Transcript for:
Fraud and Donations in Politics

[Music] what's up guys your boy Benny Have You Ever Seen The Comedy office space it's a hysterical movie but that's not what we're here to talk about we're here to talk about fraud H the core and center of the plot in office space is a fraudulent scheme to embezzle small amounts of money from the workplace of our main characters uh and the company won't notice because they're such small denominations of money over time those small amounts of money add up to a lot of money and make everyone Rich of course the scheme doesn't go as planned and it all blows up and um it's really funny as as it happens the reason we're talking about that is that seems to be the core tenant of how Democrats raise lots of money actually maybe they got the idea from their friends in Hollywood not exactly sure I mean I'm starting to think that George Clooney runs the entire Democrat Party right is George Clooney effectively able to get Joe Biden to drop out endorse comml Harris at what point do you just assume that everything's being run by Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey hin in the Democrat Party Camila Harris raises $50 million after Biden drops out of raise that's a lot of M it's a lot of money to raise in like 12 hours I mean it's a lot for anyone 50 million that's crazy people are suffering really badly economically right now how's that possible that means you got to have like a lot of cash act blue act blue announced Grassroots supporters have raised uh as of 9M on Sunday and remember that Joe Biden dropped out at 2 p.m. on Sunday so in seven hours at seven hours they were able to raise $50 million uh that's the Democrat donation processing site following her campaign launch oh okay got it so that's how much money you can raise at that period of time the campaign officially changed the Federal Election Commission name to Harris for president following bid's withdrawal and his nearly 96 million in campaign finances were being then transferred to of the vice president's name on Sunday is that legal don't know but that's not the question we're here to ask the question we're to ask is um the small dollar donors are fired up and ready to take on this election you hear that all the time Democrats have small dollar donors all right okay let's look into uh small dollar donors just really quickly here this is the FBC Federal elections commission how much money can you donate to a candidate because it is limited each individual can donate $3,300 per election okay so this is what you can give as a person when they talk about small dollar donors they're talking about a person an individual 3,300 bucks per year you can donate to packs and other stuff but what they're talking about is donating literally to kamla Harris so they're raising 50 uh million do off of $3,000 or less per donation and by the way that's max out so you're not allowed to donate again that's as much as you can give to KLA Harris as a person now as PS and other committees and blah blah blah we'll look at that but nonetheless the the amounts are small e even with packs right 5,000 but 3,300 per individual they're not really talking about packs right they're talking about people in uh in this this little act blue thing we have small dollar donors remember the article small dollar donors H well let's go talk to some of those donors shall we uh James o'keef has James o'keith walked to the doorsteps of a number of the uh donors to Democrats and uh was shocked to find out that they've never donated to Democrats what the hell's going on there well let's watch FBC data shows that some senior citizens across the US have been donating thousands of times per year some of these individuals names and addresses are attached to over $200,000 doar in contributions we went and knocked on a few of their doors to corroborate the data that we received from a group of Citizen journalists called election watch in Maryland this is James O'Keefe with OMG I'm here in Annapolis Maryland it's an individual who has donated a total of $27,000 made through 12,000 different contributions in a three-year period of time now sometimes these contributions have been made in variations of his name and variations of his address you see this chart here this chart shows a breakdown of the Committees that were earmarked to receive the donations made through act blue when Mitch mconnell moved fast to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg more than $70 million went to left-leaning candidates and causes in a day shattering records this campaign cycle for the online fundraising Juggernaut act blue so far folks have used our platform to donate 3.8 billion dollar to over 21,000 different candidates committees and organizations you know I I just need to stop pause right here man I love it when people are like type cast when people are like straight out of Central Casting if you were to ask me like who's going to be the person to go on MSNBC uh and brag about the amount of money laundering that they're doing um this would this would this would indeed uh be the person I would choose the nearly 13 million donors who save their information in the ACT blue system can make a contribution in second the FC records indicate that you donated $32,000 3,000 different contributions people made at this address in your name are you aware of that happening no you're not aware of that happening talk to Donald Trump talk to Donald Trump how would Donald Trump help me answer that question hit him with a bat hit hit Donald Trump with a bat yeah right over the head how would that help me answer this question would certainly keep in the news I want to see a a scar on his head now stop with me whoa once in a while I donate five or or so dollars or something like that during election year what about $188,800 I doubt that not that many donations no I don't think so what the Federal Election Commission indicates that that much money was donated to act blue and Biden for president I wish I I wish I could have donated $188,000 to Biden's presidency but but but does the frequency ring a bell that you're donating that much every like 10 times a day sometimes no no no do you think someone is maybe fraudulently um debting your accounts or something they must be blue is the one I use for political donations and I do not make that kind of political donation yeah it's 18,6 72 different contributions that total an amount of $170,000 221 no no no no no no have you donated to act blue in the past I don't believe so you you're listed as someone who's given um over 31,000 individual contributions to to various causes for a total of $230,000 using your name and this address no that's that's not us we have dozens of other homes just in the state alone but hundreds across the country that match his profile hm well that's extremely strange why wouldn't the people who are donating know that they're donating and these aren't just this isn't just one super cut this actually happens quite often uh last year in 2022 it showed that you donated 1,13 times so like four times a day no that's not possible about $3,347 84 no so that's not possible and the year before that in 2021 715 times about $ 6,957 190 no sir no sir did not so so what's going on here other than fraud how is it possible that donations are coming from these people's households but the people inside the households are not saying I'm not donating four times a day to democrats for nearly $20,000 in the aggregate there you $20,000 is an enormous amount of money for anybody to donate to any party or political candidate it it's a massive amount of money I spent the vast majority of my life uh dead broke I know what it's like to be extremely broke I know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck and um let me tell you what uh I ain't given $2,000 to any like party and and you know these people seem like they're you know you can see in the o'keef video or this video these people seem like they're of humble means right he's not walking up to giant mansions James O'Keefe and that's what makes no sense here right so go people are starting to comment here ghost owners are giving money to act blue they're using identities of the elderly to do it can anybody explain how a 79-year-old who lives in a cheap apartment donated two 22,000 times almost a million dollars to a democrat in less than two years look at this Carrie Alberti a 79-year-old living in Richmond suburbs renting an apartment for 2 Grand a month certainly not high living there alleges she allegedly donated 22,000 times to Democrats since 2019 $840,000 this is utter fraud utter fraud this is wild why aren't why aren't attorney generals looking into this kind of stuff look at this ghost donor problem uh Virginia donor donor had 22,000 transactions um the donors probably donated one thing once and then the rest being identity theft by an unknown actor so this is what many are saying this is what people like Charlie Kirk are saying Charlie Kirk really smart on this stuff I know as a matter of fact Charlie ch's great at getting donations and he understands the process of donations and donors very well somebody maybe does donate to the Democrat Party maybe one donation or maybe two then their identities get stolen uh and then it gets used to funnel money from China from State actors from George Soros we don't know and then they use that donor profile to then money launder because of the limits on donations right here from the FC to money launder into the Democrats for example one person in Virginia he says repeated donations uh identity stolen identities and quite possibly stolen credit cards act blue raises from all 50 states we have 50 state AGS when will one of them take action that's exactly right this is obviously a money laundering operation in Virginia you have attorney generals who are Republican where the hell are you look at this this lady was from New Orleans and again I'm not doubting that this lady maybe this lady did donate one time but they they stole her identity and now China again I don't know who it is but somebody's Dona to Democrats a ton of money and none of the donors are saying that that's that's not my that's not me I'm not doning millions of dollar I'm in poverty I'm on welfare or whatever I live in a small ding apartment in the suburbs of Richmond I am not donating a million dollars uh what really broke the damn here was a fantastic host Carl Higby he's on Newsmax and and he talked about this and he said this is probably where all this crazy kamla cash is coming from this uh sort of broke the whole thing wide open uh good for you actually reporting this out Carl Higby go the measure in politics unfortunately is how much money have you raised ironically it's also the easiest thing to track so we did and holy rusted metal Batman did a bunch of people find a bunch of stuff that appears to not add up on where and how how that money is getting into Democrat coffers thanks to a group called election watch who compiled millions and when I say Millions it's millions of data points from the Federal Election Commission the FEC website we were able to find out that in the past few years over $200 million of political donations have been funneled through the Democrats fundraising platform called act Blue from a fairly small circle of people who are almost exclusively over the age of 65 retired very liberal lower to Middle income class and from our research it appears that these people most of them don't even know these donations are being made in their name it's not their money they call these people Smurfs or money mules people who have knowingly donated to Democrats via act blue once before but then their identity is cloned or stolen and used to make multiple donations in an from an unknown source but still in their name again this is all publicly available information from state and federal websites that are very easy to verify should you want to look them up take this woman from Louisiana she's a 74-year-old woman worked middle inome job most of her life yet according to FEC data and we're withholding their names in the last 7 years has made $573,500 individual transactions averaging 7 $6 per donation and it it doesn't seem to come from this person's bank account they would have seen that volume of money and judging by our available research it doesn't appear she has these type of assets nothing against her on certain days like October 16th in 2018 she or someone using her identity according to the FEC made 71 individual transactions totaling $3,145 folks that would mean she would have to have made more than five donations an hour if she were to sleep for 8 hours a night but what's even crazier is when you zoom out and look at all the donations over seven years for this woman or at least under her name it's not just it's just not natural human behavior to donate at this frequency the normal people with this type of liquid cash make a few large donations and then they move on but here's another one that's even weirder and this person is from California she's a 72-year-old woman who doesn't appear to be the let's just say typical person to donate this much money according to the same FEC data again folks publicly available she made 52501 individual donations totaling $884,000 dollars over 700 days sure sh this says that every day since 2017 and you can see the data right there she has made at least one donation ranging from $10 to $100 a day and you can see the significant jump in June on one day making 1,080 donations totaling $2,879 in one day that's 68 donations per hour more than one per minute if it's true folks look I have donated to state and federal campaigns in the past and it takes a few minutes to add all your information and then put it into the system this is logistically not possible to have that volume here's another one a 75-year-old woman from from Louisiana she donated $17,300 individual transactions in 358 days that's less than a year nobody does this [Music] [Music]