a friend or a girl right now that you really want to help but they don't really give a [ __ ] or they pretend to you know be interested save your [ __ ] time help the people who really want your help help yourself don't waste your breath on people who don't even want to be on self-improvements law number 11 productivity is the gateway to making money so recently you've been looking more into making money online online businesses the truth is you don't need a particular special business model or plan or anything like that you don't even need a course or anything what you actually need is productivity productivity is your ability to get work done and the next law is really brutal law number 12 High performers are literally 100 times more productive than you you think that's an exaggeration what I just said that there's a guy who's so productive that he's aund times more effective at working than you you think that that's an exaggeration it's really the [ __ ] truth the way to make money through business is to be so productive that you actually get work done you work like you've got mental disabilities honestly you won't believe this right now I'm just putting this into your brain because a few years from now you'll remember what I'm saying if we recorded you like we put a camera in your room and recorded you working a few years from now if you looked at that video clip you would literally think you were mentally disabled you work like literally like a special kid where you'll randomly be working and then you'll just stop and stand up and go look at yourself in the mirror and like Flex for a second and then go back to working again you'll work for about 30 seconds and then your phone will go off and you'll grab your phone and you'll reply to someone then you'll like stop working then you'll randomly open a different [ __ ] web page you randomly open this video when you're supposed to be working like you literally work like an absolute like brain dead idiot that's why you're not making any money the barrier to making money online is that you've got to get good at being able to sit down and [ __ ] work it took me about 9 months to learn that skill of actually being productive enough and I've made so many like productivity guys I've made a productivity course for my paid program Adonis school it's the second link in the description you probably can't afford it but I made like a paid course like a step-by-step how to [ __ ] work how to stop being distracted by all like your phone these notifications alarms all this stuff I I put in everything I knew into how to become more productive because it's so important if you don't improve your productivity your ability to get work done you won't make money online you just won't get any progress low number 13 you need your FTE FTE stands for [ __ ] this event if you want to get super serious on self-improvement if you want to make a [ __ ] ton of money if you want to get like really [ __ ] muscular you need your FTE you need this particular moment where you're like man [ __ ] this where you're getting pissed at the world through aggression through anger that's what fuels you to take self-improvement seriously so for some guys it's a breakup for other guys it's like maybe graduating this was mine it was graduating from University and then realizing how [ __ ] the modern world was if you just wanted to go work some [ __ ] full-time job and I had this exact moment where I was working this [ __ ] job and I was like man literally cried on the way home and I was like [ __ ] this like anything's worse than this I've got to make a change that's when I got serious that's when I started to wake up at 5:00 a.m. that's when I started to I literally shave my head so I could save time from not needing to go to the barber shop and I could work on my business instead you need like a big dramatic emotional painful moment so it sounds horrible for me to say this but I really hope you experiened that I really hope you experience a period of intense pain to the point that thoughts of suicide pop up in your mind but you decide not to do anything like that and you decide to put in the work to create the life that you want instead law number 14 you have to leave people behind once you've established this new path that you want to go on to and you're realizing that there's people who you're still friends with who aren't going to go down this path and you're realizing that they're actually slowing you down you're going to have to leave people behind along with this when you've been on self-improvement for a while you'll meet more people who you are actually quite compatible with but the truth is you will progress so much faster than everyone else if you're watching videos like this you're basically in the top 1% of guys who are taking self-improvement seriously so I'm going to tell you something that's going to be brutal you're going to meet a girl within the next year who you actually fall in love with and within only 3 to 6 months you're going to leave her behind without meaning to because you will improve significantly and the girl that you meet within a few months from now she's just going to stay as like a Jessica and within a few months you'll realize that your value is going up you're making more money you're getting more confident more muscular and for her it's like it's an uphill battle where she's not even go into the gym she doesn't even want to like be on self-improvements and then you'll have to make the hard decision I've had to do it about five times to leave girls that you love behind because they literally just can't even like keep up with your rate of growth it sounds like heartless whatever but it's the [ __ ] case like if you meet a girl let's say you're a five out of 10 and she's a five within 6 months you're like a six and you'll start to notice like [ __ ] like she's actually like a 4.7 like 6 months she just gained a little bit of weight she just watched a bunch of [ __ ] Tik Tok she's actually kind of a loser you'll realize more and more that like almost everyone you meet especially girls are just losers and they're not actually progressing as much as you are and you're going to get used to just leaving people behind I'm kind of used to it now I'm used to breaking up with girls I'm used to just [ __ ] meeting a guy thinking it's awesome and then never speaking to him again when I realize like oh he can't improve as fast as I can I guarantee within a few years you might remember what I'm saying now and be like [ __ ] Hamza was so right I thought he was just being an [ __ ] but it's actually 100% the case you've got to get used to just leaving people behind who aren't able to keep up with your rate of growth cuz what's the alternative the alternative is that you stay with them even though you're resenting them even though you feel like they're kind of a loser law number 15 don't trust your Jeffrey brain there's two different parts of your brain there's your Jeffrey brain and there's your Adonis brain your Jeffrey brain convinced you to watch porn what a thousand times your Jeffrey brain convinced you to be fine playing 10,000 hours of video games it's your Jeffrey brain that when you're texting a girl makes you say something stupid and then she stops replying why would you keep trusting your Jeffree brain so for you to progress in self-improvement you want to make sure that you can try to identify the weak Jeffrey brain the part of your brain that keeps telling you to do stupid [ __ ] and not listen to it so when you're like literally staying clean on your diet and your brain randomly says I'll go eat chocolate don't listen to that part of your brain when your brain says let's go watch porn don't listen to that part of your brain you you can't even trust your own brain and so you have to try and find that Beacon of light that Adonis brain the part of your brain that tells you to do the good thing that says no we're not going to watch porn no we're going to go and [ __ ] run to the gym right now I don't care if it's raining listen to that part of your brain make it louder La number 16 the environment controls your actions in 2020 I was a [ __ ] degenerate you don't even realize I used to wake up and the first thing that I do is go take a [ __ ] I'd go on my phone and watch porn at the same time and whilst I was taking a [ __ ] I'd be jacking off later on in the day I'd be smoking weed eating [ __ ] junk food jacking off like two three more times to [ __ ] up porn and I lived with my girlfriend I literally had my girlfriend in the same apartment that's how down bad I was guess how long it took me to change that 6 hours I packed my things eventually I moved out and I came back here to my family's home and literally instantly I cut out all of the bad habits I became like literally the the Pinnacle of self-improvement I became the face of self-improvement on the internet I became the leader of self-improvement all I did was change the environment destroyed that dirty degenerate identity that I had and I instantly was consistent in meditation in dopamine detoxing in gratitude journaling and exercising and getting sunlight and speaking to strangers it was incredible how much progress I made all I did was change the environments so you might be in a case right now where you can't change the enironment you live at home and there's no other alternative that sucks but eventually that you're going to have the opportunity to maybe move out for college or maybe move out once your business is taking off take it when you change the environment you can update who you are whoever you want to be and you'll get the fastest rate of progress in your self-improvement journey when you move somewhere and I'll give you a special tip sometimes you don't even actually have to move anywhere you can just move things in your room so look around your room right now you could redesign your room move move your bed to that corner move your wardrobe here move your desk there take down this picture on the wall replace it with this one change everything and so when you walk into your room it's a constant reminder of like oh yeah I'm different this is why I really recommend for guys who want to go super hard on their self-improvements get a trimmer and trim your [ __ ] hair off it sounds crazy to advise that but when you buzz cut and you trim all your hair off like like you're in the military it creates this new identity that every time you're reminded that you've got no hair it's like oh [ __ ] yeah I'm serious this is my new life this is like what I'm going to live like now the top Link in the description is my free program it's completely free which is an entire my multi-hour course on how to take self-improvement seriously and that's where I actually mentioned it's called Adonis protocol that's where I mentioned like you should trim your hair off you should go speak to two girls a day and everything it's the top link just go there right now law 17 books and courses are better than YouTube videos and Tik Tok social media content like this let's just be honest it's [ __ ] garbage when you click on a YouTube video the guy who's making the YouTube video doesn't actually give a [ __ ] about you he cares about just getting views and money but inside of books and inside of courses that's different I see the difference so I make courses for my paid group you probably can't afford it but it is the second link in the description if you want to go click that right now and I make a course for them every month and I always think to myself holy [ __ ] that's like some good practical education with no dopamine [ __ ] none of these [ __ ] like hit markers what's that [ __ ] yeah hit markers and like [ __ ] sound effects and explosions and [ __ ] it's like literally just pure education YouTube videos and Tik toks are not even close to that so if you really want to level up in your self-improvement journey you go and pay for courses and books and you learn from them right now you might be thinking no but all the information's for free I promise you it is not the YouTube videos are free but they are not the same as actually buying an educational course or a book my paid program is linked as the second link in the description I really recommend you go click on that right now if you want to go invest in your self-improvement and put it onto the fast track click and watch this video right now do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it mAh