Could Aliens Destroy Us From Light Years Away?

Jul 14, 2024

Could Aliens Destroy Us From Light Years Away?


  • Explores the concept of interstellar warfare and the potential weapons aliens could use to destroy Earth.
  • Hypothetical scenario involving two species: Humans and Smorpians.

Key Concepts

Interstellar War

  • Difficult due to vast distances and time delays.
  • Tactics and logistics are meaningless.
  • Weapons need to be long-range, fast, and destructive.
  • Hypothetical focus on Smorpians, a technologically advanced species with a Dyson swarm.

Weapon Designs by Smorpians

1. The Star Laser

  • Harnesses energy from a Dyson swarm around the Smorpian’s star.
  • Focuses 1% of the star’s energy into a laser.
  • Extreme range: Can target Earth from over 2 million light years away.
  • Travel time: 42 years.
  • Impact: Burns Earth’s surface, melts the crust into lava, eradicates all life within minutes.
  • Post-attack: 42 years to confirm success.

2. The Relativistic Missile

  • Converts energy into antimatter rockets.
  • 300 kg projectile accelerated to 99.9999996% speed of light.
  • Infinite range, minimal warning time.
  • Impact: Disintegration at atmosphere edge, intense flashes, massive fireballs, total surface destruction.
  • Requires manufacturing on an industrial scale.

3. The Ultra-Relativistic Electron Beam (UREB)

  • Accelerates electrons to near light speed using a 100,000 km long particle accelerator.
  • Uses time dilation to keep beam focused over long distances.
  • Impact: Destroys DNA, causing lethal radiation accumulation; sterilizes the planet.
  • No visible effects but highly lethal over days/weeks.

Simulation Results

  • Theoretical learning from the Smorpians’ technology and weaponry.
  • Emphasis on the theoretical possibility that such weapons could exist but no known civilizations possessing them.
  • Reminder of the visibility problem: Firing such weapons makes the firing civilization known across the galaxy.


  • Staying quiet and observing might be the safest course of action for humanity.
  • The potential existence of other intelligent species should caution against interstellar aggression.